American Optical Corp. (AO), Buffalo, NY:
1950 Complete Equipment for Phase Microscopy
1950 Phase Microscope Price List
1974 Differential Interference Contrast by Incident Light (DICV) Microscopes
Undated AO-Total Solids Meter: a Goldberg Refractometer
Analytab Products Inc. (API), New York: 1971, The API System
Analytik Jena: 2018, One Button Scientific Imaging
Andonian Associates, Inc., Waltham, MA: undated, PMC Liquid Nitrogen Cooled Housing for Photomultiplier Tubes
Cerro Corp., New York, NY: 1962, Glass to Glass and Glass to Metal Joints
C.F. Palmer, London: 1934, C.F. Palmer Research and Students Apparatus
CG Life Sciences, Vineland, NJ:
2014 New Life Science Products (Fall edition)
2014 Life Science Products
2014 Cell & Tissue Culture
Leeds & Northrup, Silver Spring, MD:
1953 Galvanometers, Dynamometers & DC Amplifiers, Section ED of Catalog E
1956 Galvanometers, Dynamometers & DC Amplifiers, Catalog ED
1959 Self-Saturating Saturable Core Reactors
1960 Speedomax H
1966 L&N Thermocouple Extension Wires
1968 Electrical Instruments, Catalog A
1969 Quiktip Thermocouple Connectors
1969 Speedomax W. Multi-Point Recorder with Cleertrend Printing
1969 Speedomax W/L 2-Pen Recorder
1969 Speedomax H, W and W’L Calibrated AZAR Recorders
1969 Millitemp Overheat Alarms with Power-Interrupt Protection
1969 L&N Thermocouple Wires
1969 Zero-Voltage-Firing Solid-State Power Package
1970 New Product Information
1970 Flexelect Point-Selection for Speedomax H and W Multi-Point Recorders
1970 Speedomax XL 680-Series Flat-Bed Laboratory Recorder
1970 Electromax III Universal Controller
1970 Solid-State Electromax Signaling Controller for use with Thermocouples
1971 Analog and Digital Meters
Undated Speedomax XL Recorders
Leica, Switzerland:
2014 Leica Confocal Buyers Guide
2015 A Shift of Perspective: DMi8 Inverted Microscope
2017 Step Beyond Infinity: Leica M165 FC and M205 FA Fluorescence Stereomicroscopes
Medi Tech, Watertown, MA:
1973 The Soft-Steerable Catheter System
1973 Prices
1973 Non-Operative Removal of Retained Biliary Stones
1973 Selective Bronchial Catheterization
1973 Selective Vascular Catheterization
Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN: 2022, Medtronic Melody TPV Therapy
Medwire Corp., Mount Vernon, NY:
1982 Sigmund Cohn Corp. Properties of Metals and Alloys
1983 Teflon Coated Wire for Use as Micro-Electrodes
Nuaire, Inc., Plymouth, MN: Undated, Biological Safety Cabinets, Incubators, Animal Research Products
Nuclear-Chicago Corp.:
1953 Nuclear Chicago Catalog M
1954 Nuclear Chicago Catalog N
1961 General Catalog
1971 1185 Series Automatic Gamma Counting Systems
1972 Radioimmunoassay Competitive Protein Binding Data Systems
Undated Biospan Gamma Counting Systems
Undated Liquid Scintillation Systems
Undated Automatic Gamma Counting Systems
Sartorius (Essen Bioscience): 2020, From Seeing to Analyzing
Sartorius-Werke, Gottigen, Germany: 1942, Sartorius Katalog (in German)
Savant (Division of ThermoQuest), Holbrook, NY:
1998 Instruments and Accessories
1999 SPD-Series Speed VAC ® Concentrators
1999 OFP-400 Oil-Free Vacuum Pump
1999 Vial Cell Stoppering Shelf Unit-VC45
1999 GEP140 GelPump ™
1999 SPD131DDA Speedvac ® Concentrator
1999 PRO Rotor Kit
1999 Savant uSpeedfuge ® SFR13K
1999 Spin Freezer 96
Tektronics Inc.:
1972 Rapid-Scanning Spectrometry: Molecular Spectroscopic & Chemical Kinetic Applications
1973 Fast-Scan Spectrometry
1986 , See, Measure, Automate at the Touch of a Button with 2445A/2465A Family
2011 XYZs of Oscilloscopes
undated, Type 528 Television Waveform Monitor
Telios Pharmaceuticals, Inc., San Diego, CA: undated, Human Collagen Type VII Monoclonal Antibodies
Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL:
2007 Tag You’re It. HisPur Colbalt Resin
2011 So Clean It Squeaks
2012 Dionex UltiMate 3000 RSLC Systems
2013 Sorvall Legend and ST General Purpose Centrifuges
2013 ISQ Series Single Quadrupole GC-MS
2011 1300 Series A2 Biological Safety Cabinets
2011 Sorvall Legend X1 and XT Centrifuges
2012 Sorvall LYNX Superspeed Centrifuge
2021 Solving Structures in a Flash: Scientific Breakthroughs with Cryogenic Electron Microscopy
Unitron Instrument Co., Newton Highlands, MA:
Undated Microscopes: A Complete Range of Models and Accessories
1960s Microscopes
1970s Microscopes and Telescopes
UVP, Inc., San Gabriel, CA:
1986 Price List
Undated UVM-57 Ultraviolet Lamp
Undated Chromato-vue CC-60
Undated UVP Transilluminator
Undated Chromato-vue CC-15 System
Undated C-70G Chromato-vue UV Illumination Cabinet
Undated Black-Ray Automotive Leak Detection System
Undated B-100A and B-100Y Inspection Lamps
Undated Mineralight R-52G Professional Short Wave UV Lamp
Undated Mineralight and Blak-Ray rechargeable Lamps
Undated Mineralight UVG-47, UVG-48, Black-Ray ML-49
Undated Four-watt Ultraviolet Lamps: Shortwave UVG-11, Multiband UVGL-15, Longwave UVL-21, Longwave UVL-23R, Multiband UVGL-25
Undated Black-Ray Ultraviolet Intensity Meters for Monitoring UV Light Source Efficiency
Undated UVX Radiometer
Undated Readmittance Management
Undated Blak-Ray Signature Verification System
Undated Blak-Ray Fluorescent Tracer Products
Undated Blak-Ray Ultraviolet Security Lamps
Undated Blak-Ray Fluorescent Inks
Undated Blak-Ray Protective Ultraviolet Eyewear
Undated Memorase EPROM Erasing Systems
Vacuubrand: 2000s, Vacuum Pumps Resource Guide
Valco Instruments Co. Inc. (VICI):
1989 Price List
1992 Price List
1994 Cheminert
1994 Cheminert II Low Pressure Valves with Direct Internal Connections
1994 Cheminert II Low Pressure Valves with External Tube Connections