3M, St. Paul, MN:
1987 Technical Information: Fluorad Surfactant FC-100
1991 Technical Information: Fluorochemical Surfactants
1992 Technical Information: Fluorad Fluorochemical Surfactant FC-135
AT&T, Indianapolis, IN:
1989 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) 7507 Display Terminal
Abrams Instrument Corp., Lansing, MI: undated, Operating Instructions Abrams 2-4 Stereoscope Model CB-1
Ace Glass Inc., Vineland, New Jersey:
Undated 12106-10 Proportional Temperature Controller (Digital Readout) Operating Instructions
Undated 9601, 9603 Instatherm Oil Baths
Undated Instruction Sheet Ace Instatherm
Undated “The Quartz Mercury Arc,” by William T. Anderson Jr.
Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin:
1970 Aldrichimica acta vol. 3, #3, Special Liquid Crystal Edition
1977, “Handling Air-Sensitive Reagents,” by Clinton F. Lane and Gary W. Kramer, Adrichimica Acta, Vol. 10, No. 1
Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Pittsburgh, PA:
Undated Allegheny Mumetal EM 12
Undated Allegheny Electrical Alloy Steel 4750 EM-16
Undated Allegheny Ludlum Electrical Steel Sheets and Coiled Electrical Steel Strip EM 21
Undated Allegheny Ludlum Vanadium Permendur EM 23
Undated Allegheny Moly Iron EM-24
Undated Ohmaloy
Undated Allegheny 88X Nonmagnetic Alloy
Undated Steels for Glass to Metal Seals: Sealmet 1, 4750, 42, 4
Allen B. Du Mont Laboratories, Inc., Clifton, New Jersey:
1948 1948 Du Mont Cathode-Ray Oscillograph Type 208-B, Operating Instructions
1951 1948 Du Mont Type 263-B High Voltage Power Supply Manual
1949 Du Mont Type 264-B Voltage Calibrator Manual
1951 Operating and Maintenance Manual: Du Mont Oscillograph Record Camera, Type 296 296
1952 1952 Operating and Maintenance Manual: Du Mont Oscillograph Record Camera, Type 297
1958 1954 Multiplier Phototubes: History
1958 Operating and Maintenance Manual: Du Mont Type 322-A Dual-Beam Cathode-Ray Oscillograph
Alltech Associates, Inc., Deerfield, IL:
undated undated: Data Sheet D4001-3, Oxy-Trap
Alphacom Inc., Campbell, CA:
1980 Instruction Manual: Sprinter 40 Printer
1983 Owner’s Manual: Alphacom 42 Printer
1987 User Manual: Alphacom 42 Plug-In Interface Module for RS232
Undated User Manual: Alphacom 42 Printer
Alpha Research & Development, Inc., Blue Island, IL:
1969 Micro-Vues: Pertinent Comments Concerning SEM, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1969
1969 Micro-Vues: Pertinent Comments Concerning SEM, Vol. 1, No. 3, Sept. 1969
1970 Micro-Vues: Pertinent Comments Concerning SEM, Vol. 2, No. 2, Oct. 1970
Alpha Scientific Labs, Berkeley, CA: 1964, Instructions for Model AL7500 Electromagnet
Amax Copper, Inc., New York, NY: 1974, OFHC Brand Copper: A Survey of Properties and Applications
American Bionetics, Inc. (ABN), Hayward, CA: 1980s, Vacublot ™ Instruction Manual
American College of Radiology: 1958, A Practical Manual on the Medical and Dental Use of X-Rays with Control of Radiation Hazards
American Dade, Miami, FL: 1987, Instruction Manual for the American Rotator V
American Instrument Co. (AMINCO), Silver Spring, MD:
1951 Installation 1950 Aminco “Quickset” Bimetal Thermoregulators
1951 Installation and Operation of No. 10-210 AMINCO Photomultiplier Microphotometer
1958 Instructions No. 507: Freezing Point Depression Apparatus (see 03.0001.019.00)
1960 AMINCO-Keirs Spectrophosphorimeter, Instruction No. 816
1963 Instructions for Installation of Cat. No. A15-62155 Conversion Kit in AMINCO-Bowman Spectrophotofluorometers and AMINCO-Keirs Spectrophosphorimeters, Instruction No. 832
1964 AMINCO-Chance Dual Wavelength SpectophotometerSpectrophotometer, Instruction 848-A
1966 AMINCO-Chance Dual Wavelength Spectrophotometer, Instruction No. 848-B (see 98.0020.023.00)
1967 Thin-Layer Chromatograph Scanner, Instruction No. 911
1968 Solid-State, Blank-Subtract Photomultiplier Microphotometer
1968 AMINCO-Bowman Spectrophotofluorometer Instruction 768-H
1969 Drawing SK69069: Grating Monochromator,” by H.K. Howerton
1970 AMINCO Grating Monochromator, Instruction No. 844-A
1971 AMINCO-Morrow Stopped-Flow Apparatus, Instruction No. 939-B
1975 Ratio Spectrophotofluorometer
1975 Instruction 1300-A: Fluoro-Colorimeter
1976 SPF-500 Series Spectrophotofluorometers
“Fluorescence News,” Vol
Vol. 1, Nos. 1-5, February thru Winter 1966.
