EZBiolab, Carmel, IN:
2014 Peptide Synthesis Antibody Development Protein Expression and Purification
2014 EZgel Systems
2014 Instant-Band
FiberLite Inc., Santa Clara, CA:
2002 FiberLite High Speed – Super Speed Product Catalog
Undated FiberFuge 3K
Undated Did you know….?
Undated Want larger volume?
Undated Accessories for 4000 mL and 6000 mL Carbon Fiber Rotors
Undated Universal Table Top Centrifuge with a Carbon Fiber Rotor
Undated Special Carbon Fiber Tissue Culture Rotors…
Undated Largest Capacity Composite Rotor…
Undated FiberLite Centrifuge Rotors use Millipore Co. Ultrafiltration Devices
Undated FiberFuge 3K plus
Fine Science Tools, Foster City, CA:
2002 Catalog 15 Surgical Instruments for Research
2017 Fine Surgical Instruments for Research
Fisher Scientific and Eimer & Amend:
1942 Catalog 90
Fisher Scientific/Thermo Scientific:
2012 Thermo Scientific PikoReal Real-Time PCR System
2012 Advance PCR Enzymes
2013 Marketplace
2013 Thermo Scientific Smart-Vue Wireless Monitoring Solution
Fluid Automation, Inc, Detroit, MI:
Undated, Meter-Mix Machines for Liquid Silicone Rubber
Fluid Metering Inc.: 1980, Catalog
Fluorocarbon Mechanical Seal Division, Los Alamitos, CA:
Undated, High-Performance Seals
Fred S. Carver Inc., Menomonee Falls, WI:
Undated, Hydraulic Laboratory Presses
Frequency Devices, Inc.:
1977 Active Filter Products
1978 Resistive Tuneable Lowpass Active Filters 730/740 Series
FujiFilm VisualSonics: 2019, Seeing More Matters in Scientific Research: Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation
G-Biosciences, St. Louis, MO:
2007 bio-NEXT, Vol. 9
Gardner Instruments, Bethesda, MD:
1964 Instruments for Measuring Physical Test Bulletin
Ge. Fe. Ri., Italy: Undated, Diamond Knives for Electron Microscopy
Gelman Instrument Co.: 1976, Gelman Membrane Filtration Products
Gelman Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI:
1991 The Filter Book
Genalyte Inc., San Diego, CA:
2013 Maverick Detection System/Universal Multiplex Assay Platform
General Activation Analysis, Inc.:
1982 Catalog
General Diagnostics: 1972, Compu-Pet 100
General Electric (GE), PIttsfield, MA:
1969 Lexan Polycarbonate Sheet Product Data
1970s Lexan Polycarbonate Resin
1985 QE-300 Automated, Analytical NMR Spectrometer System
1992 Properties Guide GE Engineering Thermoplastics
2006 Build Your Own FPLC Purification System
2008 NanoVue Spectrophotometer
Undated Lexan Resin Design Tips (newsletters in binder)
General Radio Co.:
1946, Catalog K
1968, Catalog T (February)
General Valve Corp.: early 1990s, Solenoid Valves
Genesse Scientific,: San Diego, CA:
2013 Brochure Fall Edition
2013 Products Available through NIH Stockroom
2014 Spring/Summer Brochure
Genzyme Diagnostics, Cambridge, MA: 1995, Cytokine Research Products
Getty Machine and Mold Inc., Clifton, NJ:
1962, Piercing Tool, Molds, Slug Cut-off Machine, ASTM Test for compression
Gilbert Boy Engineering:
1920s Catalog
Fairchild, Clifton, NJ: (see also DuMont)
1964 Photomultiplier Tube Type KM2433
1965 Photomultiplier Tube Type KM2485
Undated Multiplier Phototubes
Undated Photomultiplier Tube Type KM2328
Fansteel Metallurgical Corp., North Chicago, IL:
1960 Refractory Metal Warehouse List of Standard Stock Items
1960 Triggered Spark Gap Utilizes Refractory Metals
Farnsworth Electronics Co., Fort Wayne, IN:
1956 16PMI Photomultiplier Tube Type 6836
Undated Infrared Viewer Model 105
Farrand Optical Co. (FOCI), Inc. Mount Vernon, NY:
1947 A New Instrument for Research: Ultra-Violet Monochromator
1953 Monochromators: Ultraviolet, Visible Region
1954 Ultraviolet Monochromatic Illuminator
1970 Prices
Undated Grating Monochromators
Undated Grating Monochromators: Ultraviolet, Visible, Infrared
Undated Interference Filters
Federal Scientific Co., Silver Spring, MD:
1958 Absorption Cells
1958 Absorption Cell Catalog and Price List
Fenwal Electronics Inc., Framingham, MA:
1956 Industrial Thermistor Applications
1959 Thermistor Data Chart
1971 Product Data Sheet: ISO-Curve Standard Glass Probe Thermistors
1971 Product Data Sheet: ISO-Curve Large Bead Thermistors
1971 Product Data Sheet: ISO-Curve Mini-Probe Thermistors
1971 Product Data Sheet: Oceanographic ISO-Curve Thermistors
1971 Oceanographic ISO-Curve Sub-Mini-Probe Thermistors
1970s Thermistor Catalog Short Form
1970s Thermistors Their Characteristics and Uses
1970s Thermistor Application Data Requirements Guide
1970s ISO-Curve Thermistors
Undated Blood Component Therapy
Undated Interchangeable Thermistor Probes
Fenwal Inc., Asland, MA: 1977, Temperature Controls
Ferrofluidics Corp., Burlington, MA:
1970s Ferrofluid Evaluation Kit
1970 Ferrometic Rotary Feedthrough ¼” Shaft Series
1970 Liquid Magnetic Seal Ensures Airtight Shaft Feed-through, Product Engineering, March
1972 Ferrometic Rotary Seal for Microwave Service Cartridge MW-850
1972 Ferrometic Rotary Feedthrough SB-500 Series
1972 Magnetic Fluids in a Number of Variations
1972 Ferrometic Rotary Shaft Seals in Various Applications
1972 Ferrometic Rotary Feedthrough SB-500
1972 Prices
1972 Prices
1973 Magnetic Fluids Evaluation Kit K-31
1974 Rotary Seals Catalog Handbook
1974 Catalog: Designing with Magnetic Fluids
1984 Vacuum Rotary Feedthroughs
1990 Corporate Historical and Background Information
1990 Dr. Ronald E. Rosensweig Research Grant
Undated Enhancing Loudspeaker Performance with Ferrofluids
Undated Ad: The Perfect Seal
Ferroxcube Corp. of America, Saugerties, NY:
1959 Magnet-ostrictive Materials Price List
1959 7A Material Data
1977 Consider Piezoelectric Ceramics
FiberLite Inc., Santa Clara, CA:
2002 FiberLite High Speed – Super Speed Product Catalog
Undated FiberFuge 3K
Undated Did you know….?
Undated Want larger volume?
Undated Accessories for 4000 mL and 6000 mL Carbon Fiber Rotors
Undated Universal Table Top Centrifuge with a Carbon Fiber Rotor
Undated Special Carbon Fiber Tissue Culture Rotors…
Undated Largest Capacity Composite Rotor…
Undated FiberLite Centrifuge Rotors use Millipore Co. Ultrafiltration Devices
Undated FiberFuge 3K plus
Field Emission Corp., McMinnville, OR: 1961, New Modular Flash X-Ray Systems, Fexitron Model 730 Series
Fine Science Tools, Foster City, CA:
2002 Catalog 15 Surgical Instruments for Research
2017 Fine Surgical Instruments for Research
Fischer (Frank Frungel), Hamburg, Germany: undated, Fischer Nanolite: Nanosecond Light Source
Fischer & Porter Co., Hatboro, PA:
1956 Glass Pip & Fittings
1957 Precision-Bore Glass Products in Quartz, Vycor, and Glass
1957 F&P Accurette Precision Burettes
Fisher Scientific and Eimer & Amend: 1942, Catalog 90
Fisher Scientific/Thermo Scientific:
2012 Thermo Scientific PikoReal Real-Time PCR System
2012 Advance PCR Enzymes
2013 Marketplace
2013 Thermo Scientific Smart-Vue Wireless Monitoring Solution
Fisher Scientific Co., Pittsburgh, PA:
1952 Catalog 111
1952 Quantitative Analysis with the Spectranal
1953 Todd Spectranal Models C & D
1953 Qualitative Analysis with the Spectranal
1956 Fisher-Todd Spectranal
1958 Catalog 59
1959 Duo-Spectranal
1964 Catalog 65
1966 Evans Model 140 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
1966 Atomic Absorption Standards
1968 Laboratory Diluters
1968 Fisher Brand Pipets
1969 Med-Lab Reporter Vol. 9, No. 12
1970 Cahn Recording Electrobalance Model RG or RH
1970 Catalog 70
1987 Catalog 88
1990 Catalog
1995 The Fisher Chemical Catalog
1999 Biotrack
2000 Catalog
2003 Biotrack
2003 PCR Catalog
2004 Biotrack
2002/2003 Catalog
2011/2012 Catalog
2014/2016 Catalog
Fish-Schurman Corp. (FS), New Rochelle, NY:
1955 Filter 6143 Wavelength
1955 FS Multi-Layer Interference Films High Efficiency Type
1958 XUR-96 Infra-Red Deflector Wavelength
1958 Schott Interference Band Filters
1959 IRT-211 Wavelength
1959 List of Products
1961 Schott Narrow Band Interference Filters Price List
1962 FS Multi-Layer Interference Films High Efficiency Type
1962 List of Products
1963 Jena Glass Absorption Type Colored Optical Glass Filters
1963 Monochromatic Interference Filters
1963 Monochromatic Interference Filters for the 310 to 389 mu Ultraviolet Spectral Region
1963 Schott Interference Band Filters of the Infrared Spectral 1000-2000 mu
1963 Schott Narrow Band Interference Filters Price List
1966 Schott Glass Filters Absorption Type Colored Optical Glass
1968 Neutral Density Solid Glass Filters
1969 FS Electrical Conductive Coating High Efficiency
1969 Transparent Conductive Electrodes for Q Switching or Modulators
1970 Spectral Optical Filters
Fisk Associates, Inc., Boston, MA: 1953, Precision Cryoscopy and Osmometer
Fluid Automation, Inc, Detroit, MI: undated, Meter-Mix Machines for Liquid Silicone Rubber
Fluidigm, San Francisco, CA:
2011 BioMark HD System
2012 Single-Cell Auto Prep System
2012 C1 Single-Cell Auto Prep System
2012 Genotyping
2014 CyTOF 2 Mass Cytometry System
Fluid Automation, Inc, Detroit, MI:
Undated, Meter-Mix Machines for Liquid Silicone Rubber
Fluid Metering Inc., Oyster Bay, NY:
1974 FMI Lab Pump
1980 FMI Lab Pump Line
1980 Catalog
Undated Ready for Tougher Lab Problems? You are with an FMI Lab Pump
Undated FMI Lab Pump Special Purpose Versions
Undated FMI Newsletter: Non Laboratory Pumps?
