Trade Catalogs
Trade Literature and Advertisements Collection by Manufacturer
To request copies of trade literature, please email the Curator at
We also have a manuals collection.
10X Genomics
2015 Revolutionizing Gene Expression with Single-Cell RNAse
2020 CRISPR-Cas: The Next Generation
2021 What’s Mine is Yours: Tissue Transplantation and the Immune System
2021 Cancer Vaccines: Raising a T Cell Army
3M, St. Paul, MN:
1966 Scotch-Grip Industrial Adhesives Product Line
1966 Industrial Adhesive no. 847
1966 Industrial Adhesive no. 226
1979 3M Display Film
1982 Information: Fluorel Fluoroelastomers
1983 Fluorel Fluoroelastomers: New Freedom for the Design Engineer
1986 Guide to Evaluation: Petrifilm Plates
1980s Nextel 312 Ceramic Fiber from 3M
1980s Ad: The energy-saving insulation of the future is available in the shape you need today
1980s Ad: When Dr. Hal Sowman told us Nextel 312 ceramic fiber could handle 2600F, we thought he was out to lunch.
1980s Nextel 312: How Nextel 312 Ceramic Fiber compares with the next best high temperature fiber
1980s Nextel 312: Product Bulletin: Braided Sleeving, Hose Coverings & Tapes
1980s Nextel 312: Product Bulletin: Furnace Curtains
1980s Nextel 312: Product Bulletin: Insulation for heating elements for preheating and stress relief applications
1980s Nextel 312: Product Bulletin: Vacuum Furnace Linings
1983 Nextel Ceramic Fiber for High Temperature Applications Where Dependability Counts
1983 Nextel Ceramic Fiber Products: For High Temperature Applications
1983 Nextel 312 Woven Tape Product Bulletin
1983 Nextel 312 Woven Fabrics
1983 Nextel Sewing Thread
1983 Nextel Health Safety Bulletin
1983 Nextel 312 Braided Sleeving
A-1 Plating, Baltimore, MD: 1986, Military Plating Specifications
ABSciex, Framingham, MA:
2010 MPX-2 System
2011 A New Dimension in Selectivity
2012 The Accurate Mass Workhorse
Ace Glass Inc.:
1982 Ace Bulletin Vol. 22, No. 1
1996 Catalog 1600
Ace Scientific Supply Co.: 1968, Safety Issue
Ace-Sycamore, Inc., Sycamore, IL: undated, “Light-Duty” Center
Active Motif ®, Carlsbad, CA:
2005 Products
2005 TransAM ™ Transcription Factor ELISAS
2014 Epigenetics Products and Services
Acton Research Corp., Acton, MA:
1983 Vacuum Ultraviolet Monochromator
1983 Tailor-Made Monochromator
1983 New VUV-UV Light Source, Model DS-775
1983 Vacuum Reflectometer and Sample Chamber
1983 Acton Research DA-781 End-on Detector Assembly
1983 Reflective Coatings for the region below 2000Å
Acushnet Co., New Bedford, MA: 1975, Elastomer Data Handbook
Adam Hilger Ltd., London, England:
1935 New Hilger Spectrographs E 487 and E 488
1938 Outfits for Absorption Spectrophotometry: Supplementary Information
1938 Spectrographic Outfits for Metallurgical and General Chemical Analyses
1938 Barfit: Medium Quartz Spectrograph, E 498, with Flat Field
1938 Publications Concerning Spectrum Analysis
Adolf Meller Co., Providence, RI:
1950 Windows of Synthetic Sapphire
1956 Sapphire Rod as a Radiation Pipe
1958 Round Polished Synthetic Sapphire Windows
1959 Round Polished Synthetic Sapphire Windows
1959 A Summary of Available Data on the Physical Properties of Synthetic Sapphire
1959 Technique of Sealing Glass to Sapphire
Advanced Analytical: 2015, Genome Editing with CRISPR/Cas9 – An Introduction
Advanced Instruments, Inc., Newton Highlands, MA:
1963 Advanced Freezing Point Osmometers
1967 Advanced Cryomatic Osmometers Prices and Specifications
Undated Advanced Freezing Point Osmometers
Advanced Magnetics, Inc.: undated, Procurement Catalog/Engineering Manual No. 76
Advanced Products SRL, Milan, Italy: undated, Prospetto Combinazioni
Advanced Surface Technology Inc., Billerica, MA: 1992, Press Release: Advance Surface Technology, Inc. Acquires Patent License for Coating that Enhances Cell Attachment and Growth
Aeon Systems, Inc., Albuquerque, NM: 1986, Models 595 & 596 Programmable Highway Driver Series
Aerovox Corp., New Bedford, MA:
1946 Capacitors, Resistors, Vibrators, Test Instruments Catalog 500
1946 Capacitors
Affiliated Manufacturers, Inc., Whitehouse, NJ: 1965, Micro Manipulator for Mechanical Micro Probing
Agilent Technologies Santa Clara, CA
2000 Consumables and Accessories Catalog
2023 Agilent BioTek Cytation 7 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader
2023 Build Consistency into Your Lab’s Workflow
2023 MagnisDx NGS Prep System
AirCo Industrial Gases, Murray Hill, NJ: 1970s, Material Selection Guide
Air Logic:
1987 Summary Catalog
1987 Pneumatic Components and Systems Accessories
undated Air Logic
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, PA
1974 Laboratory Cryogenic Systems
1977 Laboratory Cryogenic Systems
Air Reduction Sales Co. (AIRCO), Jersey City, NJ:
1959 Maximum percentage of contaminants found in Airco Rare Gases
Undated Helium
Undated Hydrogen
Alba Lamps, Rosemont, IL: 1979, Product Information No. 2 Econo BI-PIN-Lamps
Aldrich Chemical Co.: 1984, Aldrichimica Acta
Alexandria Metal Finishers, Alexandria, VA: 1977, tri-fold brochure
Alfa Division, Ventron Corp., Danvers, MA: 1979 , Platinum Group Metals Silver and Gold
Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, PA: undated, Allegheny Ludlum Monimax and Sinimax EM-20 Blue Sheet
Allen B. Du Mont Laboratories – see DuMont
Allen-Jones, Long Beach, CA: undated, Silicon Monoxide Source Now Available in Three Sizes
Allied Chemical Corp.: 1979, Information Sheet on Optical Properties f Pressed Halon Coatings
Alltech Chromatography: 1999, Gas Purifiers
Aloe Scientific:
1952 Catalog 103
1967 Aloe Scientific, Catalog 105
undated Amberlite Ion Exchange Resins Price List
Alpha Metals, Inc. Jersey City, NJ: undated, New Alpha Solder & Flux R&D Kit
Alpha Scientific Laboratories, Inc., Berkeley, CA: undated, Instruments for Research and Education in the Physical, Chemical, and Material Sciences
Alpha Wire Corp., New York, NY: undated, Catalog T-1, Teflon Wire
Amax Copper Inc., New York, NY:
1978 Six Unconventional Coppers
Undated Amax Copper News, Vol. 18, No. 1: The Products and Processes of Amax Copper Division
American Bionectics Inc., Hayward, CA : 1988, “Product Update: Snap-On Electrodes for PolyBlot®”
American Cyanamid Co., New York, NY: 1954, New Product Bulletin: UV Absorbers
American Cytoscope Makers Inc. (ACMI), Pelham, NY:
Undated ACMI Miniatruized Lamps Catalog 954-003
Undated The ACMI Borescope
American Hospital Scientific Products: 1972, Catalog
American Instrument Co. (AMINCO), Silver Spring, MD:
1941 Catalog 41
1952 Catalog 52
1954 Strain-Free Platinum-Resistance Thermometers
1955 Super Pressure
1956 AMINCO-Bowman Spectrophotofluorometer
1961 Catalog
1961 Temperature Regulating Devices
1963 AMINCO-Chance Dual Wavelength Spectrophotometer, (see 98.0020.023.00)
1964 Bulletin 2387: Grating Monochromator
1966 AMINCO-Chance Dual-Wavelength Spectrophotometer, (see 98.0020.023.00)
1966 AMINCO-Dubnoff Laboratory Shaker-Bath and Incubator
1967 History
1968 Fluoro-Microphotometer
1969 Fluoro-Microphotometer
1969 Temperature Jump Apparatus
1969 AMINCO-Morrow Stopped-Flow Apparatus (see 03.0001.003.00)
1969 New AMINCO-Berger Rapid-Mixing, Stopped-Flow System
1969 AMINCO Temperature Jump (T-Jump) Apparatus
late 1960s Bulletin 2383-1A: Dual-Wavelength/Split-Beam Recording Spectrophotometer
1970s Bulletin 2390-15A: AMINCO Fluoro/Colorimeter
1970 Bulletin 2390-E: AMINCO Fluoro-Microphotometer
1970 Condensed Catalog
1970 New Stopped-Flow Spectrophotometric System
1971 AMINCO-Bowman Spectrophotofluorometer: Now Available with New Ratio System
1971 Tired of Eyeballing Those Petri Dishes? AMINCO Petri-Scan Automatic Bacteria-Colony Counter
1972 Bulletin 2449: New Fiber Optic Microcolorimeter
1972 Bulletin 2390-G: AMINCO Fluoro-Microphotometer
1972 DW-2 UV-VIS Spectrophotometers
1973 Aminalyzer System
1976 Continuous-flow Blood Cell Separator
1976 SPF-500 Series Spectrofluorometers
1977 Fluorescence Accessories
1977 Chem-Glo Photometer
1977 DASAR (Data Acquisition, Storage and Retrieval System)
1978 Ration II Spectrophotometer
1978 DW-2a UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
undated Bulletin 2390: Fluoro-Microphotometerw
undated Bulletin 2390-3C-1: Fluoro-Colorimeter, Solid-State Blank-Subtract
undated Environmental Simulation and Constant Temperature Equipment Catalog 565
undated Hem-O-Scan Oxygen Equilibrium Curve Analyzer (see 99.0004.003.00)
American Optical Corp. (AO), Buffalo, NY:
1950 Complete Equipment for Phase Microscopy
1950 Phase Microscope Price List
1955 Spencer Medical Microscopes
1974 Differential Interference Contrast by Incident Light (DICV) Microscopes
Undated AO-Total Solids Meter: a Goldberg Refractometer
Undated AO Laboratory Microscopes
American Society for Metals: undated, And Now There are Six Volumes of Metals Handbook
American Urethane, Gambrills, MD: undated, Custom Molded Castable Polyurethane Parts
Ameritech Biomedicines Inc., Lubbock, TX: 2014, Product Catalog
Amersham Biosciences, England:
2003 Amersham Ultrospec 3300 and 4300 brochure
2007 Amersham Ultrospec 6300 spectrophotometer
Amersil Inc., Hillside, NJ:
1967 Center for High Purity Fused Quartz
Undated Optical Fused Quartz & Fused Silica
AMGLO Corp., Chicago, IL: 1964, Gaseous Conduction Tubes and Related Products
Amicon, Beverly, MA:
1985 Diaflo Spiral Ultrafiltration Cartridges Technical Data Brochure
1993 Micropure Particle Separators Technical Data Brochure
1994 Vantage L Liquid Chromatography Columns
Undated DC2 & CH2 Small-Scale Hollow Fiber Concentration Systems
Amperex Electronic Corp., Hicksville, NY: 1964, Electron Tubes
A-M Systems, Inc.: 1970s, Physiology Catalog
Anaconda American Brass Co., Waterbury, CT: 1961, Anaconda Copper and Copper Alloys
Analog Devices, Norwood, MA, :
1973 Complete Log Ratio Module Model 756
1973 Internally Trimmed Integrated Circuit Multiplier AD532
1975 6-Decade, High Accuracy Log Ratio Module Model 757
1978 Analog Dialogue
1978 Data Acquisition Products Catalog
1979 Data Acquisition Products Catalog
1979 Integrated Circuit Precision Instrumentation Amplifier AD521
1986 LC2 MOS High Speed uP Compatible 8-Bit ADC with Track/Hold Function
1994 Voltage Output Temperature Sensor with Signal Conditioning
Analab Instrument Corporation: 1961, Dual Trace Main Frames
late 1970s Chemically Inert Fittings and Valves
late 1970s Chromatography Columns
Analytab Products Inc. (API), New York: 1971, The API System
Analytik Jena: 2018, One Button Scientific Imaging
Andonian Associates, Inc., Waltham, MA: undated, PMC Liquid Nitrogen Cooled Housing for Photomultiplier Tubes
Andover Corp., Lawrence, MA: 1984/85, Optical Filter Guide
Andrew Alliance, Boston, MA: 2012, The Liquid Handling Robot Using Conventional Pipettes
Andrew Technical Supply Co., Chicago, IL: undated, Ultra-Violet Lamps for Use in the Laboratory
Angar Scientific Corp.: undated, Tiny Solenoid Valve Model 336
A.P. Circuit Corp., New York, NY: undated, Multi Range Portable Variable Active Filters
Apogent Discoveries, Hudson, NH: 2002, Product Catalog
Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA:
2006 PCR, Real-Time PCR, Sample Preparation, TaqMan® Genomic Assays
2007 Molecular and Cell Biology Catalog
Applied Physics Corp., Monrovia, CA:
1964 Cary Model 15 Recording Spectrophotometer
1965 Your Information for Cary Model 15 Spectrophotometer
Undated Sample Handling Equipment for the Cary Model 11, 14, & 15 Spectrophotometers
Applied Research Laboratories, Glendale, CA:
1957 Spectrographer’s Newsletter, Vol. X, No. 3: Fuess Spectroscope
Undated Remote Materials Analysis
Arconium Corp. of America, Providence, RI:
1980 Low Temperature Melting Alloys
1986 Fusible Alloys
Aremco Products, Inc., Ossining, NY:
1975 High Purity Tungsten
1978 Aremco Accu-Cut 5200
1979 Aremco Accu-Cut 5250
1981 Aremco 102 Series Diamond Scribers
1981 Aremco 107-109 Series Diamond Drills
1982 Prices for Accu-Cut 5000 Series Dicing Saws
1982 Prices for Diamond Drills
1982 Price for 102-113 Series Diamond Scribers & Quills
1983 Accu-Cut Diamond Dicing Saw Blades
1983 Aremco Diamond Tool Accessories
1983 Prices for Diamond Tool Accessories
1983 Prices for Accu 120 and 126 Series Diamond Blades
Areoptix Technology Corp., Plainview, NY:
1969 Airypoint Light Source
1969 Airypoint X-Y Positioning Fixture
1969 Specifications and Prices Airypoint
Argus Chemical Corp., Brooklyn, NY:
1978 Stannic Chloride (Anhydrous) (Tin tetrachloride)
1978 Price List
Armco Steel Corp., Middletown, OH: 1955, Magnetic Ingot Iron…for D-C Applications
Arno Adhesive Tapes, Inc., MI: 1962, C-590 Moleskin Tape
Arnold Engineering Co., Marengo, IL:
1956 Iron Powder Cores
1957 Supermendur: A New Rectangular-Loop Core Material
1957 Arnold Magnetic Materials
Arthur C. Ruge Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA:
1955 Resistance Thermometer Elements
1956 RdF Stikon
1957 Miniature 1200 C Resistance Thermometer Probe
1957 RdF Strapon Resistance Thermometer: A New Approach to Surface Temperature Measurement
Arthur H. Thomas Co. (see Thomas Scientific)
ARO Corp.: 1986, Air Systems Components
ASF Inc.:
Undated Brey Miniature Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps & Compressors
undated Diaphragm Pumps for Vacuum & Pressure
Assembly Products, Inc. (API), Chesterland, OH:
1963 New…The API Optical Meter-Relay
1963 Product Feature in Electronic Design: Fiber-Optics Meter Relay Features Proportional Control
Atago Bussan Co., Ltd.: 1983, Union Giken Stopped Flow Reaction Analyzer
Atomergic Chemetals, Co., Long Island, NY: undated, Vitreous Carbon: A New Refractory Material
Atomic Laboratories, Berkeley, CA:
Undated The New Improved Raymaster! New Scientific Glassblower’s Set
Undated First the M-3…Now the M-4 Interferometer
Undated Introducing the Rayotron: First Low-Cost Electrostatic Generator and Particle Accelerator for Colleges, Schools
Austin Science Associates, Inc.:
1983 Price List
1985 Mossbauer Spectroscopy Instrumentation
1987 Price List
Avestin Inc., Ottawa, Canada: undated, LiposoFast, LIFO, Equilibrium Dialyser, EmulsiFlex
Axialight Corp., Collegedale, TN: 1978, A New Concept in Miniature Incandescent
Axis-Shield, Oslo, Norway:
2000 Applications and Products
2000 OptiPrep Reports, No. 3
Azure Biosystems:
2013 Azure cSeries: A New Way to See the Light
2016 Azure Ao Absorbance Microplate Reader
2016 Azure Biosystems Western Blotting Workflow
Badger Air-Brush Co., Franklin Park, IL: undated, “The Most Complete Name in Air Brushing.”
Badger Meter Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, WI: 1968, Badger Magnetic Resonance Flowmeter
The Bailey Co., Washington, DC: undated, Centronic, BI-Alkali Photomultipliers Types VMP11/44K and VMP 13/44k
Baird Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA:
1953 Electro-Optic Light Modulator
1954 High Speed Light Pulsing and Modulation Apparatus
1954 Mercury 198 Source and Microwave Exciter
1956 Electro-Optic Light Modulator
Baird Atomic Inc., Cambridge, MA:
1957 A Complete Selection of Interference Filters
1957 Price List
1961 Optical Interference Filters [A]
1961 Optical Interference Filters [B]
1961 Type B-1 Interference Filter
1970 Catalog C-5: Optical Components and Accessories
undated, Automatic Test Tube Changer Systems for Nuclear Radiation
Baker & Co., Inc., Newark, NJ:
Undated Fine Wires
Undated Platinum Clad Tungsten Wire
Undated Plating Preparations
Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton (BLH), Waltham, MA:
1959 SR-4 Etched Foil Strain Gages Bulletin 4320
Undated SR-4 Strain Gage Instruments and Quick Selector, Bulletin 4312
Balston Inc.:
1992 FT-IR User Eliminates Bottled Nitrogen Gas
1992 Purifiers for FT-IR Spectrometers
1992 Model 74-5041 Self-Contained Lab Gas Generator
Barber-Colman: undated, New Electronic Programmer Has Precise Temperature Resettability and Flexibility
Bareco Oil Co., Tulsa, OK:
1949 Price List Microcrystalline Waxes
1949 Be Square: Special Waxes
Barnant Corp., Barrington, IL: 1975, Masterflex Tubing Pumps, Drive Systems
Barnes Engineering Co., Stamford, CT:
1968 The Pyroelectric Detector, Bulletin 2-220A
1977 Infrared Micro Imager: Thermal mapping of micro targets
1977 Infrared Micro Imager Model RM-50 Price List
1977 Infrared Microscope Model RM-2A
1977 Infrared Microscope Model RM-2B
1977 Infrared Microscope Accessories
1977 Infrared Microscopes & Accessories Models RM-2A and RM-2B Price List
1969 Price List 15, 20, and 30 GPH Steam Heated
1969 Price List Laboratory Equipment Price List
1969 Price List Thermodrive Distillation
1969 Price List Pure Water Distribution
1969 Specification No. G3615: Feedback Purifier
1969 Specification No. A1535: Model 85 Cabinetized Distilled Water Center
1969 Specification No. G3601: Condensate Feedback
1969 Specification No. G3350: Automatic Start and Stop Controls for Steam Heated Stills
1969 Get More Out of Water: Thermodrive Distillation System
1969 Get More Out of Water: Barnstead Laboratory Equipment
Barnstead/Thermolyne, Dubuque, IA: 2000/2001, Catalog
Barringer Research, Toronto, Canada: 1975, Environmental Analytical Servies Fee Schedule
Bausch & Lomb:
1934 The New Fitz Micro-Manipulator
1940 Catalog D-111
1953 Echelle Spectrographs
1953 1.5 Meter Stigmatic Grating Spectrograph
1955 Photographic Lens Data
1960 Grating Monochromators
1962 Surplus Interference Filters
1965 Spectrophor 1 Electrophoresis Equipment
1960s Air-Cooled Hydrogen Illuminator Attachment for Monochromators
1973 B&L New Constant Color Fiber Optic Light Source
Undated Advance Information: Ultraviolet Photomicroscope
undated Physician’s Microscope Model FFSA-8
undated 250MM and 50MM Monochromators
Undated Interference Filters: Transmission Type
BD Biosciences, Bedford, MA [see also Becton, Dickinson]:
2008 Clinical & Research Product Catalog
2008 ASR Product Catalog Addendum
2013 BD Multicolor Antibody Reagents Catalog
2020 Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Discover
undated Discovery Labware
Beck – see R.&J. Beck Ltd.
Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA:
2000 Ultracentrifuge
2000 High Speed, High Capacity, High Performance, Benchtop & Microfuge Centrifuges
2014 Product Solutions Guide
2015 Take the Risk out of Rotations
2015 Cell-Line Engineering: A Check-up Before You Scale Up
2016 Mastering Cell Counting
2018 Science Happens: Pioneering DIY Discoveries
Beckman Instruments:
1970 Supplies for pH Meters and Electroanalytical Instrumentation
1970 PO2, PCO2, and pH Measurement Systems
1970 Dynograph Recorders and Electroencephalographs
1973 Analytical Instrumentation
1973 Gamma Counting Systems
1977 Bulletin 7304: Innovation in pH Since 1935
1977 Bulletin 7686-E: Supplies for pH Meters and Electroanalytical Instrumentation
1977 Bulletin 6400A: Electrolyte System
1978 Price List: Electroanalytical Instrumentation Supplies
1978 Type 50.3 Ti: A New Titanium Fixed Angle Rotor for Lipoprotein Separations
1979 Microfuge: Miniature Centrifuge
1979 Airfuge Ultracentrifuge
1980s L-5 Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1981 New Futura Combination Electrodes for Specialized Applications
1983 Bulletin 7740: Electrodes, Buffers, and Accessories
1983 Ultracentrifuge L8M System
1983 Rotors, Tubes, and Accessories for Beckman Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1985 The New Centritube Slicer
1985 Rotors, Tubes & Accessories for Beckman Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1985 Bulletin 7764: pHI Series pH Meters and Accessories
1987 GeneLine Transverse Alternating Field Electrophoresis System
1990 GeneLine II DNA Mapper
undated Blood Gas Measurement System
undated Liquid Scintillation Systems
undated Rotors, Tubes and Accessories for Beckman Preparative Ultracentrifuges
undated Supplies for pH Meter and Electroanalytical Instrumentation
Becton, Dickinson (B-D):
1965 Unopette Disposable Blood Diluting Pipette
1970 Biopette Automatic Pipettes
1997/1998 Labware Catalog
2001 Titanium PCR and RT-PCR Systems
2001 Titanium™ One-Step RT-PCR Kit, PowerScript ™ Reverse Transcriptase
2002 BD Sprint ™ Advantage ™ 96 Plate
2002 Mercury ™ Signal Transduction Products
2010 BD FACSAria III
2013 BD FACSAria Fusion
2013 BD FACSJazz
2013 BD Influx
undated Medical Grade Polyethylene Tubing
2020 Unlocking the Secrets of the Tumor Microenvironment for Cancer Therapeutics
CLONTECHniques July 2001
October 2001
April 2002
October 2002
January 2004
April 2004
October 2005
Behringwerke AG: 1968, Immunoelectrophoresis Equipment
Bel-Art Products, Pequannock, NJ: 1992, New Product Highlights Catalog Supplement 792
Bellco Glass Inc., Vineland, NJ:
1969 Water Distillation and Deionizing Equipment
2002/3 Biotechnology
Bellows Co., Akron, OH: 1958, The Bellows Air Motor
Bendix Corp., Cincinnati, OH:
undated Automatic Polarimeter
undated ORD Spectropolarimeter
Bergquist, Minneapolis, MN:
Undated Sil-Pad Proof (+) Desk-Top Test Kit (with sample)
Undated Sil-Pads 1000 (with sample)
Undated Sil-Pad Shield with EMI/RFI Shielding
Undated Bergquist has just uncovered the world’s most effective thermally conductive insulator (with sample)
Bertin Instruments, Versailles, France:
2016 inCellis Smart Cell Imaging System
2016 Minilys
2016 Percellys Evolution
2017 Cryolys Evolution
Bethesda Research Laboratories (BRL), Bethesda, MD: undated, New Apparatus [incomplete]
Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Hellertown, PA:
1957 How Poisonous is Mercury?
1960 The Bethlehem Glassblowing Kit
1970s Hg Vacupick
1979 Continuous Vacuum Triple Distillation
Undated Higher Mercury Purity for Rockets & Missiles
B.F. Goodrich, Cleveland, OH:
1964 Air Curing Rubber Cements C-80S/C-81S
1960s Air Dry Cement Vulcalock
1983 Elastomer Properties: Hycar, Hydrin, Cure-rite
1984 Koroseal Flexible Magnetic Sheet and Strip
BHK Inc., South El Monte, CA: undated, Specialty Lamps and Power Supplies
Binks Manufacturing Co., Franklin Park, IL: 1984, The New Airless 1 Spray Gun
Biocision, Larkspur, CA: 2014, BioT ULT Transporter
BioCybernetics Laboratories, Inc.:
1994 Micromix-Reciprocating Dual Syringe Emulsifier/Homogenizer
1994 Double Hub Micro-Emulsifier Needle
1994 Micromix II-Continuous Flow Tangential Processing System
BioDrop (division of Harvard Bioscience): 2014, NextGen Nano-Spectrophotometry
Bioelectric Instruments (BI), Hastings-on-the-Hudson, NY:
1968 ISA ISB Isolators
1968 Reflexor Oscilloscope Camera Mount
1970 Master/Slave Oscilloscope System
1970 P Series Electrophysiological Measurement System
1970 Models MH1 & MH2 Microelectrode Holders
1970 Price List
Undated Auxiliary Camera Mount
BioLegend, San Diego, CA:
2014 Product Catalog
2014 Multicolor Flow Cytometry Assay
2014 Cancer Immunoediting Poster
2014 Regulatory T Cells Poster
2014 Stem Cells and Development Poster
2014 Chemokine Receptor Biology Poster
Bio Logic, Echirolles, France:
1980s Stopped Flow Module, SFM-3
1980s Patch-Clamp Amplifier
1980s Rapid-filtration System
1980s Stopped Flow Module
Biomedical Products Department, Washington, DC: no name
BioPolymers Inc., Farmington, CT: 1986, Cell-Tak Update No. 1
Bio-Rad Laboratories:
1970 Chromatographic Columns
1970 Materials for Ion Exchange, Gel Filtration, Adsorption
1970 Systems, Materials, Equipment for Gel Electrophoresis
1971 Lang-Levy Micropipets Glass and clear TPX
1973 Lang-Levy Micropipets Danish Glass and Clear TPX Polymer
1973 Eppendorf Push-Button Microliter Pipets
1978 Protein Assay Applications Bibliography
1979 Protein Assay Applications Bibliography
1980s The New Protean Double Slab
1980s The Electrophoresis Connection
1981 Price List
1981 Eppendorf Repeater Pipette
1981 Liquid Dispensing, Dilution, and Measurement
1982 Protein Assay Bulletin 1069
1983 Bio-Radiations, April 1983, No. 44
1990 Low Pressure Tubing, Fittings, and Valves Bulletin 1644
1991 Macro-Prep 50 Ion Exchange Supports for Protein Purification Bulletin 1623
1991 Econo-Pac Cartridges
1991 Low Pressure Tubing, Fittings, and Valves
1995 New! SYPRO Orange High-Sensitivity Fluorescent Protein Gel Stain
1996 Ready Gels & Premixed Buffers: Products for Mini-Vertical Gel Electrophoresis
2004/5 Life Science Research Products
2005 Life Science New Products
2016 The Illumina Bio-Rad Single-Cell Sequencing Solution
2017 T100 Thermal Cycler
2017 NCG Chromatography Systems
undated Eppendorf Push-Button Microliter Pipets with Disposable Tips
Undated Protein Standards for Electrophoresis and Blotting Poster, Rev. B
Bioscan Inc.:
undated Imaging Scanners
undated Rapid Quantitative TLC Analysis
BioServe Biotechnologies, Laurel, MD: 1992, Catalog & Price List
BioTek Instruments, Inc., Winooski, VT:
2000s EL406™ Microplate Washer Dispenser
2000s BioStack™ Microplate Stacker
2008 Microplate Instrumentation Catalog 2008
2008 Ordering Guide
2010 Microplate Instrumentation
2014 Microplate Instrumentation Catalog
2014 Epoch 2 Microplate Spectrophotometer
2014 Synergy HTX Multi-Mode Microplate Reader
2014 MultiFlo FX Microplate Dispenser
Biotix: 2015, The Gloved Crusader
Bittware Research Systems, Concord, NH: 1990s, SHARC ® Produce Selection Guide
B-J Scientific Products, Inc., Albany, OR:
1979 Laboratory Crucibles
1982 Inconel 601 Laboratory Crucibles Prices
1983 Tantalum Laboratory Crucibles Prices
1984 Zirconium Laboratory Crucibles Prices
1985 Nickel Laboratory Crucibles Prices
1985 Molybdenum Laboratory Crucibles
Black Box:|
1981 CRT-Printer Switch CP Switch
1982 Test Sets
1982 Data Switches
Black Light Eastern, Westbury, NY:
Undated Zirconium Concentrated Arcs: Model 1710 & Spectroline Series 1700
Undated Spectroline Sodium-Arc Laboratory Lamp, Model 1800
Block Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA:
1959 A Fourier Description of Optical Interference Devices, Part I
1960 I-4 Interferometer Spectrometer
1960 Elliptical Polarizer
1960 A New Method of Scanning the Fabry-Perot Fringe Field
1960 Rapid Scanning Interference Spectrometry
1961 High Resolution Frequency Spectrum Analyzer Model JW-1
1961 Uncooled IR Detector
1961 KH51 Indium Antimonide IR Detectors
1961 KH-51C Thermoelectrically Cooled Indium Antimonide IR Detectors
1962 Interferometer Spectrometer Price List
Block Engineering, Inc., Cambridge, MA:
Undated Interferometer Spectrometer, Model I-4P
Undated Interferometer Spectrometer, Model I-4
Undated Interferometer Spectrometer, Model P-1
Blue M Electric Co., Blue Island, IL:
1963 “Wiring Diagrams & Parts List.”
Undated Set the Pace
BMG Labtech, Ortenberg, Germany: 2022 Instrumentation Guide
Bodine Electric Co.: undated, Series 3000 Digial Motion Control Systems
Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals, Indianapolis, IN:
1979 Biochemphasis No. 1: The International System of Units (SI)
1980 Product Highlights: Electrophoresis Systems
1990 Reagents for Molecular Biology
1996 POROS Perfusion Chromatography Media: Performance Features and Guide
Boekel, Feasterville, PN: 1998-99, Life Sciences & General Laboratory Products
Boonton Radio Corp., Boonton, NJ:
1959 Catalog: Precision Test Equipment
Undated Inductors Type 103-A and 590-A
Undated Figure of Merit Measurements: Q Meter Type 260-A
Undated Measure Difference in Q with the Q Meter Type 190-A
Borg-Warner Chemicals, Inc., Parkersburg, WV:
1984 Poster: Prevex is Next
1984 Prevex Polymer Prices
1984 Ad: Prevex is Next
1984 Data Sheet: Prevex Grade BJA, Flame Retardant Structural Foam, PR-100B
1984 Data Sheet: Prevex Grad VKA, Flame Retardant, PR-101B
1984 Data Sheet: Prevex Grade VQA, Flame Retardant, PR-102B
1984 Data Sheet: Prevex Grade PQA, General Purpose, PR 103B
Boston Scientific, Natick, MA: Oct/Nov. 2014, Access Issue 2
Boy Machines, Exton, PA:
1980s Model 50T2 Injection Molding Machine
1980s Boy 15S
1980s Boy 30M and 50M
1985 NewsBoy
Braintree Scientific, Inc., Braintree, MA: 2007, Catalog Animal Laboratory Supplies
Brandtech Scientific, Inc., Essex, CT: 2002/3, Reliable Tools for Every Lab Catalog
Branson Sonic Power Co., Danbury, CT:
1963 Sonifier Plastics Welder
1964 Sonifer Ultrasonic Plastics Seamer
1970 Ultrasonic Soldering
1970 Ultrasonic Assembly
1970s Ultrasonics Products Sheets
1970s Ultrasonic Spot Welding
Brasseler USA, Inc., Savannah, GA: 1986, Dental Rotary Instruments
Braun (see H. Braun Tool and Instrument Co.)
Brinkmann Instruments:
1972 Sartorius Top-Loading Balances
1982 Price List (2)
1984 Eppendorf Micro Centrifuges
1998 New Brinkmann Laboratory Products
2001 Eppendorf Research ™ pro Electronic Pipettes: Hands on Favorite
2002 Brinkmann BioSystems Laboratory Products and Applications
undated Eppendorf Push-Button Microliter Pipets with Disposable Tips
undated Lauda Constant Temperature Baths & Circulators Bruker, FT-EPR Spectrometers, ESP 380 E
Bristol Motor Division, Old Saybrook, CT:
1957 Bristol Series 444: King of Torque!
1957 Repeat Cycle Timer Series RCT-100
1957 Push-Button Type Fixed Interval Timer Series PB
1957 Low Speed Motors Series S-200
1957 High Torque Reversible Synchronous Motor Series 430
1957 Time Delay Relay Series TDR-100
1957 Dual-Speed Unit Series DSU-100
1957 High Torque Reversible Synchronous Motor Series 830
1957 Elapsed Time Indicators
1957 The New Bristol Clutch Motor Model CM
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Stoughton, MA:
1960s Synchro-lectric Viscometer
1963 The World’s Standard for Viscosity Measurement Brochure
undated, The Brookfield Counter-Rotating Mixer
Brooks Instrument: 1998, Product Information Catalog
Brooks & Perkins, Inc., Detroit, MI: 1950s, Beryllium Products
Brownell Electro, Cambridge, MA: 1975, Catalog
Bruker Magnetics Inc., Burlington, MA:
1974 Bruker Report
Undated MiniSpec P-20: Automated Miniature Pulsed NMR Spectrometer
Undated MiniSpec P-20 Application Note
Undated EPR for the Frugal Visionary, EMX Series
Brush Beryllium Co., Cleveland, OH:
1950s The Atom of Beryllium
1954-55 Typical Analyses and Prices
Brush Wellman, Inc., Cleveland, OH:
1984 Wrought Beryllium Copper
1985 Data Sheet: Beryllium Nickel Strip Alloy 360
1985 Brushform 290
1988 Ad: Excellence in engineered materials; Brush Wellman beryllium copper alloys
Undated Brush Alloy 174
Undated Beryllium Copper: Promise Fulfilled
Undated Beryllium Copper for Highly Demanding Applications
Undated Brush Beryllium Copper Alloy 3
Buchi, New Castle, DE:
2010 Multivapor
2013 Vacuum Solutions
2013 Laboratory Equipment Product Overview
2013 Preparative Chromatography
2013 Encapsulator B-390/B-395 Pro
Buchler Instruments:
1965 Condensed Catalog
1970 Auto Densi-Flow
1972 Catalog
1973 Metering Pumps
1975 Metering Pumps
1977 Metering Pumps
Undated Buchler Density Gradient System Preliminary Bulletin
Bulb Direct:
1997 Catalog
1998 Catalog
Bulbtronics, Farmingdale, NY:
1990s Ultraviolet Lamps
1990s Centrifuge Motor Brushes
1990s Visible Source Lamps for Analyzers, Diagnostic Equipment & Related Applications
1990s HBO Short Arc Mercury Lamps
1990s XBO Short Arc Xenon Lamps
1990s Deuterium & Other UV Light Sources for Spectroscopy UV Analytical Equipment, etc.
