Manuals, Operating Instructions, and Technical Bulletins Collection
Note: This list contains manuals for instruments not in the NIH Stetten Museum’s collection. To see if the instrument you are looking for is in the Museum’s collection and has a manual, please Search Our Collections. If you would like a copy of a manual, please contact the Curator at
3M, St. Paul, MN:
1987 Technical Information: Fluorad Surfactant FC-100
1991 Technical Information: Fluorochemical Surfactants
1992 Technical Information: Fluorad Fluorochemical Surfactant FC-135
AT&T, Indianapolis, IN:
1989 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) 7507 Display Terminal
Ace Glass Inc., Vineland, New Jersey:
Undated 12106-10 Proportional Temperature Controller (Digital Readout) Operating Instructions
Undated 9601, 9603 Instatherm Oil Baths
Undated Instruction Sheet Ace Instatherm
Undated “The Quartz Mercury Arc,” by William T. Anderson Jr.
ACME National Refrigeration Co. Inc., Astoria, New York: Undated, Your ACME Spa Saver: Installation and Care
A & D Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan: Undated, Instruction Manual: ER Series Electronic Analytical Balances
Advanced Instruments, Inc., Needham Heights, MA:
1968 User’s Guide Advanced Osmometer
1969 User’s Guide Advanced Osmometer, Model 3R
1969 User’s Guide Advanced Osmometer, Models 3L, 3W
Airequipt Inc., New Rochelle, NY: Undated, How to Use Your Junior Printer
Air Products: Undated, Type “D” Maniford Control Operating and Maintenance Instructions
Abrams Instrument Corp, Lansing, MI:
Operating Instructions: Abrams 2-4 Stereoscope Model CB, undated:
Alcatel CIT, France:
1982 Start-up and Maintenance Manual for Mechanical Vacuum Pump 2008A
1989 Mechanical Forepumps Types: AC 1004, 2008, 2012, 2020, and CPI 2012, 2020
1999 Rotary Vane Pumps User’s Manual
Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin: 1977, “Handling Air-Sensitive Reagents,” by Clinton F. Lane and Gary W. Kramer, Adrichimica Acta, Vol. 10, No. 1
Allen B. Du Mont Laboratories, Inc., Clifton, New Jersey:
1948 Du Mont Cathode-Ray Oscillograph Type 208-B, Operating Instructions
1951 Operating and Maintenance Manual: Du Mont Oscillograph Record Camera, Type 296
1952 Operating and Maintenance Manual: Du Mont Oscillograph Record Camera, Type 297
1958 Operating and Maintenance Manual: Du Mont Type 322-A Dual-Beam Cathode-Ray Oscillograph
Alltech Associates, Inc., Deerfield, IL:
undated: Data Sheet D4001-3, Oxy-Trap
Amersil Inc., Hillsdale, NJ: 1974, Assembly and Operating Instructions: Clear Fused Quartz Mono- and Bi- Distillatin Apparatus, M20, M20R, M40, Bi4, Bi18
Aloe Scientific, St. Louis, MO: Undated, De Fonbrune Micromanipulator and Micro Forge
Alpha Research & Development, Inc., Blue Island, IL:
1969 Micro-Vues: Pertinent Comments Concerning SEM, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1969
1969 Micro-Vues: Pertinent Comments Concerning SEM, Vol. 1, No. 3, Sept. 1969
1970 Micro-Vues: Pertinent Comments Concerning SEM, Vol. 2, No. 2, Oct. 1970
Alphacom Inc., Campbell, CA:
1980 Instruction Manual: Sprinter 40 Printer
1983 Owner’s Manual: Alphacom 42 Printer
1987 User Manual: Alphacom 42 Plug-In Interface Module for RS232
Undated User Manual: Alphacom 42 Printer
American Bionetics, Inc. (ABN), Hayward, CA: 1980s, Vacublot ™ Instruction Manual
American Dade, Miami, FL: 1987, Instruction Manual for the American Rotator V
American Electronic Laboratories, Colmar, PA:
Undated Electronic Stimulator, Model 751-B
Undated Stimulus Isolator, Model 112
American Instrument Co. (AMINCO), Silver Spring, MD:
1951 Installation and Operation of No. 10-210 AMINCO Photomultiplier Microphotometer
1958 Instructions No. 507: Freezing Point Depression Apparatus (see 03.0001.019.00)
1960 AMINCO-Keirs Spectrophosphorimeter, Instruction No. 816
1963 Instructions for Installation of Cat. No. A15-62155 Conversion Kit in AMINCO-Bowman Spectrophotofluorometers and AMINCO-Keirs Spectrophosphorimeters, Instruction No. 832
1964 AMINCO-Chance Dual Wavelength Spectophotometer, Instruction 848-A
1966 AMINCO-Chance Dual Wavelength Spectrophotometer, Instruction No. 848-B (see 98.0020.023.00)
1967 Thin-Layer Chromatograph Scanner, Instruction No. 911
1968 Solid-State, Blank-Subtract Photomultiplier Microphotometer
1968 AMINCO-Bowman Spectrophotofluorometer Instruction 768-H
1969 Drawing SK69069: Grating Monochromator,” by H.K. Howerton
1970 AMINCO Grating Monochromator, Instruction No. 844-A
1971 AMINCO-Morrow Stopped-Flow Apparatus, Instruction No. 939-B
1975 Ratio Spectrophotofluorometer
1975 Instruction 1300-A: Fluoro-Colorimeter
1976 SPF-500 Series Spectrophotofluorometers
“Fluorescence News,” Vol. 1, Nos. 1-5, February thru Winter 1966.
Vol. 2, No. 5, Winter 1967.
Vol. 3, Nos. 2, 4, 5, March-April, Autumn, and Winter 1968.
Vol. 4, Nos. 2-5, March-April thru Fall 1969.
Vol. 5, Nos. 1 and 4, January-February and Fall 1970.
Vol. 6, Nos. 2-3, August and December 1971.
Vol. 7, Nos. 2-4, April thru October 1973.
Vol. 8, Nos. 1, 4, February and December, 1974.
Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1975.
Vol. 10, Nos. 1-2, May 1976.
“AMINCO Laboratory News,” Vol. 12, No. 3, May 1955.
Vol. 13, No. 2, March 1956.
Vol. 15, No. 10, December 1959.
Vol. 17, No. 2, June 1961.
Vol. 18, Nos. 2, 3, & 4, December 1962.
Vol. 19, No. 1, March 1963.
Vol. 22, No. 4, Winter 1966-67.
Vol. 23, No. 4, Winter 1967-68.
Vol. 24, Nos. 3 and 4, Fall and Winter 1968-69.
Vol. 25, Nos. 1-4, Spring thru Winter 1969.
Vol. 29, Nos. 1-3, Winter thru Summer 1972-73.
Vol. 30, No. 2, Fall 1974.
Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 1975.
Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 1975.
Vol. 31, No. 4, 1975-76.
Undated Setting Instructions: “Metastatic” Mercury Thermoregulators
American Optical, Buffalo, NY:
1976, Instructions for Use and Care of the AO TS Meter (A Goldberg Refractometer)
1967 Reference Manual AO Fluorolume Illuminator, Model 645
1968 Reference Manual Series 10 Microstar Advanced Laboratory Microscopes
1972 AO Vertical Illuminator for Incident Light Fluorescence Microscopy, Model 2070
Undated Directions Spencer Senior Microscope Lamp no. 735
Undated Photomicrographic Equipment Reference Manual
Undated Instructions for AO Spencer Darkfield Illuminator
Amersham Corp.:
1968 Review 8: Purity and Analysis of Labelled Compounds
1981 Review 17: Sample Preparation in Liquid Scintillation Counting
1984 Review 23: Radioisotope Detection by Fluorography and Intensifying Screens
Amersham International, England:
1985 Membrane Transfer and Detection Methods
2002 Hi Trap Affinity Columns
2002 Hoefer SE 600/SE 660 Standard Dual Cooled Gel Electrophoresis Units
2002 Recorder 111 and 112 User Manual
2003 TE 42 and TE 62 Transfer Electrophoresis Units and TE 50x Power Lid Manual
2003 Hoefer EPS 2A200 Power Supply Quick Reference
2004 EPS 2A200 Power Supply Manual
Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Inc., San Francisco, CA:
1998 AKTA FPLC System Manual
1998 Hoefer GE 200 Gel Eluter User Manual
1950 Aminco “Quickset” Bimetal Thermoregulators
Amersil Inc., Hillside, NJ
Undated Clear Fused Quartz Mono- and Bi-Distillation Apparatus
Amicon, Lexington, MA:
1974 Hollow Fiber Dialyzer/Concentrator DC2 DC2A Operating Instructions
1974 Ultrafiltration Cells Models 12, 52, 202, 402 Instructions
1975 Fiberglass Liquid Reservoirs Models RG-5 and RG-11 Instructions
1984 Model DC2/DC2A Hollow Fiber Dialyzer/Concentrator
1984 Diaflo Hollow Fiber Cartridges Information and Operating Instructions
1985 Diaflo Hollow Fiber Cartridges Information and Operating Instructions
1985 Moduline Industrial Chromatography Column Instructions
1985 Spiral-Wound Ultrafiltration Cartridges Models S1, S10 Instructions
1991 Acrylic Reservoirs Models RA2000S, RA2000 Instructions
Undated Instructions: Diaflo Ultrafilters, Type YMUndated Shortform Operating Instructions for Amicon Laboratory Column Prototype
Undated CH2 Spiral Cartridge Adapter Kit Instructions
Undated S1/S3 Cartridge Header Kit
Analog Devices, Norwood, MA:
1981 Low Cost 16-Bit Analog to Digital Converter ADC1140
1982 Power Supply Mechanical Information
ANCOM: Undated, Electrical Specification
API Instruments Co., Chesterland, OH:
1965, Model 901-A and 903-A off-on Optical Control Modules
Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA:
1990 Strategies in Peptide Synthesis: Introduction to Cleavage Techniques
2007 miRNA Research Guide
2007 Innovations (July, Issue 4)
Applied Physics Corp., Monrovia, California:
Early 1950s Instructions for Cary Recording Spectrophotometer, Model 14
ca. 1957 Instructions for Filter Assembly No. 1404000
ca. 1960 High Intensity Light Source, Model 1571300
1960 Cary Model 14 Recording Spectrophotometer Service Manual
1960 Instructions for Cary Recording Spectrophotometer Model 14-M
1964 Cary Model 14, Optimum Spectrophotometer Parameters,” Application Report AR-14-2
1964 Application Report AR 14-2: Optimum Spectrophotometer Parameters
1966 Cary Automatic Sample-changer Accessory, Models 1441 and 1541
Undated Cary Model 14 Recording Spectrophotometer Service Manual
Archive Corporation, Costa Mesa, CA: 1989, Viper ® SCSI Theory of Operation and Maintenance Manual, Models 60S, 125S, and 150S, 1/4 –Inch Streaming Cartridge Tape Drive
Aristo Grid Lamp Products, Inc., Port Washington, NY: Undated, Aristo Cold Light Units
A.R. Vetter Co., Rebersburg, PA: Undated, Operating and Service Manual Instrumentation Recorder, Models B & D
Arkay Corp., Milwaukee, WI: Undated, Electron Microscope Processor
Arthur H. Thomas Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
1951 Kofler Micro Hot Stage Literature Cited
1952 Directions for Use: Beckman Differential Thermometers
1958 Directions for Use for 9085-C, Roto-Cell (Liquid-cooled Double Cell Carrier Assembly) with Partitioned Cell and 9085-D, Ditto but without Glass Cell
1959 Directions for Use for Thomas Model 40 Micro Hot Stage
Undated Directions: 9820-E10 to 9820-E35 Thomas Constant Temperature Water Baths
Atomic Laboratories, Inc., Berkeley, California: 1957, Rayotron Operation Manual
Atmospheric Instrumentation Research Inc., Boulder, CO: 1985, Hand-Held Barometer Operator’s Guide
ATR, Inc., Laurel, MD:
2000s Multitron Version 2 Incubator Shaker Manual
2000s Digital Vacuum Controller DVC Instructions
Automated Imaging Association, Ann Arbor, MI: 1993, American National Standard for Automated Vision Components-Cameras-Standard AIA Connector Specifications
Automatic Timing & Controls Inc. (ATC), King of Prussia, PN: Undated, Series 309A and 309B Atcotrol Pushbutton Dial Timers
Avestin, Inc., Ottawa, Canada:
Undated Instructions for LiposoFast Large
Undated Instructions for LiposoFast Basic
Axon Instruments, Burlingame, CA:
1983 Axoclamp-2 Microelectrode Clamp Service
1983 Axoclamp-2 Microelectrode Clamp Theory and Operation
Bailey Instruments Inc., Saddlebrook, NJ:
1979 Operating Manual Digital Thermocouple Thermometer BAT-9
1979 Operating Manual Thermalert Monitoring Thermometer Model TH-6D
Baird-Atomic, Inc., Cambridge, MA: 1958, A Handbook for Scintillation Spectrometry
Bakelite Co., New York: undate, The ABCs of Modern Plastics
Baker Co., Inc., Biddeford, ME: 1970,Operation and Spare Parts Manual Biogard Hood Vertical Laminar Flow Workstation
Balston Inc., Lexington, MA: 1990, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Type 74-2061 & 74-5071 Clean Air Packages
Barber-Colman Co., Rockford, IL: 1965, Instruction Manual Capacitrols Models 292P, 293C, 297C
Barnstead, Boston, MA:
1970 TD-15 Thermodrive Distillation Systems Specification No. T1200
Undated The Barnstead Book About Pyrogens, Grace D. Brown
Barnstead Still & Sterilizer Co., undated, Installation, Operation, and Maitenance Centrifugal Fans
Barnstead Thermolyne Corp., Dubuque, IL:
1988 Operating Instructions for Thermolyne CIMAREC Hot Plates
1988 Operating Instructions: LT314X1 Type 26100 “Speci-Mix” Aliquot Mixer
Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, New York:
1930 Research Microscope DDE
1950 Research Microscopes, Series R: Reference Manual
1951 Grating Monochromator
1951 Grating Monochromator (Fitted with 33-86-43 Condenser) for Ultra-Violet Microscopy
1952 Reference Manual: Grating Monochromator, Cat. No. 33-86-40-01
1967 Instructions: StereoZoom Series Microscopes
1967 StereoZoom Series Microscopes, 2nd edition
1969 Dynazoom & Dynoptic Microscopes, 5th edition
1960s Opacimeter, Cat. No. 33-88-12, Reference Manual
1960s Saccharimeter Reference Manual
Undated High Intensity Grating Monochromator Reference Manual & Operating Instructions
Undated StereoZoom Series Microscopes: Instruction Manual
Undated Abbe 3-L Refractometer 33-45-58 Dispersion Table, Series 510
Undated Instructions Abbe-3L Refractometer
Undated Nicholas (Halogen) Illuminator Instruction Manual
Baxter Healthcare Corp., Miami, FL: 1988, Dimensional Rotator (30 RPM, 100 Angle)
Bay Engineering, San Francisco, CA: 1986, Instruction Manual: Gamma Camera Line Driver/Signal Conditioner
Bayley, Lebanon, IN: undated, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Centrifugal Fans
Bayley Instrument Co., Danville, CA:
Undated Bulletin 32: Precision Temperature Control
BBN Research Systems, Cambridge, MA:
1982 RS/1-Plus Reference Card
B. Braun Instruments, San Francisco, California:
1971 Operating Instructions: Thermomix Junior Immersion Thermostat
Undated Operating Instructions: Thermomix 1420, Models 1420 E and 1420 BKU
BD Biosciences, Palo Alto, CA: 2001, TALON Metal Affinity Resins User Manual
Beattie-Coleman Inc., Anaheim, CA: Undated, Operating Instruction Manual 877: Reflex CRT Photography and Director CRT Photography
Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA:
1999 Rotor Safety Guide: Warranty and Care
2000 Run Speeds for Stainless Steel Tubes
2000 Instructions for Using Tube Caps in Fixed Angle Ultracentrifuge Rotors
2004 Rotor Safety
2004 CD: Rotors and Tubes User’s Manuals
2004 Type 45 Ti Rotor
Undated Optima Ultracentrifuge Performance Guide
Undated Attention Beckman Avanti J Users Rotor Pin Problem
Beckman Instruments Inc., Fullerton or Irvine, CA (see also Spinco):
1950 Beckman Bulletin 150-D: Instructions for Servicing Beckman Models D and DU Spectrophotometers
1950 Operating Instructions: Beckman Quartz Spectrophotometer, Bulletin 91-G
1954 Instruction Manual Models DU and B Flame Spectrophotometers
1954 Instruction Manual Model DU Spectrophotometer
1955 Installation Instructions 9175 VR Tube Modification Kit, Model B Spectrophotometer
1955 Revision Sheet Model DU Spectrophotometer
1957 Revision Sheet Model DU Spectrophotometer
1957 Model DU Spectrophotometer Revision Sheet
1957 Revision Sheet: Beckman Model B Spectrophotometer
1958 Instruction Manual Power Supply for DU Spectrophotometers
1959 Instruction Manual: D.C. Breaker Amplifier, Model 14
1959 Model 210 Sample Injection Valve Instrument Manual
1961 Glass Electrodes (Silver-Silver Chloride Internals)
1963 Combination Electrodes (Glass-Reference)
1963 Model L Preparative Ultracentrifuge
1964 Instruction for the use of Beckman DB Spectrophotometer
1964 Fractions, No. 1
1964 Instruction Manual: Model E Analytical Ultracentrifuge
1964 Technical Bulletin E-TB-015B: Instructions for Using Multichannel Short-Column Equilibrium Centerpieces Model E
1964 Technical Bulletin E-TB-016: Instructions for Using the Model E Cell Torque Wrench
1964 Technical Bulletin E-TB-018: How to Use the Model E Rotor Torque Wrench
1964 Technical Bulletin E-TB-017: An-H Titanium Analytical Rotor: Specifications and Instructions for Use
1965 Technical Bulletin E-TB-013: Instructions for Using Model E Electronic Speed Control
1965 Technical Bulletin E-TB-005: Instructions for Using the Aluminum Double Sector Centerpiece in the Model E
1965 Technical Bulletin E-TB-014: How to Identify and Orient Model E Cell Windows
1965 Instruction Manual: Monochromator Accessory for the Model E Analytical
1965 Instruction Manual: Mask and Timer Accessory for the Model E Analytical
1965 Instruction Manual: Photoelectric Scanning System for the Model E Analytical
1965 Type 50 Rotor Specifications
1965 Type 40.2 Rotor Specifications
1965 Type 30.2 Rotor Specifications
1966 The Models L2-50 and L2-HV Preparative Centrifuge Instruction Manual
1967 Fractions, No. 3
1967 Type 42 Fixed-Angle Aluminum Rotor
1967 Type SW 41 Swinging-Bucket Titanium Rotor Instruction Manual
1968 Instruction Manual: Model L2-65B Preparative Ultracentrifuge
1969 Important Information on High-Force Rotor Tube Caps
1969 Type SW36 Swinging-Bucket Aluminum Rotor
1969 Using k and k’ Factors to Estimate Run Time
1970 Instructions Dynakrome Recorder Ink
1970 Type 15 Rotor Instruction Manual
1970s Applications Data: Use of the Airfuge EM-90 Electron Microscopy Particle Counting Rotor in Viral Research
1970s Beckman Scintillation Counter Instructions
1971 SW 25.1 Rotor in Class A,B,C,D,F,G,N,O,P or Q Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1971 Swinging-Bucket Type 25.2 Rotor in Class C,D,F, or G Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1971 Type 75 Ti Fixed-Angle Rotor for Model L2-75B Preparative Ultracentrifuge
