Participants in the LINC Evaluation Program
LINC Development Team
- Wesley A. Clark
- Howard C. Lewis
- Kenneth W. Lewis
- Charles E. Molnar
- Severo M. Ornstein
- William N. Papian
- Thomas T. Sandel
- Mishell J. Stucki
- Constance F. Towler
- Joseph C. Towler
- Mary Allen Wilkes
In addition to the above listed persons, the following individuals contributed to the program:
- Gail A. Andersen, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
- Gary L. Benton, MIT
- Daniel W. Calileo, Instrumentation Laboratory, MIT
- A. Maynard Engebretson, Biomedical Computer Laboratory, Washington University
- Charles Hartman, Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories
- Norman T. Kinch, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- Donald Malpass, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
- Donald F. O'Brien, independent consultant
- Walter A. Rosenblith, Department of Electrical Engineering MIT.
- William Simon, Department of Physiology, Harvard University School of Medicine.
- David L. Stewart, Air Force Cambridge-Research Laboratories
- Irving H. Thomae, Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT
LINC Evaluation Board
- Mary A. B. Brazier, Brain Research Institute, University of California at Los Angeles
- Jerome R. Cox, Biomedical Computer laboratory, Washington University
- Everett R. Dempster, Department of Genetics, University of California
- Josiah Macy, Albert Einstein School of Medicine
- Hubert V. Pipberger, U. S. Veterans Administration Murray D. Rosenberg, Rockefeller Institute
- Harold W. Shipton, Division of Medical Electronics, State University of Iowa
Investigators Selected for Participation in the Evaluation Program
- Ernst O. Attinger and Antharvedi Anne, Research Institute, Presbyterian Hospital of Philadelphia
- Donald S. Blough, Department of Psychology, Brown University
- C. Alan Boneau, Department of Psychology, Duke University
- Sidney Goldring and James L. O'Leary, Department of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine
- Fred S. Grodins and James E. Randall, Department of Physiology, Northwestern University School of Medicine
- Joseph E. Hind and C. Daniel Geisler, Laboratory of Neurophysiology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
- Joshua Lederberg and L. Lee Hundley, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine
- John C. Lilly, Communication Research Institute
- George S. Malindzak and Fredrick L. Thurstone, Department of Physiology, Bowman Gray School of Medicine
- Vernon B. Mountcastle, Gian F. Poggio, and Gerhard Werner, Department of Physiology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- Bernard Weiss, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, The Johns Hopkins University School Medicine
- J. Walter Woodbury and Albert M. Gordon, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Washington School of Medicine
- Affiliations as of September 1963.
Federal Participants
- Orr Reynolds, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Philip Sapir, National Institutes of Health
- Fred Stone, National Institutes of Health
- Bruce Waxman, National Institutes of Health
- Louis Wienckowski, National Institutes of Health
- Rose Doying, National Institutes of Health
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