U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | National Institutes of Health
changes.mady.by.user Swan, Jeremy (NIH/NICHD) [C]
Saved on Oct 16, 2020
Saved on May 03, 2022
Image ModifiedDrawing 1 of 4: Sequential Views of the Infant's Throat, Larynx Areas, and Mouth Muscles from the Front
Image ModifiedDrawing 2 of 4: Sequential Views of the Infant's Throat, Larynx Areas, and Mouth Muscles from the Front
Image ModifiedDrawing 3 of 4: Sequential Views of the Infant's Throat, Larynx Areas, and Mouth Muscles from the Front working sketch.
Image ModifiedDrawing 4 of 4: Sequential Views of the Infant's Throat, Larynx Areas, and Mouth Muscles from the Front.