Exhibit Maps

Below are directions to each of the active exhibitions created by the Office of NIH History located on the NIH Campus.

Directions to NIH

Directions to the NIH Campus, as well as information about accessing the campus can be found on the NIH Website under Visitor Information.

Building 10 - Clinical Center

Directions to the Clinical Center can be found on the NIH Website in the Popular NIH Destinations section.

  • Navigating the Clinical Center

    • The NIH Clinical Center also provides a website and smartphone application, to assist in navigating while visiting the NIH Campus, called "Take Me There".
  • Anfinsen Exhibit

    • This exhibit is located across from the elevators in the IC corridor on the first floor of the NIH Clinical Center.
    • Anfinsen Exhibit Map
  • Potter Exhibit

    • This exhibit is located across from the elevators in the IC corridor on the first floor of the NIH Clinical Center.
    • Potter Exhibit Map
  • Nirenberg Exhibit

    • This exhibit is located around the corner from the Lipsett Auditorium on the first floor of the NIH Clinical Center.
    • Nirenberg Exhibit Map
  • Stadtman Exhibit

    • This exhibit is located across from the Lipsett Auditorium on the first floor of the NIH Clinical Center.
    • Stadtman Exhibit Map
  • Microscope Exhibit

    • This exhibit is located next to the Pediatric Clinic on the first floor of the NIH Clinical Center.
    • Microscope Exhibit Map
  • Exhibit about the Opening of the Clinical Center

    • This exhibit is located next to the Pediatric Clinic on the first floor of the NIH Clinical Center.

Building 31

Directions to Building 31 can be found on the Office of Research Services website.


    • Located near the C-wing 1st floor elevators in Building 31 
  • Cray X-MP/22 Computer

    • Located across from the C-wing B3 elevators in Building 31

Building 35

Directions to Building 35 can be found on the NIH Training Website.

  • Santiago Ramon y Cajal

    • This exhibit is located on the first floor of building 35, (not to be confused with the "Ground" floor).

Building 50

Building 50 is located on the south side of South Drive on the NIH Campus.  From the Metro, follow South Drive West, crossing over Center Drive. Building 50 is located immediately to the left at the intersection of South Drive and Center Drive.

  • Siemens 1-A Electron Microscope

    • This exhibit is located in the lobby of Building 50.
  • Varian A-60 NMR

    • This exhibit is located in the lobby of Building 50.