Stetten Fellow Handbook

General Information for Stetten Fellows
This website attempts to concentrate basic information of use to new recipients of DeWitt Stetten Fellowships, including advice on housing, transportation, life on the NIH Campus, research resources, and the duties of a Fellow.

Other important sources of information include:

More specific links appear in the sections below as well.
Information is arranged chronologically.

I. Before You Come to Bethesda
1. Key Contacts
2. Housing
3. Transportation
4. Security

II. On Your First Day
1. Security & your ID card
2. Get your e-mail

III. In Your First Week
1. Insurance
2. Getting Around Campus

IV. Day-to-Day Responsibilities
1. Office of NIH History
3. Monthly Updates
4. Ethics
5. Travel

V. Day-to-Day Resources
1. Office of NIH History
2. Libraries
3. Area resources
4. Other contacts

VI. Long Term
1. Annual Report
2. Oral Presentation
4. E-mail Changeover
5. Things to Turn In
6. COBRA Insurance
7. What Next?

Thanks to all the Stetten Fellows who contributed their advice to this site:
Rosser Matthews - Marcia Meldrum - Mark Parascandola - Buhm Soon Park - Maya Ponte - Jessie Saul - Leo Slater - Claudia Wassman - and the very detailed advice of Lisa Walker