Vol. 2, No. 5, Winter 1967.
Vol. 3, Nos. 2, 4, 5, March-April, Autumn, and Winter 1968.
Vol. 4, Nos. 2-5, March-April thru Fall 1969.
Vol. 5, Nos. 1 and 4, January-February and Fall 1970.
Vol. 6, Nos. 2-3, August and December 1971.
Vol. 7, Nos. 2-4, April thru October 1973.
Vol. 8, Nos. 1, 4, February and December , 1974.
Vol. 9, No. 1, March 1975.
Vol. 10, Nos. 1-2, May 1976.
“AMINCO Laboratory News,”
Vol. 12, No. 3, May 1955.
Vol. 13, No. 2, March 1956.
Vol. 15, No. 10, December 1959.
Vol. 17, No. 2, June 1961.
Vol. 18, Nos. 2, 3, & 4, December 1962.
Vol. 19, No. 1, March 1963.
Vol. 22, No. 4, Winter 1966-67.
Vol. 23, No. 4, Winter 1967-68.
Vol. 24, Nos. 3 and 4, Fall and Winter 1968-69.
Vol. 25, Nos. 1-4, Spring thru Winter 1969.
Vol. 29, Nos. 1-3, Winter thru Summer 1972-73.
Vol. 30, No. 2, Fall 1974.
Vol. 31, No. 1, Spring 1975.
Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 1975.
Vol. 31, No. 4, 1975-76.
Undated Undated Setting Instructions: “Metastatic” Mercury Thermoregulators
American Optical (AO), Buffalo, NY:
1976, Instructions for Use and Care of the AO TS Meter (A Goldberg Refractometer)
1967 Reference
1967 Reference Manual AO Fluorolume Illuminator, Model 645
1968 Reference 1968 Reference Manual Series 10 Microstar Advanced Laboratory Microscopes
1972 AO 1972 AO Vertical Illuminator for Incident Light Fluorescence Microscopy, Model 2070
Undated Directions 1976 Instructions for Use and Care of the AO TS Meter (A Goldberg Refractometer)
Undated Directions Spencer Senior Microscope Lamp no. 735
Undated Photomicrographic Undated Photomicrographic Equipment Reference Manual
Undated Instructions Undated Instructions for AO Spencer Darkfield Illuminator
Amersham CorpInternational, England.:
1968 Review 8: Purity and Analysis of Labelled Compounds
1981 Review 17: Sample Preparation in Liquid Scintillation Counting
1984 Review 23: Radioisotope Detection by Fluorography and Intensifying Screens
Amersham International, England:
1985 Membrane Transfer and Detection Methods
1985 Membrane Transfer and Detection Methods
2002 Hi 2002 Hi Trap Affinity Columns
2002 Hoefer 2002 Hoefer SE 600/SE 660 Standard Dual Cooled Gel Electrophoresis Units
2002 Recorder 2002 Recorder 111 and 112 User Manual
2003 TE 2003 TE 42 and TE 62 Transfer Electrophoresis Units and TE 50x Power Lid Manual
2003 Hoefer 2003 Hoefer EPS 2A200 Power Supply Quick Reference
2004 EPS 2004 EPS 2A200 Power Supply Manual
Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Inc., San Francisco, CA:
1998 1998 AKTA FPLC System Manual
1998 1998 Hoefer GE 200 Gel Eluter User Manual
AMINCO (see American Instrument Co.), Maryland:
1950 Aminco “Quickset” Bimetal Thermoregulators
Amersil Inc., Hillside, NJ
Undated 1974 Assembly and Operating Instructions: Clear Fused Quartz Mono- and Bi- Distillatin Apparatus, M20, M20R, M40, Bi4, Bi18
Undated Clear Fused Quartz Mono- and Bi-Distillation Apparatus
Amicon, Lexington, MA:
1974 Hollow Fiber Dialyzer/Concentrator DC2 DC2A Operating Instructions
1974 Ultrafiltration Cells Models 12, 52, 202, 402 Instructions
1975 Fiberglass Liquid Reservoirs Models RG-5 and RG-11 Instructions
1984 Model DC2/DC2A Hollow Fiber Dialyzer/Concentrator
1984 Diaflo Hollow Fiber Cartridges Information and Operating Instructions
1985 Diaflo Hollow Fiber Cartridges Information and Operating Instructions
1985 Moduline Industrial Chromatography Column Instructions
1985 Spiral-Wound Ultrafiltration Cartridges Models S1, S10 Instructions
1991 Acrylic Reservoirs Models RA2000S, RA2000 Instructions
Undated Undated Instructions: Diaflo Ultrafilters, Type YMUndated YM
Undated Shortform Operating Instructions for Amicon Laboratory Column Prototype
Undated CH2 Undated CH2 Spiral Cartridge Adapter Kit Instructions