1971 Type 60 Titanium Fixed-Angle Rotor for Class F,G, & Q Preparative Ultracentrifuge
1971 Type 50 Titanium Fixed-Angle Rotor Class B,C,D,F,G,O,P or Q Ultracentrifuge
1971 Type 42.1 Fixed-Angle Aluminum Rotor for Class B,F, or G Ultracentrifuge
1971 Type 40.3 Fixed-Angle Rotor in Class A,B,C,D,F,G,N,O,P or Q Ultracentrifuge
1971 Type 40 Fixed-Angle Aluminum Rotor in Class A,B,C,D,F,G,N,O,P or Q
1971 Type 35 Fixed-Angle Aluminum Rotor for Class F,G, or Q Preparative Ultracentrifuge
1971 Type 21 Fixed-Angle Aluminum Rotor in Class A,B,C,D,F,G,N,O,P or Q
1972 The Models L2-75B and L2-65B Preparative Ultracentrifuge Instruction Manual
1972 Rotors and Tubes for Preparative Ultracentrifuges Specifications & Instructions
1972 SW 65L Titanium Rotor in Class B,C,D,F,G,O,P or Q Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1972 Type 65 Fixed-Angle Aluminum Rotor for Class A,B,C,D,F,G,N,O,P or Q
1972 Swinging-Bucket 50.1 Rotor in Class A,B,C,D,F,G,N,O,P or Q Ultracentrifuges
1972 SW 41 Titanium Rotor for Class C,D,F, or G Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1972 SW 40 Titanium Rotor for Class G Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1972 SW 27 & SW 27.1 Swinging Bucket Aluminum Rotor
1972 Type 19 Rotor for Preparative Ultracentrifuge
1972 Type JA-20 Fixed-Angle Rotor for J-21 Refrigerated Centrifuge
1975 KliNa Flame Maintenance Logbook
1976 Selective Aspects of Sample Handling in Liquid Scintillation Counting, E.C. Long
1976 Liquid Scintillation Counting Theory and Techniques, E.C. Long
1977 Applications of Quench Monitoring by Compton Edge: The “H#,” E.C. Long
1977 The H Number Concept, Donald L. Horrocks
1977 Beckman Models 3500, 3550, and 3560 Digital pH Meters
1977 Glucose Analyzer 2 Operating Manual
1979 Technical Information: Counting 32 p in Aqueous Solutions by Cerenkov Radiation
1979 Instruction Manual: Beckman Microfuge B Centrifuge
1980 A Centrifuge Primer
1980 Applications of the Beckman Microfuge Centrifuge: A Bibliography
1981 Stat-Us Report
1981 Instructions for Using Micro-Test Plate Carriers
1981 Instructions for Using the JS-4.2 & JS-3.0 Swinging Bucket Rotors in J-6 Centrifuges
1982 Operator’s Manual Rotors & Tubes for Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1983 Instruction Manual: Model J 6M Centrifuge
1983 Instruction Manual Model L8-55M Preparative Ultracentrifuge
1983 Instructions for Using Thickwall Polycarbonate & Polyallomer Tubes
1983 Chemical Resistances for Spinco Division Products
1983 Rotor Safety Guide
1983 Rotors for the Model J-6 Series Centrifuges Instruction Manual
1983 Instructions for Using the SW 60 Ti Rotor
1983 Instructions for Using the Type 70 Ti Rotor
1984 Product Data Sheet: Trace-Klean–The Solution to Cell Cleaning Problems
1984 DU-50 Series Spectrophotometer Operating Manual
1985 DU-50 Series Spectrophotometer: Kinetics Soft-Pac Module Operating Instructions
1985 DU-50 Series Spectrophotometer: Quant II Soft-Pac Module Operating Instructions
1985 DU-50 Series Spectrophotometer: Quant II-Linear Soft-Pac Module Operating Instructions
1985 DU-50 Series Spectrophotometer: Auto 6-Sampler Accessory Operating Instructions
1985 DU-50 Series Spectrophotometer: RS232 Interface Accessory Operating Instructions
1985 Decontamination of Aluminum Rotors and Accessories
1985 Instructions for Using the JA-10 Fixed Angle Rotor
1985 Operator’s Manual Rotors and Tubes for Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1986 DU-50 Series Spectrophotometer: Sipper and Batch Sampler Accessories Manual
1986 How to Use Quick-Seal Tubes with the Beckman Tube Sealer
1987 Instructions for Using Micro-Test Plate Carriers
1986 Techniques of Preparative, Zonal, and Continuous Flow Ultracentrifugation
1987 Life, Spring
1988 The GeneLine System Instruction Manual
1988 GeneLine Power Supply Instruction Manual
1990 GeneLine II Buffer Cooler Instructions
1990 Chemical Resistances for Spinco Division Products
1992 Anti-Rotation Tray Installation Instructions
1994 Instructions for Using Micro Plus Microtiter Plate Carriers
1994 Centrifuge Safety
1997 Rotor Safety
1998 Allegra 6 Series and Spinchron Series Centrifuges Instruction Manual
1998 Instructions for Using the GH-3.8 Horizontal Rotor
Undated Instruction Manual: The Beckman Model DU Spectrophotometer and Accessories
Undated Technical Bulletin 6059C: Model 150 Ultramicro Analytical System Microfuge
Undated Sample Preparation Procedures for Liquid Scintillation Counting, Frank Newman
Undated “Technical Information:”
Undated The Use and Care of Futura Electrodes
Advances in Liquid Scintillation Data Reduction: Single Label DPM, 1152-NUC-77-115
Advances in Liquid Scintillation Data Reduction: Dual Label DPM, 1150-NUC-77-12S
AQC (Automatic Quench Compensation) on the Beckman LS-8000 Series Instruments, 1100-NUC-77-3T
Bell Telephone System, New York: 1963, Technical Publications: Monograph 4535 “Quartz Crystal Thermometer for Measuring Temperature Deviations in the 10-3 to 10-6 C Range,” W.L. Smith and W.J. Spencer, (first published in Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 34, March 1963, pages 268-270)
Bellco Glass, Inc., Vineland, NJ: Undated, Instructions: Bell-Stir Magnetic Stirrer
Bethesda Research Laboratories Inc. (BRL), Gaithersburg, MD:
1960s BRL Gradient Formers Users Manual
1979 Model H0/H1, H2/H3 Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis System
1981 Affinity Chromatography: Concanavalin A Agarose (Stabilized)
1981 Affinity Chromatography: Dye-Ligand Chromatography Matrices
1981 Instruction Manual: Microdialysis Systems
1983 Instruction Manual: Sharkstooth Comb, 1045 SC
Biodynamics Research Corp., Rockville, MD:
1971 SAMSPIN Model 4310-U Directions
1973 SAMDRI PVT-3 Operation and Service Manual
Bioelectric Instruments, Inc., Hastings-on-Hudson, NY:
1969 CA5 Calibrator Operating Instructions
1972 Model RCM3 Reflexor Camera Mount & Models CMT, ACM1, RACM Camera Mounts
1972 Application Note: Model AF2 Uni-Amp Integrated Unity-Gain Amplifier
1972 Preliminary Instruction Manual for Model P1 Electrophysiological Measurement System
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond and Hercules, CA:
1963 Desalting With AG 11A8 Ion Retardation Resin,” Technical Bulletin 113
1975 Operating Instructions Model 150 A Gel Electrophoresis Cell
1979 The Liquid Chromatographer,” Nos. 1 and 2
1970s Mini-PROTEAN II Dual Slab Cell Instruction Manual
1970s PROTEAN II xi Plate Washer/Holder Instruction Manual
1980s Bio-Dot Microfiltration Apparatus Manual
1980s Criterion Blotter Manual
1980s Trans-Blot SD Semi-Dry Electrophoretic Transfer Cell Manual
1984 Trans-Blot Transfer Media Instructions
1990s Trans-Blot SD Semi-Dry Electrophoretic Transfer Cell Manual
1990s Criterion Cell Instruction Manual
1990s Gene Pulser Xcell Electroporation System Quick Guide
1990s UNO Q&S Continuous Bed Ion Exchange Column Manual
1994 Mini-PROTEAN ® II Electrophoresis Cell Instruction Manual
1994 Power Pac 3000 Instruction Manual
1994 Power Pac 3000 Quick Reference Guide
1995 Sub-Cell GT Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Systems Instruction Manual
1995 Ready Gel Cell Instruction Manual
1998 The Little Book of Standards: Protein Standards Reference Guide
2000 RC DC Protein Assay Manual
2003 PowerPac HC Power Supply Manual
2004 Gene Pulser Xcell Electroporation System Manual
Undated Bio-Prep SE-100/17, SE-1000/17 Columns Manual
Undated MyCycler Thermal Cycler Quick Guide
Undated MyCycler Thermal Cycler Firmware Upgrade Instructions
Undated MyCycler Thermal Cycler Manual
Undated Power Pac 1000 and Power Pac 3000 Manual
Undated DEAE AFFI-Gel Blue Instructions
Undated DEAE AFFI-Gel Blue Product Instructions
Undated Rotofor System Starter Kit Manual
Undated BioLogic LP Starter Kit Manual
Undated DC Protein Assay Manual (92-0464b)
Undated DC Protein Assay Manual (Rev D)
Undated Bio-Rad Protein Assay Manual (1977)
Undated Bio-Rad Protein Assay Manual (82-0275)
Undated Bio-Rad Protein Assay Manual (87-0194)
Undated Bio-Rad Protein Assay Manual (093094)
Undated Gel Filtration Standard Manual Revision C
Undated Ready Gels Application Guide Revision E
Undated Large Precast Gel Manual Revision A
Undated Copper Stain & Destain Kit for Electrophoresis Manual
Undated Prestained SDS-PAGE Standards Broad Range Revision A
Undated SYPRO Orange Protein Stain Manual Revision A
Undated Activated Immunoaffinity Supports Revision B
Undated Kaleidoscope Prestained Standards Revision B
Undated Wide Mini-Sub ™ DNA Electrophoresis Cell Instruction Manual
Undated Mini-Sub ™ DNA Electrophoresis Cell Instruction Manual
Undated Protean Slab Cell Operating Instructions
Undated, Model 422 Electro-Eluter Instruction Manual
Undated Kaleidoscope Prestained Standards Revision C
Undated Precision Protein Standards Manual Revision A
Undated Precision Protein Standards Manual Revision B
Undated Precision Protein Standards Manual Revision D
Undated Precision Protein Standards Manual Revision E
Bio-Rad Bulletin:
1980s US/EG Bulletin 1069: Protein Assays
1982 Bulletin 1062: DEAE Affi-Gel Blue Purifies IgG
1982 Bulletin 1085: Activated Affinity Supports: Affi-Gel 10 & 15
1989 Bulletin 1092: DEAE Affi-Gel Blue Gel & CM Affi-Gel Blue Gel for IgG Purification
1982 Bulletin 1099: Immunoaffinity Chromatography
1990s EG Bulletin 1801: Protein and Peptide Purification Applications
1990 Bulletin 1099: Immunoaffinity Chromatography with Affinity Supports
1988 Bulletin 1424: Affi-Gel Hz Immmunoaffinity Kit
1989 Bulletin 1453: HPLC Purification of IgG and IgM Monoclonal Antibodies Under Sanitized Conditions
1989 Bulletin 1156: Acrylamide Polymerization–A Practical Approach
1997 US/EG Bulletin 1529: Western Blotting Troubleshooting
1990 Bulletin 1609: Increase Recovery of Blotted Proteins with New PVDF Membrane
1996 US/EG Bulletin 1909: Modification of Bio-Rad DC Protein Assay for Use with Thiols
Undated US/EG Bulletin 1156: Acrylamide Polymerization—A Practical Approach
Biospec Products, Bartlesville, OK: Undated, Mini-BeadBeater
Bishop, Calvin C.: 1971, Slide Rule: How to Use It,” Barnes and Noble
Bio-Tek Instruments, Winooski, VT: 1994, EL404 Microplate Washer User’s Guide
BK Precision, Chicago, IL: 1988, Manual: Triple Output DC Power Supply Model 1660
Blue M Electric Co., Blue Island, Illinois:
1961 Operation and Maintenance Manual: Gravity Convection Type Units
Undated Operation and Maintenance Manual, Single Wall Transite Gravity Ovens
Bodine Electric Co., Chicago, IL:
1972 ASH-400/450 Schematic Diagram
1978 User’s Manual Shunt Wound Motor Speed/Torque Controls
Undated Motor/Gearmotor Safety, Installation, Use, and Maintenance
Boehringer Mannheim, Germany:
Undated Trypsin, modified, sequencing grade
Undated Complete Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Tablets
Boekel Industries, Inc., Feasterville, PA:
1995 Instructions for Incubator-Shaker II, Models 136400 & 136400-2
1998 Instructions for Incubator Shaker II, Models 136400 & 136400-2
Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.: 1967, Reference Manual Plotamatic Models 814, 814A, X-Y Plotters
Boonton Radio Corp., Boonton, NJ: Undated, Instructions and Manual of Radio Frequency Measurements for Q Meters Types 100-A, 160-A, 170-A
Branson Cleaning Equipment Co. (Bransonic), Shelton, Connecticut:
Undated Instruction Manual: Bransonic Ultrasonic Cleaner
Undated Operating Instructions: Sonogen “D” Series Ultrasonic Cleaners
Branson Instruments, Inc., Danbury, CT:
1998, Digital Sonifier Models 250 & 450 Manual
Undated Sonifier Instructions
Undated Bulletin S-835: Ultrasonic Disruption of Bacteria & Other Micro-organisms, E.A. Davidson and T. Rosett
Brinkmann Instruments, Westbury, NY:
1960s Instructions: Brinkmann Thermo-Cool
Undated Eppendorf Instruction Manual: Repeater 4780
Undated Instructions #210: Lauda Circulators Series CD, KS, RCS, and RKS
Undated Instructions for Preparing Chromatographic Thin Layers with Sorbents for TLC and PLC
Undated Operating Manual 103-C Desaga/Brinkmann Apparatus for Thin-Layer Chromatography
Buchi Laboratory-Techniques Ltd., Flawil, Switzerland:
Undated Operating Instructions for Buchi Quick-Action-Jack
Undated Rotavapor-M
Buchler Instruments, Fort Lee, NJ:
1972 Buchler Polystaltic Pump Model #2-6100
1972 Instructions for the Mono-Staltic Pump
ca. 1972, Instructions for the Auto Densi-Flow
Undated Instructions for the Buchler Polystaltic Pump, Model 2-6100
Burgess Battery Co., Freeport, Illinois:
1959 Burgess Engineering Manual: Complete Data on Dry Batteries for the Design Engineer
Burle Industries Inc., Lancaster, PA:
1990 Electron Tubes
Burrell Corp., Pittsburgh, PA:
1960 Kwik-Chek Gas Analyzer Operating Instructions
Burr-Brown Research Corp., Tucson, AZ:
1963 Handbook of Operational Amplifier Applications
1978 Ultra Low Bias Current FET Operational Amplifier 3528
1978 High Resolution 16-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter DAC71, DAC72
Cahn Instrument Co., Paramount, CA:
1966 Instruction Manual for the Cahn Gram Electrobalance
Cambridge Instrument Co., Inc., New York:
1947 Instructions for the Use and Care of Electrokymograph
1955 Instructions: Research Model pH Meter
1986, Instruction Manual: Cryostat 2800 Frigocut-E
Undated Instructions: Portable Electrocardiograph ‘Simpli-Trol’ Model
Undated Instructions: ‘Simpli-Trol’ Model Portable Electrocardiograph and Portable Electrocardiograph-Stethograph-Pulse Recorder
Undated Instructions for the Use and Care of Cambridge Simpli-Scribe Model Portable Electrocardiograph
Undated Condensed Operating Instructions: Cambridge ‘Simpli-Trol’ Model Portable Electrocardiograph-Stethograph
Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc., Andover, MA:
2002 NMR Solvent Data Chart
Canal Industrial Corp. (Canalco), Bethesda / Rockville, MD:
1966 Prep-Disc Electrophoresis
1966 The Model 12 System Instructions
1966 Canalco ‘Prep-Disc’ Electrophoresis Instructions
Undated Instructions for Canalco #1801 Quick Gel Destainer
Undated Pioneer X-Ray Microscope Conversion Kit for EMU-2 Instructions
Undated Externally Centerable Condenser Aperture
Undated Beam Deflection Focuser
Canberrra Industries, Inc., Meriden, CT:
1977 Instruction Manual: High Voltage Power Supply Model 3102
1977 Operator’s Manual: High Voltage Power Supply Model 3105
1979 Instruction Manual: Model 807 Pulser
1979 Operator’s Manual: Delay Amplifier Model 1457
1979 Instruction Manual: LIN/LOG Ratemeter Model 1481L
1979 Instruction Manual: Constant Fraction Time SCA Model 2035A
1979 Instruction Manual: Coincidence Analyzer Model 2040
1979 Instruction Manual: Logic Shaper and Delay Model 2055
1979 Instruction Manual: Nanosecond Delay Model 2058
1982 Operator’s Manual: Model 2012 Spectroscopy Amplifier
1982 Operator’s Manual: Dual Counter Model 2072
1982 Operator’s Manual: Counter Timer Model 2070
1983 GPIB Interface Model 3272/3572/4272
1983 Jupiter Computer Interface Operator’s Manual, Model 3271/3571/4271
1986 Operator’s Manual: Time Analyzer, Model 2143
1986 Operator’s Manual: Dual Counter Timer Model 2071A
1987 Operator’s Manual: Portable BIN/Power Supply Model 1000
1987 Operator’s Manual: Spectroscopy Amplifier Model 2022
1987 Operator’s Manual: 0-3 kV H.V. Power Supply Model 3002D
1991 User’s Manual: NIM Bin/Power Supply Model 2100
1993 User’s Manual: Model 2126 Constant Fraction Discriminator
1994 Model 3102D 0-2 kV HV Power Supply User’s Manual
Cannon Instrument Co., State College, PA:
1950s Instructions for the Use of the Cannon-Ubbelohde Four-Bulb Shear Dilution Viscometer
Carl Zeiss, West Germany:
1969 Photomicrographic Camera with Ikophot M Brief Instructions
1981 Microscopy from the Very Beginning
Undated Spectrophotometer PMQ II Instructions for Use
Undated Interference-contrast Equipment after Nomarski
Undated Inverted Microscope Invertoscope D Operating Instructions
Clausing, Kalamazoo, MI:
1969 Operating Instruction 12-Inch Lathes—5900 Series
1961Single Wall Drying Oven
Central Scientific Co., Inc., Chicago, IL:
Undated Direct Drive Vacuum Pumps 90703-001, 90703-111, 90700-001
Charles Beseler Co., Florham Park, NJ:
Undated Instructions for VU-Graph III Overhead Projector
Christian Becker, Clifton, New Jersey:
1952 The Care and Use of Analytical Balances
Chroma Technology Corp. Brattleboro, VT:
1994 Handbook of Optical Filters for Fluorescence Microscopy
Cincinnati Time Recorder: Undated, Installation and Setting Instructions Cincinnati Clipper Recorder Model 3000 Series
Ciba Co. Inc., Plastics Division, Kimberton, PN:
Technical Data Bulletin 20: Araldite 6005
Clarke Co., Roanoke, VA:
Undated The Clarke Borderless Photo Easel
Clontech Laboratories, Inc., Palo Alto, CA:
1984 Lambda Library Protocol Handbook
1999 TALON Metal Affinity Resins User Manual
2001 TALON Metal Affinity Resins User Manual
2001 Thiophilic Resin User Manual
Undated Lambda Library Protocol Handbook
Undated Mouse Embryo cDNA Library 5’ Stretch
Undated Screening –phage cDNA Librarie with Oligonucleotide and DNA Probes
