Donate Your Photos, Objects or Documents to the NIH Stetten Museum

Donate Your Photographs

If you have some photographs that you'd like to donate of yourself or your colleagues, we'd like to see them.  If they are physical photos, we can scan them in and return them.  We tend to share our photographs with the National Library of Medicine and the National Archives, dependingon what they are.  Historians and the media love photos of people at work, so take some pictures now.  Contact for more information. 

NIH Photographer Bill Branson

Donate your Objects or Documents

The NIH is a big place and we can't know what's happening everywhere.  So if you there's anything you think we should collect, please contact us.  We're talking about scientific instruments and medical devices, as well as those non-instruments things that reflect life at the NIH such as clothing,

We really need scientific instruments from the 1990s and 2000s — you may not think they are historic because you used them, but in a few short years, they will be.  We're looking to capture the revolution in genetics and biome research. 

Email us at  


Got old equipment?  We may want it!