1990s Replacement Lamps for Microscopes
1990s Replacement Bulbs for Audio Visual, Photographic, Micrographic, Stage, Studio, TV and Video Applications
1990s Hand-Held Blacklight
1990s The Laser Pointer
1990s Miniature Lamps Domestic & Foreign
Bunting Magnetics Co., Newton, KS:
1970 Bunting Magnets
1982 Magnetic Production and Maintenance Aids
1983 Prices
1983 Flexible Permanent Magnetic Strip
1986 Bunting Advanced Magnetic Materials
1986 Bunting Cylindrical Permanent Magnetic 3-Pole Assemblies
Bunton Instrument Co., Rockville, MD:
1973 Microscope Maintenance Supplies
1973 Special Accessories for Microscopy
Burdick & Jackson Laboratories Inc.: 1966, Distilled-in-Glass Solvents
Cajon: 1977, Pipe Fitting, Weld Fittings, Conversion Fittings & Hose Connectors
Calbiochem-Behring, San Diego, CA: 1983, Biologics Vol. 8, No. 4
California Laboratory Equipment Co., Oakland, CA: Undated, Model C Evaporaor
Caliber ID, Rochester, NY:
2014 Vivascope 3000
2014 Vivascope 2500
2014 Vivascope 1500 Multilaser
California Laboratory Equipment Co., Oakland, CA: Undated, Model C Evaporaor
Caltag Laboratories, Burlingame, CA:
Undated Fix & Perm ® Applications Guide to Intracellular Flow Cytometry
2002 Catalog
Caltron Industries, Berkeley, CA: undated, Introducing Miniature Wires & Cables for Research Labs
Cambridge Instrument Co., Cambridge, England:
1930 Galvanometers, List No. 167
1957 Galvanometers
Undated The Cambridge Huxley Ultra-microtome
Cambridge Research and Instrumentation, Inc.: 1987, Laser Intensity Stabilizers
Cambridge Systems, Inc., Newton, MA:
Undated General Catalog: Humidity Instrumentation for Aerospace and Industry
Undated Application/Engineering Data Bulletin No. 1 Basic Humidity Relationships
Canal Industrial Corp. (CANALCO), Rockville, MD:
Undated Automatic Fraction Collector/U.V. Flow Analyzer
Undated Grating Monochromator for UV and Visible with Rapid-scan Feature
Canberra: 1981, Germanium Detectors
Canberra Nuclear, Meriden, CT:
Undated Edition Nine: Systems Supplement
Undated Edition Nine: Instruments Catalog
Canon: Undated, Model CNF 26 Motor-Tachometer
Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, NY:
1946 Fiberfrax Ceramic Fiber Forms for 2300 F
1957 Globar Types B, F and H Thermistors
1958 Kovar Alloy
1963 Prices: Boron Nitride Products
1963 Prices: Carborundum Hot Pressed Boron Nitride, Square Cross Section
1963 Prices: Positive Temperature Coefficient Thermistors
1964 Prices: Carborundum Hot Pressed Boron Nitride, Round
1965 Advanced Materials Technology
1966 Silicon Carbide Single Crystal Thermistor Probes
1960s Technical Data: Boron Nitride Powders: Mechanical & Refractory Properties
Undated Boron Nitride Fibers
Undated Silicon Carbide Whiskers
Undated Boron Nitride
Undated Boron Nitride Coating Products Information Sheet
Cardiassist Corp., Hoffman Estates, IL: 1980, External Counterpulsation for Cardiac Therapy
Cardiomedics, Inc., Torrance, CA: 1980s, Sequential External Counterpulsation for the Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease
Cargille Scientific, Cedar Grove, IL:
Undated Problems with Density? Will You Sink or Float? Density Liquids
Undated Data Sheet: Heavy Liquids
Undated Data Sheet: Sink Float Standards
Undated Data Sheet: Specialized and Selected Chemicals
Undated Data Sheet Selector
Carle Instruments, Inc., Fullerton, CA:
1969 Model 3000 Thermal Analysis System
1969 Volatility of High Boiling Organic Materials by a Flame Ionization Detection Method
1969 A New Thermal Analysis Instrument
Carl Zeiss:
1950s Hand Spectroscope (Zeiss Winkel)
1965 Instruments for Photogrammetry and Photo Interpretation
1968 Phase Contrast and Interference Contrast
1973 Price List: Standard Microscope KK-M
1973 Price List: Phase Contrast and Interference Contrast Equipment
1977 Microscopes and Accessories
1979 Polarizing Microscopes
1980 Invertoscope D Price List
2000 Axiovert 200: The New Standard in Inverted Microscopy
2005 When Was the Last Time You Saw Something for the First Time?: FluoresScience
2005 AxioCam HS: Fast, Precise, Live
2005 LSM 5 DUO and LSM DuoScan Laser Scanning Microscope Workstations
2008 Biomedical MicroImaging Newsletter
2009 MicroImaging Newsletter-September
2013 Newsletter for Life Sciences, #1
2017 Zeiss Celldiscoverer 7
2017 Zeiss LSM 880 with Airyscan
2017 3D Imaging Sytems
Undated EM 9 S-2 Electron Microscope
Undated Microscope for Depth Measurement
Undated Standard GFL Microscopes
Undated Nomarski Differential Interference Contrast
Undated Equipment for Reflected-Light Microscopy
Undated EPI-Technoscope
Undated Stereo-Microscope
Carolina Biological Supply Co., Elon College, NC: 1961/1962, The Carolina Order Manual for Biology and Chemistry Condensed from our 750-page Catalogue
Catalyst Research Corp., Baltimore, MD:
1975 Newsletter
1976 A History of the Development of the Lithium-Iodine Cell
Cathodeon Ltd., Cambridge, England: undated, Hollow Cathode Lamps for Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers
CBS Electronics, Lowell, MA:
1959 Bulletin E-337A-1: Krytron Trigger Tubes 7229, 7230, 7439, 7599, 7600, 7602
1959 Bulleting E-337A-2: Krytron Trigger Tubes 7440, 7441, 7595, 7596, 7597, 7598
1960 Photomultiplier Price List
1960 CL-1002 Photomultiplier
1960 7817 Photomultiplier
1961 New 5” Photomultiplier from CBS Laboratories
Cellecta: 2020, CRISPR-Cas: The Next Generation (filed in 10x)
Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA: 2006, Flow Cytometry and Intracellular Signaling
1950 Catalog J-150
Undated, Mechanical Vacuum Pumps
Century Engineering Corp., Cedar Rapids, Iowa: c. 1939, Model J Floating Flame Furnace
Cerac Inc., Milwaukee, WI: 1987, Rare Inorganic Chemicals
Ceramaseal Inc., New Lebanon Center, NY:
1960 Sapphire-To-Metal Seals
1960 Ceramaseal Sapphire to Metal Seals
Ceramics International Corp., Mahwah, NJ:
1964 High Temperature, High Reliability Sapphire-to-Metal Windows Off the Shelf
1964 Standard Sapphire Windows Available for Optical System
1964 Sapphire-to-Metal Windows for Critical Applications
Ceranco (see Rancocas Ceramics Co.)
Cerro Corp., New York, NY: 1962, Glass to Glass and Glass to Metal Joints
C.F. Palmer, London: 1934, C.F. Palmer Research and Students Apparatus
CG Life Sciences, Vineland, NJ:
2014 New Life Science Products (Fall edition)
2014 Life Science Products
2014 Cell & Tissue Culture
Chatman Controls Corp., Chatham, NJ:
1958 Miniature and Subminiature Thermostats
1960 Announcing a New Series of Insulated Thermostats
Chemalloy Electronics Inc.:
Undated Improved Fluxless Aluminum Solder and Welding Rod
Undated Fluxless Aluminum Solder
Chemapec Inc., Hoboken, NJ: 1971, Chemapec Pec Fermentor Systems
Chem-Service: Undated, Pesticides Catalog No. 82
Chemical Dynamics Corp.: 1980, Chemalog Hi-lites, Vol. 4, No. 1
Chemical Rubber Co., Cleveland, OH:
1936 Catalog D of Chemical Laboratory Apparatus
1960s CRC “Vari-Cal” Immersion Unit
Chemionics Corp., Tallmadge, OH: 1988, Natural and Conductive Latex Sheets
Chomerics, Inc., Cambridge, MA: undated, Conductive Epoxy Guide
Chrislin Industries, Inc., Westlake Village, CA:
1995 1 Gigabyte Memory Module VME/VSB/VME64
1995 32 MB to 512 MB High-Speed VME, VSB, VME64, Parity memory
1995 40 MB per second non-volatile high-speed VME memory
1995 4 MB to 64 MB high-speed parity memory
1995 32 MB to 1 gigabyte high-speed VME parity memory VMEbus, VME, VME64
1995 Memory Products Summary
Clairex Corp., New York, New York:
1954 Introducing the Clairex Crystal Photocell Type CL-1
1959 Photocells for TV
1959 Using Photoconductive Cells
1960s Clairex Photoconductive Cells: Series in Glass
1960 Photocells Open Up New Applications
1960 Progress Report on Light-Sensitive Cells
1962 Price List for Standard Photocells
1962 Clairex Photocells in Space!
1962 IRE Special Bulletin: Clairex Now Offers 5 Series
1963 Catalog: Photoconductive Cells
1964 Photoconductive Cells
Undated Crystal Photocell Type CL-2
Undated Clairex Crystal Photocell Type CL-3
Undated EDN Design Data Photometry Nomograph
Clarke Power Products, Inc., Bowling Green, OH: undated, Plasma Cutters
Clausing, Kalamazoo, MI:
1969 Catalog
Undated, Machine Tools brochure
Clay Adams, New York, NY:
1966 Instruments for Micro-Dissection and Micro-Surgery, Experimental and Animal Surgery
Undated Micropet Disposable Lambda Pipette
Undated Ivalon Surgical Sponge
Cleveland Dental Mfg. Co.: 1949, Catalog
Clevite Corp., Cleveland, OH:
1962 Modern Piezoelectric Ceramics
Undated Piezoelectricity Today
Undated Piezoelectric High Voltage Generators
Clifton Standard Hydraulic Press Co., 1978, Series H 10-75 Ton Strain Rod Hydraulic Presses
Clifton Technical Physics, Wanamassa, NJ: undated, Kalber Direct Reading Biological Cryostat
Clinical Perfusion Associates, Inc., Timonium, MD:
1960s Clinical Perfusion Associates Present…
1963 Perfusion Systems of the Highest Reliability and Performance
Clontech, Palo Alto: 1999, Advantage ® PCR Enzyme Systems
Cober Electronics Inc.:
Undated If You’re Thinking of Going Microwave
Undated Series SCCD Industrial Microwave Oven
Undated Microwave Generators for Industrial and Laboratory Heating Applications
Undated Microwave Rubber Processing Systems
Coleman Engineering Co. Inc.:
1968 Beattie-Coleman Oscillotron Oscilloscope Cameras
1968 Oscillotron Camera, Model MII-911
Cole-Parmer, Chicago, IL:
1971 Micrometer and Digital Dispensers
1984 Pump Applications Guide
1987 Thermometry
1998 Fittings, Tubing, Valves
1998 Electrochemistry
2000 Catalog
2001 Catalog
Undated Plastic Ware Chemical Resistance Chart
Collaborative Research Inc., Bedford, MA: 1988, Basement Membrane Matrigel
The Colson Corporation, Elyria, OH: 1960s, The Model 110 Automatic Blood Pressure Recorder
Comet Industries, Bensenville, IL:
1960s Comet Lab-Master
1964 Comet Meteor Automatic
1965 Select the Comet to Meet Your Need
Commonwealth Technology Inc.:
1990 Differential Stopped-Flow Microcalorimeter, Model DSFC-100, (see 94.0022.012.00)
Undated Berger-Thibault Differential Thermal Titration Apparatus Model DTTA-100
Compact Technik:
1988 The Automat Basic Construction Kit 2000
1990 Retail Prices Automat Prototype Kits
1990s Modeling with Mechanical Breadboards
1990s Automat 3000 Construction Kit System
Composite Rotor, Inc., Mountain View, CA: Undated, Composite Rotors
Computer Boards, Inc., Mansfield, MA: Undated, Compatible I/O Series CIO-AD16/50k and /100k
Comstock Inc: 1980s, Optical Heat-Pipes, Model HP-801, HP-802
Connecticut Instrument Corp. (CIC), Wilton, CT: 1961, Newsletter No. 14, Attenuated Total Relection --- A New Infrared Sampling Technique
Consolidated Astronautics, Hauppauge, NY: 1975, Product and Price List
Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., (CEC), Pasadena, CA:
1956 Type 4-340 Dynamic Pressure Pickup
1956 Pressures
Consolidated Engineering Corp. (CEC), Pasadena, CA: 1952 ,The CEC Bi-Directional Stepping Switch and Digital Servo Motor
Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. of Canada, Montreal, Canada: 1952, the Metal Indium
Consolidated Reactive Metals, Inc., Mamaroneck, NY: 1960, Fine Wire
Continental Electric Co., Geneva, IL:
1946 Cetron Phototubes with Blue Sensitive Surface Type CE-60
1946 Cetron Phototubes with Red Sensitive Surface Type CD-58
1950s Cetron Lead Sulfide Cells Technical Brochure
1950s Cetron Lead Sulfide Cells Circuits
1951 Cetron Lead Sulfide Cells
1951 Cetron Lead Sulfide Cells Technical Information
Continental Lab Products, San Diego, CA: 2000s, Tools for Molecular Biology
Control Products Inc. (CPI), East Hanover, NJ:
1979 Snap-Stat Thermal Switches
1979 Switches, Temperature Controllers, Mounting Brackets
Undated Type M-1 and M-2 Thermal Switches
Cooke Inc., Bloomington, IN: Undated, Needle & Catheter Reference Chart
Cooner Sales Co., Chatsworth, CA:
1973 Wires and Cables
Undated Samples of CZ-1215-1, CZ-1174, and AS-632 wire
Cooperheat, Rahway, NJ: undated, Clandon Metascop On-the-spot Metal Identification
Cordis Corp., Miami, FL:
1992 Cordis Reflex Steerable Guidewires
1992 Cordis in Miami
Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Buffalo, NY:1959, Research Trends, Vol.VII, 3
Corning, Acton, MA and Corning, NY:
1985 BNC Electrodes
2000 Equipment & Scientific Instruments
2003 Life Sciences Research Tools
2003 Cell Culture Selection Guide
2003 Microplate Selection Guide
2003 96 Well Half Area Microplates
2003 Equipment Guide
2003 Genomics Selection Guide
2003 Cryogenic Vials
2003 Glass & Equipment (plus Supplement)
2005 Life Sciences Selection Guide
2012 Closed System Solutions
2013 Stem Cell Research
2013 Bottlemania!
2017 Break the 3D Barrier: Corning 3D Cell Culture
Undated, The Fleaker
Corning Glass Works, Corning, NY:
1948 Glass Color Filters
1948 Glass Color Filters
1950s Vycor Industrial Glassware Bulletin No. B-91
1957 New Developments in Corning Fotoform Glass
1958 Product Information: Fused Silica #7940 Data Sheet
1958 Industrial Filters
1959 New Corning Lime and Pyrex Borosilicate Tubing and Rod
1959 Vycor Industrial Glassware Bulleting B-91 (different from below)
1960 Glass Color Filters Bulletin CF-1
1960 Supplement to Catalog: Neutral Density Filter
1960 Supplement to Catalog: A New Glass for Calibrating Spectrophotometers
1960 Glass Color Filter Price List
1962 Glass Color Filters Catalog
1963 Glass Color Filter Price List
1963 New Literature: Glass Color Filters
1965 Glass Color Filters Price List
1967 Porous Glass Adsorbent for Thin-Layer Chromatography
1967 Glass Color Filters Price List
1971 Vycor Brand Glass No. 7906, 7913 Prices
1971 Vycor: No. 7906: High Temperature Optical Glasses
1971 Vycor: No. 7913: High Temperature Optical Glasses
1971 Fused Silica, Code 7940 Prices
1971 Fused Silica No. 7940 High Temperature Optical Glasses
1971 ULE Titanium Silicate Code 7971 Prices
1972 ULE Titanium Silicate, Code 7971 High Temperature Optical Glasses
1972 Corning Basic Medical Fluidikit
1974 Machinable Glass-Ceramic Product Information Sheet
1970s Macor Machinable Glass-Ceramic Machining Instructions
1975 Ad: Machinable Glass? You’ve Got to be Kidding!
1975 Macor Machinable Glass-Ceramic Product Information
1975 Machinable Glass-Ceramic Price
1982 Ad: New Fotoform +/- .0001 in. Precision!
1985 Fotoceram Precision Substrates Product Information
1986 Fotoform Fotoceram Precision Photosensitive Glass Materials
1990 Specialty Glass and Glass Ceramic Materials
1990 Pyrex Glass Code 7740
Undated Glass in Electronics…Limited Only by Imagination
Undated Machinable Glass-Ceramic
Undated Machinable Glass-Ceramic Prices
Undated Fotoform Fotoceram
Undated Fotoform Fotoceram Products: Unique Photosensitive Glass Materials
Undated Pyroceram Brand Low-Temperature Thermal Setting Cement Information
Undated Pyroceram: Progress Report 1
Undated Pyrex “Double-Tough” Glass Pipe and Fittings
Undated Fixed Glass Capacitors
Undated Medium-Power Transmitting Capacitors
Undated Film Type Resistors Style N
Undated High Power Resistors
Undated E-C Resistors H-Style
Undated Water-Cooled Resistors
Undated Film Type Resistors Style S
Undated Metallized Glass Inductances
Undated Metallized Glass Rectifier Tubes
Undated Fused Silica
Undated Metallized Glass Instrument Windows
Undated Fotoform and Fotoceram
Undated Glass to Metal Seals
Undated Attenuator Plates
Undated Soldering Metal Caps on Ends of Metallized Glass Tubes
Undated Midget Trimmer Capacitors Direct Traverse Type
Undated Midget Rotary Trimmer Capacitors
Undated Ultrasonic Delay Lines
Undated Macor Machinable Glass-Ceramic Code 9658: Capabilities Bulletin
Undated Glass….Color Filters
Corning Inc., Tewksbury, MA: 2017, Break the 3D Barrier: Corning 3D Cell Culture
Coulbourn Instruments, Whitehall, PA: 2014, Behavioral Research
Coulter Electronics, Inc., Cranford, NJ: Undated, Preliminary Information on the Model 550 Clean Room Monitor
Crawford Fitting Co.: 1977, Sno-Trik Tube Fittings & Valves for High Pressure
C.R. Bard Inc., Billerica, MA:
1991 PET: Performance Balloon Material
1991 Probe III: Balloon-on-a-Wire Dilatation System with 2.5 cm Flex Tip
1991 Force 20, 30, 40: Balloon Dilatation Cathether with Pro/Pel Coating
1991 Silk Guide Wire with Continu-Core Design
1991 Phantom Guide Wire with Gold Tip Control
Crucible Steel Company of America, Pittsburgh, PA:
1955 Ferrimag 1
1961 The Manufacture and Characteristics of Cast Alnico
1963 Permanent Magnet Alloys
1963 Magnetization and Demagnetization
Cryogenic Rare Gas, Hanahan, SC: undated, Catalog 85, Cryogenic Rare Gas
Cryo-Med, Washington, DC: 1978, Price List
Curtin Matheson Scientific: 1973, Balance Selector Guide
Curtin Scientific Co., Rockville, MD: Undated, Thelco Ovens and Incubators
Custom Scientific Instruments, Inc., Whippany, NJ: 1980, Fiber Breaking Machine, Model CS-2
Dagan Corp., Minneapolis, MN: 1988, The Neurotransmitter Newsletter
Daigger, Vernon Hills, IL: 2012, Lab Equipment and Supplies
Dake Corp., Grand Haven, MI: 1979, Dake Laboratory Presses
Damon Corp.: 1974, IEC Bench Top Centrifuges
Daniels Plating Barrel & Supply Co., Newark, NJ: Undated, Daniels Plating Barrels Catalog
Data Spectrum Corp., Chapel Hill, NC:
Undated The Future of Nuclear Medicine: The Spect Phantom
Undated Hollow Spheres Model 6060
Undated Line Fixture Model 1800
Undated Plate Insert Model 2020
Undated Elliptical Phantom Model 2230
Undated Slice Thickness Phantom Model 3600
Undated Benchmark 7000 Phantom
Undated Fillable Cardiac Defect Set Model 7474/Cardiac Insert Model 7070
Undated Triple Line Insert Model DSC-7500
Undated Hoffman Brain Phantom Model 8080
Undated Hot Spot Insert Model 5001
Undated MRI Phantom Set MRI/DLX-1
Undated Three-Dimensional Hoffman Brain Phantom Model 9000
Data Translation:
1977 Microcomputer Analog I/O Systems, Data Acquisition Modules, Dual D/A Converter-Point Plotter, DC-DC Converters
1977 Analog I/O Systems for Intel uC SBC 80 Series or MDS-800
Datel Systems Inc.:
1975 Digital-to-Analog Converter Model DAC-HR Series
1977 High Resolution Analog-to-Digital Converter Model ADC-149
1977 High Performance Instrumentation Amplifiers AM-201 Series
DBio, College Park, MD:
2013 Refrigerators and Freezers
2013 Luna Second Generation Automated Cell Counter
2013 Luna-FL [fluorescent] The Ultimate Automated Cell Counter
DCC Corp., Pennsauken, NJ:
Undated TempTrak 8 Channel Display Monitor with Printer Drive Output
Undated Hot Spot TC Welder brochure
Undated Hot Spot Portable Thermocouple Welder
Undated Hot Spot Price List
Undated Sensing Temperature
Decker Corp., Bala-Cynwyd, PA:
1962 Decker 600 True Mass Flowmeter
Undated Transmitting Data by Light Modulation
Del-Tron Precision, Inc., Bethel, CT: 1994, Precision Linear Motion
DeNovix, Wilmington, DE:
2019 CellDrop: Count Cells Without Slides
2022 DS-11 Series Spectrophotometer/Fluorometer
Densitron Corp., Camden, SC: 1990, New Push/Pull Solenoid Product Family
Denville Scientific Inc., South Plainfield, NJ:
2013 Molecular Biology Products
2014 Denville Scientific Equipment
Design Components Inc. (DCI), Franklin, MA: 1994, Positioning Controls & Motor Drives
Detroit Coil Co.: Undated, A.C. Solenoids
Develco Inc., Mountain View, CA:
1971 Superconducting Instruments Prices
1972 Digital Magnetometer Electronic Console Model 8140
1972 Analog Magnetometer Electronic Console Model 8130
1972 RF Amplifier Model 8110
1972 Superconducting Magnetometer Probe Model 8210
1972 Superinsulated Fiberglass Cryostat Model 8320
1972 Aluminum and Fiberglass Cryostat Model 8330
1972 Superconducting Magnetic Shield Model 8340
1972 Josephson Junction Electronic Analog Model 8601
1972 Price List
Undated Superconducting Magnetometer for Ultrasensitive Magnetic Measurements, Model 8103
Undated Superconducting Magnetic Shields… Model 8511, 8512, 8513, 8514
Undated Application Note: Model 8401 Superconducting Gradiometer
Undated Superconducting Magnetic Test . Models 8721, 8722, 8723, 8724
Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (DSHB) [NICHD], University of Iowa: 1999, Product Catalogue
Diagnostica Stago, Inc.: 2000, Hemostasis Products: Reference Guide for the Coagulation Laboratory
Dixon Medical Products, Thornton, PA: Undated, Price List
D-M-E Corp., Detroit, MI: 1962, DME News
Don-Lan Electronics, Inc., Santa Monica, CA: undated, Miniature “Radial” Double Stub Tuner, Model S-200
Doric Scientific Corp.: Undated, Integrating Digital Microvoltmeter with Transducer Conditioning for Physical and Scientific Measurement
Dosimeter Corp. (DCA), Cincinnati, OH: 1991, Radiation Detection Instruments
Doughboy Industries, Inc. New Richmond, WI: 1950s, Cardiac Resuscitation Kit
Dow Corning Corp., Midland, MI:
1956 Silicone Lubricants Give Long-Life Service
1959 Optical Silicon for Infrared Detection
1959 Price Announcement: Silastic RTV 502 and 502 Catalyst
1959 Price Announcement: Silastic RTV 501 and 501 Catalyst A
1960 Price Announcement: Silastic RTV 521
1960 Price Announcement: Silastic RTV 503 and Catalyst 503
1960 Price Announcement: Silastic RTV 731
1960 Silastic RTV 731
1961 Greater Versatility in Design and Production
1961 Price Information Silastic RTVs
1961 Price Information Silastic RTV 731
1962 Price Information Silastic RTV 588
1962 Guide to Silastic RTV
1962 Viscosity-Temperature Data and Blending Chart for 200 and 210 Fluids
1962 Silicone Fluids
1962 302 Molding Compound
1962 Sylgard-182
1962 Sylgard 182 Resin
1964 For Fast, Effective Control of Foam
1965 A Selection Guide to Electronic Materials
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: Silastic 50
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: Silastic 52
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 80
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 82
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 8-164
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 132
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Fluorocilicone Adhesives 142
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 432 Base
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 433 Base
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 740 Base
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-2000
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-6538
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-2229 Softener
1965 Information about Silastic RTV Silicone Rubber: 731
1965 Engineering with Silastic Silicone Rubber
1966 SCD Streaming Current Detector
1966 Guide to Prices
1966 Manufacturers of Parts Made from Silastic Silicone Rubber
1967 New Selection Guide for Silastic Silicone Rubber
1967 Fluid Resistance of Silastic Silicone Rubber
1967 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 35U
1967 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 75U
1967 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 1125U
1967 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-422 Base
1967 Information about Electronic Materials: 630 Protective Coating
1967 Information about Silicone Release Materials: 236 Dispersion
1967 Information about Silicone Cosmetic Materials: F-157 Wax
1967 Selection Guide to Lubricants
1968 3140 RTV Coating and 3145 RTV Adhesive/Sealant
1968 732 RTV Silicone Rubber
1968 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-53U
1968 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-63U
1968 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-2311U
1968 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-2249U
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 55U
1968 Fabricating with Silastic Rubber
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber
1968 Compounding with Silastic Gums and Bases
1968 Aerospace Materials: 93-072 RTV Silicone Rubber
1968 Information about Silastic RTV Adhesive/Sealant
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 152
1968 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-420 Gum
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 430 Gum
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 445 Base
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 651
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 955U
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 6-127, 6-128
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-6508
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 6526
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-6535
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-6587
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-9711
1968 Selection Guide to Molykote Solid Film Lubricants
1969 Selection Guide to Silastic RTV Silicone Rubbers
1969 732 RTV Adhesive/Sealant
1969 Silicone Adhesive/Sealants
1969 Silicone Release Agents Speed Production, Cut Costs in the Rubber Industry
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 675
1969 Electrical/Electronic Materials: 122, 123, 125 Silastic
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 745U, 746U, 747U, 748U
1969 Information about Silicone Rubber: 133A-U Dispersion
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 241U
1969 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Adhesives
1969 Information about Fluorosilicone Primers
1969 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-2332U
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 434 Base
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 435 Base
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 436 Base
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 437 Base
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-2067, S-2068
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-2096U, S-2097U
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-2351U
1969 Selection Guide to Maintenance Lubricants
1970s Know Your Silicone Products Summary Product Booklet
1970s Dow Corning Electrical/Electronic Materials Line Card
1970 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: Guide to Silicone Rubber Specifications
1970 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 432 Base
1970 Information about Silicone Adhesives: A-4000 Adhesive
1970 A-4000 Adhesive and Catalyst A-4000 Price Information
1970 Engineering with Silastic Silicone Rubber
1970s Know Your Silicone Products Summary Product Booklet
1970s Dow Corning Electrical/Electronic Materials Line Card
1970 Selection Guide to Electrical/Electronic Materials
1971 Information about Silicone Fluids
1971 Information about Silicone Adhesives: A-4000 Adhesive
1972 Information about Silicone Rubber
1972 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 4600
1972 Priming Systems for Bonding Silastic 4600 to Metals and Fabrics
1973 A Guide to Dow Corning Products
1973 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber
1974 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 4655
1974 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 4600, 4671, 4671 B & C
1974 Information about Electrical/Electronic Materials: Sylgard 182, 183, 184 and 185 Resins for Potting and Encapsulating
1975 Government Buyer’s Guide to Silicones
1976 Information about Silicone Fluids: 200 Fluid
1977 Information about Fluorosilicone Elastomers: 733 RTV Fluorosilicone Sealant
1977 New Product Information: Q7-2213 Silicone Dispersion
1977 New Product Information: Q7-2218 Silicone Gel System
1979 Information about Silastic Silicone Elastomers
1979 Q7-4290 Prosthetic Foam
1980 Liquid Polymer System
1981 Information about Fluorosilicone Elastomers
1981 Silastic Medical-Grade Elastomers
1981 Silastic Q7-4840 A/B Medical Grade LSR
1981 Information about Fluorosilicone Elastomers
1982 Product Bulletin: Diacyl Peroxides
1983 Silastic Silicone Rubber
1983 A Guide to Designing Molds for Silastic Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Information about HIgh Technology Silicone Materials Silastic 739 RTV Plastic Adhesive
1984 Information about HIgh Technology Silicone Materials Silastic HS RTV HIgh Strength Moldmaking Silicone Rubber
1984 SCS Guide to Silicone Rubber Specifications
1984 Silastic 599 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Silastic 598 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Silastic 595 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Silastic 596 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Silastic 590 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Silastic 591 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Information about HIgh Technology Silicone Materials Silastic 739 RTV Plastic Adhesive