Cober Electronics, Inc., Stamford, Connecticut: 1981, Technical Manual: Operating Instructions, Maintenance, Parts Lists: Microwave Generator
Cobex Recorders Inc., Coconut Creek, FL:
1999 Electronic 7-Day Circular Chart Temperature Recorder
Cole-Palmer Instrument Co., Chicago, IL:
1969 3rd Edition Instruction Manual for Single Speed Masterflex Tubing Pumps, Variable Speed Masterflex Tubing Pumps, Medical Masterflex Tubing Pumps, Servodyne/Masterflex Tubing Pump Kits, and Ultramasterflex Tubing Pumps
Coleman Instruments Inc., Maywood, Illinois:
1948 Operating Directions for the Model 17A Coleman Anoxia Photometer
1956 Operating Directions for the Coleman Electronic Power Supply
1958 Operating Directions for the Model 21 Coleman Flame Photometer
Comet Industries, Inc., Bensenville, IL:
1967 Wiring Diagram for Lab-master
Undated Lab-Master Manual with Dual Platens with Pneumatic Operation
Commonwealth Technology Inc., Alexandria, VA:
1970s Quench Flow Apparatus
1982 Technical Manual for the Berger-Mudd Differential Batch Calorimeter, Model DBC-100
1993 Operation and Maintenance Instructions: DSFC-100 Differential Stopped-Flow Microcalorimeter with Titration Option
Undated Electrical Calibration of the Batch Calorimeter
Computer Boards, Inc., Mansfield, MA:
1990 CIO-CTR User’s Manual
1994 CIO-CTR User’s Manual
Comstock Inc., Oak Ridge, TN:
1980s Research Memo: Operation and Uses of Optical ‘Heat Pipes’
Condor Inc., Camarillo, CA: Undated, International Products Application Data DC Power Supplies
Conrac, Covina, CA:
ca. 1964 Television Monitor Models CKD, CLD
ca. 1970 Television Monitor Model RND9
Consolidated Engineering Corp. (CEC), Pasadena, CA:
1955 Theory and Application of Recording Galvanometers
1955-56 CEC Recordings, Vol. 9, Nos. 4-7
Control Data Systems, Inc., Largo, MD:
1995 VistaCOM for Windows and Windows NT: PC Communications with VT220 & 4107 Terminal Emulation Reference Guide, Version 3
1995 VistaCOM for Windows and Windows NT: PC Communications with VT220 & 4107 Terminal Emulation User’s Guide, Version 3
1995 VistaCOM for Windows and Windows NT: PC Communications with VT220 & 4107 Terminal Emulation Connectivity Guide, Version 3
Cooke Laborator Products, Alexandria, VA: 1977, Autopipetter Model 222-1A Operation Manual
Cordis Corp., Miami, FL:
1991 Clinical Update: Rotablator Usage through an Extra Large Lumen 8F Guiding Catheter by Ian M. Penn, MD and Robert I.G. Brown, MD, Volume 2, No. 3
1991 Clinical Update: Stent Implantation Through an Extra Large Lumen 8F Guiding Catheter by Ian M. Penn, MD, and Robert I.G. Brown, MD, Volume 2, No. 4
1992 Clinical Update: Extreme Vessel Tortuosity During PTCA and Atherectomy by Roger Coletti, MD, Volume 3, No. 5
1992 Clinical Update: PTCA of a Complex Lesion: Dual Focal Stenoses Involving Aneurysmal Bend Segmentby Allan G. Adelman, MD and Eric A. Cohen, MD, Volume 3, No. 6
1992 Clinical Update: Atherectomy Procedures: A Case Review by Vidya S. Banka, MD, Volume 3, No. 7
1992 Clinical Update: Kissing Balloon Angioplasty Via an Extra Large Lumen 8 French Guiding Catheter by Mark A. Shima, MD, Volume 3, No. 10
Corning Glass Works, Corning, New York and Medford, MA:
1958 Directions for Filling Nos. 6950 and 6952 Pyrex Brand Manometers
1974 Combination Electrodes
1977 Calomel Reference Electrodes
1978 pH Meter 7 Instruction Manual
1978 pH Meters 125 & 130 Instruction Manual
1978 pH Electrodes
1982 Preparation and Maintenance Procedures PO2 Electrode
1983 120 pH Meter Instruction Manual
1984 Calomel Combination Electrodes
1986, Hot Plates and Stirrers General Information
Undated Operating Instructions: Hot Plates and Stirrers
Costruzioni Apparecchiature Elettroniche Nucleari (C.A.E.N.), Viareggio, Italy: 1992, Technical Information Manual, Model N-415/N-415-A, 8-CH. Autowalk CF Discriminator
Coulter Electronics, Inc., Hialeah, Florida and Cranford, NJ:
1968, Instruction and Service Manual for the Model B Coulter Counter
1967 Instruction & Service Manual for the Mean Cell Volume Computer & Hematocrit Computer with the Coulter Counter Model “F”n
Undated Particle Size Distribution Plotter Model H
Crawford Fitting Co., Solon, OH: 1972, Swagelock 100, 200 and 300 Series Tube Fittings
Undated Cryo-Med Service Bulletin
Undated Discussion of Cryo-Med Programmable Freezing System
Undated Cryo-Med Programmable Freezing System
Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., Houston, TX: 1986, Operation Manual: Temp-Block Heater
Damon/IEC Division, Needham Heights, MA: 1977, Installation, Operation, and Service Manual for Clini-cool General Purpose Refrigerated Bench Top Centrifuge
Data Precision, Wakefield, MA: 1973, Miniature Tri-Phasic Digital Multimeter
Data Spectrum Corp., Hillsborough, NC:
1996 Defrise Phantom User’s Manual
Data Translation, Inc., Marlborough, MA:
1985 User Manual for DT2801 Series: Single Board Analog and Digital I/O System
1991 Global Lab Data Acquisition User Manual SPO147
David Kopf Instruments, Tujunga, CA:
1997 Vertical Pipette Puller Model 720
Dayton Walther, Marvel Division, Richmond, IN:
Undated Owner’s Guide
Dharmacon, Lafayette, CO:
2004 RNA Interference Technical Reference & Application Guide
DIAS Inc., Kalamazoo, MI:
1981 Accu-Pulse Dispensers Models BXV & BXV-P
DIFCO Laboratories, Detroit, MI:
1953 DIFCO Manual of Dehydrated Culture Media and Reagents for Microbiological and Clinical Laboratory Procedures
Digitmer Ltd., Hertfordshire, England: 1974, Digitimer D4030
Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC), Maynard, Massachusetts:
1968 Introduction to Programming
1970 PDP-8 Introduction to Programming
1970 PDP-8 Programming Languages
1971 PDP-8/e Small Computer Handbook
1974 Logic Handbook
1974 OS/8 Handbook
1975 PDP 11 Programming Card
1976 PDP8/e, PDP8/F, PDP8/M External Bus Options Maintenance Manual, Volume 3
1978 TECO Pocket Guide
1980 PDP-11 Keypad Editor Reference Card
1981 VT100 Programming Reference Card
1981 VT100 User Guide
Digital Scintigraphics, Inc. (DSI), Waltham, MA:
1996 Ceraspect Hardware Reference Manual
1996 Ceraspect Software Reference Manual
Dionex Corp., Sunnyvale, CA:
1982 Technical Note 1R: ...Replumbing Valves in the Series 2000i Ion Chromatographs
1984 QIC Pump Operator’s Manual
Disc Instruments, Inc., Santa Ana, CA:
1969 Instruction Manual Series 200 Disc Integrator
Undated Disc Integrator Pen and Inking System
Displaytech Inc., Boulder, CO:
1994 DR50 FLC Driver
Dodge Manufacturing Corp., Mishawaka, IN:
1965 Parts Replacement Manual Torque-Arm Speed Reducers
1965 Instruction Manual for Dodge Torque-Arm Speed Reducers
Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI: 1971, A Laboratory Manual for Ion Exchange
Drummond Scientific Co., Broomall, PA:
1991 Operating Instructions for the Drummond Pipet-Aid (All Models)
Undated Drummond Portable Pipet-Aid Battery Replacement
Undated Series 500 Digital Microdispenser
Dukane Corp., St. Charles, IL: late 1970s, Operation Manual Ultrasonic Welder, Model 48A125
Du Mont Laboratories (see Allen B. Du Mont Laboratories)
DuPont Co., Wilmington, DE:
Sorvall RCF Chart
1979 LSC Applications Notes #31-50: NEN Research Products
1985 Superspeed Fixed-Angle Rotor Manual for Sorvall Centrifuges
1985 RC5B Automatic Superspeed Refrigerated Centrifuge Operating Instructions
DuPont Instruments, Newtown, CT: (see also Sorvall ® Instruments)
1969 Bulletin S-30: Handling Fluorocarbon Solvents Safely
1980 Instruction Manual: Sorvall Superspeed Angle Rotors
Undated Nafion: Safety in Handling and Use
Undated Nafion: an Electrochemical Traffic Controller,” by Daniel J. Vaughan
Dwyer, Michigan City, IN:
1984 Ratemaster Flowmeter
Dynair Electronics, Inc., San Diego, CA: 1968, Mini-3 (VA-203A) Mini-6 (VS-206A) Video Switchers Instruction Manual
Dynal, Lake Success, NY:
1995 Biomagnetic Applications in Cellular Immunology
1995 Biomagnetic Techniques in Molecular Biology
Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, New York:
1931 Photomicrography: An Introduction to Photography with the Microscope
1963 Effective Lecture Slides
1965 Kodak Super Speed Direct Positive Paper
1965 Improved TRI-X Reversal Film Type 7278, 16mm
1966 Index to Kodak Technical Information
1968 Kodak Direct Positive Panchromatic Film, 35mm
1969 Kodak Color Dataguide
1969 Kodak Black-and-White Films in Rolls
1970 Kodak Direct Positive Film Developing Outfit
1970s Projection Distance Tables & Lamp Data for Slide and Motion Picture Projectors
1980 Photography Through the Microscope
Undated Kodak Colorsnap 35, Model 2
E-C Apparatus Corp., St. Petersburg, FL: 1982, EC600 Constant Power Supply
Eberbach Corp., Ann Arbor, MI: 1977, Power-Stir
Edax Laboratories, Prairie View, IL: 1975, The EDAX EDITor, Vol. 5, No. 4, Oct. 1975
Edison Storage Battery Co., Orange, NJ: 1916, The Edison Alkaline Storage Battery
EG&G Inc.
1971 Delay Line Amplifier Model 460
1973 Timers-Counters Models 773 & 773H
1975 Timer Model 719
1977 2-kV Bias Voltage Supply Model A
1981 Modular System Bin Model A
1981 Ratemeter Model 661
1981 Position-Sensitive Detector Analyzer
1982 Timing Single-Channel Analyzer Model 551
1982 Quad Fast Amplifier Model 535
1982 Dual Sum and Invert Amplifier Model 533
1983 Timing Amplifier Model 574
1984 Single Channel Analyzer Model 550
1984 Power Supply Model 495
1985 Time-to-Amplitude Converter Model 567
1985 Time-to-Amplitude Converter Model 566
1985 High Voltage Power Supply Model 556
1986 Amplifier Model 575A
1986 Quad Timing Filter Amplifier Model 863
1986 Dual Spectroscopy Amplifier Model 855
1987 Fast Timing Amplifier Model FTA820
1988 NIM Bin Power Supply Model 4200D
1988 Modular System Bin Model 4001C
1989 Power Supply Model 4200A
1989 Modular System Bin Model C
1989 Quad Constant-Fraction Discriminator Model 935
1990 Linear Gate and Stretcher Model 542
EG&G., Germany: 1965, Application Notes: SD-100 Photodiode
EG&G ORTEC, Oak Ridge, TN:
1960s Model 113 Scintillation Preamplifier
1960s Model 1421H Preamplifier
1960s Model 408A Biased Amplifier
1960s Model 414A Fast Coincidence
1960s Model 418A Universal Coincidence
1960s Model 425A Delay
1960s Model 426 Linear Gate
1960s Model 427A Delay Amplifier
1960s Model 444 Gated Biased Amplifier
1960s Model 449 Log/Lin Ratemeter
1960s Model 460 Delay Line Amplifier
1960s Model 464 Position-Sensitive Detector Analyzer
1960s Model 478 2-kV Bias Voltage Supply
1960s Model 495 Power Supply
1960s Model 533 Dual Sum and Invert Amplifier
1960s Model 535 Quad Fast Amplifier
1960s Model 542 Linear Gate and Stretcher
1960s Model 550 Single Channel Analyzer
1960s Model 551 Timing Single-Channel Analyzer
1960s Model 556 High Voltage Power Supply
1960s Model 566 Time-to-Amplitude Converter (TAC)
1960s Model 567 Time-to-Amplitude Converter/Single-Channel Analyzer
1960s Model 574 Timing Amplifier
1960s Model 575A Amplifier
1960s Model 583 Constant Fraction Differential Discriminator
1960s Model 661 Ratemeter
1960s Model 719 Timer
1960s Models 773 and 773H Timer-Counters
1960s Model FTA820 Fast Timing Amplifier
1960s Model 855 Dual Spectroscopy Amplifier
1960s Model 863 Quad Timing Filter Amplifier
1960s Model 935 Quad Constant-Fraction 200-MHz Discriminator
1960s Model 4001A Modular System Bin
1960s Model 4001C Modular System Bin
1960s Model 4002A Power Supply
1960s Model 4002D 160-W NIM Bin Power Supply
1971 Model 433A Dual Sum and Invert Amplifier
EICO, Flushing, NY:
1967 1020 Transistorized Power & Bias Supply
EIMAC, Division of Varian, San Carlos, CA: late 1960s, Xenon Short-Arc Illuminators: Characteristics and Operation
Eldex Laboratories Inc., San Carlos, CA: 1980s, Precision Metering Pumps
Electro Products Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, IL: Undated, Instructions for Model N and NF Filtered DC Power Supply
Electro-Technic Products, Chicago, Illinois:
Undated Instructions for Models BD-10, BD-20 & BD-30 High Frequency Generators
Undated Operating Instructions for Models BD-10-A, BD-10-AS, BD-20, BD-30-A, BD-40-A, BD-50 High Frequency Generators
Electronic Instruments Limited, Surrey, England:
1959 pH Measuring Unit Model C33B Operating Notes
1961 Operating Instructions: Model 33B Vibron Electrometer
Electronic & Mechanical Instrument Co. (E&M), Houston, Texas:
All Undated:
E & M Physiograph Instruction Manual
Crystal Pulse Pick-Up
Photoelectric Pulse Pick-Up
Pneumatic Pulse Transducer
Heart Sound Microphone
Korotkoff Sound Microphone
Drop Counter
Pressure Transducer, Bourdon Type
Impedance Pneumograph
Bellows Pneumograph
Blood Flow Assembly
Thermistor Bridge
D.C. Preamplifier
Hi-Gain Preamplifier
Carrier Preamplifier
Cardiac Preamplifier
GSR Preamplifier
Respirator, Model V100KG
Respirator, V5KG
Automatic Cuff Pump
Channel Amplifier
Impedance Rheograph
Small Animal Study Unit
Acoustic Monitors
Stimulator Attachments
Pressure Transducer, Linear-Core Model P-1000
Isotonic Myograph
Electronics for Life Sciences (ELS), Rockville, MD:
1970s Instruction Manual for the ELSPS-1 Power Supply
1970s Instruction Manual for the ELS CCS-3 Nano Ampere Stimulator
1970s Instruction Manual for the CCS-1A Constant Current Source
1970s Instruction Manual for the ELSDP-1A Digital Programmer
E & M Instrument Co. Inc., Houston, TX:
Undated Korotokoff Sound Microphone
Undated Automatic Cuff Pump
Endevco, San Juan Capistrano, CA:
1982 Pressure Transducers
Engelhard Hanovia, Inc., Newark, NJ:
1968 Technical Manual 150 Watt Power System
Enlode Inc., Orange Park, FL:
1981 User’s Manual: 200-1 Realtime Clock/Programmable Interrupt Generator (200-1 Realtime Clock Card, 200-2 Display, 200-3 Cable Assembly)
Enraf Nonius, Delft:
1980, Operating Instructions: Diffractis 601, X-Ray Diffraction Safety Generator, Water Cooled, Individually Controlled Safety Shutters
Entran Devices, Inc., Fairfield, NJ:
1983 Pressure Transducer Instruction & Selection Manual
Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany: 2002, Centrifuge 5702/Centrifuge 5702 R Manual
Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar, Germany: 1949, Directions for Using the Ortholux Microscope with Built-in Illuminating System
1966 Instructions Laborlux with Field Diaphragm Microscope
1967 The Microscope and its Application
1967 Leitz Micromanipulator
1972 Transformers Instruction
E.R. Squibb & Sons, Princeton, NJ: 1979, Minitec: Technitium Tc 99m Generator
Esterline-Angus Co., Inc., Indianapolis: 1953, Instructions for the Use of Esterline-Angus Model AW Graphic Instruments Including Connection Diagrams and Instrument Data Sheet
F. W. Dwyer Mfg. Co., Inc., Michigan City, Indiana: 1966, Installation, Operation and Maintenance: Series 500 Precision Flowmeters
Fabri-Tek Instruments, Inc., Madison, WI: 1970, Fabri-Tek 1070 Series Signal Averaging System
FiberLite Centrifuge, Inc., Santa Clara, CA:
1998 Instruction Manual: Model F21 – 8x50ml Ultra Speed Rotor
1998 Instruction Manual: Model F18 – 12x50ml High Speed Rotor
1998 Instruction Manual: Model F10 – 6x50ml High Speed Rotor
Fisher Scientific Co., (Fairlawn, NJ and Pittsburgh, PA):
1947 Directions for Operation of Fisher Volustat
1950s Instruction Manual: Fisher Spectrophotometer Power Supply, Catalog No. 14-383-10
1966 The Determination of Calcium in Serum and Plasma with the Evans EEL-140 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer,” Technical Data TD 186, (Fair Lawn, NJ)
1966 The Determination of Magnesium in Serum and Plasma with the Evans EEL-140 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer,” Technical Data TD 187
1980 Fisher Blood-Gas Manual
1986 Fisher Model 281 Isotemp Vacuum Oven
Undated Directions for the Use of Fisher No. 11-293 Improved Manometer (Eimer & Amend)
Undated Instruction Manual: Fisher Transistor Relay, Catalog No. 13-991-75
Undated Instructions: Combination Electrode Polymer Body, Gel-filled
Flow Laboratories, Inc., McLean, VA: Undated, Instructions for Use: Digital Multichannel Pipette
Fluid Metering, Inc., Oyster Bay, New York: 1979, FMI Lab Pump: Instructions and Parts Identification
FMC Corp., Philadelphia, PA: 1990s, The Sourcebook: Complete Guide for DNA Separation and Analysis
Forma Scientific Co., Marietta, OH:
1966 Operation and Maintenance Instructions Model No. 2095-1, Refrigerated and Heated Bath and Circulator
1987 Technical Manual: Reach-In Incubator, Models 3919, 3923, 3927, 3932
1988 Technical Manual: Biological Safety Cabinet, Models 1106, 1107, 1108, 1110
Fotodyne Inc., Hartland, WI:
1987 Instruction Manual: Foto/Prep I Preparative DNA Transilluminator
1989 Instruction Manual: Hand-Held 300 nm UV DNA Lamp
Frequency Devices Inc., Haverhill, MA: 1980, Model 901F, 8-Pole Tuneable Lowpass Butterworth Filter
Gardner Laboratory Inc., Bethesda, MD: Undated, Manual 101-A Haake Circulators Series F
Gast Manufacturing Corp., Benton Harbor, Michigan: 1978, Parts List and Operating and Maintenance Instructions for Models 0211-V36A, 0211-P38 Motors
GCA/Precision Scientific Group, Chicago, IL: Undated, Operating Instruction for Power Jack
General Electric, Milwaukee, WI:
1963 Dental Refrigerated Water Cooler Direction 12247A
Undated Operation: GE Mechanical Interval Timer
