Dynex Technologies, Inc., Chantilly, VA:
Undated Catalog 5: The Leading Light in Microtiter ® Technology
Ealing Corp., Cambridge, MA: undated, Spectroscopes, Spectrometers, Spectral Sources
Eastman Kodak:
1945 Materials for Spectrum Analysis
1954 Prices Kodak Photographic Materials and Light Filters
1955 Half-Second Butyrate
1959 Organic Chemical Bulletin: Vol. 31, No. 2: Chemical Applications of NMR Spectroscopy
1960 Iodak Ektron Detectors for the Infrared
1960s Infrared Interference Filters
1961 Data Sheet: Infrared Lens IR-100
1961 Data Sheet: Infrared Lens IR-200
1961 Data Sheet: Infrared Lens IR-201
1961 Data Sheet: Infrared Lens IR-301
1961 Data Sheet: Irtran-1 Infrared Optical Material
1961 Price List Irtran-1 and Irtran-2
1961 Data Sheet: Irtran-2 Infrared Optical Material
1961 Data Sheet: Irtran-2 Lenses Price List
1961 Kodak Far Infrared Filters
1965 Kodak Materials for Pictorial Holograms
1969 Black-and-White Films in Rolls
1969 Kodak Color Dataguide: Exposing, Printing, Processing
1976 Directory of Products 1973 Liquid Crystal Products
1973 Holographic Plate Type 120-02 & Holographic Film (ESTAR Base) S)-173
1973 Kodak Plates and Films for Scientific Photography
1974 Kodak Materials for Holography
1974 Prices for Kodak Products Useful in Holographic Applications
1975 Liquid Crystal Products
1976 Directory of Products & Services for Health Sciences HS-1
1979 Photographic Products
1983 Products for Special Biomedical-Imaging Applications
1985 GSA Federal Supply Service
1985 Products for Special Biomedical-Imaging Applications
1986 Black-and-White Papers, Films, and Chemicals
1987 Scientific Imaging Products
1990 Laboratory Chemicals
1992 Optical Products
1994/5 Biological Research and Imaging Products
Undated Kodak Optical Cements
Undated Kodak Reports On…
Eclipse Air Brush Co., Newark, NJ:
Undated Undated, G-6 Gun
Eclipse-Pioneer, Teterboro NJ: 1947, Pick-Up Tube
Edgerton, Germeshausen & Grier Inc. (EG&G):
1961 Price List
1961 Ceramic-Metal Hydrogen Thyratron 7322/1802
1961 Triggered Spark Gaps
1964 Triggered Spark Gaps
1964 Ceramic-Metal Thyratrons & Diodes
1964 Mark VI Mark VII Xenon Sensitometers
1965, SGD-444 Series Silicon Photodiodes Diffused Guard Ring Construction
Edmund Optics, Barrington, NJ:
2003 Optics and Instruments Catalog
2009 Optics and Instruments Catalog
Edmund Scientific, Barrington, NJ:
1994 Optics, Science, and Education
1983 Catalog
EG&G ORTEC, Oak Ridge, TN:
1982 Instruments for Research and Applied Sciences: Modular Electronics, Solid-State Radiation Detectors, Data Acquisition & Analysis Systems
1998 Price List
EG&G WALLAC, Finland:
1998 Easy Counters
E.H. Sargent & Co.:
Undated Mettler Balances
E.I. du Pont de Nemous & Co. (see DuPont)
Electronic Heating Equipment, Troy, NY:
1965 Catalog
Eldex Laboratories Inc.:
1979 Universal Fraction Collector
1979 Preparative Fraction Collector
1980 Column Heaters
1982 Price List
1983 High Pressure Metering Pumps
1983 Microprocessor-Based Gradient & Systems Programmer
1983 Selector Valve
Undated Press Release for Pump Monitor
Electron Microscopy Sciences:
1998 Catalog XIII
Electronics for Life Sciences, Inc. (ELS), Rockville, MD:
1971 Stimulator/Differential Amplifier (ELS SA-1)
