Photos of People who worked in Building 29 or 29A

Senator Dale Bumpers visiting CBER_Dr. John Robbins and others Dr. John Robbins, at left, with Senator Dale Bumpers, at right, on tour in Buildings 29 and 29A. Office of NIH History & Stetten Museum 

Senator Dale Bumpers visiting CBER_Dr. John Robbins and Dr. Margaret Pittman Dr. John Robbins, at right, with Senator Dale Bumpers and a staffer, at center, with Dr. Margaret Pittman at left,  on tour in Buildings 29 and 29A. Office of NIH History & Stetten Museum 

Dr. David Aronson doing paper chromatography in a fume hood, circa 1963, Building 29. Finlayson Photo Collection at the Office of NIH History & Stetten Musuem

Below are links to the 22 people who are included in the Biographies section. Additional photos for these individuals can be found on their respective biography pages.

  • a photo of a man with curly hair wearing a suit and tie

    1943 - still living | Building 29, Rooms 102 and 104 | Administration

  • Professional photo of Lewellys Barker in suit and tie

    1933 - still living | Building 29, 3rd floor | Virology & Rickettsiology and Blood & Blood Products

  • Photo of Arlene Butterly which has been scanned in from a printed copy of the NIH Record

    1906 - 1995 | Building 29, Room 115 | Administration

  • Professional photo of Madge Crouch in a suit with a pearl necklace

    1919–2004 | Building 29, Room 129 and 3rd floor | Blood & Blood Products

  • Professional photo of Bernice Eddy in a suit with a pearl necklace

    1903 - 1989 | Building 29, Room 207, and Building 29A, Room 3B20 | Virology & Rickettsiology

  • Headshot of Jay Epstein

    Dates Unknown | Building 29 | Virology

  • photo of Dr. Finlayson carrying a rack of test tubes in a laboratory

    1930 - 2020 | Building 29 first, second, and third floors | Blood & Blood Products 

  • Professional photograph  of James Gesling

    Birth date unknown-1978 | Building 29, Room 130 | Veterinary Medicine and Administration

  • Newspaper wedding announcement with photo of Dr. M. Carolyn Hardegree

    1933 - Status Unknown | Building 29, Rooms 418 and 414 and Building 29B | Bacterial Products

  • black and white photo of Hope Hopps in a plaid shirt

    1926 - 1988 | Building 29A, second floor, and Building 29, second floor | Viral Immunology

  • Black and white photo of Dr. Kirschstein wearing pearls and a blouse

    1926 - 2009 | Building 29, Rooms 209, 512, and 516 | Viral Immunology and Pathology
  • headshot of Dr. Darrell Liu

    1932 - still living | Building 29, Rooms 516, 425, and 129 | Bacterial Products, Allergenic Products and Parasitology

  • Professional photo of Harry M. Meyer Jr. in a suit with black glasses on

    1928 - 2001 | Building 29, third floor, and Building 29A, second floor | Viral Immunology

  • Professional Photo of Roderick Murray seated at a desk wearing a suit

    1910 - 1980 | Building 29 | Administration and Viral Products

  • Professional photo of  Paul Parkman wearing glasses and a plaid suit

    1932 - still living | Building 29 3rd floor and Room 129, Building 29A second floor | Virology and Viral Immunology

  • black and white scan of a photo which was printed in a directory of Dr. John Petricciani

    Birth Date Unknown - still living | Building 29, Room 513 | Experimental Biology and Pathology

  • Image of Dr. Pittman handling a mouse while a man in the background assists

    1901 - 1995 | Building 29, fourth floor | Bacterial Products

  • black and white scan of a photo of Gerald Quinnan which had been printed in the FDA directory

    1947 - still living | Building 29, Room 130 and Building 29A second floor | Administration and Virology

  • Professional photograph of John Robbins, cropped in from a larger image of he and Dr Schneerson standing together for their Lasker Award photos.

    1932 - 2019 | Building 29, Rooms 120 and 122 | Bacterial Products

  • Scan of a photo of George Rusten that was originally printed in the NIH Record. He's wearing glasses in the lab

    1913 - 1988 | Building 29, Rooms 209, 512, and 516 | Viral Immunology and Pathology

  • Professional photo of Sarah Stewart wearing glasses and a necklace

    1905 - 1976 | National Cancer Institute (not in 29 or 29A) | Virology & Rickettsiology

  • Professional photo of Kathryn Zoon wearing a black suit with green blouse

    1949 - still living |  Building 29, Room 130 and Building 29A, second floor | Virology