Adolf Meller Co., Providence, RI:
1950 Windows of Synthetic Sapphire
1956 Sapphire Rod as a Radiation Pipe
1958 Round Polished Synthetic Sapphire Windows
1959 Round Polished Synthetic Sapphire Windows
1959 A Summary of Available Data on the Physical Properties of Synthetic Sapphire
1959 Technique of Sealing Glass to Sapphire
Advance Magnetics, Inc.: undated, Procurement Catalog/Engineering Manual No. 76
Advanced Analytical: 2015, Genome Editing with CRISPR/Cas9 – An Introduction
Advanced Instruments, Inc., Newton Highlands, MA:
1963 Advanced Freezing Point Osmometers
1967 Advanced Cryomatic Osmometers Prices and Specifications
Undated Advanced Freezing Point Osmometers
Advanced Magnetics, Inc.: undated, Procurement Catalog/Engineering Manual No. 76
Advanced Products SRL, Milan, Italy: undated, Prospetto Combinazioni
Arthur C. Ruge Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA:
1955 Resistance Thermometer Elements
1956 RdF Stikon
1957 Miniature 1200 C Resistance Thermometer Probe
1957 RdF Strapon Resistance Thermometer: A New Approach to Surface Temperature Measurement
Arthur H. Thomas Co. (see Thomas Scientific)
ARO Corp.: 1986, Air Systems Components
Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals, Indianapolis, IN:
1979 Biochemphasis No. 1: The International System of Units (SI)
1980 Product Highlights: Electrophoresis Systems
1990 Reagents for Molecular Biology
1996 POROS Perfusion Chromatography Media: Performance Features and Guide
BoekelBoekel, Feasterville, PN: 1998-99, Life Sciences & General Laboratory Products
Custom Scientific Instruments, Inc., Whippany, NJ: 1980, Fiber Breaking Machine, Model CS-2
D-M-E Corp., Detroit, MI: 1962, DME News
2013 Luna-FL [fluorescent] The Ultimate Automated Cell CounterDagan Corp., Minneapolis, MN: 1988, The Neurotransmitter Newsletter
Del-Tron Precision, Inc., Bethel, CT: 1994, Precision Linear Motion
Densitron Corp., Camden, SC: 1990, New Push/Pull Solenoid Product Family
Denville Scientific Inc., South Plainfield, NJ:
2013 Molecular Biology Products
2014 Denville Scientific EquipmentDensitron Corp., Camden, SC: 1990, New Push/Pull Solenoid Product Family
Detroit Coil Co.: Undated, A.C. Solenoids
D-M-E Corp., Detroit, MI: 1962, DME News
Don-Lan Electronics, Inc., Santa Monica, CA: undated, Miniature “Radial” Double Stub Tuner, Model S-200
Doric Scientific Corp.: Undated, Integrating Digital Microvoltmeter with Transducer Conditioning for Physical and Scientific Measurement
Dow Corning Corp., Midland, MI:
1956 Silicone Lubricants Give Long-Life Service
1959 Optical Silicon for Infrared Detection
1959 Price Announcement: Silastic RTV 502 and 502 Catalyst
1959 Price Announcement: Silastic RTV 501 and 501 Catalyst A
1960 Price Announcement: Silastic RTV 521
1960 Price Announcement: Silastic RTV 503 and Catalyst 503
1960 Price Announcement: Silastic RTV 731
1960 Silastic RTV 731
1961 Greater Versatility in Design and Production
1961 Price Information Silastic RTVs
1961 Price Information Silastic RTV 731
1962 Price Information Silastic RTV 588
1962 Guide to Silastic RTV
1962 Viscosity-Temperature Data and Blending Chart for 200 and 210 Fluids
1962 Silicone Fluids
1962 302 Molding Compound
1962 Sylgard-182
1962 Sylgard 182 Resin
1964 For Fast, Effective Control of Foam
1965 A Selection Guide to Electronic Materials
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: Silastic 50
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: Silastic 52
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 80
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 82
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 8-164
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 132
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Fluorocilicone Adhesives 142
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 432 Base
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 433 Base
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 740 Base
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-2000
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-6538
