A new set of neuroanatomy drawings by Santiago Ramón y Cajal was installed in Building 35.
Current set of seven neuroanatomy drawings by Santiago Ramón y Cajal will remain on rotation in Building 35.
The drawings date back to the turn of the last century when Santiago Ramón y Cajal shared the Nobel Prize (1906) with Camillo Golgi for their work on the structure of the nervous system. We thank our partners at the Cajal Institute in Madrid, Spain for making this exhibit possible. You can see the original drawings, or touch 3-D prints of enlarged drawing details, until September.
February is American Heart Month, and February 22nd is Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day.
About 11 million Americans have heart valve disease, and millions of them need to have their valves replaced. The first successful replacement of a mitral heart valve was done at the NIH Clinical Center by Dr. Nina Braunwald in 1960, using a valve she had designed. This photo shows Braunwald, far left, and Dr. Andrew Morrow, far right, both from NHLBI, performing heart valve surgery in the early 1960s. February is American Heart Month, and February 22nd is Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day.