General Hardware Products Co., Inc., Hartford, Connecticut: Undated, General Use and Care: Capper/Corker Model 1500-C
General Radio Co., Cambridge and West Concord, Massachusetts:
1951 Operating and Maintenance Instructions for Type 1800-A Vacuum-Tube Voltmeter
1951 Operating Instructions for Type 805-C Standard-Signal Generator
1952 Operating Instructions for Type 736-A Wave Analyzer
1952 Operating Instructions for Type 1213-A Unit Crystal Oscillator
1953 Operating Instructions for Type 1212-A Unit Null Detector
1954 Operating Instructions for Type 1203-A Unit Power Supply
1963 Engineering Department Instrument Notes, IN-03
1963 Handbook of High-Speed Photography
Undated Operating Instructions for Type 1205-A Unit Power Supply, Type 1206-A Unit Amplifier, Type 1207-A Unit Oscillator
Undated Assembly Instructions Type 874-B, C or C8 Cable Connector
Undated Operating Instructions: W10 Variac Autotransformers with Duratrak Coating Process
General Scanning, Watertown, MA:
Undated ScanArray Technical Note #100: Confocal Scanning and Artifact Rejection for Microarrays
Undated ScanArray Technical Note #200: High Resolution Imaging for Accurate Microarray Quantitation
Genomyx Corp., Foster City, CA: Undated, genomyxLR Programmable DNA Sequencer Operating Manual
George A. Philbrick Researches, Boston: 1963, Model PR-30 Regulated Dual Power Supply, GAP/R Model PR-30
Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Inc., Oberlin, OH:
1960 Operating and Maintenance: Models 103 and 103-IR Cuvette Densitometer
1960s Instruction Manual: Model 104 Dye-Curve Computer, Model 104-A Mean Transit Time Computer
1960s Operating and Maintenance: Model 105-S Constant Flow System
1960s Operating and Maintenance: Series 120 Cardiotachometers and Model 121 Digital
Display and Model 122 Meter Display
1960s Operating and Maintenance: Model 1300 Computing Spirometer Flowmeter
1960s Operating and Maintenance: Model 130 Computing Spirometer Flowmeter
1960s Operating and Maintenance: Model 131 Spirometer Flowmeter
1964 Operating & Maintenance Manual: Model 209 Automatic Absorbance Readout
1965 Instruction Manual: Model 300 Micro-Sample Spectrophotometer
1965 Operating and Maintenance Manual for the Gilford 300 Micro-Sample spectrophotometer
1970 Instruction Manual Micro-Sample Spectrophotometer 300-N
1970 Operator’s Manual Data Lister 4008
1978 Operator’s Manual 25036x4: Manual Cuvette Positioner 2450
1978 Operator’s Manual 25036x97: Thermal Printer 4019
Undated Installation Instructions 2515x66 Retrofit Kit for Model 103-IR Cuvette Densitometer
Undated Preliminary Instruction Manual Model 530 Sampler
Undated Operating & Maintenance Manual for Model 200 Multiple Sample Absorbance
Undated Operating & Maintenance Manual: Model 220 Absorbance Indicator and Model
210 Automatic Cuvette Positioner
Undated Operating & Maintenance Manual: Model 205 Light Source Stabilizer
Undated Operating & Maintenance Manual: Model 207 Linear Thermosensor
Gilson Medical Electronics, Middleton, WI:
1961 Recording Ultraviolet Absorption Meters, UV-254, UV-265IF, UV-280IF
1962 Recording Ultraviolet Absorption Meters UV-254, UV-265IF, UV-280IF
1965 Directions for Operation of the Gilson Linear Fractionator
Undated, Clark Type Electrode Assembly for Gilson Oxygraph
Glas-Col Apparatus Co., Terre Haute, Indiana: 1978, Standard Heating Mantles Care and Operation
Glass Quar, Inc., Farmingdale, New York: Undated, Instructions: Heater
Gordinier Electronics Inc., Roseville, MI:
1970s Model 610 Liquid Nitrogen Battery Operated Low Level Alarm
1970s Model 4509 Liquid Level Controller
Gould Inc., Cleveland, OH: 1968, Mark 220 Recorder
Grass Instruments, Quincy, Massachusetts:
1967 Model C4 Camera
1974 Model PT 5 Volumetric Pressure Transducer
1980 Model VPG Visual Pattern Generator for Patterned Stimulation of the Visual System
Grass Valley Group, Inc., Grass Valley, CA:
1970 Model 930 Video Insert Keyer Operating Instructions
1970 Model 900 Series Tray with Power Supply Drawings
Gruppo Montedison, Italy: Undated, MBA Microblood Analyzer
Haake: undated, Operating Manual 101—Circulators Series F
Hamamatsu, (Japan):
1985 Characteristics and Use of Deuterium Lamps
1985 Deuterium Lamp Regulated Current Power Supply Instruction Manual
1987 Deuterium Lamps, UV Light Sources for Spectroscopy
1989 Tentative Data 5” Dia. Position-Sensitive Photomultiplier Tubers R3292 Series
1989 Position-Sensitive Photomultiplier Tube Type R3941
1990 4 CH Preamplifier for Position Sensitive Photomultiplier Tube
1993 Position-Sensitive Photomultiplier Tube Type R2487
Hamilton Co., Reno, Nevada:
Undated Suggestions for the Use of Hamilton Microliter Syringes
Undated Threaded Plunger Syringe 87000
Hammarlund Mfg. Co., New York:
1956 General Purpose Communications Receiver Model SP-600-JX and Model SP-600-J
Hammond Manufacturing, Ontario: 1999, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Guide for Indoor Ventilated Dry Type Distribution Transformers
Hanovia Chemical & Mfg Co., Newark, NJ: June 1937, The Quartz Lamp, Vol. g. XIII, No. 7
Harshaw Chemical Co., Solon, OH:
1960s NB-11 Preamplifier
1979 Instruction Manual: Model NB-15X Plug-On Preamplifier
1983 Instruction Manual: Model NA-23 Stabilized AMP/SCA
Harvard Apparatus, Millis, MA:
1982 Instruction Manual for Model 552 Pump Speed Modulator
1985 Stainless Steel Syringes
Undated Infusion-Withdrawal Pumps Series 900, 930, 940 & 950; Standard Capacity Series 2200, 915 & 955, High Capacity
Undated Compact Syringe Pump Operating Instructions
Haskris Co., Elk Grove Village, IL: 1974, Mechanically Refrigerated Closed Circuit Water
Hathaway Instrument Co., Denver, Colorado:
1951 Instruction Book: Type S-14C Oscillograph
1953 Hathaway Shunt-Resistor Units, Sheet 5
1953 Drum-Type Record Magazine and High-Speed Shutter Attachment, Sheet 3
1954 Automatic Transient-Recording Attachments for Type S14-C Oscillographs, Sheet 10
1954 Synchronous Time Marker Attachments for S14-C Oscillographs, Sheet 2
1954 Engineering News, Vol. 4, No. 3, 3rd Quarter
Hausser Scientific, Blue Bell, PN: 1973, Directions for Use of Hausser & Levy-Hausser Hy-Lite Corpuscle Counting Chamber
Heath Co., Benton Harbor, MI:
1966 Multi-Speed Chart Drive, Model EUA-20-26
1967 Multi-Speed Chart Drive, Model EUW-20A and EUW-20AE
1967 Assembly Manual Solid State VOM Model IM-25
1968 Binary Information Module, Model EU-801-12
1968 Three Module Cabinet, Model EU-800-RC
1968 NAND Gate Card, Model EU-800-JC
1968 Quad J-K Flip-Flop Card, Model EU-800-CC
1969 Digital Power Module Model EU-801-11
1960s Patch Plugs, Model EU-50-HB
1960s 10-Bit D/A Converter, Model EU-800-GC
1960s Dual Comparator, Model EU-800-HC
1960s Gated Driver, Model EU-800-JL
1960s Quad Monostable, Model EU-800-LB
1960s Dual Octal Decoder, Model EUL-800-SA
1960s I/O Patch, Model EU-801-21
1970 Auxiliary Module, Model EU-801-14
1972 Computer Interface ADD Model EU-801E
1973 Model SP-17A Regulated High Voltage Power Supply
1976 Tri-Power Supply Model SP-2718
Undated 12-Bit Data Latch, Model EU-800-FA
Heathkit Co., Benton Harbor, MI:
1968 In-Circuit/Out-of-Circuit Transistor Tester Model IT-18
Heico, Delaware Gap, PA: Undated, Technical Bulletin 88 for the Photographic Scientist
Hermle Labortechnik, Germany:
1993 Bench Top Refrigerated Centrifuge Z382K
Heto Lab Equipment A/S, Denmark:
1989 Instruction Manual for Hetosicc Freeze Dryer Type CD 2,5
1990 Instruction Manual for Hetovac VR-1, Model VR-1/120/240
2002 Instruction Manual VR Mini/Maxi Vacuum Concentrator
2002 Instruction Manual CT 110 Cooling Trap
Hewlett Packard Co., (Palo Alto, CA):
1957 560A Digital Recorder
1958 425A Microvolt-Ammeter Operating and Servicing Manual
1959 Operating and Service Manual: 721A Power Supply
1963 Operating and Service Manual: 1400A Differential Amplifier
1968 Hewlett-Packard Journal,” Vol. 19, No. 9
1968 Hewlett-Packard Journal,” Vol. 19, No. 8
1968 Operating and Service Manual: DC Preamplifier Input Module, 17171 A
1968 Signal Analyzer 5480A Operating and Service Manual
1970 Volume I: Signal Analyzer System 5480A/B
1970 Operating and Service Manual Low-Pass Filter 5489A
1971 Laser Interferometer System 5525A (Temporary)
1972 Operating and Service Manual: Patient Monitor 7830A
1972 9830A Calculator, Model 30, String Variables ROM for 11274B & Option 274
1973 9830A Calculator, Model 30, Simplified Operating Instructions
1973 9830A Calculator, Model 30, Operating and Programming
1973 9830A Calculator, Model 30, Matrix Operations Rom for 11270B & Option 270
1975 8930A Calculator 11289B Advanced Programming II Rom
1976 Analytical Advances
1976 Digital Multimeter 3476A
1981 Operator’s Manual: HP 8450 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
1981 SID (Scientific Instruments Division) Newsletter
1987 HP 8904A Multifunction Synthesizer Basic Operation and Application
1987 Product Note 8904-A-1 Communications
1987 Product Note 8904-A-2 Audio
1987 Technical Data: HP 8904A Multifunction Synthesizer
1990 Guide Book for HP 1040M, Series II Diode-Array Detector
1990 Peak
1991 Peak, No. 1
1991 Peak, No. 2
Undated A Pocket Guide to Hewlett-Packard Computers
Undated Instruction Manual for Model 212A Pulse Generator, Serial 1439 and Above
Undated HP 1100 Series Modules and Systems for HPLC
Undated Voltage-to Temperature Conversion
Hickok Electrical Instrument Co., Cleveland, Ohio:
Undated MX 331 Preliminary Manual: Digital Multimeter
Hoefer Scientific Instruments, San Francisco, CA:
1980s Instruction Manual for Vertical Slab Gel Electrophoresis Units SE 600, SE 620, SE 700
1980s Basic Techniques and Exercises in Electrophoresis
1985 PR 200 Deca-Probe Operating Instructions
1985 The Hoefer Plate Mate, SE 100 Operating Instructions
1985 Operating Instructions: Hoefer Rocker Platform
1986 Instructions for the HE 99
1987 Instruction Manual for Mighty Small II Slab Gel Electrophoresis Unit SE 250
1991 Instructions Transphor Units TE 42, TE 52X, TE 62, TE 62X, and TE 50X Power Lid
1994 Protein Electrophoresis Applications Guide
1994 Mighty Small ™ Transphor Tank Transfer Unit Instructions
Undated Instruction Manual Vertical Slab Gel Electrophoresis Units SE 600, 620 and 700
Undated GS 300 Densitometer Operating Instructions
Honeywell, Philadelphia, PA and Fort Washington, PA:
1968 ElectroniK One-Eleven Single Pen Strip Chart Recorder
1969 Instructions Packard Strip Scanner Recorder
Undated Type 153 Electronik Duplex Recorder
Undated 7600 Tape Recorder Operations Procedure (typewritten)
Undated Techniques for Inking
Hotpack Corp., Philadelphia, PA: 1966, Chromatography Oven
Houston Instrument, Austin, Texas:
1997 Instructions for the A-9-A Accu-Span Variable Input Adapter
Undated OmniScribe B-5000 Strip Chart Recorder Instruction Manual
Undated OmniScribe B-5000 Instruction Manual Supplement
Idea Scientific Co., Minneapolis, MN:
1992 Tut’s Tomb Gel Dryer Instructions
2000 Genie Blotter Instructions
Undated Surf-Blot Instructions
IGEN Inc., Rockville, MD:
Undated Application Note 101: ORIGEN Two-Site Immunometric Sandwich Assay for Thyrotropin (TSH)
Undated Application Note 102: ORIGEN Two-Site Immunometric Sandwich Assay for Alpha-Fetal Protein (AFP)
Undated Application Note 103: ORIGEN Two-Site Immunometric Sandwich Assay for Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)
Undated Application Note 104: ORIGEN Immunometric Competitive Assay for Theophylline
Undated Application Note 105: ORIGEN Immunometric Competitive Assay for Digoxin
Imaging Research Inc.: Undated, The Northern Light
IKA: Werke, Germany: 2003, IDA Vibrax VXR Basic
Ingersoll-Rand: 1979, Instruction and Use Manual for Electric Drills
Inotech Biosystems International Inc., Rockville, MD: undated, Strip Cutter for Western Blot Membranes Instructions
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences, Los Angeles Section: 1951, “Slide Memoranda,” H.S. Fischer and R. L. Bliss
Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC), Caracas, Venezuela: 1965, Instructions for the Use of the Diamond Knives
Instrumentation Laboratory Inc., Watertown, MA: 1968, Operator’s Manual 113-S2 Micro pH/Blood Gas System
Instrumentation Specialities Co. (ISCO), Lincoln, Nebraska:
1965 Instruction Manual ISCO Model UA2 Ultraviolet Analyzer
1968 Instruction Manual Model 490 Power Supply
1968 Model 210 Density Gradient Electrophoresis Apparatus
1970 ISCOTables: Handbook of Data for Biological and Physical Scientists
1971 “Studies on Isoelectric Focusing in the Model 210 ISCO Density Gradient Electophoresis Column,” W.B. Allington and C.G.Aron, Applications Bulletin no. 4
1972 Instruction Manual Universal Flow Cell
1972 Instruction Manual: Model 950 Digital Integrator
1972 Instruction Manual: Model UA-4 Absorbance Monitor
1973 Instruction Manual: Model 328 Fraction Collector
1981 Instruction Manual Model 494 Electrophoresis Power Supply
Undated Instruction Manual Model 270 Fraction Collector
Integrated Separation Systems (ISS), Hyde Park, MA: 1980s, ISS Protein-Gold
International Rectifier Corp., El Segundo, CA: 1962, “ Solar Cell and Photocell Handbook,” by John Sasuga
Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA:
2002 Ni-NTA Resin for Purification of 6xHis-Tagged Proteins
2006 iBlot Dry Blotting System
2007 Quant-iT Protein Assay Kits
Undated Linx Affinity Purification System, Version A
ISCO Inc., Lincoln, NE:
1983, Instruction Manual: Retriever II Fraction Collector
1992 The LPLC Handbook
Ivan Sorvall Inc., Norwalk, CT:
1960 Assembly and Operating Instructions: ‘Szent-Gyorgyi & Blum’ 8-Tube Continuous Flow
1961 Limiting Speeds for Servall Centrifuge Tubes System for the Type RC-2 Servall Automatic Superspeed Refrigerated Centrifuge
1967 Rotor Data for Sorvall Laboratory Centrifuges,” Superspeed Rotor Bulletins
1968, Operating Instructions Micro-Macro Omni-Mixer Homogenizer
1968 Some Properties and Characteristics of Sorvall Centrifuge Tubes
Undated Relative Centrifugal Force Chart
John Fluke Manufacturing Co., Seattle, WA:
1973 8000A Digital Multimeter
1982 8060A Digital Multimeter Instruction Manual
Jorway Corp., Westbury, NY: Undated, User’s Manual: Model 73A, 73A-1 SCSI BUS CAMAC Crate Controller
Jule Inc., New Haven, CT:
1984 Gradient Former Instruction Manual
1991 Instruction Manual: Jule Gels ™ Precast Polyacrylamide Gels, Linear Gradient and Non-Gradient, Mini, Preformed Wells, Large
Jung, Heidelberg, West Germany: Undated, Operating Instructions Automatic Knife Sharpener
Kahlenberg-Globe Equipment Co., Sarasota, FL: Undated, Directions for Kahlenberg Globe Bench Model 161 Ampul Sealer
Keithley Instruments, Inc., Cleveland, OH:
1950s Instruction Manual: Model 2004A Regulated Voltage Supply
1960s Instruction Manual Model 149 Milli-Microvoltmeter
1960s Instruction Manual Model 148 Nanovoltmeter
1960s The Use of Keithley Null Detectors with High Resolution Potentiometers and Bridges
1960s Instruction Manual: Model 260 Nanovolt Source
1960s Instruction Manual: Model 261 Picoampere Source
1967 Keithley Engineering Notes: New Precision Amplifier, Model 140,” Vol. 15, No. 5
1967 Instruction Manual: Model 140 Precision Nanovoltmeter DC Amplifier
1967 Instruction Manual: Model 148 Nanovoltmeter
1967 Instruction Manual: Model 149 Milli-Microvoltmeter
1981 Service Manual: Model 181 Digital Nanovoltmeter
1981 Operator’s Manual: Model 181 Digital Nanovoltmeter
1982 Model 131 Digital Multimeter Instruction Manual
1984 Model 617 Programmable Electrometer Instruction Manual
1984 Reference & Program Instructions Model 617 Programmable Electrometer
1986 Model 1978 Rechargeable Battery Pack
1990 Model 197A Autoranging Microvolt DMM Instruction Manual
1991 Model 1973/1972 IEEE-488 Interface Instruction Manual
2015 Making Low Voltage and Low Resistance Measurements
Undated The Measurement of Nanovolts,” by Julius Praglin
Kelvinator Commercial Products Inc., Manitowoc, WI: 1970s, Kelvinator Installation and User’s Instructions
Kendro Laboratory Products, Newtown, CT: 2002, Sorvall Biofuge Pico
Kepco Inc., Flushing, NY: 1970, Model BOP 36-5 (M) Power Supply
Keuffel & Esser Co., New York:
1924 The Polyphase Duplex Slide Rule: A Self Teaching Manual,” by William E. Breckenridge
1939 Manual: Polyphase Duplex Trig Slide Rule, No. 4070,” by Lyman M. Kells, Willis F. Kern, and James R. Bland
1939 Supplementary Manual: Log Log Duplex Vector Slide Rule, No. N4083
1949 Compensating Polar Planimeters, 4236, 4236M, & 4242
1955 The SRT Scale Supplement to the Manuals on the 4081, 4083 and 4071 Slide Rules
Killion Extruders, Inc.: undated, Killion Extruder
KineticSystems Corp., Lockport, IL:
1987 Instruction Manual: Model 1502 Powered CAMAC Crate
1988 Instruction Manual: Model 3623 6-channel, Opto-isolated Counter
1989 Instruction Manual: Model 1001-1150 Module Hardware/Extenders
Kipp & Zonen, Netherlands: undated, Flatbed Recorder Single Channel Model BD 11/11E and Dual Channel Model BD 12/12E
Kirkegaard & Perry Laboratories Inc., Gaithersburg, MD: 1992, Peroxidase-Labeled Affinity Purified Antibody to Mouse IgG (y)
Kloehn Co. Ltd., Las Vegas, NV:
1995 WinValve Software User’s Manual
1995 50120 Hardware User’s Manual
Kodak (see Eastman Kodak Co.)