1965 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-2229 Softener
1965 Information about Silastic RTV Silicone Rubber: 731
1965 Engineering with Silastic Silicone Rubber
1966 SCD Streaming Current Detector
1966 Guide to Prices
1966 Manufacturers of Parts Made from Silastic Silicone Rubber
1967 New Selection Guide for Silastic Silicone Rubber
1967 Fluid Resistance of Silastic Silicone Rubber
1967 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 35U
1967 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 75U
1967 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 1125U
1967 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-422 Base
1967 Information about Electronic Materials: 630 Protective Coating
1967 Information about Silicone Release Materials: 236 Dispersion
1967 Information about Silicone Cosmetic Materials: F-157 Wax
1967 Selection Guide to Lubricants
1968 3140 RTV Coating and 3145 RTV Adhesive/Sealant
1968 732 RTV Silicone Rubber
1968 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-53U
1968 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-63U
1968 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-2311U
1968 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-2249U
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 55U
1968 Fabricating with Silastic Rubber
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber
1968 Compounding with Silastic Gums and Bases
1968 Aerospace Materials: 93-072 RTV Silicone Rubber
1968 Information about Silastic RTV Adhesive/Sealant
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 152
1968 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-420 Gum
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 430 Gum
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 445 Base
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 651
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 955U
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 6-127, 6-128
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-6508
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 6526
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-6535
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-6587
1968 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-9711
1968 Selection Guide to Molykote Solid Film Lubricants
1969 Selection Guide to Silastic RTV Silicone Rubbers
1969 732 RTV Adhesive/Sealant
1969 Silicone Adhesive/Sealants
1969 Silicone Release Agents Speed Production, Cut Costs in the Rubber Industry
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 675
1969 Electrical/Electronic Materials: 122, 123, 125 Silastic
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 745U, 746U, 747U, 748U
1969 Information about Silicone Rubber: 133A-U Dispersion
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 241U
1969 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Adhesives
1969 Information about Fluorosilicone Primers
1969 Information about Silastic Fluorosilicone Rubber: LS-2332U
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 434 Base
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 435 Base
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 436 Base
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 437 Base
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-2067, S-2068
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-2096U, S-2097U
1969 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: S-2351U
1969 Selection Guide to Maintenance Lubricants
1970s Know Your Silicone Products Summary Product Booklet
1970s Dow Corning Electrical/Electronic Materials Line Card
1970 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: Guide to Silicone Rubber Specifications
1970 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 432 Base
1970 Information about Silicone Adhesives: A-4000 Adhesive
1970 A-4000 Adhesive and Catalyst A-4000 Price Information
1970 Engineering with Silastic Silicone Rubber
1970s Know Your Silicone Products Summary Product Booklet