Undated S1/S3 Cartridge Header Kit
Analog Devices, Norwood, MA:
1981 Low 1981 Low Cost 16-Bit Analog to Digital Converter ADC1140
1982 Power 1982 Power Supply Mechanical Information
ANCOM: Undated, Electrical Specification
API Instruments Co., Chesterland, OH:
1965 1965, Model 901-A and 903-A off-on Optical Control Modules
Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA:
1990 Strategies 1990 Strategies in Peptide Synthesis: Introduction to Cleavage Techniques
2007 miRNA 2007 miRNA Research Guide
2007 Innovations 2007 Innovations (July, Issue 4)
Applied Physics Corp., Monrovia, California:
Early 1950s Instructions 1950s Instructions for Cary Recording Spectrophotometer, Model 14
ca. 1957 Instructions 1957 Instructions for Filter Assembly No. 1404000
ca. 1960 High 1960 High Intensity Light Source, Model 1571300
1960 Cary 1960 Cary Model 14 Recording Spectrophotometer Service Manual
1960 Instructions 1960 Instructions for Cary Recording Spectrophotometer Model 14-M
1964 Cary 1964 Cary Model 14, Optimum Spectrophotometer Parameters,” Application Report AR-14-2
1964 Application 1964 Application Report AR 14-2: Optimum Spectrophotometer Parameters
1966 Cary 1966 Cary Automatic Sample-changer Accessory, Models 1441 and 1541
Undated Undated Cary Model 14 Recording Spectrophotometer Service Manual
Applied Research Laboratories, Inc., Goleta, CA: 1965, Extension of Electron Microprobe Techniques to Biochemistry by the Use of Long Wavelength X-Rays (C.A. Andersen and M.F Hasler)
Archive Corporation, Costa Mesa, CA: 1989, Viper ® SCSI Theory of Operation and Maintenance Manual, Models 60S, 125S, and 150S, 1/4 –Inch Streaming Cartridge Tape Drive
Aremco Products, Inc., Ossining, NY:
1985 Cera-Fab 601 Castable/Machinable Ceramic: Make Your Own Insulators
1985 Cera-Fab 601 Castable/Machinable Ceramic: Applications Procedures
1986 Price List
Aristo Grid Lamp Products, Inc., Port Washington, NY: Undated, Aristo Cold Light Units
Arkay Corp., Milwaukee, WI: Undated, Electron Microscope Processor
Arnold Engineering A.R. Vetter Co., RebersburgMarengo, PA: Undated, Operating and Service Manual Instrumentation Recorder, Models B & DArkay Corp., Milwaukee, WI: Undated, Electron Microscope ProcessorIL:
1956 Bulletin TC-101A: Properties of Deltamax 4-79 Mo-Permalloy Supermalloy
1957 Bulletin SC-107: Silectron Cores
1957 The Magneteer, Vol. 2, No. 1: Technical Information on Vicalloy
1957 “Supermendur: A New Rectangular-Loop Magnetic Material,” by HLB Gould and D.H. Wenny, Electrical Engineering, March 1957.
Arthur H. Thomas Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
1945 Directions for Use: 2652-C Graham Blast Burner
1951 Kofler Micro Hot Stage Literature Cited
1952 1952 Directions for Use: Beckman Differential Thermometers
1958 1958 Directions for Use for 9085-C, Roto-Cell (Liquid-cooled Double Cell Carrier Assembly) with Partitioned Cell and 9085-D, Ditto but without Glass Cell
1959 1959 Directions for Use for Thomas Model 40 Micro Hot Stage
Undated Directions: 9820-E10 to 9820-E35 Thomas Constant Temperature Water Baths
A.R. Vetter Co., Rebersburg, PA: Undated, Operating and Service Manual Instrumentation Recorder, Models B & D
Atomic Laboratories, Inc., Berkeley, California: 1957, Rayotron Operation Manual
Atmospheric Instrumentation Research Inc., Boulder, CO: 1985, Hand-Held Barometer Operator’s Guide
ATR, Inc., Laurel, MD:
2000s Multitron Version 2 Incubator Shaker Manual
2000s Digital Vacuum Controller DVC Instructions
AT&T, Indianapolis, IN: 1989 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) 7507 Display Terminal
Automated Imaging Association, Ann Arbor, MI: 1993, American National Standard for Automated Vision Components-Cameras-Standard AIA Connector Specifications