1971 Instrument Price List
1971 Amplifier (ELS A-4)
1971 Amplifier (ELS A-3)
1971 Amplifier (ELS A-2)
1971 Physiological Amplifiers
1972 Amplifier (ELS A-5) A Solid State Negative Capacitance Amplifier
1972 Differential Amplifier (ELS DA-1)
1972 Pulse Amplifier (ELS PA-2)
1973 Nanoamp Stimulator (ELS CS-3)
1974 Constant Current Stimulator (ELS CS-1)
1974 Bak Standard Wide Band Electrometer
1974 Instrument Price List
Undated BAK Standard Wide Band Electrometer (ELS A-1)
1965 Application Notes SD-100 Photodiode
1965 SGD-444 Series Silicon Photodiodes Diffused Guard Ring Construction
1965 Linear Xenon Flashtubes
1970 Model 595 Standard of Spectral Irradiance 1000 Watt Quartz Halogen Lamp
1983 Product Summary Solid State Image Sensors
Undated Data Sheet 1000: Xenon Flashtubes
Undated Data Sheet FX-6A: Xenon Flash Tuber Model FX-6A
Undated High Efficiency Xenon Flash Tubes
Undated Xenon Flashtube FX-6A
Undated Xenon Flashtubes
Undated Supplement Xenon Flashtubes
Undated Ceramic-Metal Hydrogen Thyratrons 7322/1802, 7620/HY-1, 7621/HY-2
Undated Ceramic-Metal Hydogren Diodes HR-1, HR-2, HR-3
Undated Ceramic-Metal Hydrogen Thyratron 7621/HY-2
Undated Glass-Metal Triggered Spark Gap GP-11
Undated Ceramic-Metal Triggered Spark Gap GP-12
Undated Ceramic-Metal Triggered Spark Gap GP-14
Undated Ceramic-Metal Hydrogen Thyratron 7620/HY-1
Undated Type 2307 Double Flash Light Source
Undated Type 501 High Speed Stroboscope
Undated Flash Illuminator
Undated Microflash Electronic Flash Unit
Undated Mark VI Sensitometer: Best Approach…
Undated Mark VI Sensitometer: New Approach…
Undated Laser Stimulator System
Undated Rapatronic Camera Type 2208/ Teletronic Attachment Type 2214
Undated Underwater Photo Equipments
Undated Sonar Pinger
Undated Surface Sonar Thumper 230
Undated Radiation Research Dosimeter & Data Reduction Service
Undated Screamer Personnel Radiation Does Rate Monitor Prototype
Undated Milli-Mike Traveling Wave Oscilloscope 707|
Undated Milli-Mike Pulse Generator 751
Undated TR-35 Pulse Transformer
Undated Transformer and Power Supplies
Undated SD-100 Photodiode Fast Response Light Detector Operating in the Visible and Near Infrared Regions
Undated Model 502 Multiple Microflash
Edmund Optics, Barrington, NJ:
2003 Optics and Instruments Catalog
2009 Optics and Instruments Catalog
Edmund Scientific, Barrington, NJ:
1994 Optics, Science, and Education
Undated Diffraction Grating Replica
Undated Plastic Fiber Optics Light Guides Kit
EDP: 1983, Catalog
EG&G ORTEC, Oak Ridge, TN:
1982 Instruments for Research and Applied Sciences: Modular Electronics, Solid-State Radiation Detectors, Data Acquisition & Analysis Systems
1998 Price List
EG&G WALLAC, Finland: 1998, Easy Counters
E.H. Sargent & Co.:
Undated The Sargent Polarograph Model XXI
Undated Polarograph Model III
Undated Polarograph Acessories
Undated Sargent-Slomin Electrolytic Analyzer
Undated Sargent Model V Chemical Oscillometer
Undated Mettler Balances
E.I. du Pont de Nemous & Co. (see DuPont)
Eldex Laboratories Inc.:
1979 Universal Fraction Collector
1979 Preparative Fraction Collector
1980 Column Heaters
1982 Price List
1983 High Pressure Metering Pumps
1983 Microprocessor-Based Gradient & Systems Programmer