1984 Information about HIgh Technology Silicone Materials Silastic HS RTV HIgh Strength Moldmaking Silicone Rubber
1984 SCS Guide to Silicone Rubber Specifications
1987 Bio-PSA Q7-2920 Medical Grade Silicone Adhesive
1991 Information about High Technology Products: T RTV
1992 New Product Information: M RTV
1993 New Product Information: K RTV
Undated Working with Silastic Silicone Rubber: 1620 Dispersion
Undated Silicones for Medical Devices
Driver-Harris Co., Harrison, NJ: 1956, Glass-Sealing Alloys
D&R Plastic Welders, Inc., Hazardville, CT: 1959, Catalog
Drummond: Undated, Microcaps
Dukane Corp., St. Charles, IN:
Undated 1600 Watt Solid State Heavy Duty Ultrasonic System Model 48A155
Undated 800 Watt Solid State Ultrasonic System Model 48A110
Undated 400 Watt Solid State Ultrasonic System Model 48A105
Undated 200 Watt, Ultrasonic System 48A42
Undated 800 Watt Solid State Ultrasonic System Model 48A120
Undated A Faster Assembly
Duke Scientific Corp., Palo Alto, CA:
1979 Price List
1980 Bulletin 82 Research Microparticles
1980 Asbestos Reference Fibers Bulletin 33B
1980 High Purity Photochemical Standard Bulletin 39B
1980 Analytical Reference Particles Bulletin 81
Dumont Laboratories, Passaic, NJ: (see also Fairchild)
1959 Multiplier Phototube Type K1578 Tentative
1960 Multiplier Phototube Type 7664
1960 Price List (January and August)
1960s Multiplier Phototubes
Du Pont, Wilmington, DE:
1955 Teflon Tetrafluoroethylene Resin
1956 Mylar… A High-Strength Film (Product Engineering)
1956 Information Bulletin: Zytel 61 Soluble Nylon Resin
1958 Zytel Nylon Resin Molding Powders
1958 Delrin Acetal Resin
1959 Information Bulletin Teflon TFE-Fluorocarbon Resins Safety Precautions
1960s Introducing “Delrin” AF Fiber/Resin for Bearing Applications
1966 New Design Concepts with Crofon Light Guides
1973 Hytrel Polyester Elastomers
1974 Conductive Silver Compositions Data Sheet C-9
1976 Nafion Perfluorosulfonic Acid Products
1978 Hytrel Polyester Elastomer: Design and Processing Features
1978 The Many Handiworks of Hytrel
1981 Nafion Perfluorinated Membranes Price List
1981 Price List Sorvall Omni-Mixer
Undated Engineering Facts about Bearings of Teflon TFE-Fluorocarbon Fiber
Undated Teflon TFE-Fluorocarbon Resins: How to Use
Undated Need More Input: Get the Teflon Coatings Evaluator
Undated Teflon from DuPont
Undated Lucite SAR
Undated Bulletin M-1J Mylar Polyester Film Summary of Properties
Undated Bulletin M-1J Mylar Polyester Film Summary of Properties
Undated Bulletin M-2D Mylar Polyester Film Physical-Thermal Properties
Undated Bulletin M-2D Mylar Polyester Film Physical-Thermal Properties
Undated Teflon XC Fluorocarbon Film
Undated Teflon XC Fluorocarbon Film
Undated Surlyn A Ionomer Resin
Du Pont Instruments/Sorvall:
1982 Sorvall GLC-2B General Laboratory Centrifuge
1982 Sorvall Biomedical Products Catalog and Price List
Undated Centrifuges, Microtomes, and Laboratory Instruments
Undated Sorvall ® RC-5C and RC-5B Superspeed Refrigerated Centrifuges
Duracell Inc., Bethel, CT:
1986 Duracell Primary Battery Systems
1986 Duracell Specification Summary
1986 Zinc/Air Battery Chemistry Delivers
Duramic Products Inc., Palisades Park, NJ:
1985 Macor Corning Machinable Glass Ceramic
1985 Price List
Durrum Instrument Corp.:
1965 Gibson Stopped-Flow Spectrophotometer Price List
1965 Gibson Stopped-Flow Spectrophotometer
1970s Rapid Kinetics Spectrophotometer Systems Series D-100
1970s Temperature-Jump Instrumentation
1970s Stopped-Flow Instrumentation
1970s Stopped-Flow Spectrophotometer
1970s Stopped-Flow Fluorescence and Light Scattering
1970s Multi-Mixing Systems Models D-132, D-133, D-134
1976 Durrum Flarefit Chromatography Fittings
1977 Durrum Rapid Kinetics Systems
Durst: Undated, Enlargers
Dynac Corp., Portland, ME:
Undated Model M-301 Automatic Particle Monitor
Undated New Portable M-201B Automatic Particle Monito
Dynal Inc., Success, NY: 1995, Biomagnetic Separation Products
Dynamit Nobel Chemicals, Oberlar, Germany:
1979 Trogamid T: A Versatile Material for the Most Up-to-date Technology
Undated Ad: If…Trogamid T Clear Nylon
Undated Ad: Trogamid T: The Transparent Polyamide for Industrial Application
Dynex Technologies, Inc., Chantilly, VA: Undated, Catalog 5: The Leading Light in Microtiter ® Technology
Ealing Corp., Cambridge, MA: undated, Spectroscopes, Spectrometers, Spectral Sources
Eastman Kodak:
1945 Materials for Spectrum Analysis
1954 Prices Kodak Photographic Materials and Light Filters
1955 Half-Second Butyrate
1958 You're the Director
1959 Organic Chemical Bulletin: Vol. 31, No. 2: Chemical Applications of NMR Spectroscopy
1959 8m Automatic Brownie Movie & Cine Cameras
1960 Iodak Ektron Detectors for the Infrared
1960s Infrared Interference Filters
1961 Data Sheet: Infrared Lens IR-100
1961 Data Sheet: Infrared Lens IR-200
1961 Data Sheet: Infrared Lens IR-201
1961 Data Sheet: Infrared Lens IR-301
1961 Data Sheet: Irtran-1 Infrared Optical Material
1961 Price List Irtran-1 and Irtran-2
1961 Data Sheet: Irtran-2 Infrared Optical Material
1961 Data Sheet: Irtran-2 Lenses Price List
1961 Kodak Far Infrared Filters
1965 Kodak Materials for Pictorial Holograms
1969 Black-and-White Films in Rolls
1969 Kodak Color Dataguide: Exposing, Printing, Processing
1973 Liquid Crystal Products
1973 Holographic Plate Type 120-02 & Holographic Film (ESTAR Base) S)-173
1973 Kodak Plates and Films for Scientific Photography
1974 Kodak Materials for Holography
1974 Prices for Kodak Products Useful in Holographic Applications
1975 Liquid Crystal Products
1976 Directory of Products & Services for Health Sciences HS-1
1979 Photographic Products
1983 Products for Special Biomedical-Imaging Applications
1985 GSA Federal Supply Service
1985 Products for Special Biomedical-Imaging Applications
1986 Black-and-White Papers, Films, and Chemicals
1987 Scientific Imaging Products
1990 Laboratory Chemicals
1992 Optical Products
1994/5 Biological Research and Imaging Products
Undated Kodak Optical Cements
Undated Kodak Reports On…
Eclipse Air Brush Co., Newark, NJ: Undated, G-6 Gun
Eclipse-Pioneer, Teterboro NJ: 1947, Pick-Up Tube
Edgerton, Germeshausen & Grier Inc. (EG&G):
1961 Price List
1961 Ceramic-Metal Hydrogen Thyratron 7322/1802
1961 Triggered Spark Gaps
1964 Triggered Spark Gaps
1964 Ceramic-Metal Thyratrons & Diodes
1964 Mark VI Mark VII Xenon Sensitometers
1965 SGD-444 Series Silicon Photodiodes Diffused Guard Ring Construction
1965 Application Notes SD-100 Photodiode
1965 SGD-444 Series Silicon Photodiodes Diffused Guard Ring Construction
1965 Linear Xenon Flashtubes
1970 Model 595 Standard of Spectral Irradiance 1000 Watt Quartz Halogen Lamp
1983 Product Summary Solid State Image Sensors
Undated Data Sheet 1000: Xenon Flashtubes
Undated Data Sheet FX-6A: Xenon Flash Tuber Model FX-6A
Undated High Efficiency Xenon Flash Tubes
Undated Xenon Flashtube FX-6A
Undated Xenon Flashtubes
Undated Supplement Xenon Flashtubes
Undated Ceramic-Metal Hydrogen Thyratrons 7322/1802, 7620/HY-1, 7621/HY-2
Undated Ceramic-Metal Hydogren Diodes HR-1, HR-2, HR-3
Undated Ceramic-Metal Hydrogen Thyratron 7621/HY-2
Undated Glass-Metal Triggered Spark Gap GP-11
Undated Ceramic-Metal Triggered Spark Gap GP-12
Undated Ceramic-Metal Triggered Spark Gap GP-14
Undated Ceramic-Metal Hydrogen Thyratron 7620/HY-1
Undated Type 2307 Double Flash Light Source
Undated Type 501 High Speed Stroboscope
Undated Flash Illuminator
Undated Microflash Electronic Flash Unit
Undated Mark VI Sensitometer: Best Approach…
Undated Mark VI Sensitometer: New Approach…
Undated Laser Stimulator System
Undated Rapatronic Camera Type 2208/ Teletronic Attachment Type 2214
Undated Underwater Photo Equipments
Undated Sonar Pinger
Undated Surface Sonar Thumper 230
Undated Radiation Research Dosimeter & Data Reduction Service
Undated Screamer Personnel Radiation Does Rate Monitor Prototype
Undated Milli-Mike Traveling Wave Oscilloscope 707|
Undated Milli-Mike Pulse Generator 751
Undated TR-35 Pulse Transformer
Undated Transformer and Power Supplies
Undated SD-100 Photodiode Fast Response Light Detector Operating in the Visible and Near Infrared Regions
Undated Model 502 Multiple Microflash
Edmund Optics, Barrington, NJ:
2003 Optics and Instruments Catalog
2009 Optics and Instruments Catalog
Edmund Scientific, Barrington, NJ:
1994 Optics, Science, and Education
Undated Diffraction Grating Replica
Undated Plastic Fiber Optics Light Guides Kit
EDP: 1983, Catalog
EG&G ORTEC, Oak Ridge, TN:
1982 Instruments for Research and Applied Sciences: Modular Electronics, Solid-State Radiation Detectors, Data Acquisition & Analysis Systems
1998 Price List
EG&G WALLAC, Finland: 1998, Easy Counters
E.H. Sargent & Co.:
Undated The Sargent Polarograph Model XXI
Undated Polarograph Model III
Undated Polarograph Acessories
Undated Sargent-Slomin Electrolytic Analyzer
Undated Sargent Model V Chemical Oscillometer
Undated Mettler Balances
E.I. du Pont de Nemous & Co. (see DuPont)
Eldex Laboratories Inc.:
1979 Universal Fraction Collector
1979 Preparative Fraction Collector
1980 Column Heaters
1982 Price List
1983 High Pressure Metering Pumps
1983 Microprocessor-Based Gradient & Systems Programmer
1983 Selector Valve
Undated Press Release for Pump Monitor
Eldorado Electronics Co., Berkeley, CA:
1959 Universal Photomultiplier Photometer Model ph-200
Undated Differential Photometer Model 210
Electrical Instrument Service, Inc., Mount Vernon, NY:
1975 Magnetic Testing Instruments Prices
1975 Magnetic Testing Instruments Catalog Section 8
Electrix Industries, Lombard, IL: 1979, Brittle Coating
Electro-Diagnostic Instruments (EDI), Burbank, CA:
1958 The Plethysmographic Peripheral Vascular Study
1973 Pneumo-Plethysmographic Instrumentation
1973 Detection and Simulation of Peripheral Occlusive Disease-J.K. Raines and R.C. Darling
1973 Segmental Plethysmograph SSP-1
1973 Dual Channel Pneumo Plethysmograph DPP-2
1973 Partial List of References for Pneumo-Plethysmography
Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc. (EMR), Princeton, NJ:
Undated Photo-Electro-Optical Products
Undated Technical Note: Spectral Response of Photocathodes
Electron Microscopy Sciences: 1998, Catalog XIII
Electronic Heating Equipment, Troy, NY: 1965, Catalog
Electronics for Life Sciences, Inc. (ELS), Rockville, MD:
1971 Stimulator/Differential Amplifier (ELS SA-1)
1971 Instrument Price List
1971 Amplifier (ELS A-4)
1971 Amplifier (ELS A-3)
1971 Amplifier (ELS A-2)
1971 Physiological Amplifiers
1972 Amplifier (ELS A-5) A Solid State Negative Capacitance Amplifier
1972 Differential Amplifier (ELS DA-1)
1972 Pulse Amplifier (ELS PA-2)
1973 Nanoamp Stimulator (ELS CS-3)
1974 Constant Current Stimulator (ELS CS-1)
1974 Bak Standard Wide Band Electrometer
1974 Instrument Price List
Undated BAK Standard Wide Band Electrometer (ELS A-1)
Electronic Wholesalers, Inc., Washington, DC:
Undated Twist-Prong Base Capacitors/Cross Reference Capacitor Size
Undated Sigma-OED Photoconductive Cells
Electro-Nucleonics, Inc., Fairfield, NJ: 1974, CPG-10 Controlled-Pore Glass
Electro-Optical Instruments, Inc., Monrovia, CA:
1960 Price List
1960 Model TG-100 Pulse Generator
1962 Kerr Cell Instrumentation Pulse Forming Networks
1978 Fluorescence Spectrometry with Optoelectronic Image Detectors
Undated Model KSC-51 Kerr Cell Camera
Undated Pulse Modulated Light Sources STU-92 LMS-90/B
Electro Optics Associates, Palo Alto, CA:
1965 Note on Cooled PM Operation
Undated PM-101 Cooled Photomultiplier Assembly
Undated PM-102 Coolable Photomultiplier Assembly
Electro-Pulse Inc., Culver City, CA:
1960 Price List
Undated Pulse Generating & Electronic Counting Instrumentation
Undated 3450C/Y Pulse Generator
Elion Instruments, Inc., Bristol, PA: 1960, Basic Introduction to Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption
Elkay, Shrewsbury, MA:
1981 Duo-Star pH Electrodes
Undated Acid Flexible Manifold Pump Tubing
Elmeco Engineering Inc., Rockville, MD: 2014 Leaflet
EMD Biosciences, Madison, WI:
2004 Novagen® Innovations
2004 Novagen & Calbiochem Sample Preparation: Tools for Protein Research
2012 Western Blotting Tools
2012 Protein Blotting Handbook
2014 Technical Resource and Product Guide: Essential Biochemicals for Research
2014 Sample Preparation Product Guide
EMD Millipore, Billerica, MA:
2012 Western Blotting Tools
2012 Protein Blotting Handbook
2014 Technical Resource and Product Guide: Essential Biochemicals for Research
2014 Sample Preparation Product Guide
2015 Guava easyCyte Sytems: Expanding the potential of Flow Cytometry
Emerald Diagnostics, Inc., Eugene, OR:
1990s OEM Services for the Diagnostics Industry
1990s Fluorescent Latex Microspheres for Research and Diagnostics Applications
1990s Mission Statement
1997 Emerald Diagnostics Inc. The Short Story
1998 Emerald Diagnostics: Specializing in Fine Particle and Diagnostics Technology
Emerson Apparatus Co., Melrose, MA: 1961, Ross Rubber Flexing Machine
Emerson & Cuming, Inc., Canton, MA: 1967, Eccocoat Coating, Resins, Epoxies and Others
EMI, Los Angeles, CA:
1974 Price List Photomultipliers, Photodiodes, and Accessories
Undated Photomultiplier Tube Catalog T-1
Undated Index of Preferred EMI Photomultiplier Types
Undated 9-Stage Side Window Photomultiplier Tubes
Emil Greiner Co.: 1958, Catalog 12th edition
EM Laboratories:
1972 Licristal: Liquid Crystals
1972 Licristal Liquid Crystals
1972 Licristal Nematic Phases
1972 Licristal Current Information: Nematic Phase 5 & 5A
1972 Licristal Current Information: Nematic Phase 5A & 6
1972 Performance of Nematic Phase 5, 5A and 6 in Liquid Crystal Displays
1972 Catalog No. 3811: 1-Test Cholinesterase
1972 Catalog No. 3841: 1-Test GOT (Optimized UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3842: 1-Test GPT (UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3843: 1-Test HBDH (Optimized UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3844: 1-Test LDH (Optimized UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3849: 1-Test Alkaline Phosphatase
1972 Catalog No. 3851: 1-Test Leucine Arylamidase
1972 Catalog No. 11050: Lipase
1972 Prices
1970s Patinal
1970s Ad: Electro-Optical Report
1970s Classified Listings of Chemicals for Electro-optics
1970s Licristal Liquid Crystals Brochure
1970s Licristal Blends for Rainbow Color Effects
1970s Licristal Price List
1981 Introducing Fractogel TSK: Unique Packing Material for High Performance Gel Filtration
1991 Tentacle Type Ion Exchange Bioseparation Media
Undated Fractogel TSK
undated 410
undated Uvasols Solvents for UV, IR, NMR Spectroscopy
undated ColorpHast Store
Undated Properties of Nematic Phase 9A Licristal
Energy & Minerals Research Co.: Undated, Ultraknife Ultrasonic Cutting Tools
Engelhard Industries Inc.,: Hillside, NJ:
1960 Gold for Industry and the Arts: Chemical Division
1961 Precious Metal Catalysts
1968 Bi-Distillation Apparatus
Undated Flexible Silver Coatings
Undated Data Sheet: Silver and Gold Films for Corning “Macor” Machinable Glass-Ceramic
EngineersExpress Inc., Medway, MA: Undated, Laboratory Bubble Tubing: Polyvinyl Chloride
Engis Corp., Morton Grove, IL: 1980, Hyprez Diamond Compounds
Entran Devices, Inc.:
1998 Sensors and Electronics
Undated A Brief Catalog of Entran Products for Acceleration, Force, Pressure
Undated Pressure Meter EMP 40/45
Undated EPX Series Miniature Threaded Pressure Transducers
Environmental Sciences Assc.:
1983 Coulochem Electrochemical Detector for HPLC
1983 Coulochem, Dual Electrode Electrochemical Detector for HPLC
1984 Ion Chem, Ion Chromatography System
1984 Organic Acids/Beer
1984 Water Hardness
1984 Drinking Water
1984 Linearity-Anions
1984 Linearity-Cations
1984 Reproducibility
1984 Versatility
1984 Cations in Beer
1984 Monovalent Cations
1984 Halides
1984 Ions in Rain Water
1984 IonChem Ion Chromatography System
Undated Info Sheet
Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany:
2005 Products and Applications for the Laboratory
2012 Products and Applications for the Laboratory
2012 Endless Possibilities Microcentrifuges
2013 Fermentors and Bioreactors
2014 #canyourepeatthat
2014 Natural Winners
2014 Count on it! Eppendorf Repeater M4 and Combitips
Undated epMotion® Liquid Handling Workstation
Ernst Leitz:
1931 “Ultropak” Micro-Equipment
1934 Ring Illuminator for Bright and Dark Field
1954 Monocular and Binocular Microscopes
1960 Phase Contrast Equipment with the Heine Condenser
1962 Large Research Microscope Ortholux
1962 Ortholux
1969 Leitz Laboratory and Research Microscope Labolux-D
1969 Orthoplan Universal Large-field Microscope
1972 Diavert Inverted Transmitted-light Microscope
1972 Epivert Inverted Incident-light Microscope
1972 Price List for Orthoplan Microscope and Accessories
1972 Ortholux II Large Microscope
1972 Price List for Diavert Microscope and Accessories
1972 Price List for Ortholux II Microscope and Accessories
1972 Interference Systems
1972 The Leitz System Camera: A Universal Camera System for Photomicrography
1975 Price List for Ortholux II Microscope and Accessories
2011 Orthoplan and Ortholux II Research Microscope
Undated Orthoplans
Etrema Products, Inc., Ames, IA:
1994 Etrema Terfenol-D Magnetostriction
1994 Terfenol-D Magnetostrictive Actuators
1994 Clean Room Speaker
1994 Magnetostrictive Micropositioners
1994 Active Vibration and Noise Control
1994 High Power Vibrators and Sonic Transducers
Experiment Inc., Richmond, VA:
1950 Mechanical Heart Diaphragm Type Drawing
1951 Heart Pump Drive – Duplex Drawing
EZBiolab, Carmel, IN:
2014 Peptide Synthesis Antibody Development Protein Expression and Purification
2014 EZgel Systems
2014 Instant-Band
Fairchild, Clifton, NJ: (see also DuMont)
1964 Photomultiplier Tube Type KM2433
1965 Photomultiplier Tube Type KM2485
Undated Multiplier Phototubes
Undated Photomultiplier Tube Type KM2328
Fansteel Metallurgical Corp., North Chicago, IL:
1960 Refractory Metal Warehouse List of Standard Stock Items
1960 Triggered Spark Gap Utilizes Refractory Metals
Farnsworth Electronics Co., Fort Wayne, IN:
1956 16PMI Photomultiplier Tube Type 6836
Undated Infrared Viewer Model 105
Farrand Optical Co. (FOCI), Inc. Mount Vernon, NY:
1947 A New Instrument for Research: Ultra-Violet Monochromator
1953 Monochromators: Ultraviolet, Visible Region
1954 Ultraviolet Monochromatic Illuminator
1970 Prices
Undated Grating Monochromators
Undated Grating Monochromators: Ultraviolet, Visible, Infrared
Undated Interference Filters
Federal Scientific Co., Silver Spring, MD:
1958 Absorption Cells
1958 Absorption Cell Catalog and Price List
Fenwal Electronics Inc., Framingham, MA:
1956 Industrial Thermistor Applications
1959 Thermistor Data Chart
1971 Product Data Sheet: ISO-Curve Standard Glass Probe Thermistors
1971 Product Data Sheet: ISO-Curve Large Bead Thermistors
1971 Product Data Sheet: ISO-Curve Mini-Probe Thermistors
1971 Product Data Sheet: Oceanographic ISO-Curve Thermistors
1971 Oceanographic ISO-Curve Sub-Mini-Probe Thermistors
1970s Thermistor Catalog Short Form
1970s Thermistors Their Characteristics and Uses
1970s Thermistor Application Data Requirements Guide
1970s ISO-Curve Thermistors
Undated Blood Component Therapy
Undated Interchangeable Thermistor Probes
Fenwal Inc., Asland, MA: 1977, Temperature Controls
Ferrofluidics Corp., Burlington, MA:
1970s Ferrofluid Evaluation Kit
1970 Ferrometic Rotary Feedthrough ¼” Shaft Series
1970 Liquid Magnetic Seal Ensures Airtight Shaft Feed-through, Product Engineering, March
1972 Ferrometic Rotary Seal for Microwave Service Cartridge MW-850
1972 Ferrometic Rotary Feedthrough SB-500 Series
1972 Magnetic Fluids in a Number of Variations
1972 Ferrometic Rotary Shaft Seals in Various Applications
1972 Ferrometic Rotary Feedthrough SB-500
1972 Prices
1972 Prices
1973 Magnetic Fluids Evaluation Kit K-31
1974 Rotary Seals Catalog Handbook
1974 Catalog: Designing with Magnetic Fluids
1984 Vacuum Rotary Feedthroughs
1990 Corporate Historical and Background Information
1990 Dr. Ronald E. Rosensweig Research Grant
Undated Enhancing Loudspeaker Performance with Ferrofluids
Undated Ad: The Perfect Seal
Ferroxcube Corp. of America, Saugerties, NY:
1959 Magnet-ostrictive Materials Price List
1959 7A Material Data
1977 Consider Piezoelectric Ceramics
FiberLite Inc., Santa Clara, CA:
2002 FiberLite High Speed – Super Speed Product Catalog
Undated FiberFuge 3K
Undated Did you know….?
Undated Want larger volume?
Undated Accessories for 4000 mL and 6000 mL Carbon Fiber Rotors
Undated Universal Table Top Centrifuge with a Carbon Fiber Rotor
Undated Special Carbon Fiber Tissue Culture Rotors…
Undated Largest Capacity Composite Rotor…
Undated FiberLite Centrifuge Rotors use Millipore Co. Ultrafiltration Devices
Undated FiberFuge 3K plus
Field Emission Corp., McMinnville, OR: 1961, New Modular Flash X-Ray Systems, Fexitron Model 730 Series
Fine Science Tools, Foster City, CA:
2002 Catalog 15 Surgical Instruments for Research
2017 Fine Surgical Instruments for Research
Finnigan Corp., San Jose, CA:
1996 LCQ
1997 Application Report 265: in Vitro Metabolism Studies Using Data-Dependent LC-MSn
1996 Application Report 255: ZoomScan on the LCQ
1996 Application Report 257: Full Scan MS/MS vs. SIM and UV for Quantitative Analyses in Complex Matrices
1995 Application Report 243: Analysis of Oligonucleotide Noncovalent Complexes by ESI-MS
1996 Application Report 259: Characterization of Bile Acids by Data Dependent Negative Ion ESI-LC/MS/MS
1996 Application Report 256: Electrospray LC/MS/MS Analysis of Proteins Separate by 2D-PAGE
1997 Application Report 262: Structural Determination of Flavonoids: The Power of MS
1996 Application Report 252: Analysis of Fumonisin B1 Impurities by Data Dependent ESI-LC/MS/MS
1997 Technical Report 625: Data Dependent LC-MS/MS
1996 Technical Report 622: Dynamic Range and the Effects of Coeluters on the LCQ
1996 LCQ Benchtop LC/MS Detector
Fischer (Frank Frungel), Hamburg, Germany: undated, Fischer Nanolite: Nanosecond Light Source
Fischer & Porter Co., Hatboro, PA:
1956 Glass Pip & Fittings
1957 Precision-Bore Glass Products in Quartz, Vycor, and Glass
1957 F&P Accurette Precision Burettes
Fisher Scientific and Eimer & Amend: 1942, Catalog 90
Fisher Scientific Co., Pittsburgh, PA:
1952 Catalog 111
1952 Quantitative Analysis with the Spectranal
1953 Todd Spectranal Models C & D
1953 Qualitative Analysis with the Spectranal
1956 Fisher-Todd Spectranal
1958 Catalog 59
1959 Duo-Spectranal
1964 Catalog 65
1966 Catalog 67
1966 Evans Model 140 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
1966 Atomic Absorption Standards
1968 Laboratory Diluters
1968 Fisher Brand Pipets
1969 Med-Lab Reporter Vol. 9, No. 12
1970 Cahn Recording Electrobalance Model RG or RH
1970 Catalog 70
1987 Catalog 88
1990 Catalog
1995 The Fisher Chemical Catalog
1999 Biotrack
2000 Catalog
2003 Biotrack
2003 PCR Catalog
2004 Biotrack
2002/2003 Catalog
2011/2012 Catalog
2014/2016 Catalog
Fisher Scientific/Thermo Scientific:
2012 Thermo Scientific PikoReal Real-Time PCR System
2012 Advance PCR Enzymes
2013 Marketplace
2013 Thermo Scientific Smart-Vue Wireless Monitoring Solution
Fish-Schurman Corp. (FS), New Rochelle, NY:
1955 Filter 6143 Wavelength
1955 FS Multi-Layer Interference Films High Efficiency Type
1958 XUR-96 Infra-Red Deflector Wavelength
1958 Schott Interference Band Filters
1959 IRT-211 Wavelength
1959 List of Products
1961 Schott Narrow Band Interference Filters Price List
1962 FS Multi-Layer Interference Films High Efficiency Type
1962 List of Products
1963 Jena Glass Absorption Type Colored Optical Glass Filters
1963 Monochromatic Interference Filters
1963 Monochromatic Interference Filters for the 310 to 389 mu Ultraviolet Spectral Region
1963 Schott Interference Band Filters of the Infrared Spectral 1000-2000 mu
1963 Schott Narrow Band Interference Filters Price List
1966 Schott Glass Filters Absorption Type Colored Optical Glass
1968 Neutral Density Solid Glass Filters
1969 FS Electrical Conductive Coating High Efficiency
1969 Transparent Conductive Electrodes for Q Switching or Modulators
1970 Spectral Optical Filters
Fisk Associates, Inc., Boston, MA: 1953, Precision Cryoscopy and Osmometer
Fluid Automation, Inc, Detroit, MI: undated, Meter-Mix Machines for Liquid Silicone Rubber
Fluidigm, San Francisco, CA:
2011 BioMark HD System
2012 Single-Cell Auto Prep System
2012 C1 Single-Cell Auto Prep System
2012 Genotyping
2014 CyTOF 2 Mass Cytometry System
Fluid Metering Inc., Oyster Bay, NY:
1974 FMI Lab Pump
1980 FMI Lab Pump Line
1980 Catalog
Undated Ready for Tougher Lab Problems? You are with an FMI Lab Pump
Undated FMI Lab Pump Special Purpose Versions
Undated FMI Newsletter: Non Laboratory Pumps?
Fluidynamics, Inc., Monrovia, CA: 1960, Centrifugal Flow Element
Fluorocarbon Mechanical Seal Division, Los Alamitos, CA: Undated, High-Performance Seals
Forma Scientific, Marietta, OH:
Undated Laboratory Incubators & Anaerobic Systems
Undated Ultra-low Temperature Freezers
Undated Ultra-low Temperature Freezers (later date)
ForteBio Corp., Menlo Park, CA: 2011 Blitz System
Franklin GNO Corp., West Palm Beach FL:
1970 ALPHA/II Plasma Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer
1972 BETA/VII Plasma Chromatograph
Fred S. Carver Inc., Menomonee Falls, WI: Undated, Hydraulic Laboratory Presses
Frequency Devices, Inc.:
1977 Active Filter Products
1978 Resistive Tuneable Lowpass Active Filters 730/740 Series
Friedrich & Dimmock, Inc. (F&D), Millville, NJ:
Undated Glass Tubing and Rod: Precision Drawn
Undated Glass Capillary Tubes
FujiFilm VisualSonics: 2019, Seeing More Matters in Scientific Research: Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation
Gaertner Scientific Corp., Chicago, IL:
1946 L251-64 Intermediate Two-Lens Quartz Spectrograph
1948 Measuring Microscopes for Laboratory and Shop
1948 Universal Laboratory Supports
1948 Michelson Interferometers
1948 Michelson Interferometers (temporary)
1950 Michelson Interferometer Attachment for a Micrometer Slide M305
1950 L254 Large Two-Lens Quartz Spectrograph
1950 General Index to Gaertner Literature
1950 Precision Optical Bench Assembly
1951 Optical Benches and Accessories
1951 Divided Circle Spectrometers and Accessories
1951 Adjustable Slits
1951 Wavelength Spectrometers and Monochromators
1951 Small Quartz-Spectrograph
1972 Measuring Microscopes for Laboratory and Shop
1972 Coordinate Positioning Stage
1972 Coordinate Stage Measuring Microscope with Projection Attachment
1972 Price list
1974 General Index: Optical Instruments
1975 Production Ellipsometer L117
Gagne Associates, Inc., Binghamton, NY:
1972 Price List: “Sensiflex” Fluidic Devices
1970s Two Hane, Non-Tie-Down Circuit (All Air)
1970s “Sensiflex” Applications
1970s “Fluidic Eye” Method Proximity Detection
1970s Pressure Measurement
1970s “Sensiflex” Fluidic Switches
1970s Line Pressure Switches
1970s “Sensiflex” Supply Input Parts
1970s “Sensiflex” All-Air Fluidic Amplifier Valves
1970s “Sensiflex” All-Air Fluidic Amplifier Valves—miniature
1970s “Sensiflex” Accessories
1970s Logic Devices
1970s Mounting Rack & Manifold
1970s Deltech Filter—Model SFL20
1970s Fluidic Study Kit
1970s “Sensiflex” Fluidic Counter
1970s Air Filter Pressure Switch
Galatic Industries Corp., Salem, NH: 1990s, GRAMS
Galileo Electro-Optics Corp., Sturbridge, MA:
1976 Detection in the Vacuum Ultraviolet
1979 Channel Electron Multipliers
1979 Microchannel Plate Detectors
1980 Bibliography of Detection Efficiency of CEMS, CEMAs, MEMs, and others
1980 Data Sheet: Channeltron Electron Multiplier Arrays & Microchannel Plates
1980 Data Sheet: Continuous Dynode Electron Multipliers Channeltrons
1982 Channeltron Detectors for Magnetic Sector…
1983 News From Galileo About Development of Products for the Future
Gardner Instruments, Bethesda, MD: 1964, Instruments for Measuring Physical Test Bulletin
G-Biosciences, St. Louis, MO: 2007, bio-NEXT, Vol. 9
GCA/McPherson Instrument, Acton, MA:
1970s Model 2015 One-Meter Scanning Monochromator
Undated Model 216.5 Monochromator, Spectrograph, Polychromator
Ge. Fe. Ri., Italy: Undated, Diamond Knives for Electron Microscopy
Gelman Instrument Co.: 1976, Gelman Membrane Filtration Products
Gelman Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI: 1991, The Filter Book
Genalyte Inc., San Diego, CA: 2013, Maverick Detection System/Universal Multiplex Assay Platform
General Activation Analysis, Inc.: 1982, Catalog
General Diagnostics: 1972, Compu-Pet 100
General Electric (GE), PIttsfield, MA:
1948 Cast Glass Bushings
1954 Flashtubes
1958 Dumet
1958 Lamp Leads and Bases Dept.: Customer Requirements
1959 9RV3A50 Series Thyrite Varistor Assemblies
1965 Fused Quartz Fiber Products
1967 Index of All Lamps
1968 High Intensity Discharge Lamps
1968 Polycrystalline Ceramics Lucalox, Lucalox-HS, Lucalox-GW
1968 Lucalox Ceramic Price List
1968 Tungsten Wire
1969 Lexan Polycarbonate Sheet Product Data
1970 Lamp type SSl-15, SSL-315, SSL-25 Infrared solid State Application, etc.
1970 Photon Coupler Type PC4-73
1970 Silicones: Fluids
1970s Fused Quartz Fiber Products
1970s Lexan Polycarbonate Resin
1971 Fused Quartz Catalog
1971 Fused Quartz Type 124, 125
1974 Glow Lamps Indicator and Circuit Components
1975 Sealed Beam Lamps
1975 Miniature Lamps: Incandescent and Fluorescent
1976 Sub-Miniature Lamps
1983 Tungsten Wire
1984 Metallizing Products
1985 QE-300 Automated, Analytical NMR Spectrometer System
1992 Properties Guide GE Engineering Thermoplastics
2006 Build Your Own FPLC Purification System
2008 NanoVue Spectrophotometer
Undated Lexan Resin Design Tips (newsletters in binder)
Undated Quartzline: The Original Tungsten-Halogen Lamp
Undated Imagineering Handbook for Inventive Men
Undated Tungsten, Molybdenum, Phosphors
Undated General Electric X-Ray Microscope
Undated Type 151 Fused Silica Schlieren Grade Optical Products
Undated Miniature Lamp Bulletin: NE-2, NE-2A, NE-2B, NE-2E
Undated Glow Lamps with Attached Resistors
Undated Miniature Quartzline Incandescent Lamps
Undated Electroluminescent Lamps
Undated Technical Data Book S-25: Silicone Insulating Varnishes
Undated PPO (Polyphenylene Oxide) & Noryl (Thermoplstic Resin) for Water Distribution
Undated RTV Cartridge-Pack
Undated Silicone Rubber RTV Compounds for MIL-S-23586 S-3C-1A
Undated RTV Silicone Rubber
Undated RTV Silicone Rubber Technical Data Book S-3A
Undated RTV Silicone Rubber for Plastics Casting & Thermoforming, S-29A
Undated Flame Resistant RTV Silicone Rubber Foam S-3C-3
Undated Supplementary Data: RTV-340 Low Modulus RTV, S-3C-4
Undated Supplementary Data: RTV-630, 632, 634 Ultra High Strength, S-3C-5
Undated Supplementary Data: RTV-7 Silicone Rubber Foam S-3C-2
General Magnetic Corp., Detroit, MI: undated, Catalog
General Radio Co.:
1946 Catalog K
1953 Stroboscopes
1968 Catalog T (February)
Undated New White-Light Strobotac
Undated Photo-Elastic Stress Analysis: Type 1534-A Polariscope
General Transistor Corp., New York, NY: undated, PNP Phototransistors 2N469A, 2N1392, 2N1393, 2N1394
General Valve Corp.: early 1990s, Solenoid Valves
Genesse Scientific,: San Diego, CA:
2013 Brochure Fall Edition
2013 Products Available through NIH Stockroom
2014 Spring/Summer Brochure
Genesys Systems, Inc. Mountain View, CA: 1968, Microwave Processing Equipment: A Modular Approach, John E. Gerling, Food Technology, Vol. 22, 106
GenScript: 2018, Therapeutic Antibody Discovery and Development
Genzyme Diagnostics, Cambridge, MA: 1995, Cytokine Research Products
George & Becker, London: undated, NIVOC Modern Spectrometer
George Ulanet Co., Newark, NJ: undated, Bulletin 100: The Smallest Hermetically Sealed Surface-Sensing Miniature Thermostat, Model 28
George W. Gates & Co., Inc., Franklin Square, NY: undated, Concentrate Arc Lamps Price List
Getty Machine and Mold Inc., Clifton, NJ: 1962, Piercing Tool, Molds, Slug Cut-off Machine, ASTM Test for compression
Gigahertz-Optik, Amesbury, MA: 2019, Not Just Another Spectrometer: BTS2048 Series UV-VIS-NIR Spectroradiometer
Gilbert Boy Engineering: 1920s, Catalog
Gilford Instrument Laboratories Inc., Oberlin, OH.:
1968 Micro-Sample Spectrophotometer 300-N, Data Lister 4006, and Rapid Sampler 2443
1969 Automatic Recording Photometer 2000
1969 Spectrophotometer 240
1969 Spectrophotometer 2400
1969 Price List
1974 Model 230 Spectrophotometer
1974 Model 2520 20 Centimeter Gel Scanner
1974 Model 2527 Thermo-Programmer
1974 Model 2580 Density Gradient Analyzer
1974 Model 203 Flow Through Cuvettes
1974 Model 410 Digital Absorbance/Concentration Meter
1974 Model 2410-S Linear Transport
1974 Model 2414 Vertical Indexing Film Adapter
1974 Model 2445 Spectro-Stir
1974 Model 531 Sample Programmer
1974 Model 533-1 Sample Programmer
1974 Model 2535 Reference Compensator
1974 Model 3017-T Thermo-Cuvette
1974 Model 4009 Data Lister
1974 Model 4014 Enzyme Concentration Calculator
1974 Model 6050 Recorder
1974 Flo-Kleen
1974 “Thermal Analysis of Biological Macromolecules in UV-VIS Spectrophotometers,” Stephen Douglass, American Laboratory
1975 Stasar I
1975 Stasar II
1975 Stasar III
1975 Gilford 250 Spectrophotometer
1975 Gilford Model 2400-2 Automatic Recording Spectrophotometer
1975 Model 2443-A Rapid Sampler
1975 Model 2450, 2451 Cuvette Positioners
1975 Gilford Spectrophotometers, Accessories, Systems
1975 Gilford Supplies and Disposables
1975 Progressive Automation 3400 Series
1975 The All-Purpose Micro-Chemistry Analyzer
1975 Cardiac Output System Model 140
1975 Model 6060 Automatic Dispenser
1975 Model 6065 Automatic Pipettor/Diluter
1975 Gilford Analyzer System Syva/EMIT Immunoassay
1975 Gilford Vptm System for Veterinary Methodologies
1975 Model 532-1 Sample Programmer
1975 Models 2470, 2470-A, 2475, 2475-A Five and Ten Centimeter Cuvette Compartments
1975 p/n 1365 Round Cuvette Holder
1975 Model 2428 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Cell
1975 Model 2220 Adapter
1975 Models 2530, 2535 Wavelength Scanner Reference Compensator
1975 “Standardization of Temperature, Absorbancy, and Wavelength Measurements in UV-VIS Spectrophotometry,” Stephen A. Douglass and Robert J. Emary
1978 Series 252 “New Life” Spectrophotometer Modernization Systems
1978 The Rapid Sampler
1978 Thermal Printer Model 4019
Undated Selecting a UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
Undated Model 222 Spectrophotometer Update System
Gilson Medical Electronics (GME), Middleton, WI:
1960s Recording Ultraviolet Absorption Meters
1962 Price List for Ultraviolet Absorption Meter
1971 See the Gilson
2017 Pipette Selection Guide
2021 Product Guide
Gilway Technical Lamp, Woburn, MA: 1983, Catalog 157: Silver Anniversary Edition
Glasrock Plastics: Undated, Filter Sampler Blood Serum Filters
Glasrock Products Inc, Fairburn, GA: undated, Porex Porous Plastics
G-L Industries, Inc., Wilmington, DE:
1969 Homalite Price List
1970 Homalite 911, 100, 101, 141, 345
1970 Homalite 768
1970 Homalite RFI Windows
1970 Homalite 911 Plastic Optical Wedge
Global Laboratory Solutions: 2014 Vidrix Laboratory Glassware
Goodfellow Metals, Cambridge, England: undated, Foils, Wires, Powders, Tubes for Research and Development
Gould Inc., Cleveland, OH: 1971, GSA Price List
Gould Inc., Eagan, MN: 1979, Activair: Primary Zinc-Air Batteries Guide for Designers
Gow-Mac Instrument Co., Madison, NJ:
1956 Special Power Supply and Bridge Control
1957 Thermal Conductivity Cell Model TR-II-B
1959 Thermal Conductivity Meters: The Katharometer and Katapherometer
1959 Thermal Conductivity Cells
1959 Type 9225 Resistance Filaments
1959 Series 9999 DC Power Supplies
1959 Gas Master
1965 Detectors
1965 Less Detector Down-time
Undated Chromatography Detectors and Katharometers
Undated Matched-Pair Detector Elements
Graco, Minneapolis, MN: 1985, Finishing: Cartridge Power: Self-generating 75kv Electrostatic Spray Guns
Grass Instruments, Quincy, MA:
1963 Model 5 Polygraph
1971 Polygraphs, Physiological Instruments
Greenerd Press & Machine Co., Inc., Nashua, NH:
1975 30 Ton Laboratory Press
Undated Hydraulic Presses Handy Book
Grenova, Richmond, VA:
Undated Rethinking Lab Consumables
Undated Reduce Cost and Waste Through Innovation
Undated Keep Your Lab Moving
Undated Compact Pipette Tip Washing For Every Lab
Grieve Corp., Round Lake, IL: 1987, Industrial Ovens & Furnaces
GTE Metal Laminates Division: 1987, Chace Termostatic Metals
Guildline Instruments, Inc., Larchmont, NY: undated, Bulletin 6920: Components and Supplies Including Low-Thermal Switches & Choppers, Low-Thermal Hook-Up Wire, Cable Solder, and Binding Posts
Gulton Industries, Metuchen, NJ:
1976 Piezoceramic Thin Sheet
1976 Piezoceramic Thin Sheet Overrun Stock List
Undated Glennite Piezoceramics, Catalog H-700
Gulton Techni-rite Electronics, Inc., East Greenwich, RI: Undated, Recorders
Gyrozen, Seoul, South Korea:
2014 Clinical Centrifuges
2014 Multi-Purpose High-Speed Centrifuges
Hacker Instruments Inc., Fairfield, NJ:
1972 Polarizing Microscope Series 600
1973 Polarizing Microscope Series 600 Price List
Undated Polarizing Microscope
Hades Manufacturing, Farmingdale, NY:
1978 Thermocouple Reference Junctions NC 140, 143, 240
1978 Multi-Channel Isothermal Thermocouple Reference Junction NC 1008
1979 Thermocouple Probe Simulator, System Calibrator, Readout NDP181
1979 Price List
1970s Digital Thermocouple Indicator 707
1970s A Precision Digital RTD Thermometer
1970s Multi and Single Channel Thermocouple Thermometer
1970s Temperature Instrumentation
Hallikainen Instruments, Berkeley, CA: 1964, Automatic Osmometer Model 1361
Hamamatsu, Japan:
1960s Photomultiplier Tube R106
1964 Photomultiplier Tube 931A
1964 Photomultiplier Tube 1P21
1964 CdS Photoconductive Cell P127
1964 CdS Photoconductive Cell P141
1965 HTV-7102 Photomultiplier Tube
1965 HTV-R196 Photomultiplier Tube
1965 HTV-R166 Photomultiplier Tube
1965 HTV-R212 Photomultiplier Tube
1965 HTV -1P28 Photomultiplier Tube
1965 HTV-R213 Photomultiplier Tubee
1965 Photomultiplier Tube R136
1966 HTV Photomultiplier Tube Applications – Direct Reader
1966 HTV Photomultiplier Applications - Spectrophotometer
1966 Television Pickup Tube for Infrared Rays N156
1982 Large Sensitive-Area Pin Silicon Photocells S1722, S1723 Series
1983 Silicon Photocells
1983 Head-On Type Super Quiet Deuterium Lamp L1888
1980s Infrared Detectors
1987 Light Sources for Measurement Applications
Hamilton Co., Reno, NV:
1964 Precision Syringes and Related Equipment Catalog H-64
1969 Precision Syringes and Related Equipment Catalog H-68r
1974 Syringes, Dispensers, Chromatographic Accessories, Inert Valves, Chromatographic Resins and Buffers
1981 Microliter ® Syringes
1999 Precision Fluid Measuring Products
Hamilton Storage Technologies, Franklin, MA:
2012 Vantage
2013 LabElite Line
Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, PN:
1964 Placovar, Permanent Magnet for Miniaturization
1964 Cobalt Platinum
Undated Hamilton Precision Metals
Hanovia Chemical & Mfg. Co., Newark, NJ:
1940s How Black Light Helps Bakers Detect Contamination, J. Cornell Richardson
1940s Filters for Fluorescence Determinations
1941 Powerful Ultraviolet Light Sources, J.H. Laub, Electrical Engineering, August
1943 Electronic Tubes for Ultraviolet Radiation, J. H. Laub, Electronics, May
1943 Mercury Arc Lamps: Effect of Electrode on Energy Distribution, William Theodore Anderson, Jr., Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vl. 33, No. 2, 104-108, Feb.
1944 Fluorescence with the Wood Filter as an Aid in Dermatologic Diagnosis: Observation on Patients at Bellevue Hospital, Maurice J. Costello and Louis V. Luttenberger, New York State Journal of Medicine, Vol. 44, No. 16, Aug. 15
1947 Graded Joints
1949 Ceramic Silver Coatings for Use in the Electrical & Communications Industries
1949 Bright Platinum Films on Ceramic Materials
1950 Prices for burners
1952 Prices
1953 Prices
1953 Fused Quartz Standard Taper Interchangeable Ground Joints
1961 New Compact Arc Lamps of High Power and High Brightness, Otto E. Lienhard and John A. McInally
Undated Mercury Vapor Lamps
Undated The Optical Grades of Fused Quartz: Utrasil, Homsil, Optical No. 1
Undated Hydrogen Discharge Tube: Continuous Ultraviolet Spectrum
Undated The Sc2537 Lamp
Undated The Hanovia Analytic Model Quartz Lamp
Undated Utility Model Quartz Lamp: Ultraviolet Radiations
Undated The Hanovia Inspectolite
Hans Hosle, Dr. Ing. Chem.:
1960 Micro Hydrogention Apparatus
1960 Micro-combustion Automats
1960 Fraktions-Sammler, FG 500, FG2000
1960 FT Protoelektrischer Tropfenzahler
1960 Thermostatisch geregelte Heizbader, W250, O250
1960 Heizplatten mit Thermoregulator, H125, H150
1960 Mikro-Carius-ofen, BOML
1960 Trockenblock, TB
1960 Sublimationsblock SB
Hanson-Van Winkle-Munning Co. (HVW-M), Matawan, NJ:
1956 Plating and Polishing News, Vol. 9, No. 1
1950s Rectifiers? Selenium and Germanium
Harshaw Chemical Co., Solon, OH: 1971, SBN Pyroelectric Sensor for 10.6um
Hart Scientific:
Undated 1006 Micro-Therm Thermometer
Undated Differential Scanning Calorimeter
Undated Ultra Stable Constant Temperature Baths and Circulators
Undated Isothermal Flow Calorimeter
Undated Heat Conduction Calorimeter
Undated Don’t Lack Sensitivity, Have a Hart
Harvard Apparatus, Millis, MA:
1967 Cardiovascular Recording Systems
1968 Instant Recording Systems
1968 Recording Modules and Basic Accessories
1968 Continuous Carbon Dioxide Analyzer, Model 2000
1968 Guide to the Selection and Use of Apparatus for Laboratory Teaching of Physiology
1968 Apparatus for Electrophysiology
1968 Kymograph Recording Stimulators
1968 Chart Movers and Accessories
1969 Syringe Pumps for Infusion-Withdrawal
1971 Bulletin 306: Electrodes for All Biological Applications
1971 Bulletin 630: Carbon Dioxide Analyzers
1972 Bulletin 542: Tissue and Animal Preparation
1972 Bulletin 550: Pump Speed Modulator
1972 Bulletin 975: Compact Infusion Pump Model 975
1972 Bulletin 1300: Lambda Pump Systems
1973 Bulletin 290: The New Harvard Biograph
1973 Bulletin 295: Systems Estimator for Harvard Biograph Recording Systems
1973 Bulletin 303: Harvard Electronic Transducers
1973 Bulletin 308: Stimulators for Physiology, Psychology, and Medical Applications
1973 Bulletin 400: Mechanical Modular Recording Systems
1973 Bulletin 500: Kymographs Accessories for the Harvard Kymograph Recording System
1973 Bulletin 565: Tubing & Syringes for Pumping
1973 Bulletin 607: Harvard Animal Ventilators
1973 Bulletin 825: Harvard I-V Clamp
1973 Bulletin 876: Dye Dilution Pumps
1973 Bulletin 900: Classic Harvard Syringe Pumps
1974 Price List
1974 Bulletin 270: Harvard Physiological Feedback Monitors
1974 Bulletin 300: Chart Movers for the Harvard Modular Recording System
1974 Bulletin 302: Electronic Recording Module Model 350
1974 Bulletin 304: Harvard Amplifiers & Signal Conditioners for the Electronic Modular Recording System
1974 Bulletin 310: Accessories and Supplies for Harvard Recording Systems
1974 Bulletin 330: Systems Estimator for Harvard Electronic Modular Recording System
1974 Bulletin 800: Harvard I-V Fluid Controller
1974 Bulletin 1200: Peristaltic Pumps
1974 Bulletin 1400: Pulsatile Blood Pumps
1997 BioScience
2008/9 Catalog
2014 Precision Surgical Instruments for Research
2014 OxyletPro System / Panlab
Harvard Bioscience, Hollison, MA: 2000/2001, Solutions for Proteomics & Genomics
H. Braun Tool & Instrument Co., Hawthorne, NJ: undated, Catalog No. 573: Beryllium Copper Components
H. Cross Co., Weehawken, NJ: undated, Ultra-Thin Metals for Electronic Applications: Tungsten, Molybdenum
Heathrow Scientific:
2013 Catalog
2014 Catalog
Helena Laboratories:
1978 Cardiac Profile Reference Chart
1980 Helena Work Chart
Helma, Forest Hills, NY: 1981, Mercury High Pressure Lamp
Heto Lab Equipment AS: 1977, Lab Equipment
Hewlett Packard
1955 A fast accurate reflectometer system for wide-range microwave impedance measurement
1980 GC/MS for EPA Regulations?
1986 HP 54100 Series Digitizing Oscilloscopes
Undated HP 1100 Series Modules and Systems for HPL
Undated Tomorrow’s Analytical Instruments Today
Hilger & Watts, London, England:
1951 Catalogue L, Measuring Microscopes, Spectrum Projectors & Comparators (Nov.)
1952 Catalogue E, Spectrographs (April)
1952 Catalogue N, Interferometers (September)
1952 Catalogue F1: Spectroscopic Accessories
1952 Catalogue F II, Spectroscopic Light Sources & Other Electrical Accessories (Sept.)
1952 Catalogue D, Monochromators & Spectrometers (October)
1952 Catalogue M, Refractometers, Polarimeters, Temperature Regulators, Strainviewers, Photoelastic Apparatus, Electrophoresis Apparatus (November)
1952 Catalogue H, Absorptiometers, Fluorimeters, Colorimeters, Spectrophotometers, Microphotometers (December)
1953 Catalogue C, Watts Table & Spectrometers (January)
1953 Hilger Spectrographic Equipment for Metallurgical & General Chemical Analyses
1953 Hilger Barfit Wavelength Spectrometer for Ultra-Violet, Visible, and Infra-red
1954 Recording X-Ray Diffractometer
1955 Miniature X-ray Diffraction Cameras for use with the Hilger Micro-focus X-Ray Unit
1955 Hilger Recording X-ray Diffractometer Supplement to Catalog CH 322/4
1955 Micro-focus X-Ray Unite
1958 Schwarz Thermopiles
Hinchman Manufacturing Co., East Roselle, NJ: undated, Mold Small Quantities of Thermoplastics
Hi-Tech Scientific Ltd.: 1970s, Rapid Chemical Kinetics
Hitemp Wires Inc. Westbury, NY:
1960s Ceramatemp 1000F Flexible Wire
1960 Hiwrap Teflon Tape
Hobart Manufacturing Co., Troy, OH:
1963 Kitchen Aid Price List
1963 KitchenAid the finest made
1963 KitchenAid Food Preparer Attachments
1963 KitchenAid N-50 Mixer
Hoefer, Inc., San Francisco, CA:
1988 Price List IBF France
2006/7 Everything for Electrophoresis
Undated Product Information: S-Zephyr and D-Zephyr
Undated Product Information: Trisacryl GF 05/GF 2000
Undated Product Information: NPC-activated Trisacryl, GLUT-activated Trisacryl
Undated SL 280 Gel Tube Slicer
Hoggson & Pettis Mfg. Co., New Haven, CT: 1962, Production Tools and Dies
Hoke Inc., Cresskill, NJ:
1960 The How and Whys of Pressure Regulation
1960s Regu-Lexicon
Honeywell, Denver, CO: 1
1975 Model 5600 Recorder/Reproducer Proposal
Undated New Pyr-O-Volt Controller, Instrumentation, Vol. 11, No. 5, 27-28.
Hoskins Mfg. Co., Detroit, MI: undated, Cunife: Ductile Permanent Magnet Alloy
Houde Supply Co., Keyport, NJ: 1959, Stock List
Huber + Suhner Ltd, Switzerland: undated, Ultrafine Magnet Wires Lotan and Lotan-Fix
Hudson Lamp Co., Kearny, NJ: 1956, Miniature Incandescent Lamp Catalog
Hull Corp., Hatboro, PA: 1966, Model 5-AR Vacuum Potting ad Encapsulating, Standard Potters, and Production Equipment
Huntington Alloy Products Division, Huntington, WV: 1972, Nickel Alloys
Hurst Tool and Mfg. Co., Princeton, IN: undated, 40 Inch-Ounce Synchronous Motor for heavy duty continuous timing
HyClone, Logan, UT: 1997-99, Biotechnology Products & Services
Hyde Manufacturing Co., Southbridge, MA: 1958, Hyde Handbook of Industrial Knives, Fix-up Paint-up Tools
Hysol Corp., Olean, NY:
1963 Tooling Materials Price List
Undated Epoxi-Patch Kit Molecular Action Adhesive-Sealant
Undated Hysol Tooling Materials Sales Offices
Undated Hysol Adhesive and Electrical Insulation Sales Offices
Undated Epoxi-Patch Kit Distributors
IBF, France:
undated Product Information: S-Zephyr and D-Zephyr
undated Product Information: Trisacryl GF 05/GF 2000
undated Product Information: NPC-activated Trisacryl, GLUT-activated Trisacryl
Idea Scientific, Minneapolis, MN: 1999, Millennium Electrophoresis, Blotting and Antibody Screening Catalog #21
IGEN Inc., Rockville, MD:
Undated The ORIGEN ® Immunoassay System: Electrochemiluminescence Detection for Immunoassays and Nucleic Acid Assays
Undated The ORIGEN ® Immunoassay System
Undated ORIGEN ® Immunoassay System Price List
IIT Research Institute (IITRI), Chicago: 1972, Areas of Exceptional Capabilities
IKA Works, Inc., Wilmington, NC:
2014 RET control-visc The Magnetic Stirrer for Scientists
2016 Laboratory Equipment Designed for Scientists
ILC Technology, Sunnyvale, CA:
1981 Designing with Metal Halide Lamps, William Bamberg, Electro-Optical Systems Design, March
Undated Xenon Short Arc 5X-21
Undated Bulletin 1413: Xenon Point Source Model SA-5X-2R1
Undated Cermax Xenon Illuminators
Ilford: 1984, Nuclear Research Materials
Illumina: 2016, Battle Lines: Equipping the Body to Fight Cancer from Within
Imagine Optic, Cambridge, MA:
2013 Adaptive Optics for Microscopy
Indiana General Magnet Products, Valparaiso, IN:
1964 Hyflux Alnico IX, High Energy, High Coercive Permanent Magnets
1972 Permanent Magnets Catalog 22
1972 Price List 22
1973 INCOR Misch Metal Cobalt Permanent Magnets
Undated Permanent Magnet Material and Magnetic Characteristics
Indium Corporation of America, Utica, NY: 1979, Pure Metal, Alloys, Chemicals
INDPOL Monothane, Cucamonga, CA: 1972, Specifications
Industrial Instruments Inc., Cedar Grove, NJ:
Undated Platinizing Kits
Undated Thermoelectrically Cooled Cryoscope Model CY-1 and Osmometer Model CY-2
Industrial Science Associates, Inc., Ridgewood, NY:
Undated Differentiator
Undated Electrometer NC
Undated Micro-manipulator
Undated Micro-electrode Probe Unit
Undated Platinum Coil forming Die, Draft Shield, Pipette Grinder
Undated Pipette Holder Rack
Infrared Industries, Inc., Waltham, MA:
1969 Thin Film Products
1975 Detectors Filters, Optics Ultraviolet-Visible-Infrared
Undated Interference Filters Price List
Undated Infratron Lead Sufide Photoconductors Tech Bulletin
Ingold Electronics Inc.:
1976 Catalog
1977 pH Electrodes
1977 Catalog
Instrumentation Laboratory Inc. (IL):
1970s 182 CO-Oximeter
1970 213 Digital Blood Gas Analyzer
Undated Catalog
Instrumentation Specialties Co. (ISCO), Lincoln, NE:
1968 Density Gradient Electrophoresis
1970 ISCOTables: Handbook of Data for Biological and Physical Scientists
1975 GSA Catalog
1986 Catalog 22: Classical LC, Electrophoresis
1995 Catalog 30: Instruments and Media for Chromatography, Low Pressure LC, HPLC, SFC
Integrated Separation Systems (ISS), Hyde Park, MA: undated, Protein-Gold Colloidal Gold Assay Reagent
Intel Corp.:
1976 OEM Computer Systems: SBC-016 16K Byte Ram Memory Board
1977 SBC 032/048/064 RAM Memory Boards
Intelligent Motion Systems, Inc., Taftville, CT: undated, Panther HI & Panther HE Complete High Performance Microstepping System
Inter-Dyne: Undated, Mod-Rack
Interfacial Dynamics Corp. (IDC): Portland, OR,:
1988 Ultraclean Uniform Latex Microspheres
1990 Ultraclean Uniform Latex Microspheres
1993 Ultraclean Uniform Latex Microspheres
1994 Ultraclean Uniform Latex Microspheres
Intermagnetics General Corp. (IGC), Guilderland, NY:
1977 Biological Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy by Stanley J. Opella (NMR)
1977 Radiographic Thin-Section Image of the Human Wrist by NMR
1978 IGC Newsletter Vol. 5, No. 1, Summer – NMR
1979 Exhibit C: Photographs of Two IGC Superconducting Magnets of a Physical Size Sufficient to Accommodate a Human Body
1979 Exhibit B: Bibliography
1979 Medical 3-Dimensional Chemistry by Lois Wingerson (Science News)
1979 A Chemical Clue to Disease by Ros Herman (New Scientist)
1979 NMR Zeugmatographic Imaging by Waylon House and Paul Lauterbur
1979 Comparison: X-ray-Proton Concentration Image
1979 EMI Head Scan Image
1979 Ti Maps Image
International Crystal Laboratories: undated, Optical Crystals, Cells and Accessories for FTIR, IR and UV Spectrophotometers
International Equipment Co. (IEC):
1968 Centrifuges
1968 Plastic Centrifuge Tubes and Bottles Specifically Designed for Centrifuge and Ultracentrifuge Applications
Undated Centrifuges and Rotors
International Light Inc. Newburyport, MA: undated, Xenon arc, mercury arc, Tungsten halogen lamps
International Nickel Co. Inc., New York, NY:
1950 Individualized Inco Nickel Alloys
1955 Helpful Publications
Undated Inco Nickel Alloys for Electronic Uses
International Plasma Corp., Hayward, CA:
1968 IPC 1101 Plasma Machine
1969 IPC Plasma Machines for Industry
Intronics, Newton, MA: 1977, 7 More Great Designs: Analog Computation-Power Conversion
Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA:
1999 SeeBlue Plus2 Pre-Stained Protein Standard
2002 Expressions
Undated Ready-to-use Standards for Protein Electrophoresis
IN-X Fasterner Corp., Newark, NJ: Undated, Threaded Inserts
Ionarc, Bow, NH:
1970 Process Push for Plasma
1970 Plasma: The Lab Toy That Grew Up
1971 Tafa-Arc Plasma Coating Processes
Undated Advanced High Temperature Technology
Isolab Inc.: 1980s, Research and Clinical Electrophoresis, Catalog E-100
Isoplexis: 2020, Beyond the Cell Cycle: p53 as an Immune System Modulator in Cancer
Ithaco: 1977, Catalog
ITW Devcon, Danvers, MA:
1990s User’s Guide for Metal-Filled Epoxies
1990s Flexane Urethane Compounds
1990s Floor Savers
1990s Zip Grip
1990s Magic Bond
1990s E-Z Pouch
1990s User’s Guide for Flexane
1990s various product data bulletins
1993 magicSorb
Ivan Sorvall Inc., Norwalk, CT:
1960s New Sorvall Aluminum Specimen Holder
1960s Stereozoom Microscopes for Use with “Porter-Blum” Ultra-Microtomes
1960s Cycloptic Stereoscopic Microscopes for “Porter-Blum” Ultra-Microtomes
1966 RCS-B Automatic Superspeed Refrigerated Centrifuge
1966 Product Guide: Centrifuges, Laboratory Instruments
1966 “Porter-Blum” MT-1, MT-2 Ultra-Microtomes
1967 MT-2 Price List and Ordering Specifications
1968 Supplementary Bulletin
1968 Supplementary Bulletin: Vibration Absorbing Plate
1968 Tubes, Bottles, Adapters & Accessories for Sorvall Laboratory Centrifuges
1968 CW-1 Cell Washing Centrifuge
1968 KSB “Szent-Gyorgyi & Blum” Continuous Flow System
1969 Rotors, Tubes, and Adapters for GLC-1 General Laboratory Centrifuge
1969 HG-4L Swinging Bucket Rotor for the RC-3
1969 HL-8 Horizontal Rotor for the RC-3
1970 Centrifuges and Laboratory Instruments Product Guide
1970 Centrifuges & Laboratory Instruments
1970 Rotors, Tubes, Bottles, Adapters & Accessories for the RC2-B, RC-2, SS-3, SS-4, & SS-1 Superspeed Laboratory Centrifuges
1970 Tubes, Bottles, Adapters Specifications & Price List
1970 The Sorvall SZ-14 Reorienting Density Gradient Zonal Rotor
1970 MT2-B “Porter-Blum” Ultra-Microtome
1970 JB-4 “Porter-Blum” Microtome
I.W. Tremont, Hawthorne, NJ: 2021, Diagnostic Device Materials Guide: Porous Cellulose Papers, Glass Microfiber Media, Membranes
The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME: 2015, The Next Frontier in Human Disease Modeling
James Electronics Inc., Chicago:
1963 Specification and Testing of Shielded Transformers
1964 10 Watt Electro-Guard Series Models 8829 thru 8836 Shielded Power Transformer
1965 5 Watt Electro-Guard Series Models 8801 thru 8808 Shielded Power Transformers
1965 Shielded Instrument Transformer 8360 Series
1965 Electro-Guard Shielded Power Transformers
Jarrell-Ash Co.:
1950 Price List of Hilger Spectrographic Equipment
1963 High Intensity Continuous Vacuum Ultraviolet Sources
1964 Half-Meter Ebert Scanning Spectrometer
1964 Technical bulletin: Model 45-550 Helium Continuum for the Extreme Ultraviolet
1960s “Why Should I Spend $100 for a Lamp When I Can Do Sodium Better by Flame?”
J. Bishop, Malvern, PA:
1964 Precision Performance Metals
1965 Platinum, Platinum-Rhodium Thermocouple Wire
Undated Platinum Electrodes
Undated Platinum Boats, Cones, Spoons, Tongs, Spatulas, Triangles, Tweezers
Undated Stainless Steel tubing, Nickel & nickel alloy tubing, small tubular etc.
Jena Glaswerk Schott & Gen., Mainz, Germany:
1957 Monochromatic Interference Filters for 310 and 389 Ultraviolet Spectral Region
1959 Monochromatic Interference Filters
1982 JEM-1200EX Electron Microscope
1982 JEM-100CXII Electron Microscope
J.M. Ney Co., Hartford, CT:
1958 Meet the J.M. Ney Co.
1958 Life Test Data: Ney Alloy Resistance Wire
1958 Precious Metal Resistance Wire Paliney #7
Jobin Yvon Optical Systems, Metuchen, NJ:
1975 Biophotometer Model Bonet Maury
Undated Optical Systems
Undated Dichrograph Mark III
Undated Specifications Model THR 1500
Undated Low-cost Concave Holographic Grating Monochromator Model H-20
Jobst, Toledo, OH:
1961 Six Years of Pressure-Gradient Therapy, Joseph Beninson
1962 Stasis Dermatitis and Stasis (Varicose) Ulcer, Hugh Reynolds
1963 Instructions for Pressure Therapy Management, A. MacCaughey
1964 Idiopathic Orthostatic Hypotension Treatment
1964 Stasis Dermatitis and Leg Ulcers, Joseph Beninsons
1964 Aggressive Program of Treatment for Edema of Extremities (sample included)
1964 An Advanced Clinically Proved Program of Treatment
1964 Leg Ulcers Comprehesive Plan of Diagnosis and Management
1965 The Disgnosis and Treament of Varicose Veins, Norman Thompson
1965 Jobst Prescription Order Forms
1965 Answering Your Questions about Jobst
1966 Recent Advances in Treatment of Lymphedema of the Extremities, Paul Nelson
1966 Postmastectomy Edema of Arm, Henry Leis
John Royle & Sons, Paterson, NJ
1965 Price Lists
1960s Extruding Machines
1960s Royle Spirod Extruders for Thermoplastic Processing
Johnson Laboratories, Inc., Cockeysville, MD: 1971. BACTEC: Reliable Rapid Detection of Bacterial Growth
Johnson Matthey, West Chester, PA: undated, Furnace Winding Wire Data Sheet
Johnson Service Co., Milwaukee, WI:
1970 Fluidics: Start with the Fluid Amplifier
1970 Fluidic Gaging Controller Uses SIM’s for Precision Switching
1970 NOR Gate Logic Elements
1970 Manifold Card
1970 Fluidic/Electric Switches
1970 Circuit Accessories
1970 Introducing Johnson Fluidics
1970 Fluidic Gaging Controllers
1970 Prices
1971 Johnson Fluidic Position Transmitter
1971 Johnson FSP-102 Proximity Switch
1971 Fluidic/Electric Switches
1971 Johnson Diaphragm Amplifiers
1971 Introducing Johnson Fluidics
1971 Fluidic Gaging Controllers
1971 Johnson FPB-161 Summing Impact Modulator
1971 Start with the Fluid Amplifier
1971 NOR Gate Logic Elements
1971 Johnson FPB-161 Summing Impact Modulator
1971 Manifold Card
1971 Johnson Circuit Accessories
1971 Johnson FCV-20 Variable Restrictor
1971 Johnson FXS-Series Pulse Buttons
1971 FCD-400 Series Diodes
1971 FON-201 Three-Way Valve
1971 FDM-80 Test Point Indicator
1971 FCO-Series Orifice Restrictors
1971 Fluidic Position Transmitter
1971 FQR-Series Pressure Regulators
1971 FQR-Series Precision Pressure Regulators
1971 Price List
Johns Scientific, Toronto: 1976, Component Parts for "STA-PUT" Apparatus
Jorway Corp., Westbury, NY: 1994, CAMAC Catalog & Price List
J.P. Stevens & Co., Inc., Easthampton, MA: undated, hi-tuff Urethane Tubing, Film, Cord
J.T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, NJ:
Undated Test Papers for Ions
Undated Thin Layer Chromatography
Jule Inc., Trumbull, CT:
1984 Gradient Former Models J200 & J50
1990 Gradient Formers
J&W Scientific Inc.: 1998, Chromatography Columns & Lab Supplies
Kaiser Tool Co., Inc.: 1988, Thinbit
Kaiser Optical Systems, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI:
2000 Raman Review, Winter
2000 Holographic Laser Bandpass Filters
2000 FastMap Chemical Imaging: Raman Microprobe
2000 In-Situ Reaction Montoring: Raman Spectroscopy
2000 Process Control: RamanSpectroscopy
2000 Research Holographic Products & Components
2000 Holographic Notch and Supernotch Filters
2000 UltraSpec-C
Kaman Nuclear, Colorado Springs, CO:
1960 Kaman Tube: Three Different Ion Sources, Barney Carr
1960 Application of a Portable Neutron Generator to Laboratory and Plant Stream Analysis Problems, Frank Gray and Charles Whittle
Kamweld Products Co., Norwood, MA: 1964,, Versatile Plastics Welders for sealing and welding of thermoplastics
Kanthal Corp., Bethel (and Stamford), CT:
1961 Price List: REH Tube Elements and Ceramic Parts
1961 Sectionof REH Furnace drawing
1961 Three-Zone Heating Element Model 133 REH 7
1979 Kanthal Fine Wire
1986 Kanthal AF: The new ally for heating elements…
Undated Press Release: The Hot Porcupine Heating Element
|Undated The Kanthal “Porcupine”
Undated Tube Elements for High Temperature Furnaces
Undated Kanthal Super and Its Uses in Furnaces
Undated Kanthal Products: Materials, Elements, Ideas
Karl Lambrecht, Chicago, IL:
1969 Precision Laser Polarization Optics
1977 Retarders and Rotators
Undated Crystal Optics: Polarizing Optics
Undated Modification of Polarizing Microscopes & All Polarizing Instruments Employing Synthetic Sheet Polarizers
Undated Wavelength of Prisms graph
Kawecki Berylco Industries, Inc., (KBI), Reading, PA: 1977, Product Directory
Kearfott (General Precision), Little Falls, NJ, 1959, High Permeability Ferrite
Keithley: 1994, Data Acquisition
Kelvinator: 1971, K-K-K-Kel-Vi-Vinator. -96oC!
Kenco Pump Division: 1957, Catalog
Kenics Corp., Wakefield, MA: 1962, Model 102 Epoxer
Kennametal Inc., Latrobe, PA:
1960 Proven Uses of Kennametal and Kentanium
1962 New High Density Kennertium W-2
1963 Properties of Kennametal Hard Carbide Alloys
Kensington Scientific Corp. (KENSCO): Undated, Disposable Micropipettes
Keuffel & Esser Co.:
1927 Catalog
1936 Catalog
Kevex Corp., Foster City, CA:
1983 XRF Spectroscopy Offers Alternative to Optical Methods, Gideon Kramer, Industrial Research & Development, November
1983 Domestic Installation, Warranty and Return Policy
1986 Product Bulletin: High Performance Detectors
1986 Sesame: Automation for SEM Stages and Wavelength Spectrometers
1987 Kevex Delta Class: The New Generation of Microanalyzers
1987 Ad: Kevex Quantum Detector: An Invention that Revolutionizes X-Ray Analysis
1987 Only From Kevex: Innovations in Microanalysis
1987 New Product Bulletin
1987 Delta XRF Analyst: X-ray Fluorescence for Industry and Research
1987 Quantum: A Frank Discussion about Kevex’s Revolutionary New Light Element X-ray Detector
1987 Delta XRF Analyst System
1987 X-Ray Fluorescence Software
1987 X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) Literature and Articles
1980s Look. Light Element Performance with a XRF Spectrometer
Undated XRF Spectrometry
Undated Ad: What do you do when an unknown unknown hits your lab?