Kontes Glass Co., Vineland, New Jersey:
1963 Semi-Micro Kem-Kit Laboratory Manual
1975-76 Kontes Quant Notes, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4
1976-77 Vol. 2, Nos. 1-4
1977-78 Vol. 3, Nos. 1-4
1978 Vol. 4, No. 1
1987 Instruction Manual for Kontes High Purity Water System
Undated The Care and Handling of Teflon Stopcock Plugs
Undated, Chromaflex Columns
Undated Kontes Portable Vacuum Rack
Undated Instructions and Technical Specifications for the K-73025 Un-A-Watt Temperature Controller
L & R Manufacturing Co., Kearny, NJ: Undated, The Maxomatic
Labconco Corp., Kansas City, MO: Undated, Labconco Valves ½" and 3/4"
LabIndustries (L/I), Berkeley, California:
1978 L/I Repipet Dispenser Instructions
1978 Universal Repipet Dispenser and Dilutor Instructions
1987 Instructions: LabQuake ® Shaker
Lab-Line Instruments Inc., Melrose Park, IL:
1971 Instruction Manual Lab-Line Temp-Blok Module Heaters
1983 Operation Manual: Temp-Blok Module Heater, Models H2025-1, H2025-5
1991 Lab-Line Plant Growth Chamber Models 848, 848-1, 848-2
1997 Operation Manual: Multi-Blok ® Module Heaters
1998 Operation Manual: Explosion-Proof, Flammable Material Storage & General-Purpose Laboratory Refrigerators, Refrigerator/Freezers, and Freezers
Undated Lab-Line Explosion Proof Refrigerators and Freezers
Labsystems OY, Helsinki, Finland: Undated, The Finnpipette: Instructions for Use
Ladd Research Industries, Inc., Burlington, VT: 1970s, Shielded Double Source Evaporation Unit Instructions
Lambda Electronics Corp., Huntington, NY:
Undated Instruction manual for Regulated Power Supply Models 25, 28
Undated, Preliminary Instruction Manual for Regulated Power Supplies Model LA 200-03A and LA 200-03AM
Lauda: Undated, Operating Instructions for Lauda Refrigerating Circulators
Lazar Research Laboratories, Inc.:
1999 The pH Primer
LeCroy, Chestnut Ridge, NY:
1969 Basic CAMAC Dataway Operating Information
1982 CAMAC Model 3587 Data Router, Formerly 8701
1982 CAMAC to GPIB Interface Model 8901
1982 CAMAC Model 2323 Dual Gate and Delay
1982 CAMAC Models MM8201 & MM8206 Dual Port Memory Modules
1982 Model TRA1000T Charge/Current Pulse Preamplifier
1983 CAMAC Model 3588 Histogramming Memory Module, Formerly 8810
1983 Model 688AL Level Adapter
1983 NIM Model 821 Series Quad Discriminators 821, 821Z, 821BLP
1983 Model 429A Logic Fan In/Fan Out
1983 CAMAC Model 4301 Fast Encoding & Readout ADC (FERA) System Driver
1983 CAMAC Model 2551 12-Channel 100 MHz Scaler
1984 Model 612A/AM, VV100B, VV100BTB, VV101A, VV101ATB Linear Amplifiers
1984 Model 1434 High Power CAMAC Crate, Model 1034P Super Power CAMAC Supply
1984 CAMAC Model 3512 and 3515 High Performance Buffered Spectroscopy ADC
1984 2249A, 2249SG and 2249W 12-Channel ADC
1984 Using the 3588 Data Bus
1984 Model 4501A CAMAC-NIM Adapter
1984 CAMAC ECLINE Model 4302 Triple Port Fast Memory Unit
1985 CAMAC Model 3511 & 3512 High Performance Spectroscopy ADC
1986 CAMAC Model 4300B 16-Channel, Fast Encoding & Readout ADC (FERA)
1989 Model 222/222N Dual Gate Generator
1989 CAMAC Instrument Mainframes Models: 8013A, 1434A, and 8025
1994 Model 622 NIM Logic Unit
1995 MQT300 & 1877S On-Chamber, Time Marking, ADC System
1995 CAMAC Model 4303 Time to FERA Converter (TFC)
1995 CAMAC ECLine Model 4516 16-Channel, 3-Fold Programmable Logic Unit
1995 Model 1190 VME Dual Port Memory
1995 1454/1458 HV Mainframe User’s Guide V2.62
1995 Model 1461 High Voltage Module
1996 Model 3377 32-Channel CAMAC TDC
Leedal, Chicago, IL:
1984 Series 4629 Temperature Control Thermostatic Water Mixers
Leeds & Northrup Co., Philadelphia:
1956 Testing and Servicing Standard Level Amplifiers Used in Speedomax G Instruments
1957 Parts List for Speedomax G, Model S 60,000 Series
1957 Drawing No. H-101039: Suppression Control and Scan Speed Control for The Recording Spectrometer
1957 Drawing No. SSS-663-C-17: Special Potentiometer Circuit for Catalog 69800-B45-742 Recorder
1957 Supplementary Information: Electronic Equipment for Process Control
1958 Drawing No. SSS-663-C-18: Special Potentiometer Circuit for Catalog 69800-B45-742 Recorder with Standardization
1958 Thermoelectric Thermometry,” by Paul H. Dike
1958 “Measuring Instruments: A Measure of Progress,” I. Melville Stein
1959 Drawing No. SSE-611-A-24: Meas. & Motor Circuit for Type G EMF Recorder with Low MV Range
1975 Electrode Holder Kit
1970s 7415 Research pH Meter
Undated Directions for Micromax Recorders, Model S, 40000 Series: Direction Book Std. 1235
Undated Directions for No. 2430 D-C Galvanometer, Direction Book 77-6-4-6
Undated Directions for Galvanometer Used with Micromax Mechanism: Direction Book Std. 11212
Undated Daily Chart Device for 40000 and 60000 Series Recorders
Undated No. 9905 Speedomax G Servicing Equipment
Undated Directions for Speedomax Type G Recorders, Model S 60000 Series, Direction Book 77-10-5-1
Undated 124145 Parts Kit for Adding Semi-Automatic Current Adjuster to 69800-B45-742 Speedomax Recorder (Perkin-Elmer Corp.)
Undated No. 62200 Electro-Chemograph Recording Assembly
Undated Supplementary Information for Speedomax G Instruments
Undated Directions: Thermocouple Welding
Undated 7592 DC Volt Box
Undated 7553-5 and 7553-6 Type K-3 Universal Potentiometers
Undated 117233 and 1244138 Miniature pH Electrode Assemblies
Undated DC Volt Boxes, 7582, 7592, 7593
Leica, Deerfield, IL: 1998, Leica M-Series Stereo-microscopes User Manual
Leitz (See Ernst Leitz)
Lektra Laboratories, Inc., New York, NY: 1960, Decade Interval Timer, Model TM-8
Lepel High Frequency Laboratories, Inc., Woodside, New York:
late 1960s High Frequency Heating Review,” Vol. 1, Nos. 1-16
Vol. 2, Nos. 1-6
Vol. 3, Nos. 1 and 2
Leybold, Cologne, Germany: Undated, Directions for Use: Gas Ballast Pumps
Lindberg (a unit of General Signal), Watertown, WI:
1978 Lindberg Digital Temperature Controller Model 1003
1979 Installation, Operation and Maintenance: Type 54231 Tube Furnace
1979 Instructions: Control Consoles Models 59344 & 59544
Lindburg Enterprises, Inc., San Diego, CA:
1981 Quick Reference Operator’s Guide: ChronTrol ® “CD” Models
1986 Installation ChronTrol ® Table Top AC Outlet, 2 & 4 Outlet Models
Linear Instruments Corp., Irvine, CA: 1970s, Operating Instructions 141/142 Recorders
Linseis Inc., Princeton Junction, NJ: Undated, Instruction Manual: Flat-bed Recorders, Series L 6012, L 6512, L 6514, L 6522
List-Electronic, Germany: undated, Operation Manual Extracellular Patch Clamp System, L/M EPC-5
LKB, Bromma, Sweden:
1970 Acta Ampholinae No. 7
1970 Acta Ampholinae No. 8
1970 LKB 7000 UltroRac Fraction Collector Spare Parts Catalogue
1970 LKB 7000 UltroRac Fraction Collector Instruction Manual
1972 Science Tools, The LKB Instrument Journal,” Vol. 19, No. 1
1976 Instrument Manual: LKB 2112 RediRac
1977 Instrument Manual: LKB 2210 Potentiometric Recorder
1979 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 26, No. 1
1979 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2
1979 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 26, No. 3
1979 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4
1980 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1
1981 LKB 2202 UltroScan Laser Densitometer
1982 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1
1983 LKB 2220 Recording Integrator Service Manual
1983 LKB 2220 Recording Integrator Instrument Manual
1983 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1
1984 LKB 2190-001 GelScan Interface and Software Package for 2202 UltroScan Program Manual
1985 Ultrospec ® II Instruction Manual, 4050/4051/4052/4070
1985 Instruction Manual: Ultrospec II, 4050/4051/4052/4070
1985 Instruction Manual: LKB 2138 Uvicord S
1985 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 32, No. 1
1985 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2
1986 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 33, No. 1
1986 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 33, No. 2
1986 LKB 2190 GelScan Interface and Software Package for LKB UltroScan Densitometers
1987 Science Tools: The LKB Instrument Journal, Vol. 34, No. 1
1987 Instruction Manual LKB 2301 Macrodrive 1 Power Supply
1987 Instruction Manual LKB 2015 Pulsaphor System
Undated Foolproof Demo Methods #1-3, 2202 to 2210
Undated LKB 2070 UltroRac ® II
Undated Spare Parts Catalog, 2152-020 LC Controller
Loctite Corp., Newington, CT:
1992 Material Safety Data Sheet: Silicone
1992 Technical Data Sheet Product 609: Retaining Compound 609
Ludlum Measurements, Inc., Sweetwater, TX: 1986, Manual: Model 2 Survey Meter
MacMod Analytical Inc., Chadds Ford, PA: 1990, Forum: Practical Chromatographic Advice
Manostat, New York:
2000 Operating Manual: Manostate ® Varistaltic Pumps
Undated Operating Instructions: Varistaltic Pump–Junior Model
Marquette Metal Products Co., Cleveland, OH:
Undated Service Manual, Model CBP-6 Clutch & Actuator Assembly
Maser Optics, Inc., Boston: 1962, Series 500 Lightweight Laser Instruction Manual
Master Appliance Corp., Racine, WI:
1979 Operating Instructions: Varitemp Heat Gun, Models VT-750 & VT-752
1979 Master Heat Gun Operating and Maintenance Instructions: All ‘HG’ Models,” 1979.
Undated Master Heat Gun Instruction Manual
Matrix Technologies Corp., Hudson, NH:
Undated Installation Instructions for Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries
Undated Matrix Impact and Impact Equalizer
Matheson Gas Products, East Rutherford, NJ:
1963 Instructions for the Matheson 665 Gas Proportioner Standard Unit
1978 Operation of Your New Gas Regulator
1982 Matheson Model 64-1000 Series Oxygen Removing Purifiers
MC/B Manufacturing Chemists, Norwood, OH: 1971, Spectroquality Solvents
McCracken Associates, Inc., Ossinging, NY: 1961, “A Guide to FORTRAN Programming,” Daniel D. McCracken, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (New York)
McKesson Appliance Co., Toledo, Ohio: 1947, Directions for the Use and Care of McKesson Recording Metabolor, Model 175
Medical-Electronics Development Co., Great Neck, NY:
1955 “Infraton” Sphygmograph Systems: Indirect Blood Pressure Measurement
1955 “Infraton” Sphygmograph Systems: Pulse Wave Recording
1955 “Infraton” Sphygmograph Systems: Electrical Pulse Oscillographs
Medtronic, Inc.: Minneapolis, MN: 1973, Myocardial Pacing Leads for Implantable Pulse Generators Models 6913 & 5815 Leads
Melpar: 1962, Technical Note: Evaporated Thin Film Thermocouples
Meriam Co., Cleveland, Ohio: 1938, The Manometer and Its Uses,” by J.B. Meriam
Merck: Undated, Directions for Use: Liquid Chromatography with Pre-Packed Columns
Metal Hydrides Inc., Beverly, MA:
1950s General Catalog of Technical Bulletins
1959 Sodium Hydride Dispersed in Oil: A Manual of Techniques
1959 The Borohydrides in Cellulose and Sugar Chemistry
1960s The Mixed Hydrides” Mark N. Rerick
Mettler, Switzerland:
1988, Technical Specifications and Accessories: AT Balances
Undated Electronic Balances PL200/PL200-02, PL1200/PL1200-02
Undated PL200/PL1200 Electronic Balance
MGR Equipment Corp., Inwood, New York: Undated, Technical Manual for Refrigerator, Model ER-5-368E
Micro Networks Co., Worcester, MA: Undated, MN5282 High Speed 16-Bit A/D Converter
Micromedic Systems, Inc., Durham, NC: Undated, Automated Pipetting Station Operating Manual
Micro/Sys, Glendale, CA: 1999, Bolt-In Computer Controller Handbook
Microtek Lab, Inc.: 1994, How to Calibrate Your Microtek Color Scanner Using DCR
Microtech Services, Co., Berkeley, CA: Undated, Instruction Book: Ultramicrobalance, Rodder Model E
Miles Hivolt Ltd.: 1964 Miles High Voltage Electrophoresis
Miller Technology: Undated, Drawing: MCPU-800
Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA:
1964 Operating and Maintenance Instructions: Pyrex Microanalysis Filter Holder
1964 Micro-Syringe Filter Holder
1969 Application Notes, Sterile Filtration of Serum and Tissue Culture Medium
1969 Application Notes, Membrane Concentration of Gel Permeation Chromatography Eulates
1969 Application Notes, Sterilizing Air Vent Filters
1973 Rapid Filtration & Processing of Multiple Samples with the 3025 Sampling Manifold
1973 Simplified Quick-Count Method for Microbiological Control in Food Processing
1995 Immobilon-P Transfer Membrane User Guide
1997 Protein Blotting Applications Guide
1997 Pellicon ® XL Gauge Kit Installation Instructions
1999 MultiScreen Separations System User Guide
1999 Technical Brief: Protein Concentration & Diafiltration by Tangential Flow Filtration
1999 Stirred Ultrafiltration Cells Models 8003, 8010, 8050, 8200, 8400
1999 Mini-Reservoir RC800 User Guide
2000 Ultrafiltration Membranes Operating Instructions
2001 Pellicon ® CL Operating Instructions
2001 Centricon ® Centrifugal Filter Devices
2004 Protein Blotting Handbook
Minco Products Inc., Minneapolis, MN: 1989, Thermofoil Heaters
Minolta Corp., Osaka, Japan:
Undated MARS Controller 1 Operator’s Manual
Undated Roll Film Carrier 6 Operator’s Manual
Undated RP505 Operator’s Manual
Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., Philadelphia: 1950s, Service Manual 15019 M: For Class 15 Electronik Instruments Precision Indicator, Circular Chart and Strip Chart Types
Mixing Equipment Co. Inc., Rochester, NY: 1979, Instructions: Series 20 Variable Speed Drive
MJ Research Inc., Watertown, MA:
1992 PTC-100 Programmable Thermal Controller, Models 60, 96, 96V, Version 5.2
1993 The Hot Bonnet ™ Heated Lid Accessory for the PTC-100 Thermal Cycler, Version 2.0
1997 PTC-100 Thermal Cycler Operations Manual, Version 7.0
Undated PTC-100 Programmable Thermal Controller Operation
Molecular Devices, Corp.:
2003 DNA Analysis on Spectramax Plus and Spectramax 190 Microplate Readers
Application Note:
Undated Note 25: Making optical density measurements…Spectramax Plus
Undated Note 28: Verifying multichannel pipettor performance…Spectramax Plus
Undated Note 33: DNA & RNA Measurements in Spectramax Spectrophotometers
Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR: 1996, Product Information Sheet: SlowFade ™ Antifade Kits
Molecular Dynamics, Sunnyvale, CA: 1996, Fluorescence Imaging Applications Guide
Narishige Scientific Instrument Lab, Tokyo, Japan:
Undated MMN-1 Three-Dimensional Manipulator Instruction Manual
Undated MMO-203 Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Micromanipulator Instructions
Undated IM-5A/B Microinjector Instructions
Undated PC-10 Micropipette Puller Instructions
Undated MNO-ADK Microscope Mounting Adaptor for Olympus CK-2 Microscope
Undated MNO-AD Microscope Mounting Adaptor for Olympus IMT-2 & CK-2 Microscope
Undated MF-90 Microforge Instructions
Undated Instruction MF-83 Microforge
Undated Instruction PP-83 Glass Microelectrode Puller
National Appliance Co. (NA), Portland, OR:
1963 Full View Vacuum Oven
Undated Incubator
National Biomedical Research Foundation, Washington, DC: 1995, ATLAS-User’s Guide
National Bureau of Standards, Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory, Washington, DC: 1953, “Direct-Indicating Recording Instruments,” by S.R. Gilford, (first published in Electrical Manufacturing, Nov/Dec 1953, pages 114-128)
National Cylinder Gas, Chicago, IL: undated, Operating Instructions No. 4360 RECO Economizer
National Institutes of Health, Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation Program, Bethesda, MD:
1980 Drawings: Fluorine Gas Target
1992 Operating Instructions for the PC-Based Differential Thermistor Bridge Thermometer
National Institutes of Health, Center for Information Technology, Bethesda, MD:
1998 JAVA
National Institutes of Health, Division of Computer Research and Technology, Bethesda, MD:
1975 Using the Princeton Statistical Package (PSTAT) at NIH
1978 A Primer for MLAB: On On-Line Modeling Laboratory
1983 MLAB: Some Easy Exercises to Teach You MLAB 2-D Graphics
1984 MLAB: Beginner’s Guide
1984 MLAB: Applications Manual
1984 DCRT Mathematical and Statistical Program Manual
1994 Overview of the GCG Package: Lecture Notes and Laboratory Manual
National Institutes of Health, Instrument Section, Bethesda, MD:
1959 Drawing: Microwave, Tunable Cavity Instrument (Dr. Robert Bowman, NHLBI)
National Institutes of Health, Laboratory of Technical Development, Bethesda, MD:
