Dr. Arlene Butterly (1906–1995)

    • Came to NIH in 1954 in the Office of Research Information. Became Information Officer for DBS beginning in 1956. Degree/background in journalism/editorial, including Science Magazine and in the editorial department at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
    • Worked in Building 29, Room 124 from 1961–1963, then in Room 132 until 1967, when she moved to Room 400. Then in 1969 she was in Room 323 until 1972. It is not clear if she stayed on after the transition to FDA.
    • The NIH Record6.1968)- has headshot of her
    • The Information Officer at NIH’s job included interpreting the findings of scientific investigators, decode pronouncements of doctors, answering questions from journalists and newscasters, often providing written reports that then are used by broadcasters. They have to be diplomatic, knowledgeable, and tactful.