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Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) was a fascinating hormone to study in 1970, partly because not much was known about its behavior or makeup. Scientists did know that the human body secretes hCG only during pregnancy or during certain kinds of cancers. If they could find a way to precisely measure the hormone, they would have a reliable tumor marker, as well as a way to identify problems with a pregnancy. NCI’s Roy Hertz was studying a cancer called choriocarcinoma at the time. In this disease, patients exhibited tumors that secreted hCG. The clinicians wanted a way to test blood samples reliably for the presence of hCG so that they could track the tumor during treatment.

JV: We knew that the bioassay that was used for monitoring the amount of hormone they were measuring was very crude, very insensitive, but it was better than anything else we had at that time. So we needed another way of measuring the hCG in the presence of a finite amount of LH [luteinizing hormone].


Griff Ross and Judith Vaitukaitis discuss their research, circa 1971Image Added
Griff Ross and Judith Vaitukaitis discuss their research, c. 1971.

JV: While we were doing this, we had no idea of the impact on early pregnancy detection, abnormal pregnancy detection. In ectopic pregnancy, the levels of hCG usually start falling and they don’t rise as high as they do within a normal pregnancy.

However, measuring precise levels of hCG is exactly what the bioassays of the mid-twentieth century and the immunoassays of the 1960s could not do. The best test they had in 1970 was an immunoassay that could measure hCG but could not distinguish between hCG and luteinizing hormone (LH), another of the human gonadotropins that shares its biological characteristics





GB: Griff and I spoke. “Wouldn’t it be great to develop a new assay for hCG.” At that time Judy Vaitukaitis was immunizing rabbits with subunits of hCG and harvesting antibodies.



At NIH, scientists at intramural institutes in Bethesda have the opportunity both to work at the laboratory bench and follow patients at the Clinical Center. Though the Reproductive Research Branch had moved to NICHD, the scientists collaborated with cancer researchers at NCI. Vaitukaitis and her colleagues examined patients with choriocarcinoma, a type of cancer in which patients showed elevated levels of hCG. While simultaneously working on purifying and developing tests for identifying hCG in human serum, they could study both current Clinical Center patients and blood samples previously collected by the NCI and frozen for research.

JV: In  In screening some of these patients, we routinely took blood and measured hCG in them. We started turning up hCG levels in some of these patients. This was brand-new territory. But here we were working in a laboratory—it really underscores why you need physicians to be involved with clinical research. If you can make the diagnosis, you had a way of treating the disease.


Working on an experiment, NICHD, circa 1971Image Added
Working on an experiment, NICHD, c. 1971.

GB: So we went to the freezer. Griff Ross had serial samples from women with choriocarcinoma and we put those samples into the assay. Some of the women who were supposed to be cured actually still had hCG. We started to look at other types of cancers, too. Tom Waldmann at NCI also had a freezer full of blood samples from cancer patients, both single and serial samples. We put the samples through the assay, and found that 18% of the nontrophoblastic tumors showed levels of hCG. This was news: hCG was a tumor marker for non-trophoblastic tumors as well as trophoblastic tumors.



Working on an experiment, NICHD, circa 1971Image Removed
Working on an experiment, NICHD, c. 1971.

Research at NIH, as elsewhere, is a collaborative experience. Griff Ross’ group needed some basic research tools to do their studies, including, among other things, purified hormone and urine from post-menopausal women. These substances would be used for experiments as the scientists learned more about hormones and the human body. The group used hCG purified by NICHD grantee Robert Canfield, known as the CR preparation of hCG, for “Canfield-Ross.” For other research supplies, they turned to some unusual sources.



In 1972, Vaitukaitis, Braunstein, and Ross were ready to publish their major paper on hCG research, in which they described their methodology for using antibodies to the beta subunit of hCG in a radioimmunoassay to identify and measure hCG in the presence of LH. Before publishing, they met with the NIH lawyers to discuss patenting their process. Surely none in the room that day could have predicted the multi-million dollar business that the home pregnancy test would become within the next few decades. However, the test’s usefulness as an accurate tumor marker alone might have justified the patent, since by then the team had already used the test on Clinical Center patients and proved its reliability. But NIH declined to patent the test. Since the work was done using public funds, went the argument, the results should go immediately into the public domain, with no royalties for either the government or the scientists. This policy has since been changed. NIH now submits patents listing the scientists as co-inventors, and the scientists can receive limited royalties from their discoveries. But the millionaire’s life was not to be for the NICHD researchers.

JV: One of our concerns was that we [had] developed this assay and we wanted to protect the public from getting gouged with being charged for these tests, because we knew it would be picked up by the commercial outfits. But the legal counsel [of NIH] would not at that time allow patenting.


Judith Vaitukaitis and Griff Ross circa 1971Image Added
Judith Vaitukaitis and Griff Ross ca. 1971

GB: We knew this would be a fantastic pregnancy test. We went to the government lawyers and said, “This is a technique that is going to be extraordinarily useful. Why not have NIH profit from it?” But since it was developed with public funds, the lawyers said no.




In the 1970s, the researchers went on to other subjects. Vaitukaitis returned to Boston to spend a decade at the Boston University School of Medicine before returning to the NIH in 1986 to work with the division that would become the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR). She has served as Director of NCRR since 1993. Glenn Braunstein went to California, where he continues research on hCG and other reproductive hormones at Cedar-Sinai Medical Institute in Los Angeles. In his long and illustrious career at NIH, Griff Ross would attain the posts of chief of the Endocrinology and Reproduction Research Branch, clinical director of NICHD, scientific director of NICHD, and associate director of the Clinical Center.