1984 SCAN an IEEE Bus Control Program for the IBM Personal Computer,” by David Ting
Undated Berger Calorimeter Operation Instructions
National Instrument Laboratories, Inc., Rockville, MD:
Undated Instruction Manual: N.I.L. Flame Photometer, Model 4-7000
Undated Instruction Manual: N.I.L.-Patwin Flame Photometer
National Instruments, Austin, TX: 1993, NB-A2000 User Manual
Neslab Instruments, Inc., Portsmouth, NH:
1970 Instruction Manual: PBC-4 Bath Cooler
1972 Instruction Manual for Thermostatic Baths and Circulators
1972 Instructions for Model PBC-4 Bath Cooler
Undated RTE-4 and RTE-8 Refrigerated Bath Circulators: Instruction and Operating Manual
Undated Ucool Instruction Manual UTC & UFA
Undated Exacal Bath Circulators, EndocalFlow Through Coolers, and Aerocool-100 Ambient Bath Cooler
Undated CFT Coolflow Recirculator Instruction Manual
Undated PBC 2 & PBC 4 Instruction Manual
Undated Instruction Manual for Tamson Baths
New Brunswick Scientific Co. (NBS), New Brunswick and Edison, NJ:
1950s New Brunswick Manifold Freeze Dryer Model B-67
1960s Operating Manual Gyrotory Incubator Shaker, Model G25
1960s Operating Manual: Controlled Environment Incubator-Shaker Model G26
1969 Rollacell Tissue Culture Apparatus Models RC41 & RC42
1987 Microgen (SF-116) Bench-Top Fermentor
New England Nuclear Corp., Boston, MA: Undated, Calibrate Gamma Reference Sources: Technical Data
New York Laboratory Supply Co. Inc. (NYLAB), New York, NY: 1954, U.S. Units of Measure and Conversion Factors
Nexus Research Laboratory, Inc., Canton, Massachusetts:
1963 All Silicon Solid-State Logarithmic Ratiometer,” Application Note, APP-12
1964 Logarithmic Amplifiers and Ratiometers,” Application Note, App-12A
1964 Preliminary Data: Logarithmic Ratio Module Type LGR-6
Nikon Corp., Tokyo, Japan:
1968 Repro-Copy Outfit Model PF Instructions
1969 Nikon F Instructions
1969 Nikon F Photography Guide
1969 Micro-Nikkor Auto 55mm f/3.5 Instructions
1969 Photomicrographic Dark Box M-35 S Instructions
1971 Microscope Model S-Ke (Coaxial Focusing Control Type) Instructions
1971 Microflex Model EFM Semi-Automatic Photomicrographic Attachment Instructions
1990 Instruction Manual Water-Jacketed Incubators, 3158/3164 Single Chamber, 3154/3166 Right-hand Swing Door, 3326/3336 Dual Chamber
1991 Stereoscopic Microscope SMZ-U Instructions
1991 Stereoscopic Microscope SMZ-U Accessories for Photomicrographing and TV Monitoring
1991 Stereoscopic Microscope SMZ-U Diascopic Bright/Dark Field Stand
1994 Inverted Microscope TMS/TMS-F Instructions
Undated Microflex Model AFM Automatic Photomicrographic Attachment Instructions
Undated Nikon Photomic FTN Finder Instructions
Undated AF Nikkor 50 mm, f/1.8 Lens Instruction Manual
Norelco: Undated, “A High-Resolution PMR X-ray Microscope with Electron Microscope Conversion,” Irwin I. Bessen (Philips Electronics Inc.), reprint from the Norelco Reporter, Vol. IV, No. 6
Norgren, Littleton, CO: 1978, Designer Series ¼” Basic Filter
Novagen, Madison, WI: 1999, pET System Manual, 8th Edition
Novel Experimental Technology (NOVEX), San Diego, CA:
1997 Precast Gel Instructions
1999 Electrophoresis System Bis-Tris Gels Instructions
1999 Protocol Summary for NuPAGE Tris-Acetate Gels
1999 SeeBlue Plus2 Pre-Stained Standards
Undated Xcell II Mini-Cell Instructions
Undated Colloidal Coomassie Stain Instructions
Nuclear Chicago Corp., Des Plaines, IL:
1956 Operating and Maintenance Procedures: Model D47 Gas Flow Counter and Model T3 Time Delay
1957 Operating and Maintenance Procedures: Model C100A Actigraph II
1957 Operating and Maintenance Procedures: Model 186 Decard Scaler
1959 Experiment Manual: Model NH-3 Neutron Howitzer
1959 Experiment Manual: Student Training Reactor
1960 Instructor Notes for radioisotope Experiments for the Chemistry Curriculum, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
1965 Operating Instructions Model 7150 Series Constant-Current Stimulator
ca. 1969 Storage and Stability of Compounds Labelled with Radioisotopes, Part II
NUNC, Denmark:
1984 Guide to Solid Phase Immuno Assays by Dr. U. Lovborg
1992 No. 10: Covalent Binding of DNA to CovaLink NH
1993 No. 11: Colorimetric Determination of Amino Groups of CovaLink NH Microwells
Undated Nunc Cryo System
Nupro Co., Willoughby, OH: 1972, Operating Instructions S Series Very Fine Metering Valves
Nycomed Pharma AS, Oslo, Norway:
1996 Centrifugation Techniques I: Nycodenz
1996 Centrifugation Techniques II: OptiPrep
1996 Centrifugation Techniques III: Isolation of Blood Cells
1995 Centrifugation Techniques IV: Isolation of Cells
1996 Centrifugation Techniques V: Isolation of Cell Organelles
1997 Centrifugation Techniques VI: Isolation of Macromolecules and Viruses
1996 Centrifugation Techniques VII: Gradient Formation
Nyegaard & Co., Oslo, Norway: 1982, Nycodenz: The Autoclavable, Universal Centrifugation Medium
Offner Electronics Inc., Schiller Park, IL:
1958 Offner Type 542 Dynograph Recording Assembly
1960 Instructions Offner Type 482 Power Amplifier
1961 Type RS Dynograph (see also Beckman Instruments Inc.)
Ohaus Scale Corp., Florham Park, New Jersey:
Undated Directions for Installation and Use 9014 Gas Cylinder Clamp
Undated Directions for Use and Maintenance: Ohaus Harvard Trip Balance
Omega Engineering Inc., Springdale, CT:
1960s Calibration Tables for Thermocouples
1980 Series 4000 Temperature Controllers
Omiya Photo-Supply Co., Tokyo, Japan: Undated, Hansa Prima Color and Monochrome Enlarger
On-Line Instrument Systems (OLIS): 1992, The OLIS Spectroscopy Operating System User’s Manual version 14.05
Optical Cell Co., Inc., Kensington, Maryland: Undated, Cell Handling
Oriel Corp., Stratford, CT:
1990 Series Q Convective Lamp Housing Model 60000 Manual
Orion Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts:
1978 Analytical Methods Guide,” 9th edition
1983 Instruction Manual: Ag/AgCl Glass pH Electrodes, Model 91-01, 91-02, 91-03, 91-04, 91-61, 91-62, 91-63, 91-64, 91-66
Undated Instruction Manual Model 101 Conductivity Meter
OSRAM, (Berlin, Germany):
1960s Xenon High Pressure Lamp XBO 150W
1965 Guide for the Design of Equipment for Xenon High Pressure Lamps XBO
Undated Instructions for Use of Mercury Super Pressure Lamp
Owens-Illinois, Toledo, OH: Undated, The O-I pH 2000 Planar Flow Module
Owl Scientific, Inc., Woburn, MA:
1994 The Easy-Cast ™ Horizontal Electrophoresis System, Models B1A, B1, B2, and B3
1994 The Centipede ™ Horizontal Electrophoresis System, Model D3
Undated The Panther Semi-Dry Electroblotter Manual for HEP-1
Oxford GlycoSystems, UK: 1994, GlycoFree Deglycosylation Kit K-500
Oxford Instruments Inc., Oak Ridge, TN: 1980s, TC 309/TC 310 Linear Gate & Stretcher
Oxford Laboratories, Foster City, CA:
1977 Micro-Doser: Piston and Barrel Assembly Soft System
Undated Single and Multi-Range Micro Pipetting Systems
Pabst Laboratories, Division of Pabst Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin:
1956 Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of 5'-Ribonucleotides
1965 Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Pyridine Nucleotide Coenzymes and Coenzyme Analogs,” 3rd Edition
Pacific Photometric Instruments, Berkeley, CA:
1968 Instruction Manual Laboratory Photometer Model 11
1960s Instruction Manual Coolable PMT Housing Models 77 and 78
Packard Instrument Co., Inc., La Grange, IL:
1960s Operation Manual Model 314EX Tri-Carb Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer System
1960s Schematics for “E-2” Series Tri-Carb Spectrometer
1970 Model 7201 A, B, and C Radio-Chromatogram Scanner System
1971 Tandem Gamma Detection Systems
1972 Models 2311, 2211, 2111, & 2101 Ambient Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer Systems
PAGEgel, Inc., San Diego, CA: 2006, PAGEgel Dual Run & Blot Vertical Mini-Gel System
Pako Corp., Minneapolis, MN: 1969, Pakomax Dryer
Pall Gelman Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI: 1998, Application Guide: Nanosep ® Centrifugal Devices
Panasonic, undated, Video Monitor WV-5410 Operating Instructions
Parr Instrument Co., Moline, Illinois:
1949 Manual No. 119: Operating Instructions for the Parr Series 3910 Catalytic Hydrogenation Apparatus, Low Pressure, Shaker Type
1974 Instructions for Parr General Purpose Bombs and Pressure Valves
1977 Safety Bulletin S2: Potential Hazards Associated With....Safety Rupture Discs
1978 Bulletin A472E: Thermocouples for Parr Reactors
Partlow Corp., New Hartford, NY: 1960, Instruction Sheet Models MS & MSR Indicating Temperature Controls
Pasadena Hydraulics, Inc., El Monte:
1960s Motorized Hydraulic System M&N
1961 Service Parts Info: Remote Control Pressure Relief Valvues C-175
1962 Miller Air and Hydraulic Cylinders
1965 Fenwal Thermoswitch Units
PCB Piezotronics, Inc., Buffalo, NY:
1970s General Guide to ICP Instrumentation
1970s Operating Instructions: Transducer Instrumentation, Model 105A43, Pressure Transducer
1970s Operating Instructions: Transducer Instrumentation, Model 482A, Line Supply
Pentek, Inc., Norwood, NJ:
1991 Operating Manual Model 4341 32-bit Digital I/O Expansion Module
1991 Operating Manual Model 4348 32-Channel A/D Converter
1992 Operating Manual Model 4353 32-Channel D/A Converter
Perkin-Elmer Corp., Glenbrook and Norwalk, Connecticut:
1949 Instruction Manual: Infrared Spectrometer, Model 12 C
1950 Instruction Manual Appendix: Infrared Spectrometer, Model 12 C
1952 Drawing: Electrical Diagram D.P. Monochromator
1952 Bulletin 101: Model 99 Double Pass Monochromator
1952 Bulletin 103: Optical and Electronic Building Blocks
1952 The Model 112 Infrared Spectrometer
1952 Instruction Manual: Perkin-Elmer Infrared Equipment Volume 1, Introduction to Infrared Spectrometry
1952 Instruction Manual: Perkin-Elmer Infrared Equipment Volume 2, Infrared Sampling and Techniques
1953 Instruction Manual: Perkin-Elmer Infrared Equipment Volume 3A, Models 112 and 12-C Single Beam, Double Pass, Recording, Infrared Spectrometer
1957 Model 137 Infracord Spectrophotometer (see 91.0002.011.00)
1960 “Measurement of Photometric Accuracy in UV-VIS Spectrophotometry,” Walter Slavin and Thomas J. Porro, (reprint of a paper delivered at the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, February 29-March 4)
1971 Instructions: Model 403 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and Technique and Applications of Atomic Absorption
1971 Revisions to Instructions: Model 403 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
1972 Instructions: HGA-2000 Graphite Furnace
1971-73 NMR Quarterly, (Beaconsfield, England), Nos. 1-6
1973-76 Nos. 8-16
1975 Care and Cleaning of Coleman Spectrophotometer Cells
1990 Amplifications: A Forum for PCR Users, Issue 5
1991 LC View
1994 GeneAmp In Situ PCR System 1000
PE Corp. (Perkin-Elmer), Foster City, CA:
2000 GeneAmp ® PCR System 9700: 96-Well Sample Block Module
2000 GeneAmp ® 9700 Firmware Update (disk)
PerSeptive Biosystems, UK:
1993 Packing and Testing Conditions for Self Pack POROS 20 HY Media
1994 An Introduction to Perfusion Chromatography
1994 POROS AL, EP, OH, NH, and HY Perfusion Chromatography Columns
1994 POROS 20 AL, EP, OH, NH, and HY Perfusion Chromatography Bulk Media
1995 POROS 50 EP and OH Perfusion Chromatography Bulk Media
1995 POROS 50 HQ, DEAE, and PI Perfusion Chromatography Bulk Media
Undated Overview: Protein Purification and Characterization: Essential Techniques
Application Note:
1994 Contaminant IgA Monitoring
1994 Optimization of Monoclonal Antibody Purification from Ascites: Rapid Method Development
Pharmacia Biotech, Cambridge, England: 1993, GeneQuant RNA/DNA Calculator User Manual
Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Inc., Piscataway, NJ:
1966 Sephadex—Gel Filtration in Theory and Practice
1972 Blue Dextran 2000
1974 Concanavalin A
1974 Poly(U)-Sepharose 4B for affinity chromatography of mRNA
1974 Leucoagglutinin for lymphocyte studies and chromosome analysis
1974 Sephadex ion exchangers: A Guide to Ion Exchange Chromatography
1976 CNBr-activated Sepharose 6MB
1978 Sephadex LH-20 Chromatography in organic solvent
1979 Affinity Chromatography Principles & Methods
1979 Ficoll-Paque for in vitro isolation of lymphocytes
1980 Agarose IEF: a supporting matrix for isoelectric focusing
1980 Cell Affinity Chromatography Principles & Methods
1980 Gel Filtration Theory and Practice
1980s FPLC Ion Exchange and Chromatofocusing Principles & Methods
1980 Percoll Density Marker Beads: Methodology and Applications
1980 Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Laboratory Techniques
1981 Microcarrier Cell Culture Principles & Methods
1982 Chelating Sepharose 6B for metal chelate affinity chromatography
1983 Percoll ® Reference List
1984 Instructions: Peristaltic Pump P-3
1984 Instructions for Columns C 10, C 16, C 26
1985 FPLC Application File: Purification of biologically active peptides
1985 FPLC Application File: Two-dimensional mapping of peptides
1985 FPLC Application File: Monoclonal Antibodies
1986 FPLC Data File: HR Prepacked Columns ProRPC, PepRPC
Undated Preparation of Sephadex G-100, G-150, and G-200 Beds ” Technical Data Sheet No. 6
Undated Rapid Swelling Procedure for Sephadex Gels,” Technical Data Sheet No. 11
Undated Technical Data Sheet No. 11: Rapid Sweeling Procedure for Sephadex Gels
Undated Technical Data Sheet No. 15: Sephadex Laboratory Columns Flow Adaptors
Separation News:
1980s Vol. 12 (1) Chromatofocusing—A Fifth Dimension?
1986 Vol. 13 (2) The “Best” Ion Exchanger
1986 Vol. 13 (3) The HIC Alternative
1986 Vol. 13 (5) Specific Monoclonal Antibody Purification Techniques
Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Piscataway, NJ:
1977 Gradient Mixer GM-1 Instructions
1978 Peristaltic Pump P-3
1978 Column K 26 Instructions
1978 Adaptor A 26 Instructions
1979 Column K 50 Instructions
1979 Technical Information: Peristaltic Pump P-3
1979 Preparation of Gradient Gels Using the Peristaltic Pump P-3 and Gradient Mixer GM-1
1980s Calibration Kits for pI Determinations using Isoelectric Focusing
1980s Polybuffer and Polybuffer Exchangers for Chromatofocusing
1980s Chromatofocusing Kit
1980 Agarose IEF
1980 Adaptor A 26 Instructions
1980 Column Packing Reservoirs RC 10, RC 16, RC 26 Instructions
1982 Chelating Sepharose 6B
1983 Adaptors AC 16, AC 26 Instructions
1984 FPLC Data File: HR Prepacked Columns Superose 6, Superose 12
1984 Mono Q HR 16/10 Instructions
Undated Packing Procedure for Sephacryl S-200 & S-300 Superfine
Undated Gel Filtration Calibration Kit Instruction Manual
Undated Pharmalyte: Carrier Ampholytes for Isoelectric Focusing
Undated 3-Way Valve LV-3, 4-Way Valve LV-4 Instructions
Undated Superose 6, Superose 12, HR 10/30 Instructions
Technical Notes
Undated Chromatofocusing Practical Tips
Undated Chromatofocusing Equipment Selection Guide
Undated Packing Procedure Sephacryl
Separation News
1979 Numbers 1-10
1979 Index for 1979
1980 Numbers 1-5
1980 Index for 1980
1981 Numbers 1-4
1982 Number 1
1983 Vol. 11, No. 2
Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden: 1987, Electrophoresis Power Supply EPS 500/400 Instruction Manual
Pharmacia LKB Biotechnology, Sweden:
1978 Peristaltic Pump P-1 Instruction Manual
1968 Sephadex Columns K 15/30 and K15/90
1986 PhastSystem ™ Separation Technique File No. 130: Native and SDS-PAGE, etc.
1987 Instruction Manual: LKB 2211-010 SuperRac
1990 MultiTemp II Thermostatic Circulator [with parts]
1990 Peristaltic Pump P-3
1990s Technical Note: SMART System: Micropurification by RPC
1991 Affinity Chromatography Principles & Methods
1991 Ion Exchange Chromatography Principles & Methods
1991 Gel Filtration Principles & Methods
1991 MultiTemp II Thermostatic Circulator
1991 UltroSpec II Lamp Replacement
Undated Instruction manual: HPLC Pump 2248 and HPLC Pump 2248, 50
Separation News
1988 Vol. 15, No. 1
PharMingen, San Diego, CA:
1998 Instruction Manual Apoptosis
Phase-R Corp., New Durham, NH:
1978 DL-Series Dye Laser Manual
Phenomenex, Torrance, California:
1994 A Users Guide to HPLC Trouble-Shooting,” Technical Notes 1: Edition 3
1998 HPLC Trouble-Shooting,” Technical Notes 1: Edition 1
Philbrick Researches (see George A. Philbrick Researches)
Philips Scientific and Analytical Equipment, Eindhoven, Netherlands: [see also Haskris Co.]