1970s Dow Corning Electrical/Electronic Materials Line Card
1970 Selection Guide to Electrical/Electronic Materials
1971 Information about Silicone Fluids
1971 Information about Silicone Adhesives: A-4000 Adhesive
1972 Information about Silicone Rubber
1972 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 4600
1972 Priming Systems for Bonding Silastic 4600 to Metals and Fabrics
1973 A Guide to Dow Corning Products
1973 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber
1974 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 4655
1974 Information about Silastic Silicone Rubber: 4600, 4671, 4671 B & C
1974 Information about Electrical/Electronic Materials: Sylgard 182, 183, 184 and 185 Resins for Potting and Encapsulating
1975 Government Buyer’s Guide to Silicones
1976 Information about Silicone Fluids: 200 Fluid
1977 Information about Fluorosilicone Elastomers: 733 RTV Fluorosilicone Sealant
1977 New Product Information: Q7-2213 Silicone Dispersion
1977 New Product Information: Q7-2218 Silicone Gel System
1979 Information about Silastic Silicone Elastomers
1979 Q7-4290 Prosthetic Foam
1980 Liquid Polymer System
1981 Information about Fluorosilicone Elastomers
1981 Silastic Medical-Grade Elastomers
1981 Silastic Q7-4840 A/B Medical Grade LSR
1981 Information about Fluorosilicone Elastomers
1982 Product Bulletin: Diacyl Peroxides
1983 Silastic Silicone Rubber
1983 A Guide to Designing Molds for Silastic Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Information about HIgh Technology Silicone Materials Silastic 739 RTV Plastic Adhesive
1984 Information about HIgh Technology Silicone Materials Silastic HS RTV HIgh Strength Moldmaking Silicone Rubber
1984 SCS Guide to Silicone Rubber Specifications
1984 Silastic 599 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Silastic 598 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Silastic 595 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Silastic 596 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Silastic 590 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Silastic 591 Liquid Silicone Rubber
1984 Information about HIgh Technology Silicone Materials Silastic 739 RTV Plastic Adhesive
1984 Information about HIgh Technology Silicone Materials Silastic HS RTV HIgh Strength Moldmaking Silicone Rubber
1984 SCS Guide to Silicone Rubber Specifications
1987 Bio-PSA Q7-2920 Medical Grade Silicone Adhesive
1991 Information about High Technology Products: T RTV
1992 New Product Information: M RTV
1993 New Product Information: K RTV
Undated Working with Silastic Silicone Rubber: 1620 Dispersion
Undated Silicones for Medical Devices
Don-Lan Electronics, Inc., Santa Monica, CA: undated, Miniature “Radial” Double Stub Tuner, Model S-200
Driver-Harris Co., Harrison, NJ: 1956, Glass-Sealing Alloys
Electronic Wholesalers, Inc., Washington, DC:
Undated Twist-Prong Base Capacitors/Cross Reference Capacitor Size
Undated Sigma-OED Photoconductive CellsElectron Microscopy Sciences: 1998, Catalog XIII
Electro-Nucleonics, Inc., Fairfield, NJ: 1974, CPG-10 Controlled-Pore Glass
EM Laboratories:
1972 Licristal: Liquid Crystals
1972 Licristal Liquid Crystals
1972 Licristal Nematic Phases
1972 Licristal Current Information: Nematic Phase 5 & 5A
1972 Licristal Current Information: Nematic Phase 5A & 6
1972 Performance of Nematic Phase 5, 5A and 6 in Liquid Crystal Displays
1972 Catalog No. 3811: 1-Test Cholinesterase
1972 Catalog No. 3841: 1-Test GOT (Optimized UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3842: 1-Test GPT (UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3843: 1-Test HBDH (Optimized UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3844: 1-Test LDH (Optimized UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3849: 1-Test Alkaline Phosphatase
1972 Catalog No. 3851: 1-Test Leucine Arylamidase
1972 Catalog No. 11050: Lipase
1972 Prices
1970s Patinal
1970s Ad: Electro-Optical Report
1970s Classified Listings of Chemicals for Electro-optics
1970s Licristal Liquid Crystals Brochure
1970s Licristal Blends for Rainbow Color Effects
