1956 Price List: Infrared Instruments & Accessories, Optical & Electronic Building Blocks, Crystal Optics
1960 Measurement of Photometric Accuracy in UV-VIS Spectrophotometry
1964 Atomic Absorption Newsletter no. 18: Detection Limits in Analytical Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
1964 The Analysis of a Temperature-Controlled Scanning Calorimeter (O’Neill)
1966 Atomic Absorption Newsletter 5(3), An Automated Procedure for the Determination of Trace Metals by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
1966 Atomic Absorption Newsletter, 5(3) Recent Developments in Analytical Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
1966 UV Spectroscopy Newsletter #4: Perkin-Elmer Instruments for Polarimetry
1983 Model LCI-100 Laboratory Computing Integrator
1984 Catalog
1985 MasterLab System Laboratory Robotics
1987 LC-235 Diode Array Detection System
1989 PC Integrator (PE Nelson)
1990 DNA Thermal Cycler 480
1991 GeneAmp PCR System 9600
1991 AmpliTaq ® DNA Polymerase, Stoffel Fragment
1991 GeneAmp ® Thermostable rTth Reverse Transcriptase RNA PCR Kit
1995 Guide to PCR Enzymes
1999 PCR Systems, Reagents & Consumables
2002 Perkin Elmer ScanArray Express
2015 Charting the tumor Microenvironment: Navigating Complex System Interplay
2016 Fast Forward: Accelerating CRISPR Research with Automated, High-throughput Screening
2016 Exploring Uncharted Interactions with Cell Signaling Pathway Analysis from Protein to Phenotype
2017 In the Spotlight: Focus in on High-Content Analysis
Undated Model 4000-A Spectrophotometer: Ultraviolet, Visible, Near Infrared
Undated Model 4000-A Spectrophotometer: Ultraviolet, Visible, Near Infrared