1983 Selector Valve
Undated Press Release for Pump Monitor
Eldorado Electronics Co., Berkeley, CA:
1959 Universal Photomultiplier Photometer Model ph-200
Undated Differential Photometer Model 210
Electrical Instrument Service, Inc., Mount Vernon, NY:
1975 Magnetic Testing Instruments Prices
1975 Magnetic Testing Instruments Catalog Section 8
Electrix Industries, Lombard, IL: 1979, Brittle Coating
Electro-Diagnostic Instruments (EDI), Burbank, CA:
1958 The Plethysmographic Peripheral Vascular Study
1973 Pneumo-Plethysmographic Instrumentation
1973 Detection and Simulation of Peripheral Occlusive Disease-J.K. Raines and R.C. Darling
1973 Segmental Plethysmograph SSP-1
1973 Dual Channel Pneumo Plethysmograph DPP-2
1973 Partial List of References for Pneumo-Plethysmography
Electro-Mechanical Research, Inc. (EMR), Princeton, NJ:
Undated Photo-Electro-Optical Products
Undated Technical Note: Spectral Response of Photocathodes
Electron Microscopy Sciences: 1998, Catalog XIII
Electronic Heating Equipment, Troy, NY: 1965, Catalog
Electronics for Life Sciences, Inc. (ELS), Rockville, MD:
1971 Stimulator/Differential Amplifier (ELS SA-1)
1971 Instrument Price List
1971 Amplifier (ELS A-4)
1971 Amplifier (ELS A-3)
1971 Amplifier (ELS A-2)
1971 Physiological Amplifiers
1972 Amplifier (ELS A-5) A Solid State Negative Capacitance Amplifier
1972 Differential Amplifier (ELS DA-1)
1972 Pulse Amplifier (ELS PA-2)
1973 Nanoamp Stimulator (ELS CS-3)
1974 Constant Current Stimulator (ELS CS-1)
1974 Bak Standard Wide Band Electrometer
1974 Instrument Price List
Undated BAK Standard Wide Band Electrometer (ELS A-1)
Electronic Wholesalers, Inc., Washington, DC:
Undated Twist-Prong Base Capacitors/Cross Reference Capacitor Size
Undated Sigma-OED Photoconductive Cells
Electron Microscopy Sciences: 1998, Catalog XIII
Electro-Nucleonics, Inc., Fairfield, NJ: 1974, CPG-10 Controlled-Pore Glass
Electro-Optical Instruments, Inc., Monrovia, CA:
1960 Price List
1960 Model TG-100 Pulse Generator
1962 Kerr Cell Instrumentation Pulse Forming Networks
1978 Fluorescence Spectrometry with Optoelectronic Image Detectors
Undated Model KSC-51 Kerr Cell Camera
Undated Pulse Modulated Light Sources STU-92 LMS-90/B
Electro Optics Associates, Palo Alto, CA:
1965 Note on Cooled PM Operation
Undated PM-101 Cooled Photomultiplier Assembly
Undated PM-102 Coolable Photomultiplier Assembly
Electro-Pulse Inc., Culver City, CA:
1960 Price List
Undated Pulse Generating & Electronic Counting Instrumentation
Undated 3450C/Y Pulse Generator
Elion Instruments, Inc., Bristol, PA: 1960, Basic Introduction to Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption
Elkay, Shrewsbury, MA:
1981 Duo-Star pH Electrodes
Undated Acid Flexible Manifold Pump Tubing
Elmeco Engineering Inc., Rockville, MD: 2014 Leaflet
EMD Biosciences, Madison, WI:
2004 Novagen® Innovations
2004 Novagen & Calbiochem Sample Preparation: Tools for Protein Research
2012 Western Blotting Tools
2012 Protein Blotting Handbook
2014 Technical Resource and Product Guide: Essential Biochemicals for Research
2014 Sample Preparation Product Guide
EMD Millipore, Billerica, MA:
2012 Western Blotting Tools
2012 Protein Blotting Handbook