Fluidynamics, Inc., Monrovia, CA: 1960, Centrifugal Flow Element
Fluorocarbon Mechanical Seal Division, Los Alamitos, CA: Undated, High-Performance Seals
Forma Scientific, Marietta, OH:
Undated Laboratory Incubators & Anaerobic Systems
Undated Ultra-low Temperature Freezers
Undated Ultra-low Temperature Freezers (later date)
ForteBio Corp., Menlo Park, CA: 2011 Blitz System
Franklin GNO Corp., West Palm Beach FL:
1970 ALPHA/II Plasma Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer
1972 BETA/VII Plasma Chromatograph
Fred S. Carver Inc., Menomonee Falls, WI: Undated, Hydraulic Laboratory Presses
Frequency Devices, Inc.:
1977 Active Filter Products
1978 Resistive Tuneable Lowpass Active Filters 730/740 Series
Friedrich & Dimmock, Inc. (F&D), Millville, NJ:
Undated Glass Tubing and Rod: Precision Drawn
Undated Glass Capillary Tubes
FujiFilm VisualSonics: 2019, Seeing More Matters in Scientific Research: Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation
Gaertner Scientific Corp., Chicago, IL:
1946 L251-64 Intermediate Two-Lens Quartz Spectrograph
1948 Measuring Microscopes for Laboratory and Shop
1948 Universal Laboratory Supports
1948 Michelson Interferometers
1948 Michelson Interferometers (temporary)
1950 Michelson Interferometer Attachment for a Micrometer Slide M305
1950 L254 Large Two-Lens Quartz Spectrograph
1950 General Index to Gaertner Literature
1950 Precision Optical Bench Assembly
1951 Optical Benches and Accessories
1951 Divided Circle Spectrometers and Accessories
1951 Adjustable Slits
1951 Wavelength Spectrometers and Monochromators
1951 Small Quartz-Spectrograph
1972 Measuring Microscopes for Laboratory and Shop
1972 Coordinate Positioning Stage
1972 Coordinate Stage Measuring Microscope with Projection Attachment
1972 Price list
1974 General Index: Optical Instruments
1975 Production Ellipsometer L117
Gagne Associates, Inc., Binghamton, NY:
1972 Price List: “Sensiflex” Fluidic Devices
1970s Two Hane, Non-Tie-Down Circuit (All Air)
1970s “Sensiflex” Applications
1970s “Fluidic Eye” Method Proximity Detection
1970s Pressure Measurement
1970s “Sensiflex” Fluidic Switches
1970s Line Pressure Switches
1970s “Sensiflex” Supply Input Parts
1970s “Sensiflex” All-Air Fluidic Amplifier Valves
1970s “Sensiflex” All-Air Fluidic Amplifier Valves—miniature
1970s “Sensiflex” Accessories
1970s Logic Devices
1970s Mounting Rack & Manifold
1970s Deltech Filter—Model SFL20
1970s Fluidic Study Kit
1970s “Sensiflex” Fluidic Counter
1970s Air Filter Pressure Switch
Galatic Industries Corp., Salem, NH: 1990s, GRAMS
Galileo Electro-Optics Corp., Sturbridge, MA:
1976 Detection in the Vacuum Ultraviolet
1979 Channel Electron Multipliers
1979 Microchannel Plate Detectors
1980 Bibliography of Detection Efficiency of CEMS, CEMAs, MEMs, and others
1980 Data Sheet: Channeltron Electron Multiplier Arrays & Microchannel Plates
1980 Data Sheet: Continuous Dynode Electron Multipliers Channeltrons
1982 Channeltron Detectors for Magnetic Sector…
1983 News From Galileo About Development of Products for the Future
Gardner Instruments, Bethesda, MD: 1964, Instruments for Measuring Physical Test Bulletin
G-Biosciences, St. Louis, MO: 2007, bio-NEXT, Vol. 9
GCA/McPherson Instrument, Acton, MA:
1970s Model 2015 One-Meter Scanning Monochromator
Undated Model 216.5 Monochromator, Spectrograph, Polychromator
Ge. Fe. Ri., Italy: Undated, Diamond Knives for Electron Microscopy
Gelman Instrument Co.: 1976, Gelman Membrane Filtration Products
Gelman Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI: 1991, The Filter Book
Genalyte Inc., San Diego, CA: 2013, Maverick Detection System/Universal Multiplex Assay Platform
General Activation Analysis, Inc.: 1982, Catalog
General Diagnostics: 1972, Compu-Pet 100
General Electric (GE), PIttsfield, MA:
1948 Cast Glass Bushings
1954 Flashtubes
1958 Dumet
1958 Lamp Leads and Bases Dept.: Customer Requirements
1959 9RV3A50 Series Thyrite Varistor Assemblies
1965 Fused Quartz Fiber Products
1967 Index of All Lamps
1968 High Intensity Discharge Lamps
1968 Polycrystalline Ceramics Lucalox, Lucalox-HS, Lucalox-GW
1968 Lucalox Ceramic Price List
1968 Tungsten Wire
1969 Lexan Polycarbonate Sheet Product Data
1970 Lamp type SSl-15, SSL-315, SSL-25 Infrared solid State Application, etc.
1970 Photon Coupler Type PC4-73
1970 Silicones: Fluids
1970s Fused Quartz Fiber Products
1970s Lexan Polycarbonate Resin
1971 Fused Quartz Catalog
1971 Fused Quartz Type 124, 125
1974 Glow Lamps Indicator and Circuit Components
1975 Sealed Beam Lamps
1975 Miniature Lamps: Incandescent and Fluorescent
1976 Sub-Miniature Lamps
1983 Tungsten Wire
1984 Metallizing Products
1985 QE-300 Automated, Analytical NMR Spectrometer System
1992 Properties Guide GE Engineering Thermoplastics
2006 Build Your Own FPLC Purification System
2008 NanoVue Spectrophotometer
Undated Lexan Resin Design Tips (newsletters in binder)
Undated Quartzline: The Original Tungsten-Halogen Lamp
Undated Imagineering Handbook for Inventive Men
Undated Tungsten, Molybdenum, Phosphors
Undated General Electric X-Ray Microscope
Undated Type 151 Fused Silica Schlieren Grade Optical Products
Undated Miniature Lamp Bulletin: NE-2, NE-2A, NE-2B, NE-2E
Undated Glow Lamps with Attached Resistors
Undated Miniature Quartzline Incandescent Lamps
Undated Electroluminescent Lamps
Undated Technical Data Book S-25: Silicone Insulating Varnishes
Undated PPO (Polyphenylene Oxide) & Noryl (Thermoplstic Resin) for Water Distribution
Undated RTV Cartridge-Pack
Undated Silicone Rubber RTV Compounds for MIL-S-23586 S-3C-1A
Undated RTV Silicone Rubber
Undated RTV Silicone Rubber Technical Data Book S-3A
Undated RTV Silicone Rubber for Plastics Casting & Thermoforming, S-29A
Undated Flame Resistant RTV Silicone Rubber Foam S-3C-3
Undated Supplementary Data: RTV-340 Low Modulus RTV, S-3C-4
Undated Supplementary Data: RTV-630, 632, 634 Ultra High Strength, S-3C-5
Undated Supplementary Data: RTV-7 Silicone Rubber Foam S-3C-2
General Magnetic Corp., Detroit, MI: undated, Catalog
General Radio Co.:
1946 Catalog K
1953 Stroboscopes
1968 Catalog T (February)
Undated New White-Light Strobotac
Undated Photo-Elastic Stress Analysis: Type 1534-A Polariscope
General Transistor Corp., New York, NY: undated, PNP Phototransistors 2N469A, 2N1392, 2N1393, 2N1394
General Valve Corp.: early 1990s, Solenoid Valves
Genesse Scientific,: San Diego, CA:
2013 Brochure Fall Edition
2013 Products Available through NIH Stockroom
2014 Spring/Summer Brochure
Genesys Systems, Inc. Mountain View, CA: 1968, Microwave Processing Equipment: A Modular Approach, John E. Gerling, Food Technology, Vol. 22, 106
GenScript: 2018, Therapeutic Antibody Discovery and Development
Genzyme Diagnostics, Cambridge, MA: 1995, Cytokine Research Products
George & Becker, London: undated, NIVOC Modern Spectrometer
George Ulanet Co., Newark, NJ: undated, Bulletin 100: The Smallest Hermetically Sealed Surface-Sensing Miniature Thermostat, Model 28
George W. Gates & Co., Inc., Franklin Square, NY: undated, Concentrate Arc Lamps Price List
Getty Machine and Mold Inc., Clifton, NJ:
1962, Piercing Tool, Molds, Slug Cut-off Machine, ASTM Test for compression
Gilbert Boy Engineering:
1920s Catalog
Gilford Instrument Laboratories Inc., Oberlin, OH.:
1968 Micro-Sample Spectrophotometer 300-N, Data Lister 4006, and Rapid Sampler 2443
1969 Automatic Recording Photometer 2000
1969 Spectrophotometer 240
1969 Spectrophotometer 2400
1969 Price List
1974 Model 230 Spectrophotometer
1974 Model 2520 20 Centimeter Gel Scanner
1974 Model 2527 Thermo-Programmer
1974 Model 2580 Density Gradient Analyzer
1974 Model 203 Flow Through Cuvettes
1974 Model 410 Digital Absorbance/Concentration Meter
1974 Model 2410-S Linear Transport
