Alba Lamps, Rosemont, IL: 1979, Product Information No. 2 Econo BI-PIN-Lamps
Aldrich Chemical Co.: 1984, Aldrichimica Acta
1984 Aldrichimica Acta
1996 Aldrich Stable Isotopes
Alexandria Metal Finishers, Alexandria, VA: 1977, tri-fold brochure
American Optical Corp. (AO), Buffalo, NY:
1950 Complete Equipment for Phase Microscopy
1950 Phase Microscope Price List
1955 Spencer Medical Microscopes
1974 Differential Interference Contrast by Incident Light (DICV) Microscopes
Undated AO-Total Solids Meter: a Goldberg Refractometer
Undated AO Laboratory Microscopes
American Radiolabeled Chemicals, St. Louis, MO: 2005, Radiochemicals, Biochemicals and Neurochemicals for Life Science Research
American Society for Metals: undated, And Now There are Six Volumes of Metals Handbook
Beckman Instruments:
1970 Supplies for pH Meters and Electroanalytical Instrumentation
1970 PO2, PCO2, and pH Measurement Systems
1970 Dynograph Recorders and Electroencephalographs
1973 Analytical Instrumentation
1973 Gamma Counting Systems
1977 Bulletin 7304: Innovation in pH Since 1935
1977 Bulletin 7686-E: Supplies for pH Meters and Electroanalytical Instrumentation
1977 Bulletin 6400A: Electrolyte System
1978 Price List: Electroanalytical Instrumentation Supplies
1978 Type 50.3 Ti: A New Titanium Fixed Angle Rotor for Lipoprotein Separations
1979 Microfuge: Miniature Centrifuge
1979 Airfuge Ultracentrifuge
1980s L-5 Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1981 New Futura Combination Electrodes for Specialized Applications
1983 Bulletin 7740: Electrodes, Buffers, and Accessories
1983 Ultracentrifuge L8M System
1983 Rotors, Tubes, and Accessories for Beckman Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1985 The New Centritube Slicer
1985 Rotors, Tubes & Accessories for Beckman Preparative Ultracentrifuges
1985 Bulletin 7764: pHI Series pH Meters and Accessories
1987 GeneLine Transverse Alternating Field Electrophoresis System
1990 GeneLine II DNA Mapper
1992 Centrifuge Product Selection Guide
undated Blood Gas Measurement System
undated Liquid Scintillation Systems
undated Rotors, Tubes and Accessories for Beckman Preparative Ultracentrifuges
undated Supplies for pH Meter and Electroanalytical Instrumentation
Biotix: 2015, The Gloved Crusader
Bioworld, Dublin, OH: 2002, Molecular Life Science Products
Bittware Research Systems, Concord, NH: 1990s, SHARC ® Produce Selection Guide
Cambridge Instrument Co., Cambridge, England:
1930 Galvanometers, List No. 167
1957 Galvanometers
Undated The Cambridge Huxley Ultra-microtome
Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc., Andover, MA:
1994 Stable Isotopes
1997 Stable Isotopes
Cambridge Research and Instrumentation, Inc.: 1987, Laser Intensity Stabilizers
Diagnostica Stago, Inc.: 2000, Hemostasis Products: Reference Guide for the Coagulation Laboratory
Difco Laboratories: 1996, Product Catalog for Microbiology
Dixon Medical Products, Thornton, PA: Undated, Price List
Environmental Sciences Assc.:
1983 Coulochem Electrochemical Detector for HPLC
1983 Coulochem, Dual Electrode Electrochemical Detector for HPLC
1984 Ion Chem, Ion Chromatography System