2014 Technical Resource and Product Guide: Essential Biochemicals for Research
2014 Sample Preparation Product Guide
2015 Guava easyCyte Sytems: Expanding the potential of Flow Cytometry
Emerald Diagnostics, Inc., Eugene, OR:
1990s OEM Services for the Diagnostics Industry
1990s Fluorescent Latex Microspheres for Research and Diagnostics Applications
1990s Mission Statement
1997 Emerald Diagnostics Inc. The Short Story
1998 Emerald Diagnostics: Specializing in Fine Particle and Diagnostics Technology
Emerson Apparatus Co., Melrose, MA: 1961, Ross Rubber Flexing Machine
Emerson & Cuming, Inc., Canton, MA: 1967, Eccocoat Coating, Resins, Epoxies and Others
EMI, Los Angeles, CA:
1974 Price List Photomultipliers, Photodiodes, and Accessories
Undated Photomultiplier Tube Catalog T-1
Undated Index of Preferred EMI Photomultiplier Types
Undated 9-Stage Side Window Photomultiplier Tubes
Emil Greiner Co.: 1958, Catalog 12th edition
EM Laboratories:
1972 Licristal: Liquid Crystals
1972 Licristal Liquid Crystals
1972 Licristal Nematic Phases
1972 Licristal Current Information: Nematic Phase 5 & 5A
1972 Licristal Current Information: Nematic Phase 5A & 6
1972 Performance of Nematic Phase 5, 5A and 6 in Liquid Crystal Displays
1972 Catalog No. 3811: 1-Test Cholinesterase
1972 Catalog No. 3841: 1-Test GOT (Optimized UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3842: 1-Test GPT (UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3843: 1-Test HBDH (Optimized UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3844: 1-Test LDH (Optimized UV Test)
1972 Catalog No. 3849: 1-Test Alkaline Phosphatase
1972 Catalog No. 3851: 1-Test Leucine Arylamidase
1972 Catalog No. 11050: Lipase
1972 Prices
1970s Patinal
1970s Ad: Electro-Optical Report
1970s Classified Listings of Chemicals for Electro-optics
1970s Licristal Liquid Crystals Brochure
1970s Licristal Blends for Rainbow Color Effects
1970s Licristal Price List
1981 Introducing
Emerald Diagnostics, Inc., Eugene, OR:
1990s OEM Services for the Diagnostics Industry
1990s Fluorescent Latex Microspheres for Research and Diagnostics Applications
1990s Mission Statement
1997 Emerald Diagnostics Inc. The Short Story
1998 Emerald Diagnostics: Specializing in Fine Particle and Diagnostics Technology
EMD Biosciences, Madison, WI:
2004 Novagen® Innovations
2004 Novagen & Calbiochem Sample Preparation: Tools for Protein Research
2012 Western Blotting Tools
2012 Protein Blotting Handbook
2014 Technical Resource and Product Guide: Essential Biochemicals for Research
2014 Sample Preparation Product Guide
EMD Millipore, Billerica, MA:
2015 Guava easyCyte Sytems: Expanding the potential of Flow Cytometry
EM Laboratories:
1981 Introducing Fractogel TSK: Unique Packing Material for High Performance Gel Filtration
1991 Tentacle 1991 Tentacle Type Ion Exchange Bioseparation Media
Undated 410
Undated Fractogel TSK
Undated Uvasols Undated Fractogel TSK
undated 410
undated Uvasols Solvents for UV, IR, NMR Spectroscopy
Undated ColorpHast Store
Emerson Apparatus Co., Melrose, MA:
1961 Ross Rubber Flexing Machine
Emerson & Cuming, Inc., Canton, MA:
1967 Eccocoat Coating, Resins, Epoxies and Others
Emil Greiner Co.:
1958 Catalog 12th edition
undated ColorpHast Store