Undated Ad: To digest or not to digest?
Undated Delta XRF Analyst: X-ray Fluorescence for Industry and Research
Kewaunee Scientific Corp., Lockhart, TX:
1980s EPSCO Selection and Ordering Guide
1980s T-2000 Bench
1985 Sturdilite Technical Workstations
1986 FlexTech technical workstations
1988 Technical Furniture & Equipment
1988 Tech Stat
1989 Sturdilite Price List and Ordering Guide
Keystone Carbon Co., St. Mary’s, PA: 1961, Level Gauges in the Liquid Helium Liquid Oxygen Range
KH Industries, Inc. Angola, NY: 1986, “Watt-Gard” Shielded Fluorescent Lamp
Kibron Inc.:
Early 1990s Delta Pi-microtensiometer
Early 1990s ADMEscreen
Early 1990s The Multipurpose Langmuir-trough
Killion Extruders, Inc., Verona, NJ: 1965, Price List
Kimble Glass Co.: 1973, Advanced Precision Materials Handling for RIA Radioimmunoassay
Kimble Kontes:
1989/90 Complete Laboratory Glassware Catalog from Scientific Products
2000 Kimax
2000 Chromatography Products
Kindt-Collins Co., Cleveland, OH: undated, Dyna-Cast… the inexpensive way to create models, prototypes and patterns
KineticSystems Corp., Lockport, IL: 1993, CAMAC (IEEE-583) Product Catalog
KinTek Corporation:
Undated Stopped Flow SF-2001
Undated RQF-3 Quench-Flow
KinTek Instruments:
Undated Rapid-Quench Flow
Undated Stopped Flow AF-2001
Kleer-Vu Industries, Inc., New York :
1960s Technical Data Vol. 1, No. 3
1967 Series 300 Model 300SP Vibra-Seal Ultrasonice Sealing Equipment
1967 Series 600 Model 602 Vibra-Seal Ultrasonice Sealing Equipment
1968 Series 600 Model 600M Vibra-Seal Ultrasonice Sealing Equipment
1968 Series 400 Model 400M Vibra-Seal Ultrasonice Sealing Equipment
Undated New, fast, Low cost, Vibra-Seal 300
Knauer, Berlin, Germany:
1972 Electronic Semi-Micro Osmometer Type M Price List
1970s Electronic Temperature Measuring Instrument
1970s Electronic Semi-Micro Osmometer
1970s Vapour Pressure Osmometer
1970s Electronic Membrane Osmometer
Kodak (see Eastman Kodak)
Kontes Glass Co.:
1966 Chromaflex Chromatographic Apparatus: Thin Layer Chromatography
1971 New Product Bulletin
Kontron: 1972, Diapack Equilibrium Dialysis System
Kopp Scientific Inc., New York, NY: undated, Vacuum Valves
Koslow Scientific Co., North Bergen, NJ:
1978 Price List
Undated The Colorful Way to Identify Alloys
Kratos Analytical Instruments: Undated, Spectroflow 773
Kurabo Industries, Osaka, Japan:
2010 KURABO PI-80X Automated DNA Isolation System
undated NA-480 Plus Gene Prep Star
Kurt Manufacturing Co., Minneapolis, MN: 1992 Workholding Planning and Buying Guide
LabIndustries (L/I):
1970 LabQuake
1971 Lambda-Dial
1971 A Brief Guide to Instruments for Clinical & Research Laboratories
1971 Magnifying Indicator for L/I Repipets and Dilutors
1971 Repipets and Dilutors
1972 Repipets and Automatic Dilutors
Lab Mart, South Plainfield, NJ: 2002, Catalog
Laboratory Data Control (LDC), Danbury, CT:
1969 RefractoMonitor Differential Refractive Index Monitor
Undated SpectroMonitor III
LabSource, Romeoville, IL: 2014 Glove and Apparel Catalog
Lafayette Instrument Co.:
1977 TC-100 Thermal Comparator
1977 TC-100 Thermal Comparator and Reference Standards Price List
Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc., Columbus, OH: undated, Ultraminiature Coaxial Cable
Lambda Electronics Corp.: undated, LX Series
Laramy Products Co. Lyndonville, VT:
1961 Thermobande
1981 Making Better Plastic Welds
Laser Precision Corp., Yorkville, NY:
1970s Pyroelectric IR Detectors Putting the Infrared to Work
1970s Ad: Pyroelectric Detection? It Takes All Kinds!
1971 kT-4000 Pyroelectric Detectors for Radiometric Applications
1971 kT-4200 Stable, High Power Pyroelectric IR Detectors
1971 kTH-100 Serie Detector Preamplifiers
1972 kT-1000 Fast Response Pyroelectric IR Detectors
1972 kT-4400 Miniature Pyroelectric IR Detectors
1972 Price List
Laser Technology Inc., Hollywood, CA:
1975 Materials and Features of Lastec Wire Saws
1975 Models 2005-D/2006-A
1975 Models 2007/2008
1975 Accessories
1975 Lastec Lapping and Polishing Machines
1983 Prices
1984 Prices
1984 Cutting with Wire
Undated Diamond Wire/Lastec Tension Meter
Undated Two Ring Wire Saw/The Lastec Hand Crystal Saw
Latrobe Steel Co., Latrobe, PA: undated, Leadership in Specialty Alloys
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley, CA: 1961, A Pulsed Nanosecond Light Source
Lazar Research Labs, Inc.:
1970s Flat Bulb Combination pH Electrode
1970s Micro Ion Sensing Electrodes
1970s Micro-pH and Ion Sensing Electrodes
1970s pH Converter
1970s Dissolved Oxygen Probe
LDC/Milton Roy:
1982 Liquid Chromatography Accessories Info Packet
1982 SpectroMonitor D UV/Visible Variable Wavelength
1982 ConstaMetric III
1982 MiniMetric Series Metering Pumps
1982 Modular Liquid Chromatographs
1982 Take a Bite
1982 Liquid Chromatograph Control Module
1982 Price List
1983 Price List
1983 Hydrogen Products Price List
Undated SpectroMonitor III, Model 1204D
Undated MaxN Series High Efficiency, High Pressure Fluid Cells
Undated UV Monitor III
Undated RefractoMonitor III
Undated FluoroMonitor III
Undated ConductoMonitor Model 701
Undated MercuryMonitor 1235
Undated Laboratory Pumps
Undated Minipump Solvent Delivery System
Undated ConstaMetric IIIG Solvent Delivery System
Undated High Flow Rate Liquid Ends for LDC Pumps
Undated Entry-level Low Cost HPLC System
Undated Chromatographic Recorder Series 3400
Undated Model 302 Computing Integrator
Undated Gradient Master Model 1601
Undated Automatic LC Sampler
Undated Automation Accessories
Undated Dual Drive Floppy Disk Accessory
Undated Serfass ELHYGEN Mark V
Undated H2YCELL Hydrogen Storage Unit
Undated Hydrogen Purification Systems
Undated Hymonitor II, Direct Indicating Hydrogen Analyzer
Undated miniChrom HPLC System
LDJ Electronics, Inc., Troy, MI:
1973 High Field Intensity Capacitor Discharge Systems, Models 6000C-6500, 450-20C
1973 External Magnetizing Fixtures for Permanent Magnet Motors
1974 High Field Intensity Capacitor Discharge Systems, Models 450-20C, 6000C
Lebow Co., Goleta, CA:
1974 Custom Evaporated Thin Films
1980 Metal Foils
Ledtronics, Inc., Torrance, CA:
Undated LED Lamps & Indicators
Undated Based LEDS
Undated List of Users
Leeds & Northrup, Silver Spring, MD:
1953 Galvanometers, Dynamometers & DC Amplifiers, Section ED of Catalog E
1956 Galvanometers, Dynamometers & DC Amplifiers, Catalog ED
1959 Self-Saturating Saturable Core Reactors
1960 Speedomax H
1966 L&N Thermocouple Extension Wires
1968 Electrical Instruments, Catalog A
1969 Quiktip Thermocouple Connectors
1969 Speedomax W. Multi-Point Recorder with Cleertrend Printing
1969 Speedomax W/L 2-Pen Recorder
1969 Speedomax H, W and W’L Calibrated AZAR Recorders
1969 Millitemp Overheat Alarms with Power-Interrupt Protection
1969 L&N Thermocouple Wires
1969 Zero-Voltage-Firing Solid-State Power Package
1970 New Product Information
1970 Flexelect Point-Selection for Speedomax H and W Multi-Point Recorders
1970 Speedomax XL 680-Series Flat-Bed Laboratory Recorder
1970 Electromax III Universal Controller
1970 Solid-State Electromax Signaling Controller for use with Thermocouples
1971 Analog and Digital Meters
Undated Speedomax XL Recorders
Leica, Switzerland:
2014 Leica Confocal Buyers Guide
2015 A Shift of Perspective: DMi8 Inverted Microscope
2017 Step Beyond Infinity: Leica M165 FC and M205 FA Fluorescence Stereomicroscopes
Leitz (see Ernst Leitz)
Lepel: 1980, Bench Model Induction Heating Generators
Libbey, Owens, Ford Glass Co., (LOF), Toledo, OH:
1950 Electrapane
1954 81-E Electrically Conducting Coating
Li-Cor Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska:
2023 Odyssey XF Imager
2023 Odyssey M Imager
2023 Odyssey Dlx Imager
Life Sciences Advanced Technologies, St. Petersburg, FL:
2014 AMV Reverse Transcriptase
2014 Technology
Life Technologies Corp.:
1993 Catalog and Reference Guide
2014 EVOS Imaging Systems
Linde Air Products Co., New York, NY:
1956 Properties of Industrial Sapphire
1956 A Resume of Non-Metallic to Metal or Glass Bonding of Sapphire
1957 Prices for Linde Industrial Crystals
1957 Electrical Properties of Clear Linde Sapphire
1950s Optical Properties of Synthetic Sapphire
Linde Co., Tonawanda, NY:
Undated Rare Gases: Prices, Specifications, Information
Undated “Linde” Rare Gases
Lindsay Chemical Co., Chicago, IL: 1955, World’s Largest Producer of Cerium, Rare Earth and Thorium Chemicals
Linear Instruments Corp.: 1970s, Recorders
1989 Recorder Catalog
1990 Catalog
Lion Research Corp., Cambridge, MA:
1963 Nonlinear Twin-T Network for Capacitive Transducers – Kurt Lion
1963 C-Line Transducer System, Bulletin 100
1963 C-Line General Purpose Probe GP 311
1963 C-Line Proximity Probe PX 321
1963 C-Line Linear Variable Capacitance Probe
1963 C-Line Compact Unit Model 201
Lithium Corp. of America: 1963, Organolithium Compounds
LiquiCrystal, Inc., York, PA: 1972,Temperature-Reactive Liquid Crystal Film
Liquid Crystal Biosystems, Inc., (LCB), Cleveland, OH:
1970s LixKit: A New Tool for Thermography
Undated Applying Liquid Crystal Thermograms
Liquid Nitrogen Processing Corp. (LNP), Chester, PA:
1957 Services Offered
1957 LMP Porous Sponge Teflon
1976 Who We Are, What We Do, What We Can Do For You
LKB, Bromma, Sweden: 1970, Acta Ampholinae Literature Reference List 1970/71
LKB Instruments Inc., Rockville, MD:
1967 LKB 10200 Perpex Pump
1967 New, Inexpensive, Peristaltic Pump from LKB
1970 Acta Ampholinae Literature Reference List 1970/71
1970s Automatic Spectrum Stabilizer–Why?
undated Ultrolab Dilutor
Undated Biochemical Microcalorimetry
Loctite Corp., Newington, CT:
1991 Quick Metal 660
1991 Solutions from Loctite
1992 “Do It Right” Product Guide
1992 Loctite’s Expanded Silicone Line
Logosbio, Annandale, VA: undated, Luna II Automated Cell Counter
Louis Levin & Son, Inc. Los Angeles, CA:
1949 Precision Lathes Bulletin F
1950 Precision Tools Bulletin G
Undated Micro Drill Press for Small Holes
Luxel Corp., Santa Barbara, CA: 1973, Ultra-Thin Foils
Luxtron, Mountain View, CA:
1982 Model 1000B Biomedical Fluoroptic Thermometer
1982 Fluoroptic Thermometry: A New Tool for Medical Research
Lynx Real-Time Systems, Los Gatos, CA:
1992 In Real-Time You Never Get a 2nd Chance
1993 LynxOS
1993 LynxOS for the MVME-147 and MVME-167
1993 LynxOS for the 386/483-AT
1993 LynxOS for the MicroSPARC
M2p-labe, Inc., Hauppauge, NY:
2016 BioLector 1: 48 Parallel Microbioreactors
2017 BioLector Pro: Microfluidic Bioprocess Control
2017 RoboLector: Automated Fermentation
MacBeth Sales Corp., Newburgh, NY: 1963, OSRAM High Pressure Lamp XBO 450W
Machlett Laboratories, Inc., Springdale, CT:
1948 AEG-50 X-Ray Tube
1960 ML S522B Near UV Sensitive Vidicon Spectral Response Curve
1960 The Novel Self-Aligning ML-7038A Vidicon
Madden Brass Products Co., Aurora, IL: Undated, Madden Dispensing valve
Magnetic Research Corp., El Segundo, CA: 1955, Magnepulse: Magnetic Pulse Generator Model MP-85
Magnetics (Spang Industries Inc.), Butler, PA:
1975 Magnetic Shielding Materials: Permalloy 80, Alloy 48, Mu Guard 80, Mu Guard 48, Magnesil
Undated High Quality Air-Melted, Vacuum-Melted, and Powder Metallurgy Alloys
Magnetoelastic Devices, Inc., Pittsfield, MA:
1977 Model BS-6 Transducer-Limit Switch
1978 Price List
1978 Magnetostrictive Spring Transducers
1979 Series FR-3 Force Rings, Series LA-3 Leaf Actuators, Model ST Transducer Stand
1979 The Monitrol Level Indicator and Control System
1979 Magnetostrictive Spring Transducers
Mallory (see P.R. Mallory & Co., Inc.)
Mallory-Sharon, Niles, OH:
1955 MST 6AI-4V Titanium Alloy
1955 Titanium and Titanium Alloys
1958 Technical and Application Data on Zirconium
Manostat Corp.: Undated, Manostat Tubing
Mark Co., Randolph, MA:
1950s G-K Heart-Lung Apparatus Gibbon-Type
Undated Mark-Clowes Membrane Type Heart-Lung Apparatus
Marlow Industries, Inc.:
1978 Price List Thermoelectric Products
Undated Guide to Thermoelectric Heat Pumps
Maryland Metrics, Baltimore, MD: 1984, Metric Fasteners and Industrial Supplies
Master Appliance Co., Racine, WI:
1969 Air Heater Blower, Compressed Air Flameless Heat Torch, Heat Gun
1975 Heat Gun Parts Price List
1978 Master Heat Gun
1979 Varitemp Heat Gun
Undated “Flameless Heat Gun Attachments”
Undated “Parts Price List” 1969
Master Machine Tools, Inc.: 1973, Price List
Materials Analysis Co., Palo Alto, CA: 1969, Highest Resolution, Most Versatile Scanning Electron Microscope
Materials Electronic Products Corp. (MELCOR), Trenton, NJ:
1976 The Amazing New Portable Refrigerator Frigitote
1977 Price List
1977 Solid State Cooling with Thermoelectrics
1977 Frigichip Miniature Ceramic Modules Series FC
1977 Thermoelectric Heat Pumps
1970s CP & FC Lapped Modules or Coated MC Modules
undated Solid State Cooling with Thermoelectrics
undated Solid State Cooling with Thermoelectrics: Performance Charts
undated Thermoelectric Module
Materials Research Corp., (MRC), Orangeburg, NY:
1966 Advanced Materials
1975 Advanced Materials Catalog
1978 Metal Etchants For Thin Film Applications
1970s Tungsten for Thin Film Applications
1970s Platinum and Palladium for Thin Film Applications
1970s Chromium for Thin Film Applications
1970s Cleaning and Packaging Procedures
1970s Gold and Gold Alloys for thin Film Applications
Undated Thin Film Materials Catalog
Undated Series 900A High Rate In-Line Sputtering Systems
Undated R.F. Sputtering Power Supplies
Undated 8667SS Sputtering Module
Undated Materials for Evaporation & Sputtering
Matheson, East Rutherford, NJ:
1959 Cylinder Valve Outlets and Connections
1960 Compressed Gas Cylinder Valve Outlets and Connections
1961 Sterilizing Gas Mixtures
1963 Sterilizing Gas Mixtures
1960s Ozonators
1960s Ozone in Cylinders Price List
1960s Announcing the Imminent Availability of Ozone in Cylinders
1960s Ozone Physical Constants (100% Ozone)
Undated Guide to Safe Handling of Compressed Gases
Undated CGA Compressed Gas Cylinders Valve Outlets and Connections
Undated Your Guide to Gas Mixtures
Undated Matheson Fluorine Data Sheet
Undated Hydrogen Iodide
Matrix Technologies, Hudson, NH:
Undated Ready to Walk Away from Your Pipetting?
Undated Pipettors, Automation, Disposables
McCrone Accessories & Components: 1982, Microscopy Off the Shelf
McMillan Electronics Corp.:
1993 Gas and Liquid Flow Sensors
Undated Model 1200A NO/NO2/NOx Meter
McPherson Instrument Corp., Acton, MA:
1961 Vacuum Ultra-Violet Instrumentation Model 235 Scanning Monochromator
Undated Measurements to a Micron: Measuring Comparator Model 100
Undated New Concept 0.3 Meter Scanning Monochromator with Snap-In Gratings
Undated Ad: Now! Double Bean Instrumentation in the Vacuum Ultraviolet Range
Undated Model 651 Dual Position Detector Housing
Undated Model 650 Detector Assembly
Meaker Co., Nutley, NJ: 1973, Rectifier Equipment
Mechrolab Inc., Mountain View, CA: 1960, Model 301 Vapor Pressure Osmometer
Mech-Tronics Nuclear, Melrose Park, IL: 1994, General Catalog
Med-E-Cal Labs, Brookline, MA: undated, Strobe Light Model 100
Mediatech, Inc., Herndon, VA: no date, Cellgro ®
Medical Connection Inc., Columbia, MD: Undated, Medical Products Catalog
Medical-Electronics Development Co., Great Neck, NY:
1955 “Infraton” Sphygmograph Systems Price List
1955 “Visoton”: A Complete Portable Objective Blood Pressure Instrument & “Aire-scape”: A Linear Pressure Release Valve
Medical Monitors, Inc., Seattle, WA: 1964, Oxygenator, Organ Perfusion Chamber, Dialysate Tank
Medical Systems Corp., Great Neck, NY:
1965 Pulsemeter Type PM-101
1965 Bedmonitor Type BM-102 and BM-202
1966 Pulse Meter
Undated Pico-Injector PLI-100
Medimatic, Copenhagen, Denmark: 1980, Tomomatic 64 Product Data
Medi Tech, Watertown, MA:
1973 The Soft-Steerable Catheter System
1973 Prices
1973 Non-Operative Removal of Retained Biliary Stones
1973 Selective Bronchial Catheterization
1973 Selective Vascular Catheterization
Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN: 2022, Medtronic Melody TPV Therapy
Medwire Corp., Mount Vernon, NY:
1982 Sigmund Cohn Corp. Properties of Metals and Alloys
1983 Teflon Coated Wire for Use as Micro-Electrodes
Melabs, Palo Alto, CA: 1966, The New Melabs SCM-1 and SCM-2 Recording Osmometers
Menlo Park Engineering (MPE), Menlo Park, CA:
1960s Power Supply Characteristics
1960s Kilovolt Nanosecond Pulses Generator and Light Source
Mercodia, Uppsala, Sweden: 2015, When Accuracy Matters Product Catalog: Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity
Metaloglass, Inc., Boston, MA:
Undated Compact Fraction Collectors
Undated Compact Distillation Head
Metals & Controls Corp., Attleboro, MA
1952 Composite Metals, Precious Metals, Electrical Contacts
1953 General Plate Electrical Contact Kits
Metals Research Instrument Corp., Monsey, NY:
1969 Equipment for Materials Science
Undated Price Guide: Metallic Single Crystals, Rare Earths, etc.
Metro Industries, Long Island City, NY: 1955, Metrogram Variable, speed Constant, Rate Infusion Pump
Metron Inc., Allamuchy, NJ: undated, Materials
Metro Scientific, Inc., Farmingdale, NY: Undated, Dissecting Instruments
1972 Catalog
1978 Catalog
1978 Price List
1978 Mettler GC301 Application Input Device
1978 PC440 and PC4400 Electronic Top-loading Precision Balances with DeltaRange
Undated Balances
Undated Level-test and Mettler Level-matic
Mettler-Toledo, Hightstown, NJ: 1995, The Best Company to Call for Service…
MG Industries, Malvern, PA: 1996, Specialty Gases and Equipment
MG Scientific, Pleasant Prairie, WI: 2002, Laboratory Solutions
MHD Research, Inc., Newport Beach, CA: undated, MHD Arc Switch Model AS-25
Microelectrodes Inc.:
1978 A New Technology for pH and Ions
1982 Smallest pH and Ion Electrodes
Micromanipulator Co., Escondido, CA:
1969 Models MPM-031, MPM-062, PM-0-100
1969 Models MPM-500, MPM-1000
Micromass, Manchester, England:
1999 LC TOF MS Life Science Workstation
1999 Q-Tof ™ Mass Spectrometry
Micromeritics Instrument Corp., Norcross, GA:
1970 Rapid, Automatic Particle Size Analysis in the Subsieve Range
1971 SediGraph 5000 Particle Size Analyzer
Micro Networks Corp.:
Undated MN5280 16 Bit A/D Converter
Undated MN5280, MN5282 Dual-in-Line 16-Bit A/D Converters
MicroPump Corp., Concord, CA:
1975 Magnet Drive Gear/Centrifugal Miniature Pumps
1976 Price List
1976 4 Times Greater Performance
1982 56 C-Face Magnetic Gear Pump
1984 Price List
1984 Guide to Magnet Drive Pumps
Microwave Associates Inc., Boston, MA: undated, Wave Guide Component Specifications
Micro-Wire Stranding Co., Passaic, NJ:
Undated Micro-Wire
Undated Stranded Pure Tungsten Wire for Vacuum Metalizing
Miele, Princeton, NJ: undated, Professional Glassware & Instrument Washer
Millipore, Bedford, MA:
1966 Swinnex Disposable Filter Units
1967 Bulletin SQS-1 A Modular System for the Production of Super-Quality Water, the Super-Q System
1970 Application Notes-136, A Membrane Filter Technique for Detecting…
1975 Mill-RO Systems for Laboratory Grade Water
1994 MultiScreen Methods: Receptor Binding Assays
1994 MultiScreen Methods: Guidlines for Bioassays on MultiScreen Filter Plates
1995 MultiScreen Methods: Attachment-Dependent Cell Growth and Cell Proliferation
1995 MultiScreen Methods: Use of MultiScreen Plates in ELISA/FELISA Techniques
1995 MultiScreen Opaque Filter Plates Data Sheet
1995 MultiScreen Filtration System Ordering Information
1995 MultiScreen Methods: Applications and References
1996 Tech Note Protocols for Coating MultiScreen Glass Fiber Filter Plates
1996 MultiScreen Methods: Cell-Based Receptor Binding Assays
1997 Membrane Devices for Sterile Filtration
2001 Catalog
2001 Millex ® Filter Units with Millipore Express Membrane
2003 Amicon ® Ultra Centrifugal Filter Devices
2017 Milli-Q IQ 7000 Purification System
Millipore-Sigma, Burlington, MA:
2017 Milli-Q IQ 7000 Purification System
2022 Scepter 3.0 Cell Counter
2023 ReCycler Solvent Systems
Mill-Max, Oyster Bay, NY: Undated, Catalog 12 Design Guide to IC Sockets and Interconnect Components
Miltenyi Biotec, Auburn, CA: 2002, Magnetic Cell Sorting, Advanced Flow Cytometry, Separations for Molecular Biology
Minco Products Inc., Minneapolis, MN:
1973 Price List
1973 Platinum Resistance Thermometer Elements
1982 HK913 Heater Kit
Minolta, Ramsey, NJ: 1988, MI3MS 1000: Minolta Integrated Information and Image Management System
Mirus: 2020, Package Delivery: The Art of Transfection
Mirus Bio: 2018, TransIT-X2 Dynamic Delivery System
Misco Scientific, Berkeley, CA: 1965, Nanoliter Pipets
Mitsubishi EDM, Wood Dale, IL:
1992 Price List
1992 If You’re Running Any Make or Model Wire EDM…
MJ Research, Inc., Waltham, MA: 1999, Products for Molecular Biology
M & M Glassblowing Laboratory, Inc., Hawthorne, CA: 1965-66, Catalog
Modern Plastics Magazine: 1966, Market Report
Molectron Corp., Sunnyvale, CA:
1973 Pyroelectric Detectors
1973 Prices
1973 Infrared Polarizers
Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA:
1999 MAXline 5: Verify Small-Volume Dispenser Performance with PathCheck Sensor
2000 Spectramax Plus 384: UV/VIS Microplate Spectrophotometer with PathCheck Sensor
2000 MAXline 1: Test Liquid Handling Systems with PathCheck Sensor
2000 MAXline 2: PathCheck Sensor: A Powerful New Tool for Microplate Analysis
Molecular Dynamics:
1995 Fluorescence Imaging Applications Guide
1995 FluorImager SI
1995 Vistra Fluorescence Reagents
Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR:
2001 BioProbes 38
2002 Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Products
2002 Fluorescence Microplate Assays
2002 Alexa Fluor Dyes
2000s Tools and Accessories for Fluorescence Microscopy
Molecu-Wire Corp., Farmingdale, NJ:
Undated Protoloy and Electroloy
Undated Manganin
Molybdenum Corp. of America (Molycorp), New York, NY: 1968, The Use of Rare-Earth Oxides to Give Color or Visible Fluorescence to Soda-Lime Glasses
Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO:
1955 Vyram: Solvent Resistant Elastomer
1959 Santotube (with sample)
Morganite Inc., Long Island City, NY: undated, Refractories
Motorola Inc., Phoenix, AZ: 1994, VME Module Selector Guide
Motorola Semiconductor Products Inc., Phoenix, AZ: undated MC1595 is the Industry’s First True Linear, 4-Quadrant Multiplier IC
Mountanos Sea Waves Energy Inc., Mount Rainer, MD: 1970s, Sea Waves Energy
MP Biomedicals. Solon, OH:
2013 FastPrep System and Kits
2017 Molecular biology FastPrep
MRA Corp.: undated, Electrophoresis Equipment
M-R Plastics & Coatings, Inc., Maryland Heights, MO: Undated, Mistaflex Dark Gray Urethane Elastomers
MSA Research Corp.: 1969, Price Lists
MSD Isotopes: Montreal, Canada: Undated, MSD Isotopes Catalog
M & T Chemicals Inc., Rahway, NJ: 1982, The Certincoat Coating System for M&T
Mullard, London:
1959 Photomultiplier Tube 50 AVP
1959 Photomultiplier Tube 52 AVP
1959 Photomultiplier Tube 54 AVP
1959 Photomultiplier Tube 55 AVP
1959 Photomultiplier Tube 56 AVP
1959 Photomultiplier Tube 150 AVP
Mupac Corp., Brockton, MA: 1989, Wire Wrap Systems: Packaging Systems (computer boards)
M. W. Kellogg Co., Jersey City, NJ: 1953, Kel-F: Physical Electrical, Chemical and Mechanical Properties
2020 Occupational Safety Solutions for Common Laboratory Applications
2020 Cross-Contamination and Occupational Exposure Control
Nalgene, Rochester, NY: 2007, Labware
NanoTemper Technologies: 2021, Breaking Down Barriers: The Future of Neurodegeneration Research
Narishige Scientific Instrument Lab, Tokyo, Japan:
Undated Micromanipulators
Undated Vol. 3: Stereotaxic Instruments
Undated Vol. 4: Microelectrode Pullers, Microforges and Microgrinders
Undated Vol. 5: Chronic Micromanipulators
Undated Vol. 6: Accessories and Custom-Made Products
Nash and Thompson, Ltd., Elmbridge, England:
1957 An Automatic Dispenser for Multiple Titrations
1958 The Rowe Electronic Colloid Osmometer
National Appliance Co., Portland, OR:
1970s Incubators
1970s Controlled Environment Walk-in Rooms
1970s Heinicke Pulsonic Cleaning Equipment
1970s Automatic Autoclave/Dryer
1970s Catalog
1970 Price List
National Beryllia Corp., Haskell, NJ:
1963 How Good are Beryllia Ceramics? Philip S. Hessinger, Electronics, October 18
1968 Ceramic Materials
Undated Berlox K-150 Beryllium Oxide
Undated Berlox K-150 Ceramic Products
National Carbon Co., New York, NY:
1951 Carbon and Graphite and Karbate: Impervious Carbon and Graphite Products
1963 Boron Nitride
National Cylinder Gas, Chicago, IL: 1962, Regulators Parts list
National Diagnostics, Atlanta, GA: 2017-2018, Life Sciences Catalog
National Instrument Laboratories, Rockville, MD: 1965, Bulletin 1-1400
National Instrument Laboratories, Inc., Washington, DC: undated, Bulletin 158, The Field-Emission Electron Microscope
National Nanofabrication Facility at Cornell, Ithaca, NY: undated, Pioneering a New Methodology for Advance Research
National Rubber Machinery Co., Akron, OH: 1962, Price List
National SemiConductor Corp.: 1970, LM108A/LM208A/LM308A Operational Amplifiers General Description
National-Standard Co., Niles, MI: 1978, Technical Data: N-S Rocket Wire
National Technical Laboratories, South Pasadena, CA: 1949, A New Spectrophotometer Employing a Glass Fery Prism
Nems Clarke Co., Silver Spring, MD:
1959 Type 505 Pulsarc/Type 505 Zenarc
1959 Merc-Arc Type 520-G and Type 520-Q
Undated The World’s Finest Electronic Flash Unit
Undated Merc-Arc High Intensity Light Source
NEN ™ Life Science Products, Inc., 1998, Western Blot Products Guide
Neotec Corp., Rockville, MD: Undated, High Resolution Temperature Stability Active BandPass Filters
NESLAB Instruments Inc.:
1974 Temperature Controlled Liquid Systems
early 1990s NESLAB Recirculating Chillers
early 1990s Constant Temperature Bath/Circulators and Immersion Coolers
Newark Wire Cloth Co., Newark, NJ:
1949 Woven Wire Screen & Wire Cloth Products: Catalog D
1968 Wirecloth
New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc., New Brunswick, NJ:
1961 Gyrotory Incubator-Shaker
1971 Shake and Incubate...Right on Your Bench
1971 Magnetically-Driven Fermentor: Magnaferm Bench-Top Fermentor
1996 Price List
2006 Selecting the Right Shaker for Your Laboratory
2000s Innova ® The Driving Force in Digital Shakers
2000s Classic Biological Shakers
New England Biolabs., Ipswich, MA: 2007-2008, Catalog and Technical Reference
New England Nuclear, Boston, MA:
1981 Lipotropin Radioimmunoassay Kit
1981 B-Lipotropin 125I Radioimmunoassay Kit
Nexus Research Laboratory, Inc., Canton, MA
1967 USL-1 & ESL-1 Ultra Stable All-Silicon, Solid-State Operational Amplifiers
Undated 4 outstanding operational amplifiers from Nexus…
Undated …did you say an op amp for less than $10?:
Undated Types SA-1, SD-1, SQ-1 All-Silicon Solid-State Operational Amplifiers
Undated ypes SA-2, SD-2, SQ-2 All-Silicon Solid-State Operational Amplifiers
NGK Metals Corp., Reading, PA: 1987, Beryllium Copper Strip Products
Nikon, Inc., Tokyo, Japan:
1970 Price List GSA
1972 Microscope General Listing A
1972 Microscope Model CL “Classic”
1973 Microscope Price List
1973 Microscope Model S-Kt
Undated Differential-Interference Microscope Attachment Type R
Undated Inverted Microscope Model MS
Nikon Inc., Instrument Group, Garden City, NJ: 1990, Microscopes
Nitto Kohki, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
1972 Drills, Sanders, etc. brochure
1972 Price List
