Dr. M. Carolyn Hardegree (add dates)

Carolyn Hardegree was born in ____.

She worked with Dr. Pittman and Dr. Michael Barile on tetanus toxoids studies in humans and guinea pigs. She published the article “Immunization Against Neonatal Tetanus in New Guinea” in 1970.

Dr. Hardegree worked in the Laboratory of Bacterial Products. She was Chief of the Section on Bacterial Toxins in 1969.

She worked in Building 29, Room 418 in 1969, 1971, and 1972. Under FDA administration she was in Building 29, Room 414 in 1980.

In 1985 she was Director of the Division of Bacterial Products and worked in Building 29, Room 122A. By 1990 she was the Director of the Office of Vaccine Research and Review. Worked in Building 29B, Room 1H16.

In 1995 Dr. Hardegree was the Director of the Office of Biologics Research and she returned to working in Building 29, Room 122A.

*can’t find any photos of her.