Undated Properties of Nematic Phase 9A Licristal
Engelhard Industries Inc.,: Hillside, NJ:
1960 Gold for Industry and the Arts: Chemical Division
1961 Precious Metal Catalysts
1968 Bi-Distillation Apparatus
Undated Flexible Silver Coatings
Undated Data Sheet: Silver and Gold Films for Corning “Macor” Machinable Glass-CeramicEngelhard Industries Inc.,: Hillside, NJ
1961 Precious Metal Catalysts
1968 Bi-Distillation Apparatus
Energy & Minerals Research Co.:
Undated Undated, Ultraknife Ultrasonic Cutting Tools
EngineersExpress Inc., Medway, MA:
Undated Undated, Laboratory Bubble Tubing: Polyvinyl Chloride
Engis Corp., Morton Grove, IL: 1980, Hyprez Diamond Compounds
Entran Devices, Inc.:
1998 Sensors and Electronics
Undated A Brief Catalog of Entran Products for Acceleration, Force, Pressure
Undated Pressure Meter EMP 40/45
Undated EPX Series Miniature Threaded Pressure Transducers
Environmental Sciences Assc.:
1983 Coulochem Electrochemical Detector for HPLC
1983 Coulochem, Dual Electrode Electrochemical Detector for HPLC
1984 Ion Chem, Ion Chromatography System
1984 Organic Acids/Beer
1984 Water Hardness
1984 Drinking Water
1984 Linearity-Anions
1984 Linearity-Cations
1984 Reproducibility
1984 Versatility
1984 Cations in Beer
1984 Monovalent Cations
1984 Halides
1984 Ions in Rain Water
1984 IonChem Ion Chromatography System
Undated Info Undated Info Sheet
Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany:
2005 Products and Applications for the Laboratory
2012 Products and Applications for the Laboratory
2012 Endless Possibilities Microcentrifuges
2013 Fermentors and Bioreactors
2014 #canyourepeatthat
2014 Natural Winners
2014 Count on it! Eppendorf Repeater M4 and Combitips
Undated epMotion® Liquid Handling Workstation
Ernst Leitz:
1931 “Ultropak” Micro-Equipment
1934 Ring Illuminator for Bright and Dark Field
1954 Monocular and Binocular Microscopes
1960 Phase Contrast Equipment with the Heine Condenser
1962 Large Research Microscope Ortholux
1962 Ortholux
1969 Leitz Laboratory and Research Microscope Labolux-D
1969 Orthoplan Universal Large-field Microscope
1972 Diavert Inverted Transmitted-light Microscope
1972 Epivert Inverted Incident-light Microscope
1972 Price List for Orthoplan Microscope and Accessories
1972 Ortholux II Large Microscope
1972 Price List for Diavert Microscope and Accessories
1972 Price List for Ortholux II Microscope and Accessories
1972 Interference Systems
1972 The Leitz System Camera: A Universal Camera System for Photomicrography
1975 Price List for Ortholux II Microscope and Accessories
2011 Orthoplan and Ortholux II Research Microscope
Undated Orthoplans1975 Price List for Ortholux II Microscope and Accessories
Etrema Products, Inc., Ames, IA:
1994 Etrema Terfenol-D Magnetostriction
1994 Terfenol-D Magnetostrictive Actuators
1994 Clean Room Speaker
1994 Magnetostrictive Micropositioners
1994 Active Vibration and Noise Control
1994 High Power Vibrators and Sonic Transducers
Experiment Inc., Richmond, VA:
1950 Mechanical Heart Diaphragm Type Drawing
1951 Heart Pump Drive – Duplex Drawing
EZBiolab, Carmel, IN:
2014 Peptide Synthesis Antibody Development Protein Expression and Purification
2014 EZgel Systems
2014 Instant-Band