1972 Mark II Die Grinder
NL Industries, Inc., Hightstown, NJ:
Undated Biothane System 228
1977 Biothane System 230
1977 Biothane System 236
1980 Biothane System 244
1980 Biothane System 245
1980 Biothane System 246
1980 Biothane System 229
1980 Biothane System 238
1980 Biothane System 242
1980 Biothane System 243
Norden-Ketay Corp., Boston, MA: 1950s, An Automatic Color Translating Ultraviolet Microscope
Nordson Corp., Amherst, OH:
1984 The Powder Coating Process
1985 Cross-Cut Airless Spray Gun Nozzles
1985 Airless Spray Systems
1986 New Catalog
1986 Nordson Manual Electrostatic Spray System for Waterborne Coatings
1986 System Sense in Manual Powder Coating
1987 Problem Solving with Nordson Electrostatic Spray Systems
1987 Tribomatic Powder Coating System
1987 Nordson Heated Airless Systems
Undated The Problem-Solving Experts
Nortech Laboratories Ltd.: 1974, Stopped-Flow Kinetic Spectrometers
North American Philips Co., Inc. (NORELCO), Mount Vernon, NY:
1950s A new compact device for microradiography in biology, medicine, mineralogy, and metallurgy
1953 Research and Control Instruments: X-Ray and Analytical Equipment
1968 X-Ray Diffraction: Diffractometer Accessories G
Undated Twenty Questions and Answers on X-Ray Analysis
North American Philips Controls Corp., Cheshire, CT:
1978 Brushless DC Motor Electronically Commutated Servo Series 85100
1978 Airpax
1979 Stepper Motor Handbook
1979 DC Motors Size 15 Series K17400 Iron Rotorr
1979 Poster: Control Components News
Norton Co., Akron, OH:
1978 Tygon Tubing
Undated New sizes now available for Tygothane
Nova Biomedical: early 1990s, Nova’s New Electrolyte Analyzers
Novex, San Diego, CA: 1999, Novex Protein Standards
Nuaire, Inc., Plymouth, MN: Undated, Biological Safety Cabinets, Incubators, Animal Research Products
Nuclear-Chicago Corp.:
1953 Nuclear Chicago Catalog M
1954 Nuclear Chicago Catalog N
1961 General Catalog
1971 1185 Series Automatic Gamma Counting Systems
1972 Radioimmunoassay Competitive Protein Binding Data Systems
Undated Biospan Gamma Counting Systems
Undated Liquid Scintillation Systems
Undated Automatic Gamma Counting Systems
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Specialties, Inc., New Kensington, PA: 1966, Heteronuclear Spin Decoupling Technical Information Bulletin R-1
Nuclear Measurements Corp., Indianapolis, IN: 1985, Radiation Monitoring & Counting
Nuclear Products Co., El Monte, CA: 1972, Staticmaster
Nuclear Systems Inc. (NCI), Garland, TX: undated, Solid State Cooling
The Nucleus Inc.: Undated, Personal Computer Analyzer: Spectroscopy Systems for the Future
Numec Instruments and Controls Corp. (Numinco), Monroeville, PA: 1960s, Leader in Particle Technology
Nunc, Inc., Denmark:
1990 Covalent Binding: CovaLink Your New Link in Immunology
1993 T echNote Vol. 1, No. 9 Coupling of Oligosaccharides to Nunc CovaLink NH Modules
Undated StarWell Module: The Dawn of a Stellar Design
NH2 Note:
1993 #1 Primary amines introduced on a CovaLink NH2 Polystyrene Surface
1997 #2 Covalent Coupling of peptides to a CovaLink NHs Primary Amine Surface
1997 #3 Covalent Cupling of a Steroid Hormone to a CovaLink NH2 Primary Amine Surface
1997 #4 Cyanuric Chloride Activation of a CovaLink NH2 Primary Amine Surface
1997 #5 Covalent Coupling of Biotin amine to cyanuric Chloride activated…
1997 #6 Covalent Coupling of antibodies to cyanuric chloride actived…
Nycomed (Amersham) Pharma, Norway:
1993 Cell Biology
1994 OptiPrep is the gentle solution
1997 Biological Separations No. 2
1997 Biological Separations No. 3
1998 Applications and Products
O.C. Rudolph & Sons, Inc. (see Rudolph & Sons)
Ogden Sales Inc., Arlington Heights, IL: undated, Cartridge heaters Mighty Watts
Oliver Instrument Co.: 1990; Drill Pointers, Point Thinners, & Point Checking Gages
Olympus America Corp., Melville, NY:
1999 Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy
2000 A New Objective and a New TIRFM Illuminator
Olympus Optical Co., Melville, NY:
1990s System Microscope CH, CH/40/CH30
1990s Inverted Microscope CK2, CK2-BI/C2-TR
1990s Inverted System Microscope IX, IX70/IX50
1990s LB Objectives
1990s Biological Microscopes
1990s System Microscope BX, BX50/BX40
1993 CK2 Inverted Microscopes Specification Sheet
Omega Engineering Inc., Stamford, CT:
1987 New Horizons in Process Measurement and Control: Volume II
1987 New Horizons in Process Measurement and Control: Volume VI
1987 New Horizons in Process Measurement and Control: Volume VII
1987 Complete Pressure, Strain and Force Measurement Handbook
1987 Complete pH and Conductivity Measurement Handbook
1987 Complete Test Instrumentation and Tools Handbook
1987 Complete Flow and Level Measurement Handbook
Undated Tungsten-Rhenium
Undated Thermocouple Insulators and Protection Tubes
Undated Thermocouple Connectors
On-Line Systems, Inc. (OLIS):
early 1990s Catalog
early 1990s See Your Spectra in the Best Light
1992 Update
Ophthos Instrument Co., Rockville, MD:
1960s Microwave Generators
1961 Price List
Undated Electrodeless Discharge Lamps: Nobel Gases, Metallic Halides Hg 198
Undated R.F. Cavities for 2450 mc Generators
Optics Technology Inc., Belmont, CA:
1969 Standard Filter Catalog
1969 Price List
1969 OTI’s New Capabilities in Optical Thin Films
Undated Filters Sets with Spectracoat Interference Filters
Orflo Technologies, Hailey, ID:
2012 Revolutionary Cell Counting OS4.0
2014 zEPI Flow and Moxi Flow
Organomation Assc. Inc.: 1981, Catalog 609: High-Speed Analytical Evaporators
Oriel Corp., Stamford, CT:
1983 Steppermike Stepping Motor Driven Micrometer
1990 Optics & Filters Vol. 3
1992 Precision Products for Lasers & Optics Vol. 1
Undated 1/4 Meter Monochromator/Spectrograph
Undated Photon Drag Detectors and Beam Monitors
Undated Precision Optical Components
Undated Low Noise Infrared Detector New Golay Type
Original Hanau, Germany:
1978 Immersion Lamps for the Chemical Industry
1979 Radiation Sources for Ultraviolet Drying and Hardening Processes
Original Hanau Heraeus, Germany:
1981 Novelties of OHH
Undated Fluotest Analytical Lamps
Undated Immersion Lamps for Laboratory Experiments
Orionics (Ametek), Bozeman, MT:
1980s Single Mode Fusion Splicer, Model FW-304A with Local Injection & Detection
1981 Application Note No. 1: OTDR Signal Analysis Reflection Location
1981 Application Note No. 2: OTDR Signal Analysis Launch End Resolution
1981 Application Note No. 3: OTDR Signal Analysis Break Signatures
1981 Application Note No. 4: OTDR Signal Analysis Backscatter Signal
1981 Application Note No. 5: OTDR Signal Analysis Nonuniform Fiber Attenuation
1981 Application Note No. 6: OTDR Signal Analysis Long Link Signals
1983 Application Note No. 8: OTDR Signal Analysis Multiple Wavelength Testing at 1300 and 820nm
1983 Application Note No. 9: 1300nm Multimode OTDR Solves Long Fiber Link Installation Problems
1983 Single Mode Optical Waveguide Fusion Welder Model FW-301/SM
1983 Fiber Cleaver Model FCR
1984 Optical Time Domain Reflectometer Model OTDR-103C
1984 Optical Fiber Fusion Splicer Model FW-303
1984 Optical Waveguide Fusion Welder Model FW-301
1984 Diamond Tipped Fiber Cleaver Model FCD
1985 Orionics FW-304A Fusion Splicer
1985 Single Mode Fusion Splicer Orionics Model FW-304
1986 LAS 400: One Location, One Operator, Fiber Alignment Instrument
Undated Ad: Fiber Cleaver Carbide Tip/Diamond Tip
Orion Research:
1978 Price List
1978 Price List Model 501 & 201 Digital pH Meters
1979 Guide to Electrodes and Laboratory Instrumentation
1979 Research Guide to Electrodes and Laboratory Instrumentation
1980 Glass Electrodes
1981 Ion-selective and pH Meters and Electrodes
1981 Model 101 Conductivity Meter
1982 Ross Electrodes
1990 Optics & Filters Vol. 2
1992 Precision Products for Lasers & Optics Vol. 1
1998 Sensing the Future: Laboratory Products and Electrochemistry Handbook
Undated Model 501
Undated No Lemon Tee Shirt Offer
Undated Catalogue XBO High Pressure Xenon Lamps
Undated Catalogue HBO Super Pressure Mercury Lamps
Undated Catalog Q-M-Na: Mercury High Pressure Lamps, Self-ballasted Mercury Lamps, Power Stars, Halogen Metal Vapour Lamps, Vailox Lamps, Sodium Lamps
Owl Scientific, Inc., Wobrun, MA: 1996, Product Catalog
Oxford Instruments, Oak Ridge, TN:
1992 Tennelec/Nucleus Inc. Catalog
1995 Systems and Components
Undated Mossbauer Systems: Cryogenic and Magnetic Systems for Mossbauer Analysis
Undated Dilution Refrigerators
Undated Dilution Refrigerator Power Supply
Undated Dilution Refrigerator Temperature Controller
Undated Standard Dilution Refrigerator Systems
Oxford Laboratories: 1969, T-4 Column Chromatography System
Ozone Research and Equipment Corp. (OREC), Phoenix, AZ:
1960s Model 03V1 Ozonator
1960s OREC 03C Series Ozonators
Paasche Airbrush, Chicago, IL:
1959 Twenty-Two Airbrush Lessons for Beginners
1961 Bulletin H-F-761: Operating Instructions for H3 and F2 Airbrushes
Pacific Scientific: early 1990s, SC700...One Tough Servo
Packard Instrument Co., Downers Grove, IL:
1965 5000 Series Auto-Gamma Spectrometer Systems
1965 Auto-Gamma Spectrometer Systems 5000 Series
1965 Model 7201 Radiochromatogram Scanner
1965 Specifications Model 446 ARMAC Scintillation Detector
1967 Pesticide Analyzer
1968 Data Sheet: Model 852 Gas Fraction Collector
1968 Specifications 5000 Series Auto-Gamma Spectrometer System
1968 Specifications Model 325 Combustion Furnace
1969 Data Sheet: Model 300 Tri-Carb Automatic Sample Oxidizer
1969 Data Sheet: Model 565 DISC Integrator
1969 7300/7400 Series Gas Chromatographs
1969 3000 Series Tri-Carb Spectrometers
1969 Specifications Model 2101 Semi-Automatic, Ambient Temperature Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer
1969 Specifications Model 3305 Semi-Automatic Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer
1969 Specifications Model 2311 Automatic, Ambient Temperature Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer
1969 Specifications Model 517 Tape Reader/Editor for Olivetti Underwood Programma 101B
1969 900 Series Multichannel Analyzers
1970 Model 930 Multichannel Analyzer
1970 Data Sheet: Model 7102 Refractometer
1970 Data Sheet: Model 7103 UV Monitor
1970 The 2420 Tri-Carb Spectrometer
1970 Specifications Model 5600 Osteodensitometer
1970 Specifications Model 543 Tape Perforator
1970 Specifications Model 544 Absolute Activity Analyzer
1970 Specifications Model 545 Teletype Typewriter, Tape Perforator and Tape Reader
1970 Specifications Model 2111 Automatic, Ambient Temperature Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer
1970 Specifications Model 2211 Automatic, Ambient Temperature Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer
1970 Specifications Models 3375 and 3380 Automatic Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Spectrometers
1970 Specifications Model 5219 Auto-Gamma Spectrometer System
1970 Specifications Tri-Carb Continuous Flow Analyzers
1970 Chemical Notes: Summary of …Sample Preparation for Liquid Scintillation Counting
1970 Model 300 and 305 Tri-Carb Sample Oxidizers
1971 Specifications Model 933 Display Monitor
1971 Specifications Model 934 Amplifier
1971 Specifications Model 935 High Voltage Supply
1971 406, 407, 409 & 420 Series Gas Chromatographs
1971 Insta-Gel: A Solution Searching for a Problem
1971 Specifications Model 966 Four Input PHA Router
1971 Specifications Model 967 Four Input Multiscale
1971 Specifications Model 943 Parallel-to-serial Converter
1971 Specifications Model 942 Integrator
1971 Specifications Model 941 Analog-to-Digital Converter
1971 Specifications Model 940 Superzoom Multichannel Analyzer
1971 Specifications Model 900 Analyzer
1971 Specifications Model 928 Peak Detector
1971 Specifications Model 893 Gas Proportional Counter
1971 Specifications Model 5024 Tandem Gamma Console
1971 Specifications Models 5022 and 5023 Tandem Gamma Consoles
1971 Specifications Model 5119 Auto-Gamma Spectrometer System
1971 Specifications Model 546/547 Teletype Typewriter, Tape Perforator, and Tape Reader
1971 Specifications Model 3320 Automatic Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer
1971 Specifications Model 2425 Automatic Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer
1971 Specifications Model 513 IBM Selectric Typewriter
1971 Specifications Model 5319 Auto-Gamma Spectrometer System
1971 Packard Model 1015 Nitrogen-15 Analyzer
1971 Introducing the Packard Amino Acid Derivatizer Model 896
1970s A Full Range of Instruments, Chemical and Supplies for Radioactivity Measurement and Chromatography
Undated Specfications A Guide to Capabilities of New Packard Modular Gas Chromatographs
Undated Specifications Model 895 Automatic Injector System
Undated Model 891 Curie Point Pyrolyzer
Undated Specifications Model 962 Preamplifier
Undated Specifications Model 963 Preamplifier/Probe Assembly
Undated Tri-Carb 4000 Series Liquid Scintillation Systems
Undated Auto-Gamma Spectrometer Systems
Pako Corp., Minneapolis, MN:
1969 Price List
Undated The solution to better prints
Panametrics, Waltham, MA:
1970 Acoustic Emission Transducers and Electronics
1971 Acoustic Emission Simulation Test Set 5060 AE-Set
1971 Ultrasonic Pulser/Receiver Model 5050 PR
1971 VIP Series Video Inspection Panaprobe Broadband Transducers
1971 Model 5070 VIP-10-1/4 B Transducer
Panasonic, Wood Dale, IL:
2012 Guide to Laboratory Equipment
2012 Integrated Cell Processing Work Station MHE-PF4025CW, MHE-UN4025CW
2012 Ultra-Low Freezer Advancements and Challenges to Low Energy Consumption and Better Reliability
2012 -86 C Ultra-Low Freezers MDF-U33V, MDF-U53VA, MDF-U56VC, MDF-U76VC
2012 -86 C Ultra-Low Freezers MDF-U500VXC, MDF-U700VXC
2013 Industry’s First App-Based Lab Monitoring System
Panomics, Fremont, CA: 2006, Quantitative Biology Catalog
Panvera, Madison, WI: 1996/97, Fluorescence & Fluorescence Polarization Products, Recombinant Human Proteins, TaKARa PCR Products
Paragon Biotech, Inc., Baltimore, MD: Undated, Products and Services
Parke-Davis, Morris Plains, NJ:
1990 Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial Reassessing the Unexpected
Undated Procan Tablet Insert
Parr Instrument Co.:
1968 Catalog
1973 Hydrogenation Apparatus: Shaker and Rocker Types
1978 Laboratory Reactors, Autoclaves, and Pressure Vessels
1980 Price Lists
Particle Sizing Systems, Port Richey, FL: 2014 Particle Size Analyzers
Peabody Barnes, Mansfield, OH: 1979, ProCav Progressing Cavity Pump
Peak Scientific: 2018, Nitrogen Gas Generator Genius XI
PEK, Sunnyvale, CA:
Undated Xenon Flash Lamps
Undated General Catalog 902: Standard & Custom High Intensity Light Sources
Undated Nanosecond Light Source PEK 118, 118-TR 118-TE
Undated Super High-Pressure Xenon Arc Lamp
Undated Super High-Pressure Mercury Arc Lamps
Pennsylvania Fluorocarbon Co., Inc., Clifton Heights, PA:
1967 Penntube Bulletin No. 400 Penntube CT-Flex
1968 Penntube Shrinkable Tubings
1968 Penntube Bulletin No. 31 Spaghetti Tubing of Teflon
1968 Penntube Bulletin No. 31E--Expanded Tubing of Teflon
1968 Penntube Bulletin No. 41 Flexible Tubing
Undated Penntube Bulletin No. 3E Expanded Tubing
Undated Penntube Bulletin No. 9 Expanded Teflon Applicator
Undated Penntube Bulletin No. 11 Spiral-Wrapped Tubing of Teflon
Undated Penntube Bulletin No. 12 Teflon Lined Rubber Tubing
Undated Penntube Bulletin No. 10 Printing on Extrusions
Undated Penntube Bulletin No. 1 Heavy-Walled Tubing
Undated Penntube Bulletin No. 8 Special Shapes
Undated Product Selector Chart for Penntube Products
Undated Fluorocarbon Extrusions for Industry
Undated History of Pennsylvania Fluorocarbon Co., Inc.
Various price lists
Pennwalt Corp.: undated, KYNAR Piezo Film
Penta Laboratories, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA: undated, Reactanct Chart
Pentek Inc., Norwood, NJ: undated, Modular Sub-Systems for VMEbus & MultiBus
Perfection Mica Co. (Magnetic Shield Division), Bensenville, IL:
1957 Wrappable Magnetic Foil Shields Relays, Electronics, November
1957 Flexible Magnetic Shielding Foil Cuts Production Costs, Electronic Equipment, June
1975 A.C. Magnetic Field Evaluator Probe
1976 Co-Netic & Netic Magnetic Shielding Alloys
Undated Data Sheet #128: S3-6 Netic Foil for Shielded Rooms and Enclosures
Undated Data Sheet #129: Co-netic Magnetic Hum and Electrostatic Shielding
Undated Data Sheet #132: Co-netic Tube Shield
Undated List of literature available on magnetic shielding
1956 Price List: Infrared Instruments & Accessories, Optical & Electronic Building Blocks, Crystal Optics
1960 Measurement of Photometric Accuracy in UV-VIS Spectrophotometry
1964 Atomic Absorption Newsletter no. 18: Detection Limits in Analytical Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
1964 The Analysis of a Temperature-Controlled Scanning Calorimeter (O’Neill)
1966 Atomic Absorption Newsletter 5(3), An Automated Procedure for the Determination of Trace Metals by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
1966 Atomic Absorption Newsletter, 5(3) Recent Developments in Analytical Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
1966 UV Spectroscopy Newsletter #4: Perkin-Elmer Instruments for Polarimetry
1983 Model LCI-100 Laboratory Computing Integrator
1984 Catalog
1985 MasterLab System Laboratory Robotics
1987 LC-235 Diode Array Detection System
1988 LC-135 Diode Array Detector
1989 PC Integrator (PE Nelson)
1990 DNA Thermal Cycler 480
1991 GeneAmp PCR System 9600
1991 AmpliTaq ® DNA Polymerase, Stoffel Fragment
1991 GeneAmp ® Thermostable rTth Reverse Transcriptase RNA PCR Kit
1994 Series 200 LC Pipes
1995 Guide to PCR Enzymes
1999 PCR Systems, Reagents & Consumables
2002 Perkin Elmer ScanArray Express
2015 Charting the tumor Microenvironment: Navigating Complex System Interplay
2016 Fast Forward: Accelerating CRISPR Research with Automated, High-throughput Screening
2016 Exploring Uncharted Interactions with Cell Signaling Pathway Analysis from Protein to Phenotype
2017 In the Spotlight: Focus in on High-Content Analysis
Undated Model 4000-A Spectrophotometer: Ultraviolet, Visible, Near Infrared
Undated Model 4000-A Spectrophotometer: Ultraviolet, Visible, Near Infrared
PerSeptive Biosystems, Cambridge, MA:
1994 POROS Columns and Media Selection Guide
1996 POROS Columns and Media Selection Guide
Undated Residue Masses and Compositions for the 20 Common Amino Acids
Petrarch Systems, Inc., Bristol, PA:
1983 Rimplast Silicone-Polyamides (Silicone-Nylons)
1983 Rimplast Silicone-Urethanes
1983 Rimplast Silicone-SBS PTSMS1204
1983 Medical Applications of Rimplast Silicone-Urethanes
1983 Silicone-Fluorocarbons PTFP102
Pfaltz & Bauer, Inc., New York, NY: undated, Deuterium Lamp D-100 (Beckman DU)
Pfizer, New York:1971, The Repeater: The Finest Sensitivity Disk Dispenser You’ll Ever Use
PGC Scientifics, Gaithersburg, MD:
1980 Zinger Micro-Dispenser
1999 Catalog
Pharmacia, Piscataway, NJ:
1985 FPLC BioCommunique Vol. 2, No. 1
1985 FPLC BioCommunique Vol. 2, No. 2
1985 Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography Reference List
1985 HR Prepacked Columns MonoBeads, Mono Q, Mono S, Mono P Data File
1986 FPLC: Media and Column Guide
1987 Fast Desalting Column HR 10/10 Data File
Undated Discover Nature with Superose
Pharmacia Biotech, Piscataway, NJ: 1993, Biotechnology Products
Pharmacia Fine Chemicals Inc., Piscataway, NJ:
1950s Gradient Formation with the Pharmacia Peristaltic Pump P-3
1965 Sephadex Columns, Dextran, and Ficoll Price List
1966 Sephadex Solvent Resistant Column
1970s This is a New P.A.G.E. (Pharmacia Gel Electrophoresis System)
1972 Gradient Mixer GM-1
1972 Duo Monitor Model 200 (Dual Wavelength Flow-Through Ultraviolet Photometer)
1972 Model 410 Strip Chart Recorder Specifications Sheet
1972 Model 412 Two Channel Recorder Specifications Sheet
1975 Separation News: Gradient SDS
1976 Separation News: New Products Guide
1976 Accessories: Pharmacia Gel Electrophoresis System
1976 Pharmacia Gradient Gels PAA 2/16
1977 3-Way Valve LV-3, 4-Way Valve LV-4
1978 Aqueous Columns and Accessories Spare Parts and Prices
1979 Poster: Gel Filtration Media
1980s FPLC Reference List
1980 Chromatography Columns C-column System
1981 CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B
1981 New Product Memo: Chromatographic C-Column System
1982 Products for Chromatofocusing Price List
1982 New Group Specific Adsorbents
1982 Superloops 10 ml, 50 ml Data File
1983 DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow, CM-Sepharose Fast Flow: Designed for Large …
1983 Media for Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography
1984 HR Prepacked Columns Superose 6, Superose 12 Data File
Undated RPC of Peptides, Polypeptides, and Proteins with the FPLC System
Undated Hydrophobic Chromatography for Hydrophilic Proteins
Undated Save on Vertical Gel Electrophoresis Equipment
Undated A New Way of Separating: Sephacryl S-1000
Undated The Calibration Standards That Measure Up…
Undated Sephadex Laboratory Columns & Accessories
Undated Sephadex LH-20 for Gel Filtration in Organic Solvents
Pharmacia LKB Biotechnology, Piscataway, NJ:
1980s PhastSytem ™ Electrophoresis System
1980s PhastImage ™
1980s PhasTransfer ™ Semi-dry Electrophoretic Transfer System
1980s PhastSystem ™ Fact Sheet
1989 Electrophoresis Price List
1991 Biotechnologist’s Guide to Standard Chromatography Media for Purification of Biomolecules
1992 Pharmacia LKB Biotech Products Catalog
1992 Molecular and Cell Biology Catalog
Pharma-Tech Research Corp. (PTR), Baltimore, MD: 1980s, Countercurrent Chromatography
PharMingen: 1998, Mouse CD Chart
Phase-R Corp.: 1984, Nitrogen Laser
Phenomenex, Torrance, CA: 1990, Chromatography
Philbrick/Nexus Research, Dedham, MA: undated, Transconductors
Philco Corp., Lansdale, PA: 1962, Light Emitting Diode GAE-402
Philip A. Hunt Chemical Corp., Palisades Park, NJ: undated, Evaluation of Waycoat HPR Positive Resists in Various Exposure Systems
Philips: 1999, Fifty Years of Philips Electron Microscopy
Philips Electronic Instruments, Inc., Mahwah, NJ: 1987, Philips PV9550 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry System
Philips Laboratories, Inc., Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: 1950s, X-ray Methods of Possible Use in Clinical Laboratories, William Parrish, Bulletin of the National Association of Clinical Laboratories
Phoenix Precision Instrument Co., Philadelphia, PA:
Undated Differential Refractometers
Undated Recording Differential Refractometers Used for Process Control and
Photochemical Research Associates Inc., (PRA), London, England:
1976 Universal Lamp Supply
1980 Nanosecond Pulsed Fluorometer Systems
Undated Pulsed Nanosecond Fluorometer Systems, Nanosecond Light Sources, PMT Housings and Bases, Sample Compartments
Photolastic Inc., Malvern, PA:
Undated Modern Photoelastic Stress Analysis
Undated 7Testing and Consulting Services
Undated 030 Series Reflection Polariscope
Photonics Media, Pittsfield, MA: 2019, Buyer’s Guide
Photovolt Corp., New York, NY: undated, Monochromatic Transmission-Type Interference Filters
Physics International: 1978, Piezoelectricity Fast Response Valves
Picker International, Highland Heights, OH: 1985,, Buyer’s Guide Vol. 4
Picker Nuclear:
1968 The Liquimat 220
Undated New Automatic Magnascanner
Undated Liquid Scintillation Systems
Pierce Chemical Co.:
1976 Chromatography Aids
1977 Handbook and General Catalog
1977 Introduces a Crosslinking Reagent…
1980s Prepare Fragments: Immobilized Papain, Pepsin, Protein A
1980s Protein Conjugation
1980s Protein Solubilization
1980s Ag/Ab Purification
1982 Technical Bulletin: Iodo-Beads
1982 Technical Bulletin: Immobilized Ligands for Affinity Chromatography
1982 Technical Bulletin: Double-Agents Bifunctional Cross-Linking Reagents
1983 Technical Bulletin: Double-Agents Bifunctional Cross-Linking Reagents
1983 Technical Bulletin: Carbonyldiimidazole Activated Supports
1984 Handbook and General Catalog
1986 BCA and BCA Protein Assay Reagent
1986 Monoclonal Antibody Purification Buffers
1986 SelectiSpher-10 HPLAC Columns
1986 BCA Protein Assay Reagent
1987 Sample Handling
1988 ImmunoPure ® Fluorescein-Labelled Antibodies
1989 ImmunoPure ® Antibodies
1989 Avidin-Biotin Reagents
1989 Cross-Linking Reagents
1989 Attention Lowry Protein Assay Users!
1990 ImmunoTechnology Catalog & Handbook, Section D: Avidin-Biotin
1990 ImmunoTechnology Catalog & Handbook, Section E: Protein Modification
1991/2 Chromatography Catalot & Handbook
1993 Immunohistochemical Products
1994 Introducing a DAB of Innovation
1994 Introducing a Stable, Two-Component Metal Enhance DAB
1995 Protein Chemistry Products
1996 Assay Development Products
1997 Antibody Products
1997 Coated Microwell Plates
1997 Fusion Protein Products
1997 Best Sellers
1997 Protein Chemistry Products
1997 Buffers for Blots, ELISAs, and Immunohistochemistry
1998 SuperSignal ® Western Blotting Substrates Handbook
1998 Protein Chemistry Products
1998 Assay Development Products
1998 Protein Detection Quantitation Products
1999 SuperSignal ELISA Chemiluminescent Detection Products
1999 Poster: EX-Link Biotinylation Reagent Selection Guide
1999 Nuclear Extracts
1999 B-Gal Reporter Assay: Mammalian
1999 B-Gal Reporter Assay: Yeast
1999 Fusion Protein Affinity Gel GST
1999 Protein Solubilization
2000 Produce, Purify, Modify, Assay
2000 Strip time off your research with Restore Stripping Buffer
2000 DNA Extraction and Purification Reagents for Yeast
2000 QuantaBlu Fluorogenic Substrates for HRP
2000 GelCode Phosphorprotein Stain
2000 CellScreen Collagen I Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind NeutrAvidin High Binding Capacity (HBC) Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Streptavidin High Binding Capacity (HBC) Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind NeutrAvidin and Streptavidin Coated Plates
2000 ChoiceCoat Microplate-Coating Service
2000 ChoiceCoat Custom Plate-Coating Service
2000 Reacti-Bind Glutathione Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Anti-GST Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Anti-GFP Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Protein A and Protein G Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Protein L Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Maleic Anhydride Activated Plates/Maleimide Activated Plates
2001 CellScree Poly-D-Lysine and Poly-L-Lysine Coated Plates
2001 Double-Agents Cross-Linking Reagents Selection Guide
2001 Previews, Vol. 5, No. 2
2005 Western Blotting Handbook & Troubleshooting Guide
2006 Krypton Protein ™ Stain
2006 Sulfo-NHS and Sulfo-NHS-LC Biotinylation Kits
Undated BCA Protein Assay Reagent
Undated Don’t throw away your chance to help save our environment
Undated SwellGel Technology by Walid Qorofleh and Suzan Lewis
Undated Protein Conjugation
Undated Solubilization
Undated ChromatoFlo MTS Miniature Tubing Systems
1984 September
1984 October
1984 December
1985 June
1985 July
1985 September
1985 October
1986 March
1995 June/July
1997 April Vol.1 (2)
1997 July Vol.1 (3)
1998 May/June Vol. 2 (2)
1998 Sept/October Vol. 2 (3)
2001 Vol. 5 (3)
2001 Vol. 5 (2)
2003 Vol. 7 (3)
Pinlites Inc., Fairfield, NJ: 1966 Catalog: Single and Multi-filament Incandescent Lamps
Piramoon Technologies [see FiberLite Inc.]
