Carl Zeiss:
1950s Hand Spectroscope (Zeiss Winkel)
1965 Instruments for Photogrammetry and Photo Interpretation
1968 Phase Contrast and Interference Contrast
1973 Price List: Standard Microscope KK-M
1973 Price List: Phase Contrast and Interference Contrast Equipment
1977 Microscopes and Accessories
1979 Polarizing Microscopes
1980 Invertoscope D Price List
2000 Axiovert 200: The New Standard in Inverted Microscopy
2005 When Was the Last Time You Saw Something for the First Time?: FluoresScience
2005 AxioCam HS: Fast, Precise, Live
2005 LSM 5 DUO and LSM DuoScan Laser Scanning Microscope Workstations
2008 Biomedical MicroImaging Newsletter
2009 MicroImaging Newsletter-September
2013 Newsletter for Life Sciences, #1
2017 Zeiss Celldiscoverer 7
2017 Zeiss LSM 880 with Airyscan
2017 3D Imaging Sytems
Undated EM 9 S-2 Electron Microscope
Undated Microscope for Depth Measurement
Undated Standard GFL Microscopes
Undated Nomarski Differential Interference Contrast
Undated Equipment for Reflected-Light Microscopy
Undated EPI-Technoscope
Undated Stereo-Microscope
Caroline Carolina Biological Supply Co., Elon College, NC: 1961/1962, The Carolina Order Manual for Biology and Chemistry Condensed from our 750-page Catalogue