1970s Licristal Price List
1981 Introducing Fractogel TSK: Unique Packing Material for High Performance Gel Filtration
1991 Tentacle Type Ion Exchange Bioseparation Media
Undated Fractogel TSK
undated 410
undated Uvasols Solvents for UV, IR, NMR Spectroscopy
undated ColorpHast Store
Undated Properties of Nematic Phase 9A Licristal
Energy & Minerals Research Co.: Undated, Ultraknife Ultrasonic Cutting Tools
Engelhard Industries Inc.,: Engelhard Industries Inc.,: Hillside, NJ:
1960 Gold for Industry and the Arts: Chemical Division
1961 Precious Metal Catalysts
1968 Bi-Distillation Apparatus
Undated Flexible Silver Coatings
Undated Data Sheet: Silver and Gold Films for Corning “Macor” Machinable Glass-CeramicEnergy & Minerals Research Co.: Undated, Ultraknife Ultrasonic Cutting Tools
EngineersExpress Inc., Medway, MA: Undated, Laboratory Bubble Tubing: Polyvinyl Chloride
Fisher Scientific and Eimer & Amend: 1942, Catalog 90Fisher Scientific/Thermo Scientific:
2012 Thermo Scientific PikoReal Real-Time PCR System
2012 Advance PCR Enzymes
2013 Marketplace
2013 Thermo Scientific Smart-Vue Wireless Monitoring Solution
Fisher Scientific Co., Pittsburgh, PA:
1952 Catalog 111
1952 Quantitative Analysis with the Spectranal
1953 Todd Spectranal Models C & D
1953 Qualitative Analysis with the Spectranal
1956 Fisher-Todd Spectranal
1958 Catalog 59
1959 Duo-Spectranal
1964 Catalog 65
1966 Evans Model 140 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
1966 Atomic Absorption Standards
1968 Laboratory Diluters
1968 Fisher Brand Pipets
1969 Med-Lab Reporter Vol. 9, No. 12
1970 Cahn Recording Electrobalance Model RG or RH
1970 Catalog 70
1987 Catalog 88
1990 Catalog
1995 The Fisher Chemical Catalog
1999 Biotrack
2000 Catalog
2003 Biotrack
2003 PCR Catalog
2004 Biotrack
2002/2003 Catalog
2011/2012 Catalog
2014/2016 Catalog
Fisher Scientific/Thermo Scientific:
2012 Thermo Scientific PikoReal Real-Time PCR System
2012 Advance PCR Enzymes
2013 Marketplace
2013 Thermo Scientific Smart-Vue Wireless Monitoring Solution
Fish-Schurman Corp. (FS), New Rochelle, NY:
1955 Filter 6143 Wavelength
1955 FS Multi-Layer Interference Films High Efficiency Type
1958 XUR-96 Infra-Red Deflector Wavelength
1958 Schott Interference Band Filters
1959 IRT-211 Wavelength
1959 List of Products
1961 Schott Narrow Band Interference Filters Price List
1962 FS Multi-Layer Interference Films High Efficiency Type
1962 List of Products
1963 Jena Glass Absorption Type Colored Optical Glass Filters
1963 Monochromatic Interference Filters
1963 Monochromatic Interference Filters for the 310 to 389 mu Ultraviolet Spectral Region
1963 Schott Interference Band Filters of the Infrared Spectral 1000-2000 mu
1963 Schott Narrow Band Interference Filters Price List
1966 Schott Glass Filters Absorption Type Colored Optical Glass
1968 Neutral Density Solid Glass Filters
1969 FS Electrical Conductive Coating High Efficiency
1969 Transparent Conductive Electrodes for Q Switching or Modulators
1970 Spectral Optical Filters
Fluidigm, San Francisco, CA:
2011 BioMark HD System
2012 Single-Cell Auto Prep System
2012 C1 Single-Cell Auto Prep System
2012 Genotyping
2014 CyTOF 2 Mass Cytometry System
Fluid Automation, Inc, Detroit, MI: Undated, Meter-Mix Machines for Liquid Silicone RubberFluid Metering Inc., Oyster Bay, NY:
1974 FMI Lab Pump
1980 FMI Lab Pump Line
1980 Catalog
Undated Ready for Tougher Lab Problems? You are with an FMI Lab Pump
Undated FMI Lab Pump Special Purpose Versions
Undated FMI Newsletter: Non Laboratory Pumps?
Industrial Science Associates, Inc., Ridgewood, NY:
Undated Differentiator
Undated Electrometer NC
Undated Micro-manipulator
Undated Micro-electrode Probe Unit
Undated Platinum Coil forming Die, Draft Shield, Pipette Grinder
Undated Pipette Holder Rack
INDPOL Monothane, Cucamonga, CA: 1972, Specifications
Infrared Industries, Inc., Waltham, MA:
1969 Thin Film Products
1975 Detectors Filters, Optics Ultraviolet-Visible-Infrared
Undated Interference Filters Price List
Undated Infratron Lead Sufide Photoconductors Tech Bulletin