1984 Organic Acids/Beer
1984 Water Hardness
1984 Drinking Water
1984 Linearity-Anions
1984 Linearity-Cations
1984 Reproducibility
1984 Versatility
1984 Cations in Beer
1984 Monovalent Cations
1984 Halides
1984 Ions in Rain Water
1984 IonChem Ion Chromatography System
Undated Info Sheet
Epicentre, Madison, WI: 2003, Reagents & Kits for Genomics, Proteomics, & RNA Research
Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany:
2005 Products and Applications for the Laboratory
2012 Products and Applications for the Laboratory
2012 Endless Possibilities Microcentrifuges
2013 Fermentors and Bioreactors
2014 #canyourepeatthat
2014 Natural Winners
2014 Count on it! Eppendorf Repeater M4 and Combitips
Undated epMotion® Liquid Handling Workstation
IBF, France:
undated Product Information: S-Zephyr and D-Zephyr
undated Product Information: Trisacryl GF 05/GF 2000
undated Product Information: NPC-activated Trisacryl, GLUT-activated Trisacryl
ICN Biomedicals Worldwide, Costa Mesa, CA: 1999, Radiochemicals & Molecular Biology
Idea Scientific, Minneapolis, MN: 1999, Millennium Electrophoresis, Blotting and Antibody Screening Catalog #21
Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA:
1999 SeeBlue Plus2 Pre-Stained Protein Standard
2001 ICN Radiochemicals Price List
2002 Gibco Cell Culture Products, Media, Sera, Reagents
2002 Expressions
Undated Ready-to-use Standards for Protein Electrophoresis
Lithium Corp. of America: 1963, Organolithium Compounds
Litton Industries, NJ: 1976, Physician’s Desk Reference
LiquiCrystal, Inc., York, PA: 1972,Temperature-Reactive Liquid Crystal Film
Mettler-Toledo, Hightstown, NJ: 1995, The
1995 The Best Company to Call for Service…
2000 Analytical Excellence
MG Industries, Malvern, PA: 1996, Specialty Gases and Equipment
MicroPump Corp., Concord, CA:
1975 Magnet Drive Gear/Centrifugal Miniature Pumps
1976 Price List
1976 4 Times Greater Performance
1982 56 C-Face Magnetic Gear Pump
1984 Price List
1984 Guide to Magnet Drive Pumps
Micro Warehouse, Norwalk, CT: undated, Government Edition, Volume 6
Microwave Associates Inc., Boston, MA: undated, Wave Guide Component Specifications
Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO:
1955 Vyram: Solvent Resistant Elastomer
1959 Santotube (with sample)
Moravek Biochemicals, Brea, CA: 1995, Radiochemicals
Morganite Inc., Long Island City, NY: undated, Refractories
Omega Engineering Inc., Stamford, CT:
1987 New Horizons in Process Measurement and Control: Volume II
1987 New Horizons in Process Measurement and Control: Volume VI
1987 New Horizons in Process Measurement and Control: Volume VII
1987 Complete Pressure, Strain and Force Measurement Handbook
1987 Complete pH and Conductivity Measurement Handbook
1987 Complete Test Instrumentation and Tools Handbook
1987 Complete Flow and Level Measurement Handbook
Undated Tungsten-Rhenium
Undated Thermocouple Insulators and Protection Tubes
Undated Thermocouple Connectors
O’Neill Computer Products, Inc., Glyndon, MD: 2005, Office Products
On-Line Systems, Inc. (OLIS):
early 1990s Catalog
early 1990s See Your Spectra in the Best Light
1992 Update
Pierce Chemical Co.:
1976 Chromatography Aids
1977 Handbook and General Catalog
1977 Introduces a Crosslinking Reagent…
1980s Prepare Fragments: Immobilized Papain, Pepsin, Protein A
1980s Protein Conjugation
1980s Protein Solubilization
1980s Ag/Ab Purification
1982 Technical Bulletin: Iodo-Beads
1982 Technical Bulletin: Immobilized Ligands for Affinity Chromatography
1982 Technical Bulletin: Double-Agents Bifunctional Cross-Linking Reagents
1983 Technical Bulletin: Double-Agents Bifunctional Cross-Linking Reagents
1983 Technical Bulletin: Carbonyldiimidazole Activated Supports
1984 Handbook and General Catalog
1986 BCA and BCA Protein Assay Reagent
1986 Monoclonal Antibody Purification Buffers
1986 SelectiSpher-10 HPLAC Columns
1986 BCA Protein Assay Reagent
1987 Sample Handling
1988 ImmunoPure ® Fluorescein-Labelled Antibodies
1989 ImmunoPure ® Antibodies
1989 Avidin-Biotin Reagents
1989 Cross-Linking Reagents
1989 Attention Lowry Protein Assay Users!
1990 ImmunoTechnology Catalog & Handbook, Section D: Avidin-Biotin
1990 ImmunoTechnology Catalog & Handbook, Section E: Protein Modification
1991/2 Chromatography Catalot & Handbook
1993 Immunohistochemical Products
1994 Catalog & Handbook Life Science & Analytical Research Products
1994 Introducing a DAB of Innovation
1994 Introducing a Stable, Two-Component Metal Enhance DAB
1995 Protein Chemistry Products
1996 Assay Development Products
1997 Immunology, Labware, Protein Chemistry, Sample Handling, Derivatization
1997 Antibody Products
1997 Coated Microwell Plates
1997 Fusion Protein Products
1997 Best Sellers
1997 Protein Chemistry Products
1997 Buffers for Blots, ELISAs, and Immunohistochemistry
1998 SuperSignal ® Western Blotting Substrates Handbook
1998 Protein Chemistry Products
1998 Assay Development Products
1998 Protein Detection Quantitation Products
1999 SuperSignal ELISA Chemiluminescent Detection Products
1999 Poster: EX-Link Biotinylation Reagent Selection Guide
1999 Nuclear Extracts
1999 B-Gal Reporter Assay: Mammalian
1999 B-Gal Reporter Assay: Yeast
1999 Fusion Protein Affinity Gel GST
1999 Protein Solubilization
2000 Produce, Purify, Modify, Assay
2000 Strip time off your research with Restore Stripping Buffer
2000 DNA Extraction and Purification Reagents for Yeast
2000 QuantaBlu Fluorogenic Substrates for HRP
2000 GelCode Phosphorprotein Stain
2000 CellScreen Collagen I Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind NeutrAvidin High Binding Capacity (HBC) Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Streptavidin High Binding Capacity (HBC) Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind NeutrAvidin and Streptavidin Coated Plates
2000 ChoiceCoat Microplate-Coating Service
2000 ChoiceCoat Custom Plate-Coating Service
2000 Reacti-Bind Glutathione Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Anti-GST Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Anti-GFP Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Protein A and Protein G Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Protein L Coated Plates
2000 Reacti-Bind Maleic Anhydride Activated Plates/Maleimide Activated Plates
2001 CellScree Poly-D-Lysine and Poly-L-Lysine Coated Plates
2001 Double-Agents Cross-Linking Reagents Selection Guide
2001 Previews, Vol. 5, No. 2
2005 Western Blotting Handbook & Troubleshooting Guide
2006 Krypton Protein ™ Stain
2006 Sulfo-NHS and Sulfo-NHS-LC Biotinylation Kits
Undated BCA Protein Assay Reagent
Undated Don’t throw away your chance to help save our environment
Undated SwellGel Technology by Walid Qorofleh and Suzan Lewis
Undated Protein Conjugation
Undated Solubilization
Undated ChromatoFlo MTS Miniature Tubing Systems
Precision Equipment Co., Chicago, IL: Undated, Conversion Factors: Reference Table for Engineers and Other Executives
Precision-Napco, Winchester, VA: 2001, Catalog of Products
Precision Plastics Inc: 2014 Multiwll Stage Top Enclosure
Qiagen Inc., Santa Clarita and Valenica, CA:
1996 QIAexpress The Complete System
1997 Ni-NTA Superflow
1997 Ni-NTA HisSorb Strips and Plates
2000 Omniscript and Sensiscript RT Kits
2001 HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase
2001 HotStarTaq Master Mix Kit
2002 Product Guide
2002 Qiagen News, February
2002 Qiagen News, June
2010 Pyrosequencing—the Synergy of Sequencing and Quantification
2011 AIAxcel Advanced System
2011 Product Guide Supplement
2016 QIAGEN QIAxpert
Undated QIAwave by QIAGEN
Research Products International Corp., (RPI) Mount Prospect, IL:
1992 Liquid Scintillation Chemicals & Vials, Radiation Safety Products, Enzyme Substrates, Laboratory Equipment
1995 Products newsletter
2014 Biochemicals and Laboratory Accessories
2023 Your Partner for High Quality Chemicals
2023 Your Premier Supplier for Biochemical & Laboratory Accessories
Undated Electrophoresis
SCIMED Life Systems Inc., Maple Grove, MN: 1991 Trapper
SciQuest: 2002, Source Book
Scott Electric, Greensburg, PA: 2009/10 Product Catalog
Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO:
1999 PCR
2009 Labware
2009 Chemistry
2011-2012 Products for Life Science Research
2016 sigma CRISPR
Tafa, Concord, NH:
1971 TAFA-ARC Plasma Coating Processes
1971 Model 57 Plasma Spray Gun
1971 Model 57 Plasma Spray Gun
1971 The Heating of Solids in High Temperature Plasma (P.H. Wilks)
Takara Mirus Bio Corp., Madison, WI: 2003, Products for Life Science Research
TDK Electronics Co., El Segundo, CA:
1979 PTC Thermistors
1979 TDK Honeycomb PTC Heaters
Undated Thermistor Breakthrough!
Upstate , Charlottesville, VA: 2005, Cell Signaling Solutions
USB Corp., Cleveland, OH: 2003, Catalog
U.S. Peroxygen Corp., Richmond, CA: 1966, Organic Peroxides Catalog
Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA:
1999 Catalog
2017 Immunofluorescence Guide
Worthington Biochemical Corp., Lakewood, NJ:
1967 Ribonuclease T1
1970 Advanced Analytical Services in Characterization of Proteins
1993 Enzymes, Related Biochemicals
2000 Enzymes Biochemicals Kits
2017 Tissue Dissociation Guide, 12th edition
2017-2018 Enzyme & Biochemical Catalog