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Pittsburgh, PA: 1964, CR39 Optical Plastic
Plas-Labs, Lansing, MI: 1971, Rabbit Restrainers, Primate Chairs
Plasmadyne Corp., Santa Ana, CA:
1962 M-4 Arc Plasma Generator
1962 AM Modular Assembly
1962 SG-1 Hand Spray Gun
1962 SG-2 Hand Spray Gun
1962 SG-3 Hand Spray Gun
1962 Adjustable Rear Electrode Assembly
1962 Double Port Spray Electrode
1962 Plastic Spray Electrode
1962 SM Modular Assembly
1962 SB-6000 Water Wash Spray Booth
1962 Materials Test Bench
Undated P-Series Plasma Systems
Undated S-Series Spray Series
Plasmatics, Richmond, CA: 1970, PL200 Atomic Oxidizer
Plaster Supply House, Chicago, IL: Undated, R-2 All Materials Spray Gun
Plastic Process Equipment Inc., Cleveland, OH: 1985, Screw Tips and Screw & Barrel Repair
Plastics One, Inc., Roanoke, VA: 2004, Pre-Clinical Research Components, Catalog E
Plastock, Norwood, NJ: 1978, Plastic Mechanical Drive Components
Plessey Inc., Melville, NY: 1977, Ultra-Pure Wire
PMC Industries Inc., San Diego, CA: undated, Temperature Control is Our Science
Poco Graphite, Inc., Garland, TX:
Undated Price List
Undated Typical Properties Poco Spectroscopic Electrode Grades
Undated Spectroscopic Electrodes
1956 Light-Polarizing Filters for Radar
1995 GSA Schedule Price List, Mod. No. 40
1998 The Polaroid Digital Microscope Camera: Capture Millions
1998 ColorShot Digital Photo Printer
1999 The Polaroid DMC Ie, Digital Microscope Camera
2000 Polaroid Federal Supply Service Catalog
Undated MP-3 Multipurpose Land Camera
Undated Polaroid Laboratory Products
Polaron Instruments, Inc., Line Lexington, PA:
1977 Cool Sputtering System for Coating Heat-Sensitive Specimens
1977 Price List: Specimen Coating Units for SEM
1977 Specimen Storage Boxes for SEM
Polycarbon, Inc., North Hollywood, CA:
1981 Carbon and Graphite Felts and Fabrics
1982 Product Data Sheet: Carbon Felt LDC/MDC
1982 Product Data Sheet: Graphite Felt LDG/MDG
Polycarbin, Los Angeles, CA: undated, The Closed-Loop Collection
The Polymer Corp., Reading, PA: 1962, Industrial Plastics
Polymicro Technologies (PT), Phoenix, AZ:
1986 Flexible Fused Silica Capillary Tubing
1986 Precision Bore Silica Tubing
1986 Optical Fiber: Low Loss Bundle Fiber
1986 Optical Fiber: General Purpose Optical Fiber
1986 High Temperature UV Optical Fiber
Polysciences, Inc., Warrington, PA:
1973 Critical Point Drying Apparatus
1973 JB-4 Plastic Embedding Kit
1973 Gach Embedding Medium
1973 TDMac-Heparin Complex Coatings
1977 Magnogel 44
1989 Polybead Microparticles
1990 Fluoresbrite and Polybead Monodisperse Microparticles
1990 Starburst Dendrimers: A Family of Monodisperse Nanoparticles
Undated Ad: Our clients…
P.O. Moore Inc., New York: c. 1938, TelKee Visible Key Control System
Popper & Sons, Inc. New Hyde Park, NY:
1983 Bio-Medical Instrumentation, Hospital Supplies, Scientific Specialties
1992 Bio-Medical Instrumentation, Hospital Supplies, Scientific Specialties
PRA International Inc.:
1986 Nitromite LN 120 Subnanosecond Pulsed Nitrogen Laser
Undated Laser Price List
Praxis Corp., San Antonio, TX: 1973, Praxis PR-103 Pulsed NMR Analyzer
Precision Aperture, Fort Wayne, IN: 1978,, Now, Your One Source for Microprecision Holes
Precision Equipment Co., Chicago, IL: Undated, Conversion Factors: Reference Table for Engineers and Other Executives
Precision Plastics Inc: 2014 Multiwll Stage Top Enclosure
Precision Scientific Co., Chicago, IL:
1960s Shaker Baths, Dubnoff Shaking Incubator, Warburg Apparatus
1964 Freas Incubators, Ovens
1991 Product Guide
Undated Freas Low Temperature Incubators
Undated Sero-Utility Baths
Undated Thelco Ovens and Incubators
Precision Systems, Framingham, MA:
1964 Osmette the New Precision Systems Osmometer
1964 Ice Baths Eliminated: A Prechill Chamber for Osmometers
Precision Thermometer & Instrument Co., Southampton, PA: 1960s, Princo Catalog
Princeton Applied Research Corp.:
1966 Waveform Eductor, Model TDH-9
1967 Signal Correlator Model 100, Correlation Function Computer
1978 Applications of Optical Multichannel Spectrometric Detectors
Princeton Gamma-Tech, (PGT), Princeton, NJ:
1970s PGT Si(Li) Detectors
1970s Chemical Analyzers
1970s Model 100 Chemical Analyzer
1970s Model 100 Chemical Analyzer Lead-in-Gasoline Application
1970s Model 100 Chemical Analyzer Sulfur in Fuel Oils
1970s The PGT-500 A Powerful & Versatile X-Ray Spectrochemical Analyzer
1975 PGT-1000 Accessories
1975 PGT Microanalysis Systems Comparison
1976 PGT-1000 Quantitative Software
1977 X-Ray Systems for Microanalysis
P.R. Mallory & Co., Inc., Indianapolis, IN: 1956, Technical Information Bulletin: Mallory 1000 Metal
Process & Instruments, Brooklyn, NY: 1954, Versatile Blood Pump Featuring Independent Control of Mean Pressure, Pulse Pressure, Pulse Rate and Wave Form
Products for Research Inc, West Acton, MA:
1965 Refrigerated Photomultiplier Tube Chamber TE-102
1965 Refrigerated Photomultiplier Tube Chamber TE-104
1965 Price List
Undated Photomultiplier Tube Chamber
Undated Photomultiplier Tube Operating Environment
Pro Scientific, Oxford, CT:
2018 Automated Homogenizers from PRO Scientific: DPS-20 Dual Homogenizing System
2018 Automated Homogenizers from PRO Scientific: Multi-Prep Rapid Homogenizer
2018 PRO25D Homogenizer
2018 Homogenizing Packages
Protective Controls Inc. (PCI), Frederick, MD: 1977, Thermostats Series 5003
Protein Simple:
2016 Proteomics Progress: Innovations in Protein Research
2017 Diagnosing Disease: Exploiting Biomarkers to Identify & Monitor Brain Dysfunction
Proteintech, Chicago, IL:
2014 Protocols Guide
2014 Antibodies for Cancer Research
2014 Antibodies for IHC and Pathology
2014 Antibodies for Stem Cell Research
2014 Antibodies for Kidney Research
2014 Antibodies for Cell Biology/Cell Death
2014 Immunofluorescence: Tricks and Tips for Immunostaining Cultured Cells
2014 A Beginner’s Guide to Immunohistochemistry
2014 Loading Control Antibodies for Western Blotting
ProtonOnSite: 2014, On-Site Gas Solutions
PSC Lamps, Inc., East Rochester, NY: 1993, Replacement Lamps for Your Equipment
Pure Carbon, St. Marys, PA:
1970 Design Ahead with Pure Carbon High-Purity Graphites
1970 Design Ahead with Purebon
1971 Design Ahead with Purbon Molalloy
1972 Design Ahead with Purebon Standardized Solid Lubricant Bearings
Pyles Industries, Inc., Detroit, MI:
Undated Semco Sealant Gun for Applying Catalyst and Additive Materials
Undated Electric Extruder Model 5006
Pyrometer Instrument Co., Bergenfield, NJ:
1963 Pyro Surface Pyrometer
1964 Pyro Pyrometers Catalog
Qas Corp., Garden Grove, CA: 1971, Glass Atomizer: 2002, PreteoPLUS ™ Gel Electro-Elution and Dialysis System
Qbiogene: 2002, PreteoPLUS ™ Gel Electro-Elution and Dialysis System
Qiagen Inc., Santa Clarita and Valenica, CA:
1997 Ni-NTA Superflow
1997 Ni-NTA HisSorb Strips and Plates
2002 Qiagen News, February
2002 Qiagen News, June
2010 Pyrosequencing—the Synergy of Sequencing and Quantification
2011 AIAxcel Advanced System
2011 Product Guide Supplement
2016 QIAGEN QIAxpert
Undated QIAwave by QIAGEN
Quality Electric Co., Los Angeles, CA: 1958, Resistance Wire Kit No. 1
Quaracell Products, Inc., New York, NY:
1960s High Precision Cells for Commercial Spectrophotometers
1960 High Precision Cells and Prices
1960 High Precision Quartz Cells
Quartz Products Corp., Plainfield, NJ:
1978 Advantages of Jumbo Single Fibers Over Bundles, D. Boucher
1970s Low-Loss, Large Diameter Silica Core, Step-Index, Single-Strand Optical Fibers
Quarzlampen Gesellschaft, Hanau, Germany: undated, UV Burners and Burner Units
Radcal Corp.:
1984 Radionuclide Calibrator Model 4050
1984 Radionuclide Manager Model 4045
Radio Corporation of America (RCA), Princeton, NJ:
1945 1P22 Multiplier Phototube
1949 5819 Multiplier Phototube
1949 5820 Image Orthicon
1953 Universal Polarimeter 725XX
1954 Electrofax Direct Electrophotographic Printing on Paper
1955 Electrofax-A New Tool for the Graphic Arts (Meyer Sugarman)
1955 6694-A Photoconductive Cell
1955 6032 Image-Converter Tube
1955 931-A Multiplier Phototube
1955 6810 Multiplier Phototube
1955 Head-On Multiplier Phototube C7160
1956 1P21 Multiplier PhotoTube
1956 6866 Display Storage Tube
1956 6499 Radechon
1956 Vidicon C73439
1957 5819 Multiplier Phototube
1957 7102 Multiplier Phototube
1957 7029 Multiplier Phototube
1958 7326 Multiplier Phototube
1958 7264 Multiplier Phototube
1958 6655-A Multiplier Phototube
1958 7200 Multiplier Phototube
1958 6342-A Multiplier Phototube
1958 7265 Multiplier Phototube
1958 931-A Multiplier Phototube
1958 Photosensitive Devices and Cathode-Ray Tubes
1959 7467 Photojunction Cell
1960 Developmental Photosensitive Devices
1961 Camera Tubes, Storage Tubes, Cathode-ray Tubes
1961 1P21 Multiplier Phototube
1962 4449 Image-Converter Tube
1964 RCA-4471, 4472 Multiplier Phototubes
1964 RCA-4473 Multiplier Phototube
1964 Recent Photomultiplier Developments at RCA (Robert Matheson)
1965 Photomultiplier Tube C70038D
1965 Photomultiplier Tube RA-8575
1969 Photomultiplier Tube RCA-4516
1970 Multiplier Phototubes PIT-700A
1971 Photodetector C31034A
1971 Photodetector C31034
1976 Photomultiplier Tubes Including Electron Multipliers and PMT Accessories
1981 Photomultipliers for Applied Spectroscopy
Undated For the First Time… Multiplier Phototubes with S-20 Response
Undated RCA Photoconductive and Photojunction Cells
Undated RCA Phototubes, Gas Phototubes, Vacuum Phototubes, Multiplier Types
Radio Frequency Laboratories, Inc. (RFL), Boonton, NJ:
1957 Model 1500 Magnet Charger
1979 Basic Component Type Controllers
Undated Model 720 Zero-Voltage-Firing Proportional Lab Temperature Controller
Undated Model 107A Magnet Charger
Undated Magnetreater Model 889A
1991 Flo-One/Beta Model GCR Radioactivity Detector for Gas Chromatography
1968 Catalog
1978 Meet the pH-Family
1978 Electrode Guide
1979 Titration Review
1980 Meter Family
1980 Meet the pH-Family
1981 Electrodes Price List
1981 Analytical Electrode Guide
1982 Titration Price List: Recording Systems
1982 Titration Price List: End Point Systems
1982 Titration Price List: Digital Systems
1982 Ion Scanning System Price List
1982 Conductivity Price List
1982 Analytical Electrode Guide Price List
1982 pH Meters Price List
1983 Meter Family
1983 Analytical Electrode Guide
1983 Ion 85 Ion Analyzer
1983 Price List
Undated Titration Assembly Type TTA31
Undated Titration Assembly Type TTA 3
Undated pH Meter 27
Radiometric Instruments & Chemical Co.: 1984, Flo-One Series Info Packet
RadiSystems Corp., Beaverton, OR: undated, Embedded Computer Solutions Product Line Catalog, Vol. 1, No. 2
Rainin Instrument Co., Woburn, MA/ Oakland, CA:
1998 Pipetting Solutions
2001 Pipetting Solutions
2013 Speed Your Workflow E4 XLS
2013 Rainin Focus: XLS+ Multichannels
2014 USA Product Catalog
2016 USA Tip Catalog
2017 USA Product Catalog
Undated Gilson Pipetman Adjustable Digital Microliter Pipettes
Rancocas Ceramics Co. (Ceranco), Rancocas, NJ: 1970, ASCAST 95: High Temperature Moldable Ceramic
Raptor Photonics: 2014 CCD, EMCCD, SWIR, CMOS and sCMOS Cameras
Raytheon Manufacturing Co., Waltham, MA:
1959 General Characteristics CK570/OK411A
1950s Microtherm: Microwave (Radar) Diathermy
1951 Hipersils
Razel Scientific Instruments:
late 1970s Model A-99 Syringe Pump
Undated Model A Syringe Pump
The R.B. Woodward Collection: 1986, Research Samples
R&D Jewelers Supply Co., Inc., Silver Springs, MD: 1983, Catalog 835H: Tools, Supplies, and Equipment
Reactor Experiments Inc., San Carlos, CA:
1972 Product Summary: Radiation Shielding
1973 Ultra Thin Metal Foils
1973 High Purity Foil
1977 Product Summary: Radiation Shielding, Pneumatic Transfer Systems, Foils & Wires
Reed & Carnrick: 1987, Cardiogram, 5(3), May/June
Refrigeration for Science (RFS), Inc., Island Park, NY: 1969, Catalog & Price List
Reliance Electric, Cleveland, OH:
1980 Serviceline Platinum Plating Starter Kit Prices
1980 Precious Metals Price List
1980 Discount Schedule
1981 Serviceline Precious Metals Plating Processes
1981 Platinum…the Element of Protection
1981 Platinum Protects Against Excessive Brush Wear, Grooving, etc.
1981 Platinum Plating Eliminates Commutator Threading Problem
1981 High Humidity Sodium Chloride Test Proves Platinum Protects Commutators…
1981 Survival Kit for Commutators
1981 Platinum Plating Application Guidelines
Research Genetics, Inc., Huntsville, AL:
1996 Catalog: Accelerating Discovery
2001 Catalog: an Invitrogen Company
Research Organics:
Undated M.B.S.
Undated CDAP: Monoclonal Coupler
Research Products International Corp., (RPI) Mount Prospect, IL:
1992 Liquid Scintillation Chemicals & Vials, Radiation Safety Products, Enzyme Substrates, Laboratory Equipment
2014 Biochemicals and Laboratory Accessories
2023 Your Partner for High Quality Chemicals
2023 Your Premier Supplier for Biochemical & Laboratory Accessories
Undated Electrophoresis
Research Specialities Co.: Undated, 801 Chromatobox
Rese Engineering, Inc., Philadelphia, PA: undated, Model 1051 Millimicrosecond Current Pulse Generator
Restek Corporation: 2000, Chromatography
R. Fuess, Berlin: 1956, Metal-Spectroscope for Rapid Routine Control of Metal Alloys
R.&J. Beck Ltd., London: undated, Beck Spectroscopes
Rheem Manufacturing Col, Asheville, NC: 1980s, …how to get the most out of-and into—you new freezer or refrigerator…
Rheodyne Inc.:
1980 Model 7163 Solenoid Valve Kits
1981 Model 7125 Syringe Loading Sample Injector
Undated Model 7010 Sample Injection Valve
Undated Accessories for Valves
Undated Type 70 HPLC Switching Valves
Undated HPLC Accessories
Undated Model 7126 Automatic Sample Injector
Undated Models 7410 & 7413 Sample Injection Valves
Undated Model 7066 Tandem Column Selector and Model 7067 Tandem Enrichment Injector
Richard H. Bird & Co., Inc., Waltham, MA:
1970s Data Sheet: Cup and Double-Cup Jewels and Assemblies
Data Sheet: Sapphire Products and Insulators
Data Sheet: Vee Jewels and Assemblies
Data Sheet: Pins & Pivots
Data Sheet: Ring Jewels, Endstones and Assemblies
Data Sheet: Optical Sapphire Products
Data Sheet: Materials, Properties and Selection Factors
Data Sheet: Orifice Jewels and Assemblies
Rich, Seifert & Co., Hamburg, Germany: 1954, Guinier Double Camera with Precision Monochromator
Ridgefield Instrument Group (RIG), Ridgefield, CT:
Undated Schlumberger Electronic Integrator
Undated 200 KC Gain-Bandwidth Product DC Amplifier
Undated Ridgefield ESR Analyzer (Electron Spin Analyzer)
RMC, Tucson, AZ: Undated, Ultramicrotomes
RMI Co., Niles, OH:
1985 Basic Design: Titanium
1980s Titanium and Titanium Alloys for Chemical, Industrial, and Marine Applications
1980s Up-date: Beta-C Corrosion Resistance in Hostile Environments
1980s Low Iron, Commercially Pure Titanium-A Standard Product of the RMI Co.
Robbins & Myers, Inc., Springfield, OH:
1962 Moyno Type FS Utility Pumps
1962 Moyno Type EM Utility Pumps
1960s Condensed Catalog
1960s Moyno Type CM Special Application Pumps
Robert K. Hassler, Co., Altadena, CA: undated, Atomic Hydrogen Lamp
Roboz Surgical Instrument Co. Inc., Gaithersburg, MD: 2000s, Surgical Instrument Catalog
Rockland Antibodies & Assays: 2017 Mastering Post-Translational Modifications
Roger Gilmont Instruments, Inc., Great Neck, NY: Undated, Ultra Precision Micrometer Syringes and Burets
Rogers Corp.: 1987, Durimid 100 and 120 Thermoplastic Polyimide Preliminary Data Sheet
Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, PA: 1961, Plexiglas Sheet Physical Properties Bulletin 229f
Rollei: Undated, Progress in Photography
Rolyn Optics Co., Arcadia, CA: 1981, Optics for Industry
Rosemount Engineering Co., Minneapolis, MN:
Undated Model 701A Osmometer
Undated Model 701B Osmometer
Rubicon Co., Philadelphia, PA:
1940s Galvanometers
1946 Photoelectric Galvanometer
1947 Hercules General-Purpose Photometer
1947 Potentiometers
1947 Resistance Standards and Resistance Bridges
1947 Recording Automatic Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer
1948 Evelyn Photoelectric Colorimeter
1949 Resistance Standards and Resistance Bridges
1949 Galvanometers, Ayrton Shunts, Accessories
Rudolph Instruments Engineering Co., Inc., Little Falls, NJ:
1962 Recording Spectropolarimeter
1963 Automatic Spectropolarimeter
1963 Introduction for Automatic and Recording Spectropolarimeters Series 3
Rudolph & Sons, Inc., Caldwell, NJ:
1966 Price List Manual Photoelectric Ellipsometer Assemblies
1966 Users List for Manual Photoelectric Ellipsometers
Undated Model 230 Compact Photoelectric Polarimeter
Undated Rotational Measuring Device Model 6010
Russell Industries, Inc., Lynbrook, NY: undated, Catalog No. 74-75: Shieldmu Tape and Foil and Shieldflex Flexible Tubing
Sanborn Co., Waltham, MA:
1956 Viso-Scope Model 169A
1959 Model 150M Sanborn Poly-Viso
1960s Narrow Band Differential DC Amplifier
1960 Electrocardiographs Models 100 and 100M Viso-Cardiette
1960 Low Level Preamplifier Model 350-1500
1960 EEG/ECG Preamplifier Model 55
1960 Model 150-2700 High Gain Preamplifier
1960 Oscillographic Recording Systems, 350 and 350M Series
1960 Poly-Beam Recording System Model 550M
1961 Oscillographic Recording Systems, 150M Series
1961 150 Preamplifiers
1961 Prices–150M Series: Basic Assemblies, Preamplifiers, Permapaper
1961 Prices–350 Series: Basic Assemblies, Optional Units, Preamplifiers, Permapaper
1961 Prices–550M Systems: Basic Assembly, Preamps, Monitoring
1961 Carrier Preamplifier Model 350-1100AS
1961 DC Coupling Preamplifier Model 350-1300A
1961 Low Level Preamplifier Model 350-1500
1961 ECG/General Purpose Preamplifier Model 350-1600
1961 Heart Sound Preamplifier Model 350-1700B
1961 Medical Carrier Preamplifier Model 350-3000
1961 ECG/General Purpose Preamplifier Model 350-3200
1961 Combination Systems: Direct Writing/Photographic Recording Systems
1962 The Right Angle, 9(4
undated Electrocardiographs Models 100 and 100M Viso-Cardiette
Sanders: undated, Coaxial Line Oscillators
Sanders Associates, Inc., Nashua, NH: undated, Flexible, Kel-F Printed Circuit Cables
Sanders Laboratories, Jackson, NJ: undated, Micro-Forge
Sangamo Electric Co, Springfield, IL: 1959, Type DCM Energy Storage Electrolytic Capacitors
Sani-Tech, Andover, NJ:
1985 Sani-Pro Fractional Tubing
1985 Sani-Flo STHT Reinforced Silicone Tubing
1986 Sani-Pro Sanitary Tubing
1986 Sani-Pro C: Transparent Sanitary Process Tubing and Fittings
1986 See what you process with Sani-Flex STHT Life-Like Textured Tubing
1986 Sani-Pro Sight-Gauges
1986 Sani-Flo Sanitary, Ferruled, Flexible Tubing and Hose
1986 Sani-Pro K Kynar Sanitary Process Tubing and Fittings Price List
1986 Sani-Pro T Sanitasroy Process Tubing and Fittings
1987 Quick Connect Cam-Flo Couplings for Sanitary Processing
1987 USS Susport
1980s Sanitary Reinforced Silicone Elbows
1980s Ad: A New Era in Sanitary Processing Systems
1980s Clear End Caps Polysulphone “High Temp”
Sargent (see E. H. Sargent & Co.)
Sargent-Welch, Chicago, IL:
1968 Hitachi Perkin-Elmer Model 115 Molecular Weight Apparatus
1969 EEL Model 140 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Undated Mettler High-Speed Top-Loading Balances
Undated The Auto-Aquatrator and The Aquatrator
Sarns Inc., Ann Arbor, MI: 1966, Model 3500 Low Flow Roller Pump
Sartorius (Essen Bioscience): 2020, From Seeing to Analyzing
Sartorius-Werke, Gottigen, Germany: 1942, Sartorius Katalog (in German)
Savant (Division of ThermoQuest), Holbrook, NY:
1998 Instruments and Accessories
1999 SPD-Series Speed VAC ® Concentrators
1999 OFP-400 Oil-Free Vacuum Pump
1999 Vial Cell Stoppering Shelf Unit-VC45
1999 GEP140 GelPump ™
1999 SPD131DDA Speedvac ® Concentrator
1999 PRO Rotor Kit
1999 Savant uSpeedfuge ® SFR13K
1999 Spin Freezer 96
Sawyer Research Projects, Inc. Eastlake, OH:
1961 Commercializing Cultured Quartz
Undated Optical Cultured Quartz
Scanning Electron Microscopy/1976 Annual Meeting: Advertiser’s Brochure & Exhibition Information:
AMR Corp.
Bausch & Lomb
Bio-Rad Laboratories
The Bomar Co.
Cambridge Instruments
Coates & Welter
Carl Zeiss
C.W. French Division/EBTEC Corp.
Edwards High Vacuum, Inc.
Electron Microscope Supplies
ETEC Corp.
Fluorinated Lubricants Co.
Ernest F. Fullam, Inc.
GW Electronics Inc.
International Scientific Instruments, Inc. (ISI)
Kevex Corp.
Kimball Physics, Inc.
Ladd Research Industries, Inc.
LeMont Scientific
M.E. Taylor Engineering
Madison Engineering Co.
Microspec Corp.
Mid-America Microanalysis Lab, Inc.
Montedison USA, Inc.
Nuclear Equipment Corp.
Parr Instrument Co.
PhotoMetrics, Inc.
Philips Electronic Instruments
Plenum Publishing Corp.
Polaron Instruments Inc.
QBI International
SPI Supplies/Structure Probe, Inc.
Ted Pella Co.
VG Microscopes
Schleicher & Schuell, Dassel, Germany and Keene, NH:
1985 Products for Filtration, Separation & Life Science Research
1986 Elutrap Electrophoresis Chamber
1986 Sequences: The S&S Elutrap for the Isolation and Purification of Macromolecules
1989 Products for Filtration, Separation & Life Science Research
1999 Clean-Sep ™: Cartridges for Solid Phase Extraction
1999 Clean-Sep ™: SPE Method Development Kits
1999 Clean-Sep ™: SPE RPC Resins
1999 Membrane Butler: Dispenser and Sterile Membranes for Microbiological Analysis
1999 Better the Blot Catalog
1999 Consumer Price List
2004 Products & Protocols
Schoeffel Instrument Co., (SI) Westwood, NJ:
Undated Model LPS 201 Power Supply for Deuterium and Hydrogen Arc Lamps
Undated Monochromator Lamp Assemblies for the Visible and Ultraviolet
Undated Power Supply for Xenon and Xenon-Mercury Compact Arc Lamps
Schott, Germany: 1980s, Three Bright Examples Cold-Light Sources: KL 1500, 1500-T, 1500-2
Science/Electronics, Dayton, OH:
1982 Cassette Data Recording System Price List
1982 Cassette Data Recorder
1982 Memory Recording Systems for Temperature and Humidity
1982 Memory Recording Systems for Temperature and Humidity Price List
1982 Miniature Chart Recorders for Temperature and Humidity
1982 Miniature Chart Recorders for Temperature and Humidity Price List
1982 Standard Inputs & Ranges Miniature Chart Recorders
Science Products Corp.:
1964 Science Products Corporation, Thermocouples
1969 The Tek-Line undated Flexible Cable Thermopiles
Undated Flexible Cable Thermopiles
Scientific Advances, Inc., Columbus, OH:
1966 Subminiature Absolute-Pressure Transducers
Undated Model SA-PT H-6 Subminiature Absolute Pressure Transducer
Undated Data Sheet 1 SAPT Transducers
Undated Differential Pressure Transducer
Undated Medical Transducer
Undated New High Output Ultra-Thin Subminiature Pressure Transducer
Undated Soil Pressure Transducer
Scientific Glass Apparatus Co.: 1952, Inter-Joint Glassware, Catalog J-52
Scientific Industries, Bohemia, NY: 2013 Catalog
Scientific Industries Inc., Springfield, MA: 1971, Parts List
Scientific Products (S/P), Evanston, IL: 1969, The Tek-Line
SCIMED Life Systems Inc., Maple Grove, MN: 1991 Trapper
Scott Electric, Greensburg, PA: 2009/10 Product Catalog
Secon Metals Corp., White Plains, NY:
1962 Resistance Thermometer Wire
1962 Strain Gauge Wire
1962 Fine Wire and Ribbon
1962 Enameled Wire
1962 Fuse Wire
1962 Galvanometer Suspension Strip
1962 Electroplated Wire and Ribbon
1962 Titanium Wire
1963 Precision Fine Wire
Sel-Rex Corp., Nutley, NJ:
1959 Portable Plating Barrels
1959 Ad: Another Plating Problem Solved by Sel-Rex
1959 Ad: From Missiles and Rockets to Misses and Lockets
Undated Permaflux C
Undated Permaflux CI
1978 Flat Surface Combination pH Electrode
1982 Bulletin 200B: Dependable Electrodes
Sentinel Glass Co., Hatboro, PA: 1953, Sentinel Glass Small Diameter Pipe and Fittings
Sequoia Wire, Redwood City, CA: 1958, Preliminary Technical Data: Caramicite
Servo Corporation of America, New Hyde Park, NY:
1955 Price List
1955 Arsenic Trisulfide Glass Infrared Lenses and Windows
Sethco Manufacturing Corp., Merrick, NY:
1960 Specifications “Canned” Leakproof Centrifugal Transfer Pump
1961 “Full-View” Filter Chambers
1961 Miniature Filter Systems
Undated Sethco Filter Tubes
SGI-DNA: 2017, Gibson Assembly Cloning Method
SGL Electronics, Westville, NJ:
Undated MagnaShield: Magnetic Shielding Materials
Undated A Complete Magnetics Components Manufacturer
Shafer Bearing Division, Chain Belt Co., Downers Grove, IL: 1962, Rexlon Teflon-Lined Bearings
Shandon, England: 1998/99, Cytology Histology Catalog
Shannon Luminous Materials Co., Hollywood, CA:
Undated Bright Sodium Laboratory Lamp Model 500
Undated Portable AC Ultra-Violet Outfit Uviarc
S.H.E. Corp., San Diego, CA: 1977, Catalog: Squid Systems and Dewars
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD: 2009, Rebel Against the Gel: MultiNA
Shimadzu Seisakusho, Tokyo: 1965, A Spectrophotometer for the Measurement of Circular Dichroism
Shur-Bend Mfg. Co., Inc., Minneapolis, MN: 1971, Aluminum and Tin-plate Canes
Sierracin/Sylmar, Sylmar, CA:
Undated Intrex-G with sample
Undated Intrex-K Data sheet with sample
Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO:
1999 PCR
2011-2012 Products for Life Science Research
2016 sigma CRISPR
Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO:
1989 Sigma Announces Liquid Media
1989 Sigma ImmuNotes ® No. 2
1991 Sigma ImmuNotes ® No. 5
1992 Sigma ImmuNotes ® No. 9
1993 Stable Cell Labeling: Novel Linker Systems
1993 Sigma ImmuNotes ® No. 10
Sigmamotor: Undated, Cross Circulation Pump for Use in Open Heart Surgery
Sigmund Cohn Corp., Mount Vernon, NY:
1956 Products and Specifications
1957 Prices for Rhodium Plating and Replenishing Solutions
1959 Exothermic Fuze Wire: B3 PyroFuze Wire
1963 High Tensile Strength Platinum Alloys #479, #851, Platinum-10% Nickel
1968 Properties of Metals and Alloys
1970 Nobel Metals for Wire Wound Precision Potentiometers
Undated Precious Metals and High Purity Nickel as used in Temperature Measurement
Undated Processed Wires
Undated Products Summary
Signetics: undated, Another Breakthru in Operational Amplifier Performance
Singer Instruments, Somerset, England:
Undated MK 1 Micromanipulator
Undated Singer Micromanipulators Mark III
Undated Singer Mk III Micromanipulator & Microforge
Undated List of Users
Undated Inject + Matic
SLM/AMINCO: 1992, AMINCO-Bowman Series 2 Luminescence Spectrometer & Feature Notes
Small Parts Inc.:
1991 Catalog
2000 Catalog
Solder Absorbing Technology Inc., (SAT), Agawam, MA:
1984 Reversible Paper Thermometers
1984 Price List
1984 Temperature Sensors
1984 Apply and Forget Until You Inspect
Solidyne: Undated, Sealomatic High Frequency Sealing and Heating Equipment
Sono-tek Corp., Poughkeepsie, NY:
1983 Ultrasonic Nozzles set CPI Aflutter, Chemical Engineering, February 7
1984 IR 100 Award Brochure
1984 Research & Development Ultrasonic Nozzles Take Pressure out of Atomizing Processes, Harvey L. Berger
1984 Ultrasonic Nozzles take Pressure Out of Atomizing Processes, Harvey L. Berger, Research & Development, September
1984 I-R 100 Award: Ultrasonic Nozzles
Undated The “Turn-Key” Ultra-Sonic Atomizing Nozzle System
Sorvall (see Ivan Sorvall, Inc.)
South Bay Technology Inc., (SBT), temple City, CA:
Undated What’s new at South Bay Technology?
Undated Laboratory Equipment for Slicing, Dicing, Polishing, Drilling, Orienting and Thinning Single Crystals and Other Materials
1985 Model 650 Low Speed Diamond Wheel Saw
1985 Model 810 Low Speed Wire Saw
1985 Model 850 Wire Saw
Southern London Electrical Equipment (SLEE): undated, Pearse/Slee Refrigerated Microtomes (Cryostats) Accessory Price List
Southern Oxygen Co., Bladensburg, MD:
1958 Seaford Grade Nitrogen Specifications
1958 Oil-Pumped Nitrogen
1958 Super-Dry Nitrogen
1958 Pre-Purified Nitrogen
1958 Industrial Technical Oxygen
1958 Argon Specifications
1958 Aviator’s Breathing Oxygen
1958 Carbon Dioxide
1958 Compressed Air Breathing Quality and Commercial Grade
1958 Helium
1958 Hydrogen (Electrolytic)
1958 Water-Pumped Nitrogen
Southwestern Industrial Electronics Co., (SIE), Houston, TX: undated, Model P-2 Precision Electronic Potentiometer
Spectrex Co., Redwood City, CA:
1971 A System for Quantitative elemental Analysis of Metallic Elements…ad
Undated New Product Release: Quantrex
Undated The Newest Vreeland Model 6A Spectroscope
Spectro-Film Inc., Winchester, MA:
Undated Standard Optical Interference Filters for Laser Applications Specs & Prices
Undated Standard Narrow Band Optical Interference Filters Specs & Prices
Undated Standard Analytical Interference Specs & Prices
Spectromagnetic Industries: 1961, Model PC 2500-2A Current Regulated Power Supply
Spencer: 1940, Fluorescence Accessories
Sperry Univac Computer Systems, St. Paul, MN:
Undated Glass Etch Technology
Undated Glass Etch Technology
SPEware, Baldwin Park, CA:
2014 Cerex TouchPro 96 and 192
SPEX Industries:
1959 The Spex Speaker IV(2), June: the Spex 9010 Arc/Spark Stand
1985 Handbook of Sample Preparation & Handling
Sprague Electric Co., North Adams, MA:
1954 Engineering Bulletin, January: Ceroc T, Double-Teflon Ceramic-Insulated High-Temperature Magnet Wire
1957 Ad: The electrolytic capacitor you need… in the mounting style you want
Spring Valley Laboratories, Woodbine, MD: 2002, Custom Polyclonal & Monoclonal Antibody Production, etc.
S. S. White, Philadelphia, PA: 1965, General Dental Catalog
Stackpole Carbon Co., St. Marys, PA:
1945 Stackpole Electrical Contacts Catalog No. 12*
1953 Carbon Specialties, Catalog 40A
Standard Polarimeter Co., New York, NY:
Undated Standard Model D Keston Polarimetric Unit for Beckman DU
Undated Photoelectric Polarimetric Unit Model D
Standard Scientific, New York, NY: undated, Siliclad A Water Soluble Silicone Concentrate
Stanford Research Institute, Stanford, CA: 1951, Measurement of Vapor Pressures by Means of Matched Thermistors
Starna Cells Inc., Atascadero, CA: 1998, Spectrophotometer Cells
Starrett: 1992, Catalog
Statham Instruments Inc., Los Angeles, CA:
1965 Thin Film Stain Gage Pressure Transducer Model PA822 Rev. 2
1965 Thin Film Stain Gage Pressure Transducer Model PA822 for Cryogenic Temperature Requirements Rev. 2
1965 Thin-Film Strain-Gage Transducers – Peter Perino
1966 Thin Film Stain Gage Pressure Transducer Model PA826 Rev. 2
1966 Thin Film Strain Gage Pressure Transducers
Static Products, Garland, TX: 1969, Sales Reps
Steinheil Optik, Munich, Germany:
1962 Steinheil Universal Spectrograph GH
1964 Price Sheet
StemCell Technologies: 2002, Catalog
Stevens Elastomeric and Plastic Products Inc., Easthampton, MA:
1981 Hi-Tuff Solid Polyurethane
Undated Hi-Tuff Thermoplastic Urethane
Stoelting, Chicago, IL:
1972 A new series: Micro Positioners
1972 Micro-Manipulators, Micro-Forges, Pipette Pullers, Dovetail Slides
1974 Instrument Catalog
1979 Experimental Biology & Physiology Instruments
1988 Physiology Research Instruments
2004 Catalog
Stork Inter-America Corp., Charlotte, NC: undated, Electro Forming & You
Stow Laboratories, Stow, MA:
1965 Draft Copy of Temperature Compensation of PITRANS by Means of a Selected Base Resistor
1967 StoLab Pitran: Pressure Sensitive Transistors
1968 Price List
1968 Preliminary Data Sheet Models PT-22 and PT-23 Piezo Transistor
1969 The Piezo-Junction Sensor/Transducer, Electromechanical Design, February
Strand Labs Inc, Newton, MA: undated, Electron-Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
Stratagene, La Jolla, CA:
2001 Strategies Newsletter Vol. 14, No. 1
2005 Strategies Vol. 18, No. 1
Streck Laboratories Inc.: Undated, Frigicator
Structure Probe: 1985, SPI Supplies for Electron Microscopy Supplies
Stupakoff Ceramic & Manufacturing Co., Latrobe, PA:
1951 Kovar Glass Seals
1954 Kovar Glass Seals
Supelco, Inc.:
1978 Chromatography Supplies, Catalog 12
1983 Troubleshooting Guide
2005/6 Chromatography
Super Absorbent Co., Lumberton, NC: 1979, Super Slurper
Superior Electric Co.:
1967 Slo-Syn Catalog SS1265-3, Synchronous/Stepping Motors, Controls & Drives
1972 Slo-Slyn Synchronous/Stepping Motors, Controls, & Drives
Superior Tube Co., Norristown, PA:
1954 Data Memo: Glass Sealing Alloy Tubing
1957 Glass Sealing Alloy Tubing
1961 Tapered Tubing Introduction
1963 AM 350 Weldrawn Tubing
Suprenant Mfg. Co.: 1953, Teflon Insulated Wire
Sutter Instrument Co., Novato, CA: 1991, Micropipette Pullers, Optical Filter Changers, Micromanipulators, etc.
Swagelok: 1977, Quick-Connects
SwissCo Instruments:
1961 Buchi Fantavapor-61, Tap Water Distiller
1961 Lab Instruments for Determination of Melting Point, Boiling Point, Molecular Weight, Flow Point
Undated Minivapor, Micro-distillation Apparatus for Conductance Water
Undated Steam Generator with Electrode Heating & Nitrogen Determining Apparatus
Undated Rotavapor, Rotary Vacuum Evaporator
Swiss Jewel Co., Philadelphia, PA:
1970s Synthetic Sapphire and Ruby Precision Jewel Bearings and Specialties
1970s Synthetic Sapphire Jewels
Switzer Brothers Inc., Cleveland, OH:
1959 A&D Series Daylight Fluorescent Pigments in Polyester Resins
1959 A&D Series Daylight Fluorescent Pigments in Polyvinyl Chloride Resins
1960 Price List Daylight Fluorescent Pigments
1960 Daylight Fluorescent Pigments
1961 A&D Series Daylight Fluorescent Pigments in Polyethylene
1961 How to Use the New Fluorescents
1983 Sybron Catalog
Undated NANOpure II Ultrapure Water Systems
Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., Towanda, PA:
1950 Germanium Photocells (George O’Neill)
1952 Inert Gas Arc Welding Guide
1954 Tungsten
1957 Sylvania 1N77B Advance Data Photodiode
1950s Tungsten Wire
1954-56 Price Lists
Undated Panelescent Lighting
Syngene, Frederick, MD: Undated Syngene Product Guide
Synthecon Inc., Houston, TX: mid-1990s, Rotary Cell Culture System
Synthegen, Houston, TX: 1999, Modified Oligonucleotides Catalog
Syva Corp., Palo Alto, CA: 1971, News Release: Syntex/Varian Unit Annoucnes New 15-Second System for Detecting “Hard” Drug Use (NMR)
Tafa, Concord, NH:
1971 TAFA-ARC Plasma Coating Processes
1971 Model 57 Plasma Spray Gun
1971 Model 57 Plasma Spray Gun
1971 The Heating of Solids in High Temperature Plasma (P.H. Wilks)
TDK Electronics Co., El Segundo, CA:
1979 PTC Thermistors
1979 TDK Honeycomb PTC Heaters
Undated Thermistor Breakthrough!
