Dr. John Finlayson

John Finlayson grew up in New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, and Ohio. He went to college in Ohio and was pre-med. Instead of going to medical school, he completed a masters and PhD in Biochemistry at University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was able to do draft deferment for another year to do a post-doctoral fellowship at the Institute of Radiophysics in Sweden.

Dr. Finlayson came back to US in the fall of 1958 and got a commission in the Public Health Service (PHS). He was assigned to the Laboratory of Blood and Blood Products in the NIH Division of Biologics Standards (DBS). He did his two years of service there. After 2.5 years he went into inactive reserve for the PHS and then filled his own role as a civil servant. Then he never left biologics. He was there for the administrative transition from the NIH to the FDA in 1972. He worked in the Coagulation Section of the Laboratory of Blood and Blood Products when still under NIH.

a man and woman scientist stand in a lab wearing white lab coats, looking at the camera smiling

Lab equipment at the NIH

Photos from John Finlayson’s Collection at NIH Office of History & Stetten Museum.
Dr. Finlayson worked on plasma derivatives most of his career, especially as related to hemophilia and Factor VIII (not licensed until 1966) derivatives.

He worked in Building 29, first floor when his lab was part of the NIH. After the transition to the FDA, the Laboratory of Blood and Blood Products moved to the second and third floors of Building 29.

Oral History

NIH oral history interview (took photos at museum) from 2002. FDA oral history from 2009 is online.