1974 Model 2414 Vertical Indexing Film Adapter
1974 Model 2445 Spectro-Stir
1974 Model 531 Sample Programmer
1974 Model 533-1 Sample Programmer
1974 Model 2535 Reference Compensator
1974 Model 3017-T Thermo-Cuvette
1974 Model 4009 Data Lister
1974 Model 4014 Enzyme Concentration Calculator
1974 Model 6050 Recorder
1974 Flo-Kleen
1974 “Thermal Analysis of Biological Macromolecules in UV-VIS Spectrophotometers,” Stephen Douglass, American Laboratory
1975 Stasar I
1975 Stasar II
1975 Stasar III
1975 Gilford 250 Spectrophotometer
1975 Gilford Model 2400-2 Automatic Recording Spectrophotometer
1975 Model 2443-A Rapid Sampler
1975 Model 2450, 2451 Cuvette Positioners
1975 Gilford Spectrophotometers, Accessories, Systems
1975 Gilford Supplies and Disposables
1975 Progressive Automation 3400 Series
1975 The All-Purpose Micro-Chemistry Analyzer
1975 Cardiac Output System Model 140
1975 Model 6060 Automatic Dispenser
1975 Model 6065 Automatic Pipettor/Diluter
1975 Gilford Analyzer System Syva/EMIT Immunoassay
1975 Gilford Vptm System for Veterinary Methodologies
1975 Model 532-1 Sample Programmer
1975 Models 2470, 2470-A, 2475, 2475-A Five and Ten Centimeter Cuvette Compartments
1975 p/n 1365 Round Cuvette Holder
1975 Model 2428 High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Cell
1975 Model 2220 Adapter
1975 Models 2530, 2535 Wavelength Scanner Reference Compensator
1975 “Standardization of Temperature, Absorbancy, and Wavelength Measurements in UV-VIS Spectrophotometry,” Stephen A. Douglass and Robert J. Emary
1978 Series 252 “New Life” Spectrophotometer Modernization Systems
1978 The Rapid Sampler
1978 Thermal Printer Model 4019
Undated Selecting a UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
Undated Model 222 Spectrophotometer Update System
Gilson Medical Electronics (GME), Middleton, WI:
1960s Recording Ultraviolet Absorption Meters
1962 Price List for Ultraviolet Absorption Meter
1971 See the Gilson
2017 Pipette Selection Guide
Gilway Technical Lamp, Woburn, MA: 1983, Catalog 157: Silver Anniversary Edition
Glasrock Plastics: Undated, Filter Sampler Blood Serum Filters
Glasrock Products Inc, Fairburn, GA: undated, Porex Porous Plastics
G-L Industries, Inc., Wilmington, DE:
1969 Homalite Price List
1970 Homalite 911, 100, 101, 141, 345
1970 Homalite 768
1970 Homalite RFI Windows
1970 Homalite 911 Plastic Optical Wedge
Global Laboratory Solutions: 2014 Vidrix Laboratory Glassware
Goodfellow Metals, Cambridge, England: undated, Foils, Wires, Powders, Tubes for Research and Development
Gould Inc., Cleveland, OH: 1971, GSA Price List
Gould Inc., Eagan, MN: 1979, Activair: Primary Zinc-Air Batteries Guide for Designers
Gow-Mac Instrument Co., Madison, NJ:
1956 Special Power Supply and Bridge Control
1957 Thermal Conductivity Cell Model TR-II-B
1959 Thermal Conductivity Meters: The Katharometer and Katapherometer
1959 Thermal Conductivity Cells
1959 Type 9225 Resistance Filaments
1959 Series 9999 DC Power Supplies
1959 Gas Master
1965 Detectors
1965 Less Detector Down-time
Undated Chromatography Detectors and Katharometers
Undated Matched-Pair Detector Elements
Graco, Minneapolis, MN: 1985, Finishing: Cartridge Power: Self-generating 75kv Electrostatic Spray Guns
Grass Instruments, Quincy, MA:
1963 Model 5 Polygraph
1971 Polygraphs, Physiological Instruments
Greenerd Press & Machine Co., Inc., Nashua, NH:
1975 30 Ton Laboratory Press
Undated Hydraulic Presses Handy Book
GTE Metal Laminates Division: 1987, Chace Termostatic Metals
Guildline Instruments, Inc., Larchmont, NY: undated, Bulletin 6920: Components and Supplies Including Low-Thermal Switches & Choppers, Low-Thermal Hook-Up Wire, Cable Solder, and Binding Posts
Gulton Industries, Metuchen, NJ:
1976 Piezoceramic Thin Sheet
1976 Piezoceramic Thin Sheet Overrun Stock List
Undated Glennite Piezoceramics, Catalog H-700
Gulton Techni-rite Electronics, Inc., East Greenwich, RI: Undated, Recorders
Gyrozen, Seoul, South Korea:
2014 Clinical Centrifuges
2014 Multi-Purpose High-Speed Centrifuges
Hacker Instruments Inc., Fairfield, NJ:
1972 Polarizing Microscope Series 600
1973 Polarizing Microscope Series 600 Price List
Undated Polarizing Microscope
Hades Manufacturing, Farmingdale, NY:
1978 Thermocouple Reference Junctions NC 140, 143, 240
1978 Multi-Channel Isothermal Thermocouple Reference Junction NC 1008
1979 Thermocouple Probe Simulator, System Calibrator, Readout NDP181
1979 Price List
1970s Digital Thermocouple Indicator 707
1970s A Precision Digital RTD Thermometer
1970s Multi and Single Channel Thermocouple Thermometer
1970s Temperature Instrumentation
Hallikainen Instruments, Berkeley, CA: 1964, Automatic Osmometer Model 1361
Hamamatsu, Japan:
1960s Photomultiplier Tube R106
1964 Photomultiplier Tube 931A
1964 Photomultiplier Tube 1P21
1964 CdS Photoconductive Cell P127
1964 CdS Photoconductive Cell P141
1965 HTV-7102 Photomultiplier Tube
1965 HTV-R196 Photomultiplier Tube
1965 HTV-R166 Photomultiplier Tube
1965 HTV-R212 Photomultiplier Tube
1965 HTV -1P28 Photomultiplier Tube
1965 HTV-R213 Photomultiplier Tubee
1965 Photomultiplier Tube R136
1966 HTV Photomultiplier Tube Applications – Direct Reader
1966 HTV Photomultiplier Applications - Spectrophotometer
1966 Television Pickup Tube for Infrared Rays N156
1982 Large Sensitive-Area Pin Silicon Photocells S1722, S1723 Series
1983 Silicon Photocells
1983 Head-On Type Super Quiet Deuterium Lamp L1888
1980s Infrared Detectors
1987 Light Sources for Measurement Applications
Hamilton Co., Reno, NV:
1964 Precision Syringes and Related Equipment Catalog H-64
1969 Precision Syringes and Related Equipment Catalog H-68r
1974 Syringes, Dispensers, Chromatographic Accessories, Inert Valves, Chromatographic Resins and Buffers
1981 Microliter ® Syringes
1999 Precision Fluid Measuring Products
Hamilton Storage Technologies, Franklin, MA:
2012 Vantage
2013 LabElite Line
Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, PN:
1964 Placovar, Permanent Magnet for Miniaturization
1964 Cobalt Platinum
Undated Hamilton Precision Metals
Hanovia Chemical & Mfg. Co., Newark, NJ:
1940s How Black Light Helps Bakers Detect Contamination, J. Cornell Richardson
1940s Filters for Fluorescence Determinations
1941 Powerful Ultraviolet Light Sources, J.H. Laub, Electrical Engineering, August
1943 Electronic Tubes for Ultraviolet Radiation, J. H. Laub, Electronics, May
1943 Mercury Arc Lamps: Effect of Electrode on Energy Distribution, William Theodore Anderson, Jr., Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vl. 33, No. 2, 104-108, Feb.
1944 Fluorescence with the Wood Filter as an Aid in Dermatologic Diagnosis: Observation on Patients at Bellevue Hospital, Maurice J. Costello and Louis V. Luttenberger, New York State Journal of Medicine, Vol. 44, No. 16, Aug. 15
1947 Graded Joints
1949 Ceramic Silver Coatings for Use in the Electrical & Communications Industries
1949 Bright Platinum Films on Ceramic Materials
1950 Prices for burners
1952 Prices
1953 Prices
1953 Fused Quartz Standard Taper Interchangeable Ground Joints
1961 New Compact Arc Lamps of High Power and High Brightness, Otto E. Lienhard and John A. McInally
Undated Mercury Vapor Lamps
Undated The Optical Grades of Fused Quartz: Utrasil, Homsil, Optical No. 1
Undated Hydrogen Discharge Tube: Continuous Ultraviolet Spectrum
Undated The Sc2537 Lamp
Undated The Hanovia Analytic Model Quartz Lamp
Undated Utility Model Quartz Lamp: Ultraviolet Radiations
Undated The Hanovia Inspectolite
Gilson Medical Electronics (GME), Middleton, WI:
1960s Recording Ultraviolet Absorption Meters
1962 Price List for Ultraviolet Absorption Meter
1971 See the Gilson
2017 Pipette Selection Guide
Gould Inc., Cleveland, OH:
1971 GSA Price List
Grass Instruments, Quincy, MA:
1963 Model 5 Polygraph
1971 Polygraphs, Physiological Instruments
Greenerd Press & Machine Co., Inc., Nashua, NH:
1975 30 Ton Laboratory Press