Tecan Group, Switzerland:
2006 Freedom EVO 75, State of the Art Compact Pipetting Robot
2008 Freedom EVO
2011 Direct Digital Titration
2013 Application Guide for Multimode Readers
2020 Demystifying the Black Box: The Multimode Plate Reader in the Spotlight
Techcon Systems, Inc., Gardena, CA:
1964 Micro Air Dispenser
1985 Air Operated Vertical Toggle Press
1985 Boosters & Nozzles
1985 Air Operated Horizontal Toggle Press
Technical Equipment Co., Danville, CA: 1955, Electron-O-Therm “Senior” Precision Temperature Controller
Technical Measurement Corp., New Haven, CT: 1956, Counting Soft Beta Emitters with Liquid Phosphor Techniques
Technical Research Instruments, Inc., (TRI), King of Prussia, PA:
Undated Thermo-Search Cell
Undated Thermo-Search II
Technic Inc., Providence, RI:
1978 High Efficiency Orosene 80: 24 Kt Acid Bright Gold
Undated Price List: Soluble Precious Metals for Electroplating
Undated Mini electroplating Equipment
Undated Cote D’Or Heavy Gold Electroplate
Undated Mini Electroplating Equipment
Technical Instrument Co., San Francisco, CA: undated, Macro-Micro Positioners and Micro-Manipulators
Tektronics Inc.:
1972 Rapid-Scanning Spectrometry: Molecular Spectroscopic & Chemical Kinetic Applications
1973 Fast-Scan Spectrometry
1986 See, Measure, Automate at the Touch of a Button with 2445A/2465A Family
2011 XYZs of Oscilloscopes
undated, Type 528 Television Waveform Monitor
Telios Pharmaceuticals, Inc., San Diego, CA: undated, Human Collagen Type VII Monoclonal Antibodies
Tempco Electric Heater Corp.: undated, Engineering Data Immersion Heating Applications
Tempil, South Plainfield, NJ:
1984 Basic Guide to Ferrous Metallurgy
1984 Temperature Indicators, Protective Coasting, Metal Markers
1985 Price List Industrial
Tensolite Insulated Wire Co., Inc., Tarrytown, NY:
Undated High Temperature Flexibility
Undated Miniature and Sub-Miniature Wire and Cable
Undated Research and Development Kit
Undated Price Lists
Terumo BCT Inc., Lakewood, CO:
2009 Cobe Spectra Apheresis System brochure customized therapeutic procedures
2009 Cobe Spectra Apheresis System brochure white blood cell
2012 Cobe Spectra Apheresis System brochure
Testing Machines Inc., Mineloa, NY: 1961, Testing Molds Price List
Texas Instruments, Inc., Houston, TX:
1959 Copper-Cored #446 Alloy Glass Sealing Wire
1959 Clad Metals for Semiconductor Applications
1959 Type 1N2175 N-P-N Diffused Silicon Photo-Duo-Diode
1959 New Product: Subminiature Silicon Photo-Duo-Diode
1960 Copper-Cored #52 Alloy Glass Sealing Wire
1960 Solid and Clad Metals for Electron Tube Applications
1960 Sensistor: Silicon Resistor Temperature Compensated Flip-Flop
1973 Scientific and Industrial Recorders
1973 Scientific and Industrial Recorders Chart Paper and Supplies
1973 Scientific and Industrial Recorders Bulletin 222E
Thermal American Fused Quartz Co., Montville, NJ:
1960s Vitreosil Lam-O-Lume Lamp Envelope
1960s Vitreosil Woven Fabric
1962 Vitreosil Electric Immersion Heaters
1963 Spectrosil: Synthetic Fused Silica
1964 Vitreosil: Maser Tubes
1965 Vitreosil: Pure Fused Quartz: Microbore Tubing
1965 Vitreosil: Pure Fused Quartz: Precision Bore Tubing
1965 Vitreosil: High Temp Ink
1965 Vitreosil: High Temp Quartz Cement
1965 Vitreosil: Odd Shape Tubing
1965 Spectrosil and Vitreosil
1966 Price lists
1966 Vitreosil: Clear Flat Ribbon
1966 Vitreosil: Short Form Catalog
Thermatest, Sunnyvale, CA:
1965 Thermatest 700 Series: Model 780 Welder
1965 Thermatest 700 Series: Thermocouple Welder (with sample)
Thermedics Inc., Woburn, MA:
1985 Newest Additions to TECOFLEX Family
1989 TECOFLEX Solution Processible Grades
Undated Tecoflex Medical Grade Aliphatic Polyurethanes
Thermistor Corp. of America, Metuchen, NJ:
1955 Designing Thermistor Temperature-Correcting Networks Graphically
1956 How to Use Thermistors
1956 Glennite: Experimentors Thermistor Kits
1950s TCA Bead in Bulb Thermistors
1950s Characteristics of TCA Type L118 Thermistor
1950x TCA Thermistors
Thermoelectrics Unlimited, Inc., Wilmington, DE:
1978 Stir-Kool and Cold Plate
Undated Stir-Kool – Combination Cold Plate and Magnetic Stirrer
Undated Thermoelectric Cold Plate Model TCP-2
Undated Price List
Thermo Electron Corp., Waltham, MA: 1982, Tecoflex: Linear, Segments, Aliphatic, Polyether Based, Medical Grade, Polyurethane (with samples)
Thermo Fisher Scientific: Waltham, MA (see also Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific)
2007 Restore ™ Plus Western Blot Stripping Buffer
2011 Sorvall Legend X1 and Legend XT Centrifuge Series
2011 Forma Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers
2012 Sorvall LYNX Superspeed Centrifuge Series
2015 Life in the Lab, Issue 15, Fall 2015
2016 Life in the Lab, Issue 16, Winter 2016
2016 Life in the Lab, Issue 17, Spring 2016
2013 Sorvall ST 8 Centrifuge
2014 Life Technologies, Issue 10 Spring
2014 Life Technologies, Issue 11 Fall
2015 Simply Stunning EVOS Imaging Systems
2015 E-Gel precast agarose gels
2017 NanoDrop One
2017 Unrivaled Molecular Biology Research Tools
2017 Applied Biosystems PCR Thermal Cyclers and Plastics
2017 No-Wash, No-Lyse Techniques: Simplifying Flow Cytometry
2018 Tips and Drips: The Game of Pipetting
2021 Solving Structures in a Flash: Scientific Breakthroughs with Cryogenic Electron Microscopy
2021 1300 Series A2, Herasafe 2025, Herasafe 2030i, and MSC-Advantage Biological Safety Cabinets
2022 Solaris 4000R Incubated and Refrigerated Benchtop Shaker
Undated TSX Series ultra-low temperature freezers
Undated Thermo Scientific centrifuges
Thermolyne Corp., Dubuque, IA: 1961, Price List & Operating Instructions Temco Hot Plate
Thermometrics, Edison, NJ:
1985 Catalog 182: Thermistors
1986 Thermistor Sensor Handbook
1989 Temperature Standards Series S, AS, ES
1989 Precision Thermometer TS8901
1993 Thermometrics
Thermo Orion: 2001, Catalog
Thermoplastic Equipment Corp., 1965, Extruder Catalog
Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL:
2007 Tag You’re It. HisPur Colbalt Resin
2011 So Clean It Squeaks
2012 Dionex UltiMate 3000 RSLC Systems
2013 Sorvall Legend and ST General Purpose Centrifuges
2013 ISQ Series Single Quadrupole GC-MS
2011 1300 Series A2 Biological Safety Cabinets
2011 Sorvall Legend X1 and XT Centrifuges
2012 Sorvall LYNX Superspeed Centrifuge
2021 Solving Structures in a Flash: Scientific Breakthroughs with Cryogenic Electron Microscopy
Thermo Scientific (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.), 2007: Restore ™ Plus Western Blot Stripping Buffer
Thermovac Industries Corp., Copiague, NY:
Undated Thermovac Model FU-17-125 Freezer
Undated Automatic Frozen Tissue Pulverizer
Thomas Industries, Johnson City, TN: 1968, SprayIt Model 910-1 Air Filter and Regulator
Thomas Scientific (Arthur H. Thomas), Swedesboro, NJ:
1961 Catalog
1991 Catalog
2000 Catalog
2000 Winter Supplement
2003/2004 Catalog
2007 Great Deals!
Thomas & Skinner, Inc., Indianapolis, IN:
1967 Metallic Alloy Permanent Magnets
Undated Ad: Imaginetics…
Titertek-Berthold: 2012, Catalog Life Sciences Products
Tobe Deutschmann Labs: 1961, Capacitor
Tocris Cookson Inc., Ellisville, MO:
2004 Signal Transduction Product Guide
undated Chemicals for Pharmacology and Neurochemistry
Tracor: 1970, An Unconventional Chromatograph for Trace Gas Analysis
Transducer Products, Torrington, CA:
1968 Lead Titanate—Zirconate Piezo Ceramics
1968 Piezo Barium Titanate Ceramics
Transene Co., Inc., Rowley, MA:
1973/74 Conductive Silvers for Electronic Applications
Undated Chemical Specialty Products for Solid State Electronics, and Industries
Transidyne General Corp., Ann Arbor, MI: Undated, NeuroGraph N-3
Transonic Systems, Inc., Ithaca, NY:
1978 Vessel Diameter-Independent Volume Flow Measurements Using Ultrasound
1983 An Implantable Transit Time Ultrasonic Blood Flow Meter (R.J. Barnes)
1984 Ultrasonic Flowmeter Uses Wide-Beam Transit-Time Technique
1985 In Vivo Calibration of a Transit-Time Ultrasound System for Measuring Ascending Aorta Volume Flow (J. Hartman)
1986 Blood Flow Measurement Methods in Animal Research Comparison
1988 Transonic Flowmeter
1988 Japanese Pharmacological Society Meeting Abstracts
1989 News Release: Transonic Sterile Tubing Flowsensor
1989 Transonic Sterile Tubing Flowsensor Specifications
1989 Transonic Sterile Tubing (Clamp-On) Flowsensor
1989 Transonic In-Line (Cannulating) Probes
1989 Transit Times, Spring
1989 Publication Reprint List
1989 Research Support Backup Available for Transonic Systems
1989 Price List
1989 Transonic Blood Flowmeter/Accessory Specifications
1989 The Transonic Flowmeter
1989 Selecting the Probe for Your Application
Tri-R Instruments, Inc., Jamaica, NY: Undated, Tissue Homogenizers
2017 Precision Weights
Undated Magnetic Stirrer-Hot Plates and Accessories
Undated Class A Prescription Balance & Precision Laboratory Balance
Tronac Inc.: 1978, 351 Battery Calorimeter
Tropel, Fairport, NY:
1977 Price List
1978 Micaflat Waveplates
TRW Instruments, Inc., El Segundo, CA:
Undated Nanosecond Light Pulser Model 88A
Undated Pulsed Energy Sources TRW Model 87A Series
Undated Nanosecond Light Pulser and Accessories
Undated Motor-Tach
TRW Equipment, Livonia, MI: 1970s, Electrodrilling is New
Ultivue: 2019/2020, Phenotyping: The Tumor Microenvironment with Multiplex Immunohistochemistry
Ultramet, Pacoima, CA:
Undated Problem Solving with Refractory Metals and Compounds
Undated High Temperature Corrosion Resistant Products & Services Chemical Vapor Deposition
Ultra-Violet Products, Inc., San Gabriel, CA:
1963 The Dart: Issue I-763
1963 Pen-Ray: Miniature Quartz Tube Lamp
1964 PCQ (Photo Chemical Quartz): Photochemical Equipment
Undated Ad: Mineralight: Lamps, Rocks,, & Rainbows
Undated Ad: First Transistor Black Light Lamp
Union Carbide Corp., Chicago, IL:
1960 Parylene Product Data: Bakelite Parylene
1968 Price Lists
1969 Polyox Water-Soluble Resins
1973 Pyrolytic Boron Nitride
1978 Amidel Transparent Nylon: A New Engineering Polymer
Undated Parylene Pellicles
undated Korad Laser Systems
undated Korad Dielectric Thin Film Coatings for Lasers
United Mineral & Chemical Corp., New York, NY:
1962 High Purity Metals
1962 Periodic Table of Forms of the Elements
1968 Price List
United States Catheter and Instrument Corp., Glens Falls, NY:
1965 Cardiovascular Catheters and Accessories
1965 Price List
United States Plastic Corp., Lima, OH: Undated Tubing & Hose Ideal for Precise Applications
United States Radium Corp.. Norristownm NJ: 1958, Isolites: Radioisotope-excited Light Sources for Industrial Signal Systems and Markers
Unitek Corp., Monrovia, CA:
1969 Price List
1969 Catalog Precision Resistance Welding
Unitron Instrument Co., Newton Highlands, MA:
Undated Microscopes: A Complete Range of Models and Accessories
1960s Microscopes
1970s Microscopes and Telescopes
Unknown manufacturer and date: Bench Model Vacutrol
Upchurch Scientific: 1998, Brochure
Upjohn, Torrance, CA: 1984, Elastomers in the Real World
Upstate , Charlottesville, VA: 2005, Cell Signaling Solutions
U.S. Peroxygen Corp., Richmond, CA: 1966, Organic Peroxides Catalog
USA Scientific, Ocala, FL:
2017 Biotec Times, Summer 2017: CytoOne
2023 Side By Science Summer 2023
U.S. Industrial Chemicals, Co. (USI), New York, NY:
1968 Flame Treating of High-Density Polyethylene Determent Bottles
1975 Vaynathene Vae Elastomers
Undated New Ultrathene EVA Copolymer Resins for Extrusion Coating
Undated Ultrathene UE 633
Undated Ultrathene UE 635
Undated Ultrathene UE 643
U.S. Peroxygen Corp., Richmond, CA: 1966, Organic Peroxides Catalog
UVP, Inc., San Gabriel, CA:
1986 Price List
Undated UVM-57 Ultraviolet Lamp
Undated Chromato-vue CC-60
Undated UVP Transilluminator
Undated Chromato-vue CC-15 System
Undated C-70G Chromato-vue UV Illumination Cabinet
Undated Black-Ray Automotive Leak Detection System
Undated B-100A and B-100Y Inspection Lamps
Undated Mineralight R-52G Professional Short Wave UV Lamp
Undated Mineralight and Blak-Ray rechargeable Lamps
Undated Mineralight UVG-47, UVG-48, Black-Ray ML-49
Undated Four-watt Ultraviolet Lamps: Shortwave UVG-11, Multiband UVGL-15, Longwave UVL-21, Longwave UVL-23R, Multiband UVGL-25
Undated Black-Ray Ultraviolet Intensity Meters for Monitoring UV Light Source Efficiency
Undated UVX Radiometer
Undated Readmittance Management
Undated Blak-Ray Signature Verification System
Undated Blak-Ray Fluorescent Tracer Products
Undated Blak-Ray Ultraviolet Security Lamps
Undated Blak-Ray Fluorescent Inks
Undated Blak-Ray Protective Ultraviolet Eyewear
Undated Memorase EPROM Erasing Systems
Vacuubrand: 2000s, Vacuum Pumps Resource Guide
Valco Instruments Co. Inc. (VICI):
1989 Price List
1992 Price List
1994 Cheminert
1994 Cheminert II Low Pressure Valves with Direct Internal Connections
1994 Cheminert II Low Pressure Valves with External Tube Connections
Valley Forge Instrument Co., Inc., Phoenixville, PA:
1970s Nanoliter Cryoscope Model 830
1970s Biological Microstage Temperature Programmer
1970 External Connections for Programmers P1150, 1160, 1170
1970 Outline & Mtg. Dims. Multiple Rate Programmer P1160
1970 Outline & Mtg. Dims. Single Rate Programmer P1170-S1
1971 Control Temperatures with Model C Series Controllers
1975 Price List
Undated Biological Microstage Temperature Programmer
Undated Temperature Programmer/Controller
Undated Linear Temperature Programmer Model P1160
Undated Linear Temperature Programmer Infinitely Variable Rate Model P1150
Undated Linear Temperature Programmer Single Rate Model P1170
Undated Portable Hydrogen Flame Ignitor Model EM-1000
Undated Model PC6020 Temperature Programmer
Valpey Corp., Holliston, MA: 1965, An Introduction to Piezoelectric Transducers
Valpey-Fisher (VF), Hopkinton, MA:
Undated Piezoelectric Transducer Crystals
Undated Spherical Focusing Transducer Crystals
Undated Acoustic Rods
Undated Lead Metaniobate Piezoelectric Transducer Crystals
Undated An Introduction to Piezoelectric Transducers
Variable Volumetrics, Inc., Wilmington, MA:
1974 Price List
Undated Finnpipette
Varian Analytical Instruments, Walnut Creek, CA: 2001/2002, Chromatography & Spectroscopy Supplies
Varian Associates, Palo Alto, CA:
1953 Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy Bulletin Vol. 1, No. 1
1957 Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy Bulletin Vol. 2, No. 1
1959 Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy Bulletin Vol. 2, No. 4
1960 Invitation to 100 kc EPR Applications Laboratory
1961 Publications Index
1962 Condensed Catalog: Klystrons, Magnetrons, BWOs TWTs
1964 500 Watt Beason Magnetron BLM-017
1964 6 kw Beacon Magnetron with Integral Load Isolator BLM-153
1965 Beacon Magnetron BLM-095
1967 Pulsed Magnetron BLM-143A
1967 Beacon Magnetron BLM-003
1968 Beacon Magnetron BLM-203
1968 Typical Characteristics for Tubes
1968 Xenon Illuminator 150X8S
1968 Xenon Illuminator 500X10S
1968 Aerograph, Berthold Radioactive Scanning Systems
1968 Xenon Illuminator
1968 High Intensity Illumination System
1972 Rare Earth Cobalt Magnets
1975 Infusion Pump for Use with Highly Potent Agents
1976 Varian’s New Infusion Apparatus
1976 Photomultiplier Tube Price List
1976 VPM-192M
1997 CD: 400/500 Cary Videos
undated CP-MAS Solids NMR
undated Standard Software NMR
undated magNET: The NMR Network
undated Radiation Division
Undated Varian Announces New Type K and Ku Band Klystrons
Undated Excellence in Photodetection III-V Cathode and High Speed Photomultipliers
Undated New Varian 100 kc EPR Spectrometer
Undated V-3521 NMR Integrator
Undated HR-60: A Complete System for High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy
Vari-L Co., Inc., Stamford, CT: 1957, Progress Report
Vari-Light Corp., Cincinnati, OH:
1968 Liquid Crystals General Information
1969 Liquid Crystal Kit
1969 Nematic Liquid Crystals
Veco, Holland: undated, Micro- and Precision Sieves
Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA: 2017 Immunofluorescence Guide
Ventron: 1968, various chemicals
Venus Products, Kent, WA:
Undated Venus H.I.S. Central Resin System: Hydraulic Injection Spray System
Undated Portable Hydraulic Injection Spray System
Undated Aluminum Rollers
Versa Products Co., Englewood, NJ:
1962 Co-Ordinates Price List
1966 Series A Four-Way Valves and Co-Ordinates
1966 Series A Valve Price List
Vickers Instruments Inc., Malden, MA:
Undated Measuring Procedure/The Image-Splitting Eyepiece
Undated This is the Revolutionary Measuring Eyepiece…
Victory Engineering Corp. (VEC), Springfield NJ:
1948 Thermistors as Components Open Product Design Horizons
1964 VECO Hermetically Sealed Bead-in-Glass Probe and Bead-in-Glass Rod Thermistors
1965 Thinistor – Thin Film Thermistors
1965 Thinistor Kit Prices
Undated Matched Thermistors
Undated VECO Thermistors and Technical Literature
Undated Circuit Design Kits and Experimenter’s Items
Undated Thermal Conductivity Cells
The Virtis Co., Gardiner, NY: 1963, Two Basic Instruments & Five Interchangeable Drying Heads: Mechanically Refrigerated Freeze-Mobile Series
VistaLab Technologies, Brewster, NY: 2014 Ovation BioNatural Pipettes
Vitatron: 1973, AKES Automatic Kinetic Enzyme System
Vortex Corp., Cincinnati, OH:
1970 Ad: You already have refrigeration piped to every corner of your plant…
1970 Ad: 1/6 Ton of refrigeration without moving parts
1971 Bulletin: Determining Heat Loads in Painted Metal Electrical Enclosures
1973 Cold Air Coolant Systems
1973 Enclosure Cooling Systems
1983 Vortex Tubes: Air Operated Refrigeration
1984 Sprayvector: High Performance Spray Technology
1985 Price List
VWR International, Buffalo Grove, IL:
2002 Owl Separation System Electrophoresis Products
2003/4 Catalog
2003 Owl Separation Systems Product Catalog
2004 VWR ™ sympHony ™ Electrochemistry Meters, Electrodes & Solutions
2012 VWR Collection Laboratory Equipment
2013 Azure cSeries: A New Way to See the Light
2014 AKTA start
2014 Columns for AKTA start
2014 LifeScience Magazine vol. 14, #32
2015 Elements, Vol. 6
Undated Transilluminators: Comprehensive Range of Ultraviolet Light Models
Wabash Metal Products, Inc., Wabash, IN: 1981, Hydraulic Presses
Wagner Electric Corp., Livingston, NJ: 1969, Tung-Sol Mini Beam
Wah Chang Corp., New York, NY:
1960 Hafnium, Zirconium, Tantalum, Columbium, Molybdenum, Tungsten
Undated Tantanlum
Undated Tungsten
Undated Columbium
Undated Molybdenum
Undated Zirconium
Undated Hafnium
Wakefield Industries Inc., Skokie, IL: undated, Scintillating Liquids and Crystals
Warner-Chilcott Laboratories, Morris Plains, NJ: 1965 , Automatic Fraction Collector
Warner Instrument Corp., Hamden, CT:
1990s Tissue Slice Stimulation & Superfusion Chamber System
1990s Bilayer Chambers & Bilayer Cuvettes
1990s OC-725 Oocyte Clamp
1990s The Chamber Catalog
1990s Series 20 Perfusion/Recording Chambers
1990s Heater Controllers TC-324 & TX-344
1990s TC-324 & TC-344 Specifications
1990s Perfusion Chambers & Systems for Electrophysiology and Biophysics
1994 Micorelectrode Accessories: Clark Capillaries, Warner Microelectrode Holders, etc.
1994 Research Instrument Catalog
1995 Product Update: Neuroscience Issue
1995 Price List
1996 Price List
1984 Millipore Catalog
1988 Guide to Sample Preparation: Solid Phase Extraction & Membrane Filtration
1993 486 Tunable Absorbance Detector
1999 Chromatography Columns & Supplies
Watson, Tokyo, Japan:
2014 PP Pipetting Reservoir
2014 Tubes
2014 8-Stick Marker for SDS-PAGE
2014 4-Grid Cell Counter
2014 Pipette Tips
2014 Standard Filter Tips
2014 Hyper Filter Tips
2014 Repetitive Pipette “Peggy”
2014 Nexty Miniature Fixed Volume Pipette
2014 Nexty Pipettes
2014 DispoPipette
2014 Preservation Plate PVP
2014 Microbial Preservation Plate
2014 Centrifuge Tube
2014 LeukoCatch II
Watts Regulator Co., Lawrence, MA: Undated, Parts No. 188, 288, 288A Anti-Siphon Vacuum Breakers
Waveline Inc., Caldwell, NJ:
Undated Microwave Noise Source
Undated Microwave Test Equipment
1930 Catalog B No. 2530
1968 Laboratory Apparatus
Welch Allyn (WA), Skaneatcles Falls, NY: 1986, Precision Lamps: Miniature and Subminiature Lamps: Vacuum, Gas Filled, Halogen Cycle
Welch Scientific Co., Skokie, IL: (see also W.M. Welch Scientific Co.)
1965 A New Convenient Replacement for Liquid Nitrogen in Leak Detector Cold Traps
1968 Laboratory Apparatus
Wescan Instruments Inc.:
1977 Model 233 Molecular Weight Apparatus
1970s Model 232A Molecular Weight Apparatus Techniques
1985 Solving the Ion Analysis Puzzle
1985 Nitrogen Analysis Made Simple
Wescor Inc., Logan UT:
1974 Vapor Pressure Osmometer Price List
1975 Vapor Pressure Osmometry (W. Barlow)
1975 Osmolality Study (J. Kopp)
1976 Micro Osmolality
1977 Instrumentation Catalog
Western Gear Corp., Pasadena, CA:
1957 Stroboscope Deluxe Model 7N12
Undated White Light Stroboscopes
Western Gold and Platinum Co. (WESGO), Belmont, CA:|
1974 Stopyt U.S. Patent
1975 Recent Additions to WesGo’s Line of Brazing Alloys
Undated Silver Metallizing Paints
Undated Precious Metals and Gold Powders
Undated Properties of Silicon Nitride SNW-1000
Undated Wesgo Premium Nickel Brazing Alloys
Undated Procedure for Determining Carbon and Oxide Content in Brazing Alloys
Undated Brazing Filler Metals
Undated VPOF: Low Vapor Pressure Brazing Alloys
Westinghouse Electric Corp., Bloomfield, NJ:
1957 Short-Arc Lamps for Searchlight Projection and Optical Service
1961 Ultraviolet Lamps and Their Accessories for Exciting Fluorescent Materials
1961 Photomultiplier Type WX-4582
1962 Photomultiplier Type 7909
1962 Photomultiplier Type 7908 for Extreme Environments
1963 Astracon Type WX-4326A Light Image Intensifier
Weston Instruments, Newark, NJ:
1946 Technical data on Weston Photoelectric Cells
1958 Portable Instrument Transformers
1959 Low Cost Tubular Resistors
1959 Thermoelements & Copper OxideRectifiers
1959 Small Portable Instruments: Galvanometers
1959 AC Pocket Size Clamp Volt-Ammeter
1959 Electronic Milli-Volt/Ammeter Model 1477
1960 Light Measuring Instruments: Sightmeters and Illumination, Foot-Candle, Foot-Lambert Meters
1960 Midget Moisture Meter
1960 Moisture Meter for Grain
1960 Portable Electrolysis Instruments Models 622-430-1
1960 Portable DC Instruments Model 1 (Class 50)
1960 Vamistor: A Precision Metal Film Resisteor
1960 Weston Tubular Resistors
1960 Instrument Relays for Military and Commercial Applications
1960 Volume Level Indicators, Type 30
1960 Weston Panel Instrument Models 1761, 1762, 1766
1960 Thermal Converters Models 878, 868, 869
1960 A Simpler Approach to Instrument Calibration
1960 Dairy Thermometers
1960 4000 Series 3” Standard Industrial Thermometers
1960 4000 Series 5” Standard Industrial Thermometers
1960 4000 Series Navy Type Thermometers
1961 Portable Testing Instruments
1961 Industrial Analyzers: Circuit Tester, AC Industrial Analyzer, Volt-Ohm-Milliammeters,
Volt-Ohmmeter, Ohmmeter, Insulation Tester, Accessories
1961 Portable/Panel Multi-Range Instrument Models 911-912
1961 Models 594, 856, 9950 Selenium Photovoltaic Cells
1961 Selenium Photovoltaic Cell Model 9971-R5-PL
1961 Electrical Tachometers, Generators, Indicators, Recorders, Controllers, Lab Standards
1961 Panel Instruments Modern Smooth Front 201/301 Group
1961 Switchboard Instruments, Model 610 and 921 Groups, Fan Shaped Group
1961 Panel Instruments 641, 741, 861, 961 Groups
1961 Laboratory Standard Instruments: Voltmeters, Ammeters, Wattmeters, Shunts, Cells
1961 High Sensitivity Portable Instruments Model 622
1961 Service Test Equipment
1962 Selenium Photovoltaic Cells Models 596, 857, 859, 9971
1963 AC & DC Portable Instruments Models 931, 432, 433, 455
1964 Portable Standards, Light Beam Type: Wattmeters, Ammeters, Voltmeters
1964 Integrating Digital Voltmeter Model 1420
1969 Stock Panel Meters/Portable Instruments
1970 Portable Standards
1971 Panel Instruments Voltmeters, Microammeters, Milliameters, Ammeters
1972 Model 4440 Digital Multimeter
1972 Now! “Drop-Proofed” VOMS
1974 Model 461 Current Transformer
1974 AC/DC Portable Instruments
1974 Model 6000 Autoranging Digital Multimeter
1975 Model 4445 RS DMM AC/DC Multimeter
1976 Model 6000 Autoranging Digital Multimeter
1977 AC/DC Portable Instruments
1977 Model 327 Current Transformer
1977 2460 Series Line Powered Digital Panel Meters
1977 Model 4440 Digital Multimeter
1977 “Drop-Proofed” VOM Model 660
1977 AC Pocket Size Clamp Volt-Ammeter
1977? “Weston Introduces the first….mini-multimeter”
WFR Corp., Ramsey, NJ:
1979 Silastic 383 Medical Grade Elastomer
1980 Aquaplast and Aquaplast T
1980 Aquaplast Splinting Materials
Whale Scientific Inc.: 1969, Ion Exchange Column
Whatman, Hillsboro, OR: 1997, Lab Instrumentation & Equipment Master Catalog
Wheaton Instruments: 1987, Centrifuge
Wheaton Scientific, Millville, NJ: 1977, The Wheaton Connection (glassware)
Wilbur B. Driver Co., Newark, NJ:
Undated Evanohm
Undated Rodar, Niron 46, Niron 52 Sealing Alloys
Undated Alloy Handbook of Electrical Resistance and Electronic, Chemical, and Mechanical Applications
Undated Alloy Handbook
Undated Thermocouple and Thermopile Alloys
Wilco Co., Los Angeles, CA:
1962 As Last a Non-Flammable Anti-Static Plastic Cleaner
1962 Price List
Wild Heerbrugg Instruments, Inc., Farmingdale, NY: 1969, The Wild M-40 Inverted Microscope
William Ainsworth & Sons: 1968, Analytical, Electronic, and Controlled Atmosphere Balances
Williams Scientific Co.: 1985, Topaka Floor Slip Tester
William T. Bean, Inc., Detroit, MI: 1966, Catalog No. 20: Precision Strain Gages
Wilmad Glass Co., Landisville, NJ:
1981 Price List for Materials and Supplies for Infrared Spectrophotometry
1981 Accessories and Supplies for Infrared Spectrophotometry
1985 Infrared Products Catalog 853
1988 Infrared Products
Undated Precision Bore Tubing Bulletin 100
Wilson Diagnostics, Inc., Glenwood, I: 1971, To Identify Enteric Bacteria...Isolation to Identification in Just 7 Hours
W.L. Gore & Assoc. Inc.: 1977, Gore-Tex Vascular Grafts
W.M. Welch Scientific Co.: (see also Welch)
1925 Catalog E, Laboratory Apparatus
1930 Catalog B No. 2530
Worthington Biochemical Corp.:
1967 Ribonuclease T1
1970 Advanced Analytical Services in Characterization of Proteins
2017 Tissue Dissociation Guide, 12th edition
2017-2018 Enzyme & Biochemical Catalog
WPI Instruments, Inc., New Haven, CT: undated, “Kwik-Fil” Borosilicate Glass Capillaries
W-P Instruments, Hamden, CT:
1970s Glass Microelectrode Accessories
1970s Model BB-1 Breakaway Box
1970s Scope Raster/Stepper Model 140
1970s Differential AC Preamplifier Model DAM-5A
1970s Micro-Probe System Options
1970s Window Discriminator Model 120
1970s Glass Microelectrode Accessories: Holders
1974 Price List
W. & R. Balston, Ltd., England: 1960s, New Whatman Gamma-12 High Performance In-line Filter Unit
Write Right Co.: Undated, Catalog
Wyatt Technology, Santa Barbara, CA:
2007 DAWN Heleos II
2012 DyanPro Plate Reader II
Xenon Corp., Medford, MA:
1965 Product and Price List
1966 Product and Price List
1968 Product and Price List
Undated New: High Hold-Off, Fast Discharge Micropulse Flashtubes
Undated High Energy Helical Flashtubes
Undated Model A Flash Photolysis
Undated FP Series High Energy Micropulse Flashtubes
Undated High Intensity Nanopulse Lamp and Related Nanopulser
Undated Heavy Duty Glass Flashtubes
Undated Pulsed Light Systems UV to IR
Undated High Energy Linear Flashtubes
Xolox Corp., Fort Wayne, IN:
1985 Neobond 50
1985 Unique Solutions to Complex Problems
Yankee Photo Products, Inc., Gardena, CA: 1968, Darkroom Accessories
Yellow Springs Instrument Co. (YSI):
1966 Model 46 Themistemp Tele-Thermometer
1966 Model 47 Themistemp Tele-Thermometer
1966 Model 51 Oxygen Meter
1966 Automated Oxygen Electrode Measurements of the Oxidative Activity of Biological Systems
1966 Model 63 Themistemp Temperature Controller
1966 Model 72 Themistemp Temperature Controller
1966 Model 73 Themistemp Temperature Controller
1966 Model 42 Themistemp Telethermometer
1966 Models 43 and 44 Themistemp Telethermometers
1966 Model 41 Themistemp Tele-thermometer
1966 Model 31 Conductivity Bridge
1966 Model 80 Laboratory Recorder
1966 Model 81 Laboratory Recorder
1967 Thermilinear Thermometer
1967 YDI-Kettering Radiometer
1967 Oxygen Meter
1967 Oxygen Monitor
1967 Model 52 Oxygen Meter
1967 Thermilinear Components
1967 Biological Oxygen Monitor
1967 Thermilinear Systems
1967 Price list
1967 Precision Thermistor No. 44015
1967 Precision Thermistor No. 44014
1967 Precision Thermistor No. 44008
1967 Precision Thermistor No. 44004
1967 Precision Thermistor No. 44005
1967 Precision Thermistor No. 44002
1967 Precision Thermistors
1969 YSI Precision Thermistors
Undated Linear Temperature Scales from Thermistor Sensors
Undated Precision Thermistors
Undated Short Form Catalog
Zeiss (see Carl Zeiss)
Zenbio: 2017, Get in the Game: Primary Cell thawing Made Easy!
Zeus: Undated, Tubing
ZiaTech Corp.:
1982 ZT 7805 Development Monitor
1983 ZT 7805 Single Board GPIB Computer
Zinc Institute, Inc., New York, NY: 1974, Why Zinc? Revised Edition
Zymark Corp.:
1985 Zymate Laboratory Automation System for Sample Preparation
1985 Laboratory Robotics for the Pharmaceutical Industry