Reference Sources
Bibliography on NIH History
Citations to articles, books, and reports on NIH history.
The Internet Archive
The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is a growing digital library that provides free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public to Internet sites, government documents, and other cultural artifacts. The collection provided by the NIH Library include annual reports, progress reports, and other useful documents (in PDF form) related to the various institutes and centers of the NIH. The Medical Heritage Library has included all of the digitized NIH Almanacs.
NIH Intramural Award Winners
Lists of NIH-affiliated Nobel Laureates and Lasker Awardees.
NIH Organizational Charts, 1975 (PDF - 10.1MB)
Charts prepared by various NIH institutes and displayed during the first NIH alumni reunion, April 1975.
NIH Peer Review
A selected bibliography of publications on peer review,including citations on articles, reports and books about the administration of research at NIH, 1947-1997.
NIH Research Grants
A list of resources on past NIH and Public Health Service research grant and fellowship awards.
Other Resources
Links to other historical resources about the NIH.
Trade Catalogs
List of trade catalogs in the collection.
List of manuals, operating instructions, and technical bulletins in the collection of the The Office of NIH History and Stetten Museum.