Shell bird sculptures


Donated by Melissa Potter Adde

An inveterate beach comber, Dr. Michael Potter expressed his artistic side when he created sculptures of sea birds like pelicans and terns from shells and stones that he had collected. He had a good eye for which shells would fit together to become part of a bird’s body.

left side of a bird sculpture modeled out of shellsDonated by Melissa Potter Adde

front side of a bird sculpture modeled out of shellsDonated by Melissa Potter Adde

right side of a bird sculpture modeled out of shellsDonated by Melissa Potter Adde

back side of a bird sculpture modeled out of shellsDonated by Melissa Potter Adde

Pelican Shell SculptureDonated by Melissa Potter Adde

yet another bird Shell SculptureDonated by Melissa Potter Adde

yet another bird Shell SculptureDonated by Melissa Potter Adde