Undated Hydraulic Presses Handy Book
GTE Metal Laminates Division:
1987 Chace Termostatic Metals
Gulton Techni-rite Electronics, Inc., East Greenwich, RI:
Undated Recorders
Gyrozen, Seoul, South Korea:
2014 Clinical Centrifuges
2014 Multi-Purpose High-Speed Centrifuges
Hamamatsu: 1987, Light Sources for Measurement Applications
Hamilton Co., Reno, NV:
1964 Precision Syringes and Related Equipment Catalog H-64
1969 Precision Syringes and Related Equipment Catalog H-68r
1974 Syringes, Dispensers, Chromatographic Accessories, Inert Valves, Chromatographic Resins and Buffers
1981 Microliter ® Syringes
1999 Precision Fluid Measuring Products
Hamilton Storage Technologies, Franklin, MA:
2012 Vantage
2013 LabElite Line
Hans Hosle, Dr. Ing. Chem.:
1960 Micro Hydrogention Apparatus
1960 Micro-combustion Automats
1960 Fraktions-Sammler, FG 500, FG2000
1960 FT Protoelektrischer Tropfenzahler
1960 Thermostatisch geregelte Heizbader, W250, O250
1960 Heizplatten mit Thermoregulator, H125, H150
1960 Mikro-Carius-ofen, BOML
1960 Trockenblock, TB
1960 Sublimationsblock SB
Hanson-Van Winkle-Munning Co. (HVW-M), Matawan, NJ:
1956 Plating and Polishing News, Vol. 9, No. 1
1950s Rectifiers? Selenium and Germanium
Harshaw Chemical Co., Solon, OH: 1971, SBN Pyroelectric Sensor for 10.6um
Hart Scientific:
Undated 1006 Micro-Therm Thermometer
Undated Differential Scanning Calorimeter
Undated Ultra Stable Constant Temperature Baths and Circulators
Undated Isothermal Flow Calorimeter
Undated Heat Conduction Calorimeter
Undated Don’t Lack Sensitivity, Have a Hart
Harvard Apparatus, Millis, MA:
1967 Cardiovascular Recording Systems
1968 Instant Recording Systems
1968 Recording Modules and Basic Accessories
1968 Continuous Carbon Dioxide Analyzer, Model 2000
1968 Guide to the Selection and Use of Apparatus for Laboratory Teaching of Physiology
1968 Apparatus for Electrophysiology
1968 Kymograph Recording Stimulators
1968 Chart Movers and Accessories
1969 Syringe Pumps for Infusion-Withdrawal
1971 Bulletin 306: Electrodes for All Biological Applications
1971 Bulletin 630: Carbon Dioxide Analyzers
1972 Bulletin 542: Tissue and Animal Preparation
1972 Bulletin 550: Pump Speed Modulator
1972 Bulletin 975: Compact Infusion Pump Model 975
1972 Bulletin 1300: Lambda Pump Systems
1973 Bulletin 290: The New Harvard Biograph
1973 Bulletin 295: Systems Estimator for Harvard Biograph Recording Systems
1973 Bulletin 303: Harvard Electronic Transducers
1973 Bulletin 308: Stimulators for Physiology, Psychology, and Medical Applications
1973 Bulletin 400: Mechanical Modular Recording Systems
1973 Bulletin 500: Kymographs Accessories for the Harvard Kymograph Recording System
1973 Bulletin 565: Tubing & Syringes for Pumping
1973 Bulletin 607: Harvard Animal Ventilators
1973 Bulletin 825: Harvard I-V Clamp
1973 Bulletin 876: Dye Dilution Pumps
1973 Bulletin 900: Classic Harvard Syringe Pumps
1974 Price List
1974 Bulletin 270: Harvard Physiological Feedback Monitors
1974 Bulletin 300: Chart Movers for the Harvard Modular Recording System
1974 Bulletin 302: Electronic Recording Module Model 350
1974 Bulletin 304: Harvard Amplifiers & Signal Conditioners for the Electronic Modular Recording System
1974 Bulletin 310: Accessories and Supplies for Harvard Recording Systems
1974 Bulletin 330: Systems Estimator for Harvard Electronic Modular Recording System
1974 Bulletin 800: Harvard I-V Fluid Controller
1974 Bulletin 1200: Peristaltic Pumps
1974 Bulletin 1400: Pulsatile Blood Pumps
1997 BioScience
2008/9 Catalog
2014 Precision Surgical Instruments for Research
2014 OxyletPro System / Panlab
Harvard Bioscience, Hollison, MA:
2000 2000/2001, Solutions for Proteomics & Genomics
H. Braun Tool & Instrument Co., Hawthorne, NJ: undated, Catalog No. 573: Beryllium Copper Components
H. Cross Co., Weehawken, NJ: undated, Ultra-Thin Metals for Electronic Applications: Tungsten, Molybdenum
Heathrow Scientific:
2013 Catalog
2014 Catalog
Helena Laboratories:
1978 Cardiac Profile Reference Chart
1980 Helena Work Chart
Helma, Forest Hills, NY: 1981, Mercury High Pressure Lamp
Heto Lab Equipment AS: 1977, Lab Equipment
Hewlett Packard
1955 A fast accurate reflectometer system for wide-range microwave impedance measurement
1980 GC/MS for EPA Regulations?
Undated Undated HP 1100 Series Modules and Systems for HPL
Undated Undated Tomorrow’s Analytical Instruments Today
Hilger & Watts, London, England:
1951 Catalogue L, Measuring Microscopes, Spectrum Projectors & Comparators (Nov.)
1952 Catalogue E, Spectrographs (April)
1952 Catalogue N, Interferometers (September)
1952 Catalogue F1: Spectroscopic Accessories
1952 Catalogue F II, Spectroscopic Light Sources & Other Electrical Accessories (Sept.)
1952 Catalogue D, Monochromators & Spectrometers (October)
1952 Catalogue M, Refractometers, Polarimeters, Temperature Regulators, Strainviewers, Photoelastic Apparatus, Electrophoresis Apparatus (November)
1952 Catalogue H, Absorptiometers, Fluorimeters, Colorimeters, Spectrophotometers, Microphotometers (December)
1953 Catalogue C, Watts Table & Spectrometers (January)
1958 Schwarz Thermopiles, Microphotometers (December)
1953 Catalogue C, Watts Table & Spectrometers (January)
1953 Hilger Spectrographic Equipment for Metallurgical & General Chemical Analyses
1953 Hilger Barfit Wavelength Spectrometer for Ultra-Violet, Visible, and Infra-red
1954 Recording X-Ray Diffractometer
1955 Miniature X-ray Diffraction Cameras for use with the Hilger Micro-focus X-Ray Unit
1955 Hilger Recording X-ray Diffractometer Supplement to Catalog CH 322/4
1955 Micro-focus X-Ray Unite
1958 Schwarz Thermopiles
Hinchman Manufacturing Co., East Roselle, NJ: undated, Mold Small Quantities of Thermoplastics
Hi-Tech Scientific Ltd.:
1970s 1970s, Rapid Chemical Kinetics
Hitemp Wires Inc. Westbury, NY:
1960s Ceramatemp 1000F Flexible Wire
1960 Hiwrap Teflon Tape
Hobart Manufacturing Co., Troy, OH:
1963 Kitchen Aid Price List
1963 KitchenAid the finest made
1963 KitchenAid Food Preparer Attachments
1963 KitchenAid N-50 Mixer
Hoefer, Inc., San Francisco, CA:
1988 Price List IBF France
2006/7 Everything for Electrophoresis
Undated Product Information: S-Zephyr and D-Zephyr
Undated Product Information: Trisacryl GF 05/GF 2000
Undated Product Information: NPC-activated Trisacryl, GLUT-activated Trisacryl
Undated SL 280 Gel Tube Slicer
Hoggson & Pettis Mfg. Co., New Haven, CT:
1962 Production Tools and Dies
SL 280 Gel Tube Slicer
Hoggson & Pettis Mfg. Co., New Haven, CT: 1962, Production Tools and Dies
Hoke Inc., Cresskill, NJ:
1960 The How and Whys of Pressure Regulation
1960s Regu-Lexicon
Honeywell, Denver, CO: 1
1975 Model 5600 Recorder/Reproducer Proposal
Undated New Pyr-O-Volt Controller, Instrumentation, Vol. 11, No. 5, 27-28.
Hoskins Mfg. Co., Detroit, MI: undated, Cunife: Ductile Permanent Magnet Alloy
Houde Supply Co., Keyport, NJ: 1959, Stock List
Huber + Suhner Ltd, Switzerland: undated, Ultrafine Magnet Wires Lotan and Lotan-Fix
Hudson Lamp Co., Kearny, NJ: 1956, Miniature Incandescent Lamp CatalogHoneywell, Denver, CO:
1975 Model 5600 Recorder/Reproducer Proposal
Hull Corp., Hatboro, PA:
1966 1966, Model 5-AR Vacuum Potting ad Encapsulating, Standard Potters, and Production Equipment
Huntington Alloy Products Division, Huntington, WV: 1972, Nickel Alloys
Hurst Tool and Mfg. Co., Princeton, IN: undated, 40 Inch-Ounce Synchronous Motor for heavy duty continuous timing
HyClone, Logan, UT:
1997 1997-99, Biotechnology Products & Services
Hyde Manufacturing Co., Southbridge, MA:
1958 1958, Hyde Handbook of Industrial Knives, Fix-up Paint-up Tools
Hysol Corp., Olean, NY:
1963 Tooling Materials Price List
Undated Epoxi-Patch Kit Molecular Action Adhesive-Sealant
Undated Hysol Tooling Materials Sales Offices
Undated Hysol Adhesive and Electrical Insulation Sales Offices
Undated Epoxi-Patch Kit Distributors
Idea Scientific, Minneapolis, MN: 1999, Millennium Electrophoresis, Blotting and Antibody Screening Catalog #21