1971 EM201 Electron Microscope Handbook
1971 EM201 Electron Microscope Pre-installation Information and Installation Instructions
1971 EM201 Electron Microscope Pumping System
1974 EM201 Electron Microscope Operating Instructions, 3rd Edition
Phillips Petroleum Co., Atomic Energy Division, Idaho Falls, ID:
1957 Scintillation Spectrometry Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalogue by R.L. Heath
1958 Calculated Efficiencies of Cylindrical Radiation Detectors
Phillips Scientific, Ramsey, NJ:
1980s NIM Model 704 Quad 300 MHz Discriminator
1980s NIM Model 777 Octal Variable Gain Amplifier
1980s CAMAC Model 7194 Quad Gate/Delay Generator
1984 NIM Model 770, 771 Quad DC-300 MHz Amplifier
1993 NIM Model 779 32-Channel Photomultiplier Preamplifier
1993 CAMAC Model 7126 16-Channel Logic Level Translator
1995 CAMAC Model 7132/7132H 32-Channel/225 MHz Scaler
1996 NIM Model 740 Quad Linear/Logic Fan-In/Out
1996 Isolation Pulse Transformer Model 425
1996 NIM Model 804 Quad Rotary Attenuator
1990s NIM Model 730 Tri-Mode Discriminator
1990s NIM Pocket Pulser Model 417
Undated Model 433 NIM to CAMAC Adapter
Undated NIM Model 792 Dual Nanosecond Delay Module
Undated Model 6955 Timing/Charge Pick-Off Preamplifier
Phonetics, Inc., Media, PA: 1985, Sensaphone Security Monitoring System
Photochemical Research Associates Inc. (PRA), London, Ontario, Canada: 1980s, LN100 Nitrogen Laser Operating Manual
Photon Technology International Inc., S. Brunswick, NJ:
1991 610, 612 & 614 PMT Housing Systems Operation Manual
Pickett Inc., Chicago, IL:
1953 How to Use Log Log Slide Rules
Undated How to Use the Model 803 Log Log Dual Base Speed Rule
Pierce, Rockford, IL:
1984 BCA Protein Assay Reagent
1986 BCA and BCA Protein Assay Reagent
1988 NHS-LC-Biotin
1989 ImmunoPure Immobilized Streptavidin Instructions
1989 2-Mercaptoethylamine HCl
1989 Acylamino Acid-Releasing Enzyme
1990 NHS-Biotin Instructions
1993 SATA Instructions 0126
1993 Imject Maleimide Activated Carrier Proteins Instructions 0135
1993 ImmunoPure Maleimide Activated Horseradish Peroxidase Kit Instructions 0234
1993 Sulfo-NHS-Biotin Instructions 0236
1993 FreeZyme Conjugate Purification Kit Instruction 0468
1993 SuperBlock Blocking Buffer-Blotting in TBS Instructions 0558
1993 1-Step NBT/BCIP Instructions 0560
1993 Fast Blot-Developer System Instructions 0579
1994 HRP Substrates for Blotting Instructions 0372
1994 ImmunoPure Plus Activated Peroxidase and Kit Instructions 0506
1994 UltraLink Immoblized Hydrazide Instructions 0514
1994 MPBH Instructions 0523
1994 ImmunoPure Metal Enhanced DAB Substrate Kit Instructions 0564
1994 ImmunPure Maleimide Activated Alkaline Phosphatase Kit Instructions 0570
1995 SMCC Sulfo-SMCC Instructions 0581
1996 Three Strategies for Conjugation
1996 EZ-Link Plus Activated Peroxidase and Kit Instructions
1997 EZ-Link PEO-Maleimide Activated Biotin Instructions
1997 Instructions: EZ-Link ™ Biotin Hydrazide and EZ-Link ™ Biotin-LC-Hydrazide
1997 Micro BCA Protein Assay Reagent Kit Instructions
1997 Reacti-Bind Metal Chelate Plates Instructions
1998 ImmunoPure Immobilized Streptavidin Instructions
1999 Imject Maleimide Activated mcKLH Kit Instructions
1999 DSS BS3 Instructions
2000 EZ-Link Biotin-HPDP Instructions
2001 INDIA HisProbe-HRP Instructions
2001 SulfoLink Kit, SulfoLink Kit Trial Kit Instructions
2002 SuperSignal West HisProbe Kit Instructions
2003 GelCode Blue Stain Reagent Instructions
Undated Specific and Sensitive Staining of Phosphorproteins on SDS-PAGE Gels by A. Krishna Mallia, Surbhi Desai, and Robert A. Vigna
Undated IODO-Beads Instruction Sheet
Undated ImmunoPure Lane Marker Sample Buffers
Technical Handbook
1997 Protein Assay
1999 Protein Assay
Western Blotting Substrates Handbook:
1998 SuperSignal
2000 Handbook and Troubleshooting
Solutions Seminar 5: Antibody-Enzyme Conjugates
Seminar 6: Preparation of Immobilized Affinity Ligands
Seminar 8: A Survey of Biotinylation Reagents
Seminar 9: Strategies for the Use of Biotinylation Reagents
Seminar 12: Cross-linking of Proteins
Seminar 13: Immunofiltration of Reagents for Accelerated Assay Kinetics
Piramoon Technologies, Santa Clara, CA: [see FiberLite Centrifuge, Inc.]
P-L Biochemicals, Inc., Milwaukee, WI:
1976 Circular OR-10: Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of 5'-Ribonucleotides,” eighth printing
1978 Circular OR-18: Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Pyridine Nucleotide Coenzymes and Coenzyme Analogs,” eighth printing
Polaroid Corp., Cambridge, MA:
1972 How to Use the Polaroid 4x5 Land Film Holder #545
1972 How to Assemble and Use the Polaroid MP-4 Land Camera
1986 Polaroid 35mm Instant Slide System: A User’s Manual,” by Lester Lefkowitz
1986 Tips for Using the Polaroid 35mm Instant Slide System
1987 35mm Polaroid Instant Slides Application Note No. 1: Basic Techniques for Copy Stand Photography,” Henry Horenstein and Michael Berger
1987 35mm Polaroid Instant Slides Application Note No. 2: How to Prepare a Better Presentation with Polablue Film,” Henry Horenstein and Michael Berger
1988 35mm Polaroid Instant Slides Application Note No. 4: Photographic Applications of Polagraph and Polapan Films,” Henry Horenstein and Michael Berger
Power-One Inc., Camarillo, CA:
1976 Model CS-6, C15-3 C24-2,4, DC Power Supplies
Powers Process Controls; Powers Regulator Co.; Powers-Fiat, Skokie, IL:
1968 Powers Series 420 Hydroguard Models 4 & 5
1976 Powers Series 420 ® Hydroguard
1996 Technical Instructions-Repair Kits: Hydroguard Series 420 Thermostatic Valve
Precision Scientific Co., Chicago, IL (see also GCA):
1957 Operating Instructions for Philadelphia Differential Thermometer
Undated Thelco Ovens and Incubators Operating Instructions
Undated Operating Instructions for Catalog #65855 Equipoise Shaker
Undated Vacuum Pump Instructions
Princeton Applied Research Corp., Princeton, NJ:
1967 Signal Notes, Vol. 1, No. 1
1968 Instruction Manual: Lock-in Amplifier/Phase Detector, Model 121
Pro-Log Corp., Monterey, CA:
1977 Drawing: Schematic, 7801, 8085 Processor Card
1978 Drawing: Schematic, 7904 Decoded I/O Utility Card
1978 Drawing: Schematic, 7604 Universal TTL I/O Card
1978 Drawing: Assembly, 7101 Mother Board
1978 Drawing: Assembly, 7604 Universal TTL I/O Card
1980 Initial Release: 7304 Dual UART Card
1980 Drawing: Schematic, 7304 Dual UART Card
1981 7604 TTL I/O Card User’s Manual
1981 7101, 7102, & 7105 Motherboards
1981 7904 Decoded I/O Utility Card User’s Manual
Promega, Madison, WI:
1994 An Introduction to Eukaryotic Transcription Regulation
1995 Promega Notes Magazine, No. 52
1998 Promega Notes Magazine, No. 68
2004 Subcloning Notebook
Undated Protocols and Applications
Protea Biosciences, Morgantown, WV: 2007, The GPR-100 Gel Protein Recovery System
Puffer-Hubbard Refrigerator Division, Grand Haven, MI: Undated, Installation, Operating Information and Replacement Parts List for MOD-U-Cel, Challenger and UNI-Therm Series Cabinets
Pyrometer Instrument Co., Inc., Bergenfield, NJ: undated, Operating Instruction and Parts List for Pyro Surface Pyrometers
Qiagen, Chatsworth, CA:
1990 The Qiagenologist Application Protocols
1997 The QIAexpressionist: A Handbook for High-level Expression and Purification of 6xHis-tagged proteins, 3rd edition
Quail Electronics, Livermore, CA:
1996 NEMA Plug & Receptacle Configurations
Rainin Instrument Co., Inc., Boston:
1991EDP2 Instructions Undated Instructions for Pipetman Continuously Adjustable Digital Microliter Pipettes
Undated Pipetman
Radio Corporation of America (RCA) , Camden and Harrison, NJ:
1963 RCA Receiving Tube Manual
1981 Photomultipliers for Applied Spectroscopya
Undated Test Oscillator, A-C Operated, Type No. 167-A
Radiomatic Instruments & Chemical Co. Inc., Tampa, Florida:
1981 “Liquid Scintillation Counting of Tritium and Low Energy Gamma Emitters in Double-Labeled Samples,” in Technical Notes, Vol. 3, Part 1
1981 Chemiluminescence,” in Application Notes, Vol.1
1981 Radioactivity Detection by Liquid Scintillation Counting,” in Technical Notes, Vol. 1, Part 1,
1981 Solid Scintillators in High Pressure Liquid Radiochromatography,” in Technical Notes, Vol. 2, Part 1
1983 “Steroids,” in Application Notes, Vol.2
1984 Flo-One® Beta Radioactive Flow Detector Model IC Operation Manual
1984 Flo-One® Beta Radioactive Flow Detector Model IC Schematics
1988 Flo-One® Beta Radioactive Flow Detector, Model IC/CR Operation Manual
1988 Flo-One® Beta Radioactive Flow Detector Model CR Operation Manual
1990 The Beta Exchange,” Vol. 1, No. 1
Undated Products, Facilities and Services
Radiometer A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark:
1960s Instruction Manual: pH Meter 25b, 27b, 25SE (27SE)b
1960s Instruction Manual: Autoburette Type ABU11
1960s Instruction Manual: Autoburette Type ABU12b
1960s Instruction Manual: Titration Assembly Type TTA31
1960s Instruction Manual: Type SBR2c/ABU1b/TTA3 Titration Equipment
1960s Instruction Manual: Type SBR2c/SBU1/TTA3 Titration Equipment
1960s Instruction Manual: TTT11b Titrator
1960s Instruction Manual: Type VTS13 Circulation Thermostat
1960s Instruction Manual: Type E5021 Micro Electrode Unit
1960s Instruction Manual: Conductivity Meter Type CDM3c
1970s PHM64b Service Manual
Undated Maintenance of pH Meters
Undated Capillary Electrode, Type G297/G2
Undated Instruction Manual for PO2-Electrode, Type E5046, 2nd edition
Undated Instruction Manual: Type PHA927b Gas Monitor
Undated Instruction Manual: PCO2-Electrode, Type E5036 , 2nd edition
Undated Instruction Manual: Type AMT1a Astrup Micro Tonometer , 2nd edition
Undated Combined Electrode GK2421 C,
Undated PHM62 Standard pH Meter & PHM63 Digital pH Meter
Undated Concentrated Phosphate Buffer
Undated Instructions for pH Meter 22
Undated Combined Electrodes Types GK2301 B or C, GK 2302 B or C, GK 2303 C
Undated pH Meter Type PHM26c
Undated Brief Operating Instructions for pH-Meter Type PHM26
Undated Nomogram for pH Meter Type PHM26
Rainin Instrument Co., Woburn, MA:
1980s Precision Metering Pumps
Undated Gilson Pipetman
Raytheon Manufacturing Co., Waltham, MA: 1954, Instruction Manual Magnetostrictive Oscillator Model DF-101
Razel Scientific Instruments Inc., Stamford CT: Undated, Model A-99 Syringe Pump
Respironics Inc., Murrysville, PN: 1996, Monarch Mini Mask Instructions for Use
Revco, Asheville, NC:
2001 Laboratory Refrigerators: Installation and Operation
2001 -20C Manual and -30C Automatic Defrost Freezers Installation and Operation
2001 Chest and Upright Freezers Installation and Operation
Rheodyne Inc., Cotati, California:
1979 Technical Notes 1
1979 Model 7000 Switching Pattern
1980 Operating Instructions for Type 50 Teflon Rotary Valves
1980 Technical Notes 3
1980 Operating Instructions for Model 7125 Syringe Loading Sample Injector
1981 Operating Instructions for Model 7010 Sample Injection Valve
1981 Operating Instructions for Model 5301 and 5302 Valves and Model 5300 Actuator
1982 Technical Notes 4
1982 Operating Instructions: Model 7010 Sample Injection Valve
Roger Gilmont Instruments, Inc., Great Neck, New York:
Undated Directions for Use–Vacuum Control
Rohm & Haas Co. Philadelphia: 1951, The Monomeric Acrylic Esters, 3rd edition
Rotron Manufacturing Co., Inc., Woodstock, New York:
Undated Installation Instructions: Whisper Fan
Rubicon Co., Philadelphia:
Undated “Semi-Precision Potentiometers,” by Philip M. Andress, Rubicon Notes, No. 1
Rustrak Instrument Co., Manchester, NH:
Undated Miniaturized Automatic Chart Recorder
Sanborn Co., Cambridge and Waltham, Massachusetts:
1952 Instructions (Operator’s Manual) for Sanborn Multi-Channel Recorder, Models 67 and 67M, Models 77 and 77M
1955 DC General Purpose Amplifier, Models 126, 126B, 64-300A, 64-300B, 67-300, 67-300B
1956 Single Channel Recorder, Model 151-100A
1956 Replacement Parts List: DC General Purpose Amplifier, Model 67A-300B
1956 Dual Channel DC Amplifier Model 150-2900
1958 Maintenance Manual for Sanborn 150 Series Recorders
late 1950s Instruction Manual: Recorder Models 152-100B, 154-100B
1966 Synchronized DC Defibrillator, Model 780-2A, Instruction Manual
Undated Parts List for Sanborn Multi-Channel Recorder, Model 67
Sanda Inc., Bala Cynwyd, PA:
Undated Solution, Reaction and Titration Calorimeters
Sargent-Welch, Skokie, Illinois:
1970 Repair Kits and Gasket Kits for Welch Duo-Seal Vacuum Pumps
1976 Instruction Manual: Thermocouple Vacuum Gauge Model 1515, 1516
ca. 1989 Model 8800 Series DirecTorr II Vacuum Pumps
Undated Precision Balances 2200 Instructions for Installation and Operation
Saunders Group, Rochester, NY:
Undated Adjustable Universal Four-Bladed Enlarging Easel
Savant Instruments, Inc., Holbrook, NY:
1986 Technical Bulletin: Cold Traps and Chemical Traps: The Right Combination to Protect Your Vacuum Pump
1990 Instruction Manual: GDS100 Gel Drying System
1991 Instruction Manual: DNA Speedvac ® Model DNA100
1996 Instruction Manual: GP110 Gel Pump
Undated Refrigerated Condensation Trap Model RT-100A
Undated Glass Insert Traps Models GIT100, GIT100BV, GIT400
Schauer, Cincinnati, OH:
1996 Battery Charger Operating Instructions
Scherr Tumico (ST):
Undated Instruction for Micrometers and Height Gage
Schleicher & Schuell, Germany:
1987 Transfer & Immobilization of Nucleic Acids to S&S Solid Supports
1995 Blotting, Hybridization & Detection: An S&S Lab Manual, 6th edition
Schoeffel Instrument Co., Westwood, NJ: 1964, Operating Instructions: LH 151N Lamp Housing, Gas Cooler, Power Supply
Scientific Glass Engineering Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia: 1976, G.L.T. Data Sheet: Glass Lined Metal Tubing
Scientific Industries, Inc, Springfield, MA: Undated, Instructions for Use: Vortex-Genie Mixer
SciMed Life Systems, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota:
1985 Data and Instruction Manual: Membrane Oxygenator System
1985 Data and Instruction Manual: Membrane Oxygenator System
Scotch Brand:
Undated EA-300/400 Labeller
Scotsman, Vernon Hills, IL:
199, Model AFE400 Ice Maker Manual
Undated Coldspot Refrigerator
Seary Manufacturing Corp., Endicott, NY:
Undate, S-M Hand Easy
Shimadzu Seisakuso Ltd., Tokyo, Japan:
1967 Multipurpose Recording Spectrophotometer Model MPS-50L
Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO:
1990 The Source: Building a Serum Free Media, Fall
1991 The Source: Attachment Factors: Natural Substrata for Development & Tissue Architecture
Signal Analytics Corp., Vienna, VA:
Undated LabNotes, Vol. 5, No. 2
Simmon Omega, Woodside, NY:
Undated D-2 and D-2V Series Enlargers
Simpson Electric Co., Elgin, IL:
1985 Operator’s Manual: Simpson 470 Digital Multimeter
Singer Co., Pickens SC:
Undated ½ inch Electric Drill Model 5-302
Undated Microtome
Sola, Elk Grove Village, Illinois:
1978 Operating and Service Manual: Sola Minicomputer Regulators
1981 Operating and Service Manual: Sola Minicomputer Regulators
Solidyne, Inc., Brooklyn, NY:
1975 Instruction Manual Sealomatic, Model 400-FS 25
Sony Corp., Japan:
Undate, Videocorder Model EV-320
Sorensen, Norwalk, CT:
1964 Instruction Manual: QMA Series
1964 Instruction Manual: DCR Series DC Power Supplies
Sorvall ® Instruments, Wilmington, DE:
1977 Instruction Manual for the Sorvall RC2-B Automatic Superspeed Refrigerated Centrifuge
1980 Superspeed Fixed-Angle Rotor Manual
1983 Instruction Manual Sorvall Superspeed Angle Rotors GSA, GS-3, SA-600, SE-12, SM-24, SS-34
1985 RC5B Operating Instructions
1985 Instruction Manual: Forvall ® Superspeed Fixed-Angle Rotors
Undated Condensed Operating Instructions: Sorvall ® RC-5B Automatic Superspeed Refrigerated Centrifuge
Undated Sorvall ® RCF Chart (Relative Centrifugal Forces) RC-2, RC-2B, RC-5B, RC-5C Superspeed Centrifuge Rotors
South London Electrical Equipment Co. (SLEE), London, England:
1961 The “Pearse” Cold Microtome (Cryostat)
1964 The “Pearse” Cold Microtome (Cryostat), Type H
Sparrow, Orange, CA:
1994 VX2-350-SC-DF Mass Storage Subsystem Technical Info
Specialized Instruments Corp., Belmont, CA: (see also Beckman Instruments)
1953 SPINCO Ultracentrifuge Model E Technical Manual (see Beckman)
Spectral Instruments Inc., Tucson, AZ:
2000 800 Series Camera System User’s Manual
2000 800 Series Camera System Test Report
2001 SI Image SGL Software Users Manual
Spectrum, Houston, TX:
Undated, Centri/Por Centrifuge Concentrators 22090, 020692
Spencer Lens Co., Buffalo, New York:
1942 The Effective Use and Proper Care of The Microtome
Spex Industries Inc., Metuchen, NJ:
1966 The SPEX Speaker, Vol. XI, No. 1
Spinco Division, Beckman Instruments, Inc., Palo Alto, California: [see also Beckman]
1962 Technical Bulletin: Installation of Teflon Tubing in Swivel Fitting Assembly,” A-TB-002
1963 Parts List for Beckman Accu-Flo Pump with Speedchanger
1964 Accu-Flo Pump Installation and Operating Instructions
1965 Model 120C Amino Acid Analyzer Instruction Manual,” by Hans Toepfer
1966 How to Make a Peptide Analysis with the Model 120C Amino Acid Analyzer
1967 How to Make a Physiological Fluid Analysis to Include the Separation of Glutamine and Asparagine with the Model 120C Amino Acid Analyzer
1967 Installation Instructions for Dual Reaction Coil in the Model 120C Amino Acid Analyzer
1985 Instructions for Using the Type 70.1 Ti Rotor in Beckman Class H, F,G Ultracentrifuges
Undated The S&S Elutrap for Isolation and Purification of Macromolecules
Staco Energy Products Co., Dayton, OH:
Undated, Installation & Operating Instructions: 1010, 1020, 1210, 1220 Series
Stratagene, La Jolla, CA:
1998 Strategies Newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 1
Supelco, Inc., Bellefonte, PA:
Undate, Carbopack, Chromocil and Carbosieve Conditioning Instructions
Superior Electric Co. (SECO), Bristol. CT:
Undated Installation-Operating Instructions: Powerstat Variable Transformers All Models, Types 116-216
Undated Characteristics of A/C Slo-Syn Synchronous Motors
Undated Instructions: Stabiline Automatic Voltage Regulators Type IE
Undated Instructions: Slo-Syn Translator Module Type STM101
Undated Instructions: Slo-Syn Preset Indexer Types SP153B and SP153BX
Undated Installation, Operation & Maintenance: Powerstat Variable Transformers
Undated Slo-Syn Synchronous Mother Type SS50-SS52
Sybron/Thermolyne, Dubuque, IA:
1979 Operating Instructions for Modular Dri-bath DB-16500
1983 Nuova II Stir Plate Type SP18400
1975 Nalgene Safety Shield
Undated Operating Instructions for Type 12600 Melting Point Apparatus
Sylvania: Undated, Super 8 Sun Gun Movie Light Model SG-8
Systron-Donner Corp., Concord, CA:
1968 SD 8150 Time Code Generator and Reader
1969 Model 8150 Time Code Generator/Reader for IRIG B
Taitec Instruments USA, Inc., San Jose, CA:
Undated Micro Incubator M-36 Operation Manual
Techkor Instrumentation, Inc.:
1998 An Introduction to the Thermocouple
Techne Corp.:
1989 Operating Instructions HB-1 Hybridiser
Ted Pella Inc., Redding, CA:
Undated Pelco Technical Note
Tekelec Inc., Westlake Village, CA:
Undated Digitab TA 310 Series Voltage and Current Digital Panel Meters
Tektronix Inc., Beaverton, Oregon:
1962 Instruction Manual Type 2A63 Plug-in
1963 Instruction Manual Type 2B67 Time Base
1963 Instruction Manual Type RM565 Oscilloscope
1963 Instruction Manual Type 565 Oscilloscope
1963 Instruction Manual Type 3A74 Plug-in
1964 Instruction Manual Type 129 Power Supply Plug-in Unit
1965 Instruction Manual Type 3A8 Operational Amplifier Plug-in Unit
1966 Type 549 Storage Oscilloscope Service Instruction Manual
1967 Instruction Manual 502A/RM502A Oscilloscope
1967 Type 1A4 Plug-In Unit
1968 Instruction Manual 160 Series
1968 Instruction Manual Type 3A3 Dual-Trace Differential Amp
1968 Instruction Manual Type 3A9 Differential Amplifier
1968 Instruction Manual Type 528 Television Waveform Monitor
1968 Type 1A7A Differential Amplifier
1968 Tektronix Service Scope,” No. 48
1969 Instruction Manual Type 7A22 Differential Amplifier
1970 Instruction Manual 26G3 Pulse Generator
1970 Instruction Manual 2601 R2601 Mainframe
1970 Instruction Manual 26G1 Rate/Ramp Generator
1971 Instruction Manual: 603/604 Monitor and MOD 716M
1971 System Notes No. 2, 2600 Series Modular Instruments
1971 Instruction Manual 2620 Stimulus Isolator
1971 Instruction Manual 5A18N Dual-Trace Amplifier
1971 Instruction Manual 7A18/7A18N Dual Trace Amplifier
1971 Instruction Manual 26A2 Differential Amplifier
1971 Instruction Manual 5B12N Dual Time Base
1972 Instruction Manual Camera System C-50, C-51, C-52, C-53
1972 7613/R7613 Storage Oscilloscope Operator’s Manual
1972 7613/R7613 Storage Oscilloscope Service Manual
1972 Instruction Manual Power Module TM 503
1972 7B53A/7B53AN Dual Time Base Operator’s Manual
1972 7B53A/7B53AN Dual Time Base Service Manual
1973 Instruction Manual 7M13 Readout Unit
1973 214 Storage Oscilloscope Service Instruction Manual
1975 Instruction Manual 5A26 Dual Differential Amplifier
1975 Instruction Manual 5B44 Dual Time Base
1976 Instruction Manual 5113 Dual Beam Storage Oscilloscope
1978 Instruction Manual C-5B Camera with Options
1978 Instruction Manual AM 502 Differential Amplifier
Undated, Using Your type 535 or Type 545 Oscilloscope
Tenney Engineering, Inc., Union, NJ:
Undated Operation of the Electrical Control Circuit
Texas Instruments Inc., Houston, TX:
1960 Servo/Riter Servo Potentiometric Recorder Operating Instruction Manual No. 153868-1
Texas Nuclear Corp., Austin, TX:
1959 Laboratory Manual for A Course in Nuclear Physics, Part I
Techne Inc., Princeton, NJ:
1976 Thermoregulators TE-7 & TU-14 Instructions
Thermolyne Corp., Dubuque, IA:
Undated Operating and Repair Instructions: Thermolyne Hot Plate, Model HP-A1915B
Undated Sybron/Thermolyne LT64X2 Operating Instructions and Parts List for Type 1900 Hot Plate
Thermo Spectronic, Cambridge, UK:
2001 BioMate 5 User Manual
Thomas Industries, Inc., Sheboygan, Wisconsin:
1968 Operating Instructions and Parts List for Model 910-1 Air Filter and Regulator, Model 911 Air Pressure Regulator, Model 912-1 Oil and Moisture Filter
Undated Operating Instructions and Parts List for Model 910-1 Air Filter and Regulator
Thomas Scientific (see Arthur H. Thomas Co.)
Thornton Associates Inc., Waltham, MA:
Undated Series 800: Type 822 Analog, Type 832 Digital Indicator/Controller
Topaz Electronics Division, San Diego, CA:
1982 Installation Instructions: Line Noise Suppressing Ultra-Isolator
Torsion Balance Co., Clifton, New Jersey:
Undated Torbal Anaerobic Jar, Model AJ-3
Undated Instructions for Assembly GC2 Glove Cabinet and Frame
Tosoh Biosep:
2000s TSK-GEL ® HPLC Column Instruction Manual
Tracerlab Inc., Boston, MA:
1956 SC-18A Superscaler
1965 Field Maintenance Timer and Register SC-18
Triplett Corp., Bluffton, OH:
c. 1947: Instruction Manual Model 630 Volt-OHM-Mil-Ammeter
Undated: Instruction Manual Model 630 Type 3 Volt-OHM-Milliammeter
Tri-R Instruments, Inc., Rockville Centre, New York: Undated, Operating Instructions: Constant Temperature Block Heater, Models H-10 and H-20
Tronac Inc., Orem, Utah:
1971 Drawing: Schematic Model 30 Precision Temperature Control
1979 Drawing: Model 710/730 DSC Scan Controller
1979 Drawing: 750 DSC Interconnection Diag.
1979 Drawing: Schematic Diag. 720 Calibration & Monitoring Unit
1979 Drawing: Cooling Power Supply Circuit Diagram
Undated Model PTC-30 Temperature Controller
Undated Instrument Description: 710/730 Adiabatic/Isothermal Controller
Undated Initial Operation: 710/730 Adiabatic/Isothermal Controller
Undated Test Procedure: 710/730 Adiabatic/Isothermal Controller
Ultra-Violet Products Inc., San Gabriel, CA:
Undated UVS-11, UVSL-15, UVSL-25 Mineralight and UVL-21 Blak-Ray Ultraviolet Lamps
Unicam Instruments, Cambridge, UK:
1999 Unicam UV6-420 SuperSipper Installation and Maintenance
Union Carbide, New York, NY:
Undated Technical Information, Bulletin No. 101 JB: Graphite Woven Fabrics
Union Carbide, Toronto, Canada:
ca. 1963 Linde BF-4 Biolgocial Freezing Equipment
Union Carbide, New York:
1965 Purox W-201 and W-202 Welding Torches and CW-202 Cutting Attachment Instructions
United Electric Controls Co., Watertown, MA:
1970 Installation and Maintenance Types 6A01, 6A02 & 6B01 Temperature Recorders
United Systems Corp., Dayton, OH:
Undated DigiTec Instrumentation: Model 6400 Series Alphanumeric Printers
United Technologies:
1980 Bacharach FYRITE Gas Analyzers
Unitek Corp., Monrovia, CA:
Undated Welding Head Model 2-101-01
Undated Welding Head Model 2-127-03
Undated Dual-Range Power Supply, Model 1-059-04
Undated Cable-Type Actuator
Undated Electrode Holder & Dressing Fixture
Undated Dual Welding Head Connector Set Installation Instructions, Model 10-0007-01
Update Instrument, Inc., Madison, WI:
1977 The Rapid Mixing Notebook,” Vol. 1, Note 1
1977 The Rapid Mixing Notebook, The Quench Flow Technique,” Vol. 1, Note 2
1977 The Rapid Mixing Notebook, Is Rapid Reactions in Trouble?,” Vol. 1, Note 3
1977 The Rapid Mixing Notebook, ‘The Statistical Theory of Mixing and the Update Precision Syringe-Ram’,” by Danckwerts, Corrsin, and Brodkey, Vol 1, Note 4
1977 The Rapid Mixing Notebook, ‘Corrsin’s Statistical Theory of Mixing: Characteristic Mixing Time and Length’,” Vol 1, Note 5
1977 The Rapid Mixing Notebook,” Vol. 1, Note 6
1977 The Rapid Mixing Notebook,” Vol. 1, Note 7
1977 The Rapid Mixing Notebook, A Pictorial View of Turbulence,” Vol. 1, Note 8
Undated Precision Syringe-Ram System
UPN Inc., San Gabriel, California: Undated, Operating Instructions for the UVG-11, UVGL-15, UVGL-25 Mineralight and UVL-21 Black-Ray Ultraviolet Lamps
Valco Instruments Co. Inc. (VICI), Houston, TX:
1991 Technical Note 201: Rotor Replacement
1992 Technical Note 207: Schematic Flow Diagram-2 Position Switching Valve
Variable Volumetrics Inc., Woburn, MA:
Undated, The VV Volumetrics Micropipettor
Varian Associates or Instrument Division, Palo Alto, CA:
1959 “5 Years of NMR,” Varian Associates
1950s Technical Information Bulletin: Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy
Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4, 1953-55.
Vol. 2, No. 3, 1959.
Vol. 3, No. 1, 1960.
1962 Technical Information Bulletin: NMR/EPR Spectroscopy,” Vol. III, No. 3
1973 Varian Instrument Applications,” Vol. 7, Nos. 2 and 3
1990s Varian “Cary ADL [Applications Development Language] News:
No. 1, May 1990, Sloping baseline correction
No. 2, May 1990, ‘Dual wavelength’ measurements
No. 3, May 1990, Producing an ASCII two-column data table
No. 4, May 1990, Absorptivity scans
No. 5, May 1990, Measurement automation
No. 6, May 1990, Multiwavelength kinetics
No. 7, May 1990, Purity testing
No. 8, May 1990, Spectral subtraction
No. 9, August 1990, Creating customized menus with ADL
No. 10, August 1990, Bandpass filter characterization
No. 11, August 1990, Monitoring cell temperature with 4 temperature probes
No. 12, August 1990, Quantitative Analysis with peak determination
No. 13, October 1990, Calculating Tristimulus values
No. 14, October 1990, Determining carboxyhaemoglobin in blood
No. 15, October 1990, Automated determination of NO3 in water
No. 16, October 1990, Repetitive scanning kinetics
No. 17, January 1991, Wavenumber display
No. 18, January 1991, Thermal denaturation and renaturation of DNA No. 1
No. 19, January 1991, thermal denaturation and renaturation of DNA No. 2
No. 20, March 1991, Calculation of 260/280 ratios and DNA concentration
No. 21, March 1991, Analysis of beer color and alpha and beta acids in beer
No. 22, March 1991, Program for single cell wavelength scan, single cell kinetics and multicell kinetics
No. 23, March 1991, Multicell kinetics using 12 cells
No. 24, 1991, Calculations of derivatives with variable delta wavelength and smoothing
No. 25, August 1991, Graphical interpretation of 2 step reactions
No. 26, August 1991, Thermal denaturation and renaturation of DNA No. 3
No. 27, August 1991, Thermal denaturation and renaturation of DNA No. 4
No. 28, August 1991, Mathematical library
No. 29, August 1991, Wavelength programming
No. 30, August 1991, Absorbance measurements for up to 12 cells
September 1991 ADL News Index
Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA:
Undated Agarose-WGA: Use & Regeneration
Veeco Instruments Inc., Plainview, NY:
Undated Operation and Maintenance: 1", 1 ½" , 2", 2 ½" Coaxial Traps
Ventron Corp., Beverly, Massachusetts:
1966 Sodium Hydride Dispersions, Bulletin No. 1-A
1966 Sodium Borohydride, Bulletin No. 2-A
1966 Lithium Aluminum Hydride, Bulletin No. 3-A
1966 Lithium Aluminum Deuteride, Bulletin 4-A
1966 Calcium Hydride, Bulletin 5-A
1966 Tetraethylammonium Borohydride, Tetramethylammonium Borohydride, Bulletin No. 7A
1966 Sodium Borodeuteride, Bulletin 8-A
1966 Hydritex-D, Bulletin 9-A
1966 Titanium Hydride Grade E, Bulletin 11-A
1966 Titanium Powder, Bulletin 12-A
1966 Zirconium Metal Powder, Bulletin 13-A
1966 Zirconium Hydride Grades C and R, Bulletin 14-A
1966 Thorium Crystal Bar, Bulletin No. 18-A
1966 Potassium Hydride Dispersion, Bulletin 23-A
1966 Lithium Borohydride
1966 Lithium Aluminum Tri-Tertiary Butoxy Hydride
1966 Tetraethylammonium Hydroxide, Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide
1966 Special Chemicals Products List
1966 Disiamylborane Tetrahydrofuran Solution, Bulletin 22-A
1967 Metal Specialties
late 1960s “Hydride Brazing,” by L.R. Frazier and V.A. Cammarota
Victor, Denton, TX:
1978 Operating Instructions for Oxygen Therapy Regulators
1970s Important Safety and Operating Instructions Regulators
Victor Comptometer Corp., Chicago, IL:
ca. 1966 Digitmatic Instruction Manual Imperial Model
VirTis Co., Inc., Gardiner, NY:
Undated Operating Instructions for pH Control Module (Model 169136)
Visonic Ltd., Tel-Aviv, Israel:
1996 DL-125C Programable 2-Channel Speech Dialer
VWR Scientific Inc., San Francisco, CA:
1981 Vortex Mixer Instruction Manual
Undated Constant Temperature Circulator Instruction Manual Model 1110
Undated Constant Temperature Ovens: Vacuum Ovens, Models 1410, 1430
Walter C. McCrone Associates, Inc., Chicago, Illinois:
1974, “Techniques, Instruments and Accessories for Microanalysts: A User’s Manual,”
eds. Walter C. McCrone and Robert I. Johnson
Waters Associates, Milford, Massachusetts:
1980 uBondapak and uPorasil Liquid Chromatography Columns Care & Use Manual
1984 Eluent Stabilization System Operating Instructions
1984 Data Notes No. 010: 840 Bracketing Routine
1984 Data Notes No. 011: 840 Expert Bridge Software
1984 Data Notes No. 012: 840 System Purge Streamlined with DCL
1984 Data Notes No. 013: 840 Directory Function
1989 Waters 600E Multisolvent Delivery System Operator’s Manual
1990 Waters Model 510 HPLC Pump Operator’s Manual
1990 Column: Analysis of Polyolefin Resins and Additive Packages...
1991 Column Supplement, Pittsburgh Conference Edition
1991 Column: High Resolution GPC Cleanup of Environmental Samples...
Waters Co:
1976 Differential Refractometer Series 4000
Webber Manufacturing Co., Inc., Indianapolis, IN:
1980s, Instruction Manual and Parts List: Webber Freezer Model AFJ16-110
Welch Scientific Co., Skokie, IL:
1969 Installation, Operation, Maintenance: Duo-Seal Vacuum Pumps
Weller, Easton, PA:
1968 Model W-TCP Low Voltage Soldering Station
Undated Weller Tech Sheet WTCPN Series
Undated Weller Tech Sheet W60-W100 Series
Wescan Instruments Inc., Santa Clara, CA:
late 1970s Instruction Manual: Model 211 Differential Conductivity Meter
1984 The Wescan Ion Analyzer,” No. 8
1985 The Wescan Ion Analyzer,” No. 9
Westinghouse Electric Corp., Bloomfield, NJ:
1961 Short-Arc Lamps for Searchlight Projection and Optical Service
Undated, Environmental Systems Work Station, Model WT 304
Weston Electrical Instrument Corp., Newark, New Jersey:
1915 Lectures on Electrical Apparatus and Experiments for the Physics Teacher
1935 Theory & Use of Permanent Magnet Movable Coil and Movable Iron Types of Instruments, Monograph B-7
1944 Weston Model 310 Singlephase Wattmeters Instruction Book
W.G. Pye & Co., Cambridge, England:
195, ‘Scalamp’ Galvanometer
Whatman Inc., Clifton, NJ:
1975 Columns, Vol. 1, No. 3
1980 Technical Data: Partisil Magnum 20 High Yield Preparative HPLC Columns
1981 Advanced Ion Exchange Celluloses Laboratory Manual
Wheaton Instruments, Millville, NJ:
Undated Instructions for Adjusting the Wheaton Hand Crimper
Wm. B. Johnson & Associates, Inc., Research Park, NJ:
Undated Model GSM-10S Survey Meter
Wilks Scientific Corp., South Norwalk, CT:
1965 Internal Reflection Spectroscopy, Volume 1: Instructions for Operation of Wilks Scientific Internal Reflection Infrared Spectrophotometers & Accessories
Worthington Biochemical Corp., Freehold, NJ: 1992, Cell Isolation Optimizing System
W-P Instruments, Inc., New Haven, CT:
ca. 1974 Model 160 Micro-Iontophoresis Programmer
ca. 1977 Model M701 Probe
Yeda, Tel-Aviv, Israel:
Undated Multiple Membrane Filter
Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Inc. (YSI), Yellow Springs, Ohio:
1971 Instructions for YSI 4004 Clark Oxygen Probe
1974 Instructions for YSI Model 53 Biological Oxygen Monitor
1976 Instruction Manual: YSI-Sostman Models 1254/1354 Pressure Transmitters
2000 YSI 2700 Select Biochemistry Analyzer User’s Manual
Undated Instructions for YSI Thermistemp Model 71 Temperature Controller
Yoshida Industry Co., Tokyo, Japan:
1994 Model CM-3500 35mm MicroExplorer
Carl Zeiss (see Carl Zeiss)
Zymark, Hopkinton, MA:
1983 The Zymark Report, Vol. 2, No. 3
1985 Application Note: Automated Extraction of Drugs in Biological Fluids
Unknown Maker
Undated Operating Instructions: Part Number 1187 Cuvette Holder