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The Three Types of Gaucher Disease

Type 1Type 2Type 3
Whom it Strikesyoung adults/adults infantschildren/young adults
Distinguishing symptomno nervous system problemsearly nervous system problemslater onset of nervous system problems
Effects of diseasevaries from mild to severedies in infancybecomes severe
Glucocerebrosidase Activitysome activity but much less than normalvery little activitylittle activity

The next question of course was "Why do some people make too little enzyme?" The answer to this question came in 1987, when the first gene mutation that causes Gaucher disease was discovered by Dr. Shoji Tsuji and coworkers.


The inheritance diagrams below show how a child can be affected depending on the genetic material s/he inherits from her/his parents.

G = mutated gene
g = normal gene
Parent 1 (a carrier)
Parent 2 (a carrier)

Possibilities for each child they have:

  • GG two mutated genes; person with Gaucher disease
  • Gg carrier of Gaucher gene; no signs or symptoms
  • gG carrier of Gaucher gene; no signs or symptoms
  • gg two normal genes; normal enzyme activity, not a carrier
Parent 1
(a person with Gaucher disease)
Parent 2
(a person with normal genes)

Possibilities for each child they have

  • GG carrier of Gaucher gene; no signs or symptoms
  • Gg carrier of Gaucher gene; no signs or symptoms
  • gG carrier of Gaucher gene; no signs or symptoms
  • Gg carrier of Gaucher gene; no signs or symptoms

Parent 1
(a carrier)

Parent 2
(a person with normal genes)

Possibilities for each child they have

  • GG two mutated genes; person with Gaucher disease
  • Gg carrier of Gaucher gene; no signs or symptoms
  • gG carrier of Gaucher gene; no signs or symptoms
  • gg two normal genes; normal enzyme activity, not a carrier

In the early 1970s, Dr. Brady's group devised an enzymatic test based on the enzyme's activity to tell people if they were carriers or not, and a procedure for prenatal diagnosis. These tests give people information about their genetic status so that they can prepare for the future.


Can We Prevent, Treat or Cure It?