Transcript from a Video Tour of Building 3 in 2001
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This is a transcript of a video tour of NIH's Building 3 and the NHLBI staff working there in 2001. The location of the video is unknown at this time. This transcript includes interviews of varying lengths with (in order of appearance): Dr. Earl Stadtman, Ms. Merry Peters, Dr. Michael Poston, Dr. Thressa Stadtman, Dr. Gerard M. Lacourciere, Dr. Arthur Kornberg, Dr. Sue Goo Rhee, Dr. Edward Korn, Dr. Julie Donaldson, Dr. John Hammer, Dr. James Ferretti, Dr. Robert Berger, Dr. Anne Ginsberg, Ms. Mary Richardson, Dr. Rodney Levine, Dr. Boon Chock, Dr. Ephrem Tekles, Dr. Lin Tsai, Dr. Moon B. Yim, and Ms. Barbara Berlett.