Inter-Dyne: Undated, Mod-RackInternational Crystal Laboratories: Undated, Optical Crystals, Cells and Accessories for FTIR, IR and UV Spectrophotometers
Interfacial Dynamics Corp. (IDC): Portland, OR,:
1988 Ultraclean Uniform Latex Microspheres
1990 Ultraclean Uniform Latex Microspheres
1993 Ultraclean Uniform Latex Microspheres
1994 Ultraclean Uniform Latex Microspheres
Jule Inc., Trumbull, CT:
1984 Gradient Former Models J200 & J50
1990 Gradient Formers
J.P. Stevens & Co., Inc., Easthampton, MA: undated, hi-tuff Urethane Tubing, Film, Cord
J.T. Baker: Undated, Thin Layer Chromatography
J&W Scientific Inc.: 1998, Chromatography Columns & Lab Supplies
Madden Brass Products Co., Aurora, IL: Undated, Madden Dispensing valve
Magnetic Research Corp., El Segundo, CA: 1955, Magnepulse: Magnetic Pulse Generator Model MP-85
Magnetics (Spang Industries Inc.), Butler, PA:
1975 Magnetic Shielding Materials: Permalloy 80, Alloy 48, Mu Guard 80, Mu Guard 48, Magnesil
Undated High Quality Air-Melted, Vacuum-Melted, and Powder Metallurgy Alloys
Magnetic Research Corp., El Segundo, CA: 1955, Magnepulse: Magnetic Pulse Generator Model MP-85
Magnetoelastic Magnetoelastic Devices, Inc., Pittsfield, MA:
1977 Model BS-6 Transducer-Limit Switch
1978 Price List
1978 Magnetostrictive Spring Transducers
1979 Series FR-3 Force Rings, Series LA-3 Leaf Actuators, Model ST Transducer Stand
1979 The Monitrol Level Indicator and Control System
1979 Magnetostrictive Spring Transducers
Mercodia, Uppsala, Sweden: 2015, When Accuracy Matters Product Catalog: Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity
Metaloglass, Inc., Boston, MA:
Undated Compact Fraction Collectors
Undated Compact Distillation Head
Metals & Controls Corp., Attleboro, MA
1952 Composite Metals, Precious Metals, Electrical Contacts
1953 General Plate Electrical Contact Kits
Metals Research Instrument Corp., Monsey, NY:
1969 Equipment for Materials Science
Undated Price Guide: Metallic Single Crystals, Rare Earths, etc.Metaloglass, Inc., Boston, MA:
Undated Compact Fraction Collectors
Undated Compact Distillation Head
Metro Industries, Long Island City, NY: 1955, Metrogram Variable, speed Constant, Rate Infusion Pump
M-R Plastics & Coatings, Inc., Maryland Heights, MO: Undated, Mistaflex Dark Gray Urethane Elastomers
MRA Corp.: Undated, Electrophoresis Equipment
MSA Research Corp.: 1969, Price Lists
Particle Sizing Systems, Port Richey, FL: 2014 Particle Size AnalyzersPeak Scientific: 2018, Nitrogen Gas Generator Genius XI
Peabody Barnes, Mansfield, OH: 1979, ProCav Progressing Cavity Pump
Peak Scientific: 2018, Nitrogen Gas Generator Genius XI
PEK, Sunnyvale, CA:
Undated Xenon Flash Lamps
Undated General Catalog 902: Standard & Custom High Intensity Light Sources
Undated Nanosecond Light Source PEK 118, 118-TR 118-TE
Undated Super High-Pressure Xenon Arc Lamp
Undated Super High-Pressure Mercury Arc Lamps
Qiagen Inc., Santa Clarita and Valenica, CA:
1997 Ni-NTA Superflow
1997 Ni-NTA HisSorb Strips and Plates
2010 Pyrosequencing—the Pyrosequencing—the Synergy of Sequencing and Quantification
2011 AIAxcel AIAxcel Advanced System
Qiagen Inc., Valencia, CA:2011 Product Guide Supplement
2016 QIAGEN QIAxpert
Qiagen News:
February 2002
June 2002
2011 Product Guide Supplement
2016 QIAGEN QIAxpert June 2002
Quality Electric Co., Los Angeles, CA: 1958, Resistance Wire Kit No. 1
Scientific Glass Apparatus Co.: 1952, Inter-Joint Glassware, Catalog J-52
Scientific Industries, Bohemia, NY: 2013 Catalog
Scientific Industries Inc., Springfield, MA: 1971, Parts List
Scientific Industries, Bohemia, NY: 2013 CatalogScientific Products (S/P), Evanston, IL: 1969, The Tek-Line
Thermo Electron Corp., Waltham, MA: 1982, Tecoflex: Linear, Segments, Aliphatic, Polyether Based, Medical Grade, Polyurethane (with samples)
Thermolyne Corp., Dubuque, IA: 1961, Price List & Operating Instructions Temco Hot Plate
Thermometrics, Edison, NJ:
1985 Catalog 182: Thermistors
1986 Thermistor Sensor Handbook
1989 Temperature Standards Series S, AS, ES
1989 Precision Thermometer TS8901
1993 Thermometrics
Thermoplastic Equipment Corp., 1965, Extruder Catalog
Thermovac Industries Corp., Copiague, NY:
Undated Thermovac Model FU-17-125 Freezer
Undated Automatic Frozen Tissue Pulverizer
Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL:
2007 Tag You’re It. HisPur Colbalt Resin
2011 So Clean It Squeaks
2012 Dionex UltiMate 3000 RSLC Systems
2013 Sorvall Legend and ST General Purpose Centrifuges
2013 ISQ Series Single Quadrupole GC-MS
2011 1300 Series A2 Biological Safety Cabinets
Thermo Fisher Scientific: (see also Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific)
2007 Restore ™ Plus Western Blot Stripping Buffer
2011 Sorvall Legend X1 and Legend Thermo Fisher Scientific: (see also Thermo Scientific and Fisher Scientific)
2007 Restore ™ Plus Western Blot Stripping Buffer
2011 Sorvall Legend X1 and Legend XT Centrifuge Series
2011 Forma Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers
2012 Sorvall LYNX Superspeed Centrifuge Series
2015 Life in the Lab, Issue 15, Fall 2015
2016 Life in the Lab, Issue 16, Winter 2016
2016 Life in the Lab, Issue 17, Spring 2016
2013 Sorvall ST 8 Centrifuge
2014 Life Technologies, Issue 10 Spring
2014 Life Technologies, Issue 11 Fall
2015 Simply Stunning EVOS Imaging Systems
2015 E-Gel precast agarose gels
2017 NanoDrop One
2017 Unrivaled Molecular Biology Research Tools
2017 Applied Biosystems PCR Thermal Cyclers and Plastics
2017 No-Wash, No-Lyse Techniques: Simplifying Flow Cytometry
2018 vTips and Drips: The Game of Pipetting
Thermolyne Corp., Dubuque, IA: 1961, Price List & Operating Instructions Temco Hot Plate
Thermometrics, Edison, NJ:
1985 Catalog 182: Thermistors
1986 Thermistor Sensor Handbook
1989 Temperature Standards Series S, AS, ES
1989 Precision Thermometer TS8901
1993 Thermometrics
Thermo Orion: 2001, Catalog
Thermoplastic Equipment Corp., 1965, Extruder Catalog
Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL:
2007 Tag You’re It. HisPur Colbalt Resin
2011 So Clean It Squeaks
2012 Dionex UltiMate 3000 RSLC Systems
2013 Sorvall Legend and ST General Purpose Centrifuges
2013 ISQ Series Single Quadrupole GC-MS
2011 1300 Series A2 Biological Safety Cabinets
Thermo Scientific (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.), 2007: Restore ™ Plus Western Blot Stripping Buffer
Thermovac Industries Corp., Copiague, NY:
Undated Undated Thermovac Model FU-17-125 Freezer
Undated Undated Automatic Frozen Tissue Pulverizer
Thomas & Skinner, Inc., Indianapolis, IN:
1967 Metallic Alloy Permanent Magnets
Undated Ad: Imaginetics…Thermo Scientific (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.), 2007: Restore ™ Plus Western Blot Stripping Buffer
Titertek-Berthold: 2012, Catalog Life Sciences Products
Waveline Inc., Caldwell, NJ:
Undated Microwave Noise Source
Undated Microwave Test Equipment
1930 Catalog B No. 2530
1968 Laboratory Apparatus
Welch Allyn (WA), Skaneatcles Falls, NY: 1986, Precision Lamps: Miniature and Subminiature Lamps: Vacuum, Gas Filled, Halogen Cycle
Welch Scientific Co., Skokie, IL: (see also W.M. Welch Scientific Co.)
1965 A New Convenient Replacement for Liquid Nitrogen in Leak Detector Cold Traps
1968 Laboratory Apparatus
W.M. Welch Scientific Co.:
1925 Catalog E, Laboratory Apparatus
1930 Catalog B No. 2530
1968 Laboratory Apparatus
Wescan Instruments Inc.:
1977 Model 233 Molecular Weight Apparatus
1970s Model 232A Molecular Weight Apparatus Techniques
1985 Solving the Ion Analysis Puzzle
1985 Nitrogen Analysis Made Simple
Zeiss (see Carl Zeiss)
Zenbio: 2017, Get in the Game: Primary Cell thawing Made Easy!
Zeus: Undated, Tubing
ZiaTech Corp.:
1982 ZT 7805 Development Monitor
1983 ZT 7805 Single Board GPIB Computer
Zenbio: 2017, Get in the Game: Primary Cell thawing Made Easy!
Zeus: Undated, Tubing
Zinc Institute, Inc., New York, NY: 1974, Why Zinc? Revised Edition
Zymark Corp.:
1985 Zymate Laboratory Automation System for Sample Preparation
1985 Laboratory Robotics for the Pharmaceutical IndustryUnknown Manufacturer or Date: Bench Model Vactrol