Visit Us

Our office is located on the NIH Bethesda campus in Building 60, formally known as the Mary Woodard Lasker Center for Health Research and Education —informally known as "The Cloisters" and "The Convent" because the building once was home to the Sisters of the Visitation of Washington before the NIH acquired the property.  Indeed, the building is the oldest on the NIH campus, constructed in 1923, and predates the NIH itself.  We like to think that the Cloisters is the most beautiful building on campus, as well.

Our address is:

1 Cloister Court, Suite 230
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20814-1460

While we welcome you to our office, please note that the Stetten Museum — formally known as the DeWitt Stetten, Jr., Museum of Medical Research  — is a "museum without walls".  

Phone: 301.496.6610
Fax: 301.402.1434

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Campus Map

ORS